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         Hazlitt William:     more books (72)
  1. The collected works of William Hazlitt. edited by A.R. Waller an by Hazlitt. William. 1778-1830., 1902-01-01
  2. The life of Napoleon Buonaparte. By William Hazlitt. by Hazlitt. William. 1778-1830., 1852-01-01
  3. Collected works. An index to the Collected works of William Hazlitt by William, 1778-1830 Hazlitt, 2009-10-26
  4. THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS OF WILLIAM HAZLITT (ct in 5 vols) by William, 1778-1830 Hazlitt, 1869
  5. The Hazlitts: an account of their origin and descent,: With autobiographical particulars of William Hazlitt (1778-1830), notices of his relatives and immediate ... a series of illustrative letters (1772-1865) by William Carew Hazlitt, 1911
  6. Collected works; edited by A.R. Waller and Arnold Glover, with an introd. by W.E. Henley Volume 1 by William, 1778-1830 Hazlitt, 2009-10-26
  7. The spirit of the age: or. Contemporary portraits by Hazlitt. William.1778-1830., 1920-01-01
  8. Lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth. 3d ed. by William, 1778-1830 Hazlitt, 2009-10-26
  9. Essays, a selection. With an introd. by Herbert Paul by William, 1778-1830 Hazlitt, 2009-10-26
  10. A view of the English stage; or, A series of dramatic criticisms. Edited by W. Spencer Jackson by William, 1778-1830 Hazlitt, 2009-10-26
  11. Lectures on the literature of the age of Elizabeth : and, Characters of Shakespear's [sic] plays by William, 1778-1830 Hazlitt, 2009-10-26
  12. Characteristics: in the manner of Rochefoucault's maxims; with introductory remarks by the editor of the "Monthly repository." by William, 1778-1830 Hazlitt, 2009-10-26
  13. Selections. Edited with introd. and notes by Will David Howe by William, 1778-1830 Hazlitt, 2009-10-26
  14. Criticisms on art; and sketches of the picture galleries of England. With catalogues of the principal galleries, now first collected. Edited by his son by William, 1778-1830 Hazlitt, 2009-10-26

41. William Hazlitt Definition Of William Hazlitt. What Is William Hazlitt? Meaning
Noun, 1. William Hazlitt English essayist and literary critic (1778-1830) Hazlitt. literary critic - a critic of literature. Legend Hazlitt
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William Hazlitt
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun William Hazlitt - English essayist and literary critic (1778-1830) Hazlitt literary critic - a critic of literature Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "William Hazlitt" in the definition: Bertrand Arthur William Russell
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42. Hazlitt Definition Of Hazlitt. What Is Hazlitt? Meaning Of Hazlitt. What Does Ha
Noun, 1. Hazlitt English essayist and literary critic (1778-1830) William Hazlitt. literary critic - a critic of literature. Legend
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Hazlitt - English essayist and literary critic (1778-1830) William Hazlitt literary critic - a critic of literature Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Examples from classic literature: More I believe it was Hazlitt whom I read first, and he helped me to clarify and formulate my admiration of Shakespeare as no one else had yet done; Lamb helped me too, and with all the dramatists, and on every hand I was reaching out for light that should enable me to place in literary history the authors I knew and loved.
My Literary Passions
by Howells,William Dean View in context You don't know how we women envy you men those wonderful walking-tours we can only read about in Hazlitt or Stevenson.
The Quest of the Golden Girl
by le Gallienne, Richard View in context
Some words with "Hazlitt" in the definition: Indifferency
literary critic

William Hazlitt

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43. William Hazlitt - Ayn Rand & Objectivism
The famous critic William Hazlitt (17781830) offered a discussion about the fine arts which included these interesting comments about the apparently ideal
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Popular with Objectivists Objectivist Center CATO ... Chris Sciabarra TDO Info Contact TDO TDO Policies TDO Staff More Links Connection Extrospection Spirituality Reciprocal Links William Hazlitt The famous critic William Hazlitt (1778-1830) offered a discussion about the fine arts which included these interesting comments about the apparently ideal forms of ancient Greek statues. Hazlitt says they are not romanticized ideals at all, but merely naturalistic executions of nature's finer templates. Of course he is wrong; exactly in what way is left as an exercise for the reader. The great works of art, at present extant [1812], and which may be regarded as models of perfection in their several kinds, are the Greek statues—the pictures of the celebrated Italian Masters—those of the Dutch and Flemish schools—to which we may add the comic productions of our own countryman, Hogarth. These all stand unrivalled in the history of art; and they owe their pre-eminence and perfection to one and the same principle,— the immediate imitation of nature.

44. History Today: Hazlitt's Tribute - The Story Of William Hazlitt And Changes To H
At the height of his fame in the years 181423 William Hazlitt (1778-1830) was regarded as a fearsome political polemicist, a master of the essayist s craft, a
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YOU ARE HERE Articles History Today April, 2003 Content provided in partnership with
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History Today
April, 2003 by A.C. Grayling
WILLIAM HAZLITT'S ORIGINAL TOMB inscription has been recarved on Lakeland granite by Lida Kindersley, to be placed over Hazlitt's grave in St Ann's Churchyard, Soho, London. It will be unveiled at 1pm on April 10th, 2003, Hazlitt's 225th birthday. Michael Foot, A.C. Grayling and Tom Paulin will speak at the unveiling, and a dedicatory poem by Andrew Motion will be read. The restoration has been mainly paid for by donations from readers of the Guardian newspaper. At the height of his fame in the years 1814-23 William Hazlitt (1778-1830) was regarded as a fearsome political polemicist, a master of the essayist's craft, a great critic of theatre and art, and above all the `first metaphysician of his age'. By the time of his death at the age of fifty-two in 1830 his personal reputation had declined dramatically, and throughout the Victorian period his name was hardly mentioned, either in print or conversation. But he continued to be read by the discerning, for then as since his outstanding merits as a writer and thinker retained the admiration of those best qualified to judge. Now his reputation is growing again, beyond the confines of the cognoscenti, and he is set to resume his rightful place as English literature's greatest essayist.

45. William Hazlitt Quotes And Quotations - Yuni Words Of Wisdom
Famous Authors Quotes Yuni Words of Wisdom William Hazlitt. (1778-1830) British Essayist, Noted Literary Critic As is our confidence, so is our capacity.
William Hazlitt (1778-1830) British Essayist, Noted Literary Critic
As is our confidence, so is our capacity.
Great thoughts reduced to practice become great acts.
Envy among other ingredients has a mixture of the love of justice in it. We are more angry at undeserved than at deserved good-fortune.
Prejudice is the child of ignorance.
The truly proud man knows neither superiors nor inferiors. The first he does not admit of; the last he does not concern himself about.
To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two greatest proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind.
Without the aid of prejudice and custom, I should not be able to find my way across the room.
Authors Quotes and Quotations
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46. William Hazlitt Quotes - Quotes By William Hazlitt - SaidWhat
Quotes by William Hazlitt. They are English essayist, 17781830. Quotations His sayings are generally like women s letters; all the pith is in the postscript.

47. Romeo And Juliet Navigator: Site Review: Hazlitt: Characters Of Shakespear's Pla
A Note on Hazlitt William Hazlitt (17781830) was a passionate supporter of the ideals of the French Revolution, an admirer of Wordsworth and Coleridge, and
ROMEO AND JULIET NAVIGATOR at Romeo and Juliet Navigator Home Selected Online Resources REVIEW
Hazlitt, William. Characters of Shakespear's Plays.
London: C. H. Reynell, 1817

Visited: 26 July 2002
Thesis: Hazlitt doesn't analyze or criticize; he appreciates. And he does so with eloquence. Here are some samples:
  • "Romeo and Juliet are in love, but they are not love-sick. Every thing speaks the very soul of pleasure, the high and healthy pulse of the passions . . . ." not experienced. All that was to come of life was theirs. At that untried source of promised happiness they slaked their thirst, and the first eager draught made them drunk with love and joy." "This play presents a beautiful coup-d'oeil of the progress of human life. In thought it occupies years, and embraces the circle of the affections from childhood to old age. Juliet has become a great girl, a young woman since we first remember her a little thing in the idle, prattle of the nurse, Lady Capulet was about her age when she became a mother . . . ." "The tragic part of [Juliet's] character is of a piece with the rest. It is the heroic founded on tenderness and delicacy. Of this kind are her resolution to follow the Friar's advice, and the conflict in her bosom between apprehension and love when she comes to take the sleeping poison."

48. Biografias De Personalidades De La Historia En El
Translate this page William Hazlitt (1778-1830) Ensayista y crítico inglés. Buscar biografía por la cadena (Nombre por el que desea buscar). Hazlitt.jpg&

49. ShowFrases En: "El"
Translate this page Frases Célebres de William Hazlitt (1778-1830) Ensayista y crítico inglés, Biografía de William Hazlitt Bibliografía William Hazlitt. Regresar. .

expand/contract this heading, Hazlitt, William 17781830. expand Writings. expand/contract this heading, Hazlitt, William 1778-1830.
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51. The San Antonio College LitWeb William Hazlitt Page
The William Hazlitt Page. ( 17781830 ). To be struck with incongruity in whatever comes before us, does not argue great comprehension or refinement of perception
The William Hazlitt Page
To be struck with incongruity in whatever comes before us, does not argue great comprehension or refinement of perception, but rather a looseness and flippancy of mind and temper, which prevents the individual from connecting any two ideas steadily or consistently together.
Major Works
Hazlitt's Selected Writings , edited by Ronald Blythe, is available from Penguin. It is a nearly perfect complement to the four volumes of Hazlitt's writings published in the old Everyman series.
The Round Table ( 1817 ). Twelve of the fifty-two essays in this collection were written by Leigh Hunt.
Characters of Shakespeare's Plays
A View of the English Stage
Lectures on the English Poets
Lectures on the English Comic Writers
Lectures Chiefly on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth
Table Talk Liber Amoris The Spirit of the Age; or, Contemporary Portraits The Plain Speaker The Life of Napoleon The Letters of William Hazlitt
. Edited by Herschel M. Sikes. New York U., 1978. About Hazlitt Herschel Baker

52. William Hazlitt
William Hazlitt (17781830). Editions Selected Works, ed. D. Wu (9 vols, 1998); Collected Work, ed. PP Howe (21 vols,1930-34), the
William Hazlitt
Selected Works , ed. D. Wu (9 vols, 1998); Collected Work , ed. P.P. Howe (21 vols,1930-34), the old standard edition, some texts are excluded from Wu's edition; The Letters of William Hazlitt (1978). Hazlitt's Selected Writings are available in Penguin and Oxford World's Classics paperbacks.
Biography and criticism : Herschel Baker, William Hazlitt (1962); Stanley
Jones, Hazlitt: A Life, from Winterslow to Frith Street (1989), David
Bromwich, Hazlitt: The Mind of a Critic (1983); John Mahoney, The Logic of Passion: The Literary Criticism of William Hazlitt Robert Ready, ‘Hazlitt: In and Out of "Gusto"’, Studies in English Literature , 14 (1974), 537-46; Leonard M. Trawick, ‘Hazlitt, Reynolds, and the ideal’, Studies in Romanticism , 4 (1965), 240-7; David Stone, WH’s Theatre Criticism of Shakespeare (1977); Robert Uphaus, William Hazlitt site with quotes and on-line texts including ' On Familiar Style ' (useful to compare with the Preface to Lyrical Ballads

We are all of us, more or less, the slaves of opinion. Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food. William Hazlitt. (17781830).
No style is good that is not fit to be spoken or read aloud with effect.
One truth discovered, one pang of regret at not being able to express it, is better than all the fluency and flippancy in the world.
We are all of us, more or less, the slaves of opinion.
Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food. WILLIAM HAZLITT

54. QuoteGeek
William Hazlitt. (17781830), English essayist and critic. Though familiarity may not breed contempt, it takes off the edge of admiration.

55. Thus Spoke : William Hazlitt
Quote Detail. BK Reference, B255. Author, William Hazlitt. Life, 17781830. Year, 0. Work, Quote, Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought. Notes,

56. Excellent Quotes That Amount To Success Shortcuts - William
The generality of mankind are contented to be estimated by what they possess, instead of what they are. William Hazlitt 17781830.
var pic1=eval('document.'+_all+'pic1'+_style);
res HotClick Read it to believe it! New-fangled Shortcuts - Current Events There is, I think, an essential difference of character in mankind, between those who wish to do , and those who wish to have certain things.
I observe persons expressing a great desire to possess fine horses, hounds, dress, equipage, etc, and an envy of those who have them.
I myself have no such feeling, nor the least ambition to shine, except by doing something better than others. I have the love of power, but not of property. I should like to be able to outstrip a greyhound in speed; but I should be ashamed to take any merit to myself from possessing the fleetest greyhound in the world.
I cannot transfer my personal identity from myself to what I merely call mine. The generality of mankind are contented to be estimated by what they possess, instead of what they are.
William Hazlitt

I have gathered a posie of other men’s flowers,
and nothing but the thread that binds them is mine own. John Bartlett
Masters and Millionaires
Taffet Page Uncle Al's life
This is, by far, the largest personal website on earth, with

57. Anecdote - William Hazlitt - Hazlitt
What we read from your pen, we remember before. Hazlitt, William (17781830) English essayist, critic, and journalist noted for various works Sources W

58. Anecdote - William Hazlitt - Lending Library
them from time to time, just to look over my library. Hazlitt, William (17781830) British essayist, critic, and journalist noted for various works Sources

59. List Of People By Name: Hay-Haz
Hazlitt, William, (17781830), British essayist; Hazzard, Walt, (born 1942), basketball star. This article is from Wikipedia. All
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
List of people by name: Hay-Haz
List of people by name A B C ... Haw-Hax Hay-Haz Table of contents 1 Hay
1.1 Hay - Hayd

1.2 Haye

1.3 Hayf - Hayz
2 Haz
Hay - Hayd
  • Hay, Edward Hay Drummond, British Virgin Islands president Hay, John , (1838-1905), American novelist Haya de la Torre , (1895-1979), Peruvian leader Hayakawa, Sessue, (died 1973), actor Hayakawa, S. I , (1906-1992), linguist, US Senator Hayao, Miyazaki , (born 1941), Japanese anime film maker Hayashibara, Megumi , Japanese seiyuu and singer Hayden, Robert, poet Hayden, Sterling, (died 1986) Hayden, Tom, (born 1939), American radical and politician Hayden, Torey , (born 1951), US-born child therapist and author Haydn, Joseph , (1732-1809), German composer Haydn, Michael , (1737-1806), composer
  • Hayek, Friedrich von , (1899-1992), conservative writer Hayek, Salma , (born 1966), Mexican-born actress Hayes
    • Hayes, Amy , Boxing ring announcer Hayes, Bob , (1942-2002), athlete Hayes, Elvin, (born 1945), basketball star Hayes, Gabby, (1969-1969), actor Hayes, George 'Gabby', (1885-1969), actor

60. Historical Society Of Western Pennsylvania Catalog
Selected Writings of William Hazlitt published by Pickering William Hazlitt (17781830) was probably the most distinguished of the non-fiction prose writers to emerge from the Romantic period; an associate of Wordsworth

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