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         Haydn Joseph:     more books (90)
  1. Haydn's Sturm Und Drang Symphonies: Form and Meaning (Studies in the History and Interpretation of Music) by William E. Grim, 1990-08
  2. Haydn: Solo Piano Literature, a Comprehensive Guide by Carolyn Maxwell, 1983-06-10
  3. Haydn's Keyboard Music: Studies in Performance Practice (Oxford Monographs on Music) by Bernard Harrison, 1997-07-03
  4. Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven: Studies in the Music of the Classical Period. Essays in Honour of Alan Tyson
  5. A Reader's Guide to Haydn's Early String Quartets (Reader's Guides to Musical Genres) by William Drabkin, 1999-10-30
  6. The New Grove Haydn (New Grove Composer Biographies) by Jens Peter Larsen, 1997-10-17
  7. Haydn, Mozart and the Viennese School: 1740-1780 by Daniel Heartz, 1995-03-17
  8. Haydn and His World
  9. Haydn in England 1791-1795 (Haydn : Chronicle and Works) by H. C. Robbins Landon, 1995-06
  10. Haydn and the Classical Variation (Studies in the History of Music) by Elaine R. Sisman, 1993-01-01
  11. Haydn's Jews: Representation and Reception on the Operatic Stage by Clark Caryl, 2009-09-28
  12. Haydn's Symphonic Forms: Essays in Compositional Logic (Oxford Monographs on Music) by Ethan Haimo, 1995-12-21
  13. Haydn's World (Music Throughout History) by James R. Norton, 2007-09-30
  14. Haydn's And Mozart's Sonata Styles: A Comparison (Studies in the History and Interpretation of Music) by John Harutunian, 2005-06-30

81. Classical Net - Basic Repertoire List - FJ Haydn
Franz Joseph Haydn. (1732 1809). Classical Net Resources RecommendedBiographies; Recommended Scores; CD Reviews; No Royal Directive
Franz Joseph Haydn
Classical Net Resources:
  • Recommended Biographies Recommended Scores CD Reviews No Royal Directive - Joseph Haydn and the String Quartet by Ron Drummond Audio Samples: (MIDI)
      Symphony #1 ( I String Quartet #63 "Sunrise" Op. 76 #4 ( I
    Additional Information:
    Concertos for Cello
    Cello Concertos
    Heinrich Schiff (cello), Neville Marriner/Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
    Cello Concertos
    Yo-Yo Ma (cello), Jose Luis Garcia/English Chamber Orchestra
    Cello Concerto , Hob VIIb:1 (w/ Symphonies)/Delos D/CD3062
    Janos Starker (cello), Gerard Schwarz/Scottish Chamber Orchestra
    Concertos for Horn
    2 Horn Concertos
    Michael Thompson (horn), Michael Warren-Green/Philharmonia Orchestra
    Horn Concerto , Hob VIId:3 (w/ Trumpet Concerto)/L'Oiseau-Lyre 417610-2
    Timothy Brown (horn), Christopher Hogwood/Academy of Ancient Music
    Concertos for Keyboard
    Piano Concertos
    Concerto for Trumpet
    Trumpet Concerto , Hob VIIe:1 (w/ Horn Concertos)/Nimbus NIM5010
    John Wallace (trumpet), Michael Warren-Green/Philharmonia Orchestra
    Trumpet Concerto , Hob VIIe:1 (w/ Horn Concerto)/L'Oiseau-Lyre 417610-2
    Timothy Brown (horn), Christopher Hogwood/Academy of Ancient Music

82. Franz Joseph Haydn  (1732 - 1809)
Translate this page Franz Joseph Haydn. (1732 - 1809).
Komponisten Franz Joseph Haydn Biographie Werkverzeichnis Opern Photo Gallery ... Home Page Die Biographie von Franz Joseph Haydn Franz Joseph Haydn wurde am 31. März in Rohrau (Niederösterreich) geboren; er war als zweites Kind der älteste Sohn; insgesamt wurden 12 Kinder geboren, von denen aber die Hälfte früh starb. Sein Bruder Johann Michael wird am 14. September in Rohrau geboren. Haydn kommt nach Hainburg, eine Kleinstadt an der Donau nahe Preßburg, zum Schulleiter Johann Mathias Frankh, einem entfernten Verwandten, der ihm gute musikalische Grundkenntnisse vermittelt. Haydn wird Sängerknabe von St. Stephan in Wien; hier erhält er eine gediegene musikalische Erziehung.
MIDI FILE - from the Symphony No.7 "Midi": 1th mov.
Haydn ist Schüler von Nicola Porpora in Wien, dem er "die echten Fundamente der Setzkunst" verdankt. Seine Mutter stirbt. Es entstehen die ersten Streichquartette für Joseph von Fürnberg auf Schloß Weinzierl bei Wieselburg in Niederösterreich: die vier Quartettspieler sind Baron Fürnberg, sein Beichtvater, sein Verwalter und Joseph Haydn. Er wird Kapellmeister bei Karl Graf Morzin in Lukavec in der Nähe von Pilsen.

83. Musik - Classical Music Dictionary
Translate this page La vita di Franz Joseph Haydn. Grandissimo compositore austriaco, nato produzionemusicale. Le opere di Franz Joseph Haydn. Se Haydn
Biografie Compositori Languages Franz Joseph Haydn La Vita Le opere Le opere teatrali Il Catalogo ... Home Page La vita di Franz Joseph Haydn Grandissimo compositore austriaco, nato a Rohrau, in Austria il 31 marzo 1732, e morto a Vienna il 31 maggio 1809. L'imperatrice d'Austria Maria Teresa amava sopra ogni altra cosa occuparsi personalmente del coro della Cattedrale di S. Stefano, a Vienna: quando ella lamentò che la pura voce di soprano del quindicenne Franz Joseph Haydn era ormai in mutazione, il maestro del coro si affrettò a sostituire Joseph col fratello minore,Michael Haydn. Haydn trascorse gli anni seguenti a suonare per le strade di Vienna, a dare lezioni di musica, a esercitarsi col violino nelle soffitte, a studiare Bach sul suo clavicembalo e a comporre. A 29 anni, entrò al servizio della grande famiglia ungherese Esterhazy, e per il resto della sua vita non ebbe più nulla di cui preoccuparsi sul piano delle necessità materiali. Il mecenate di Haydn era il principe Nicola, il più ricco dei nobili del tempo e uno dei più versati artisticamente: in una palude umida e battuta dai venti, a sud-ovest di Vienna, Nicola si fece costruire una favolosa residenza di campagna, che chiamò Esterhazy. Ludwig van Beethoven , la Forma Sonata.

84. Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732 - 1809), Komponist (Composer)
Translate this page Startseite Haydn, Franz Joseph. Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809) war neben Mozartund Beethoven der Hauptvertreter der Wiener Klassik. Er wurde am 31. - Verzeichnis ausgewählter Komponisten A B C D ... Suchen
Suche nach: Startseite Haydn, Franz Joseph Joseph Haydn
war neben Mozart und Beethoven der Hauptvertreter der Wiener Klassik. Er wurde am 31. März 1732 in Rohrau (NÖ) geboren und starb am 31. Mai 1809 in Wien.
Von 1740 bis 1749 war Haydn Chorknabe in St.Stephan und hatte anschließend große finanziellen Schwierigkeiten und mußte sich seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen indem er zum Tanz aufspielte oder Auftragskompositionen aller Art ausführte. Seinen ersten Erfolg errang er 1751 mit seinem Singspiel 'Der krumme Teufel'. In den folgenden Jahren unterrichtete Haydn Cembalo, bis er 1759 vom Grafen Morzin als Musikdirektor für dessen Privatorchester angestellt wurde. Von 1761 bis 1790 diente Haydn als Kapellmeister beim Fürsten Esterhazy.
Ab 1790 lebt Haydn in Wien und widmete sich ausschließlich dem Komponieren.

85. Franz Joseph Haydn
Franz Joseph Haydn. Picture of Franz Joseph Haydn. (Sent by Jeffrey H. Feldman).Born 31 March 1732, Rohrau (Austria) Died 31 May 1809, Wien (Austria).

Translate this page FRANZ Joseph Haydn. Franz Joseph Haydn nasceu em Rohrau, Áustria, 31de março de 1732. O pai, Mathias Haydn, era um simples carpinteiro
Franz Joseph Haydn nasceu em Rohrau, Áustria, 31 de março de 1732. O pai, Mathias Haydn, era um simples carpinteiro, a mãe, Maria Koller, era cozinheira do palácio do senhor da região antes de casar-se. Mathias e Maria tiveram doze filhos, dos quais sobreviveram seis: Franzesca, Joseph, Anna-Katarina, Johann-Evangelist e Michael, que também tornou-se compositor. Eram pessoas simples e virtuosas e amavam a música. Seu pai tocava harpa e sua mãe cantava, mas não tinham educação musical e faziam tudo "de ouvido". Os serões dos pais influenciaram o menino e possibilitaram a revelação de seus dotes musicais, sobretudo uma voz maravilhosa. Quando Haydn contava seis anos, sua família foi visitada pôr Johann-Mathias Franck, um parente, que era mestre de capela em Hainburg. Necessitava sempre ter à disposição crianças de boa voz para o coro infantil, o que não era freqüente. Mathias Franck ficou muito contente com o talento do garoto e convenceu seu pais a levá-lo para Hainburg, encarregando-se de sua educação. O pequeno Haydn viveu dois anos na casa de Mathias Franck e esse período não foi dos melhores de sua vida. Era constantemente explorado pôr Franck, que aproveitava todas as ocasiões para exibi-lo. Mas apesar disto, Haydn desenvolveu-se musicalmente, familiarizando-se com os instrumentos da época e aprendendo a tocar vários deles.

87. Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809)
Translate this page Joseph passa une majeure partie de sa vie à composer au service d les Esterhazys,possèdaient des palais dans la capitale autrichienne, et Haydn était le

Joseph Haydn en son temps

Biographie de Haydn

Un portrait du compositeur

Ses plus beaux morceaux

Haydn était issu d'une famille très musicale, comme la plupart des grands compositeurs de cette époque. Son frère Michael devînt aussi un compositeur assez important, qui travaillait comme par hasard aux cotés du père de Mozart, Leopold, pour la cour de l'archevêque de Salzburg. Joseph passa une majeure partie de sa vie à composer au service d'une famille noble hongroise passionnée par la musique. Cette famille, les Esterhazys, possèdaient des palais dans la capitale autrichienne, et Haydn était le compositeur le plus célèbre avant que n'arrive Mozart en 1781, qui devînt son ami. Un an après la mort de Mozart, en 1792, le jeune Beethoven arriva à son tour à Vienne pour étudier avec le vieux maître de 60 ans, devenu alors plus célèbre que jamais.
Ironiquemennt, si Haydn était mort à 35 ans comme Mozart, il serait à peine connu aujourd'hui. Car toute sa "grande" musique (et il y en a énormément !), il l'a composé à un âge supérieur à 35 ans ; quelques 60 symphonies (sur un total de 104) et un grand nombre de quatuor à cordes ainsi que de nombreuses sonates, des trios, des messes, et deux grands oratorios. Ces derniers sont La Création et Les Saisons Les Saisons sont une description des quatre saisons (drôle de sujet pour un oratorio !), et

88. ThinkQuest : Library : The Symphony: An Interactive Guide
Joseph Haydn (1732 1809) Background Franz Joseph Haydn was born in Rohrau, Austria,in 1732, the son of a wheelwright who was also an amateur harpist and
Index Music
The Symphony: An Interactive Guide
Do you love classical music? This is a comprehensive resource for people wanting to learn more about symphonies. You will find rich biographies of major musical composers. Recordings of nine great symphonies can be heard with RealAudio, some are recorded by youth orchestras. You can try the symphonic quiz, take part in the survey, or post on the discussion board. This is an excellent, well-written site, with many illustrations. Visit Site 1998 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Students Brian Queensland Christian Home Schooling, The Gap, Brisbane, Australia Andre Somerset College Library, Mudgeeraba, Australia Coaches Graham Somerset College Library, Mudgeeraba, Australia Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site. Privacy Policy

89. Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732 - 1809)
Joseph Haydn.
Haydn, Joseph
war neben Mozart und Beethoven der Hauptvertreter der Wiener Klassik. Er wurde am 31. März 1732 in Rohrau (NÖ) geboren und starb am 31. Mai 1809 in Wien.
Von 1740 bis 1749 war Haydn Chorknabe in St.Stephan und hatte anschließend große finanziellen Schwierigkeiten und mußte sich seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen indem er zum Tanz aufspielte oder Auftragskompositionen aller Art ausführte. Seinen ersten Erfolg errang er 1751 mit seinem Singspiel 'Der krumme Teufel'. In den folgenden Jahren unterrichtete Haydn Cembalo, bis er 1759 vom Grafen Morzin als Musikdirektor für dessen Privatorchester angestellt wurde. Von 1761 bis 1790 diente Haydn als Kapellmeister beim Fürsten Esterhazy.
Ab 1790 lebt Haydn in Wien und widmete sich ausschließlich dem Komponieren..
Oratorien: 'Die Schöpfung' und 'Die Jahreszeiten', 24 Opern und Singspiele,
104 Symphonien (u.a. 'Abschiedssymphonie'), zahlreiche Konzerte (u.a. 6 Violoncellokonzerte), 83 Streichquartette (u.a. 'Kaiserquartett', 'Lerchen-Quartett'), 52 Klaviersonaten, 14 Messen (u.a. 'Theresienmesse', 'Paukenmesse', 'Nelsonmesse')....
Hier finden Sie ausgewählte CD's und Bücher von Joseph Haydn
Hier finden Sie die Joseph Haydn CD-ROMs: CD-ROM Hier finden Sie MIDI-Files von Joseph Haydn: Midimusic Online Shop

90. Essentials Of Music - Composers
COMPOSERS. FRANZ Joseph Haydn Born March 31, 1732. Composers of previousperiods did not often have that luxury, but Franz Joseph Haydn did.
Born: March 31, 1732. Rohrao, Austria
Died: May 31, 1809. Vienna, Austria
In his own words...

"My Prince was always satisfied with my works. I not only had the encouragement of constant approval but as conductor of an orchestra I could make experiments, observe what produced an effect and what weakened it, and... improve, alter, make additions, or omissions, and be as bold as I pleased." Austrian composer. Part of the so-called Viennese School, and an important influence on both Mozart and Beethoven.
Our image of the composer as an "artist," concerned with doing only what he or she wants to, is rooted in the nineteenth century. Composers of previous periods did not often have that luxury, but Franz Joseph Haydn did. Most of his creative life was spent in the service of the Esterházy family, writing pieces for their needs and desires. For example, he composed over 125 trios for the baryton an instrument something like a viola da gamba simply because it was the instrument that Prince Nikolaus played.
Surprisingly, these seeming restrictions, compounded by his frequent sojourns to the Esterházy summer palace at Esterháza (far removed from the musical center of Vienna) did little to dampen Haydn's creativity. Instead, he stated that this isolation and his ability to work daily with the musicians he was writing for was a perfect situation. Nor did it diminish his fame. By the 1780s, his music had been published all over Europe, and he was well-regarded in the music world. Because of this, he was invited to various cities and commissioned to write musical pieces for premieres in those cities. Most notable are the six symphonies he wrote for the Concerts Spirituels in Paris (Nos.82-87, called his "Paris" symphonies) and the twelve he wrote for the concert promoter Johann Peter Salomon in London (Nos.93-104, called the "London" symphonies). His final works, mostly sacred music for his patron, culminated in two large oratorios

91. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page
Franz Josef Haydn (17321809). x indicates texts that are not yet in thedatabase * indicates copyright texts we have no permission to display.

92. Papa Haydn - Father Of The Symphony [Index]
Suggested Reading. Other Resources. Chronology. FEEDBACK (C©19982004 All RightsReserved. Site last updated 26 March, 2004. Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809).

93. Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732 - 1809)
Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732 1809).
Haydn, Franz Joseph
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CD track of any CD that interests you. HAYDN ORCHESTRAL
HAYDN: Cello Concertos
D Major #2/D Major #4/C Major #1
Maria Kliegel, cello
Cologne Chamber Ochestra, Helmut Müller-Brühl
Ludovit Kanta, Cello
Capellia Istropolitana / Peter Breiner, conductor
Hae-won Chang, piano Camerata Cassovia / Robert Stankovsky, conductor HAYDN: Trumpet Concerto in E flat Maj. (Famous Trumpet Concertos CD) M.Kejmar/Capella Istropolitana/Peter Skvor SYMPHONIES HAYDN: Symphonies Vol.1 (5 CDs) #s. 44,45,48,82,83,85,88,92,94,96, 100-104 Copella Istropoliana, Barry Wadsworth, conductor HAYDN: Symphonies Vol.2 (5 CDs) Northern Symphony Orchestra, Nichoas Ward, conductor HAYDN: Symphonies Vol.2 (5 CDs)

94. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Haydn, Joseph 1732 - 1809
Haydn, Joseph 1732 1809 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. ABERT, Hermann,WA Mozart, 2 VT 73241. BARBER, Nicola, Na kordy s akordy, VT 996.
Haydn, Joseph 1732 - 1809
Záhlaví Název Signatura ABERT, Hermann W. A. Mozart 2 VT 73241 BARBER, Nicola Na kordy s akordy VT 996 FILIP, Miroslav Vývinové zákonitosti klasickej harmónie VT 76972 FINSCHER, Ludwig Streicherkammermusik VT 1167 GEIRINGER, Karl Joseph Haydn VT 20292 HOBOKEN, Anthony van Joseph Haydn VT 281/1 HOBOKEN, Anthony van Joseph Haydn VT 281/2 HOBOKEN, Anthony van Joseph Haydn VT 281/3 KARÁSEK, Bohumil Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart VT 79891 KELLER, Hans The Great Haydn Quartets VT 276 KELLETAT, Herbert Zur musikalischen Temperatur VT 873/2 KRESÁNEK, Jozef Úvahy o hudbe VT 76969 KUCHAØ, Jiøí Esoterické Èechy, Morava a Slezsko D 14532/1 KUCHAØ, Jiøí Esoterisches Prag D 14236 KUCHAØ, Jiøí Praha esoterická D 13465 MISCELLANEA Miscellanea musicologica VT 73142/30 POSADOVSKÁ, Dagmar Podobizny nad klavírem VT 79033 POŠTOLKA, Milan Joseph Haydn a naše hudba 18. století VT 76391 PRAŽÁK, Pøemysl Malá preludia 1 VT 78375 RUEHLE, Ulrich "...ganz verrückt nach Musik" VT 655 SPIEGL, Fritz Životy, manželky a lásky velkých skladatelù VT 727 STENDHAL, H. Haydnov život VT 76047 STRAKOVÁ, Theodora

95. Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809)
Joseph Haydn (1732 1809). Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809). Joseph Haydn (1732 -1809). Joseph Haydn (1762). Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809). Joseph Haydn (1791).
Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn autograph (1797) Back to page before or main page

96. HAYDN, Joseph
Translate this page Haydn, Joseph, Komponist, * (wahrscheinlich) 31.3. (getauft 1.4.) 1732 in Rohrauan der Leitha (Niederösterreich) als Sohn eines Wagnermeisters, + 31.5.
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