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         Harrington James:     more detail
  1. Political Writings of James Harrington: Representative Selections. The Library of Liberal Arts, Oskar Piest General Editor No. 38 by James (1611-1677) Harrington, 1955
  2. The Commonwealth Of Oceana by Harrington James 1611-1677, Ballantyne Press, 2010-10-15
  3. James Harringtons Republic CB by Dickinson, 1983-01-01
  4. James Harrington (Twayne's English Authors Series ; Teas 188) by Michael Downs, 1977-06
  5. JAMES HARRINGTON'S POL (Political Theory and Political Philosophy) by Cotton, 1991-04-01

41. A Law For Governments
15831645), Samuel Pufendorf (1632-1694), and-Jean Bodin (1530-1596) ; in England,Richard Hooker (1554-1600), James Harrington (1611-1677), and Algernon
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A Law for Governments
Clarence B. Carson
According to the lore of our time, business monopolies are highly dangerous - so dangerous in their threat to the commonweal that they must either be prevented or regulated and controlled. For many years, attention has been focused on the supposed untoward character of business activities and of how the innocent may fall victim to them. This emphasis has drawn men's eyes and attention away from both the source of harmful business monopoly and the noncommercial monopoly which poses the greatest threat of all to the peace and well-being of peoples. That is the monopoly which government has - the monopoly of the use of force in a given jurisdiction. All other monopolies pale before this one in the potentialities for destructiveness, and it is this power alone which can give to business activities potentialities for continued and concerted damage. Yet, government is not only a great potential danger but also a necessity. Unless somebody has a monopoly of the use of force in a given jurisdiction, there is likely to be more or less continuous warfare as groups contend for control That there be a monopoly within a jurisdiction is necessary for peace, and government is also charged with keeping the peace with preventing aggression from abroad, with putting down domestic insurrection, with inhibiting assault, deception, and with settling disputes which may arise. In short, government is not only potentially dangerous but also potentially highly beneficial. In any case, it is necessary.

42. The Motive Force Of Society
5 James Harrington (16111677), English political philosopher, whose work on theideal state, entitled Commonwealth of Oceana (1656), advocating a written
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The Motive Force of Society
Frederic Bastiat
It is not within the province of any branch of human knowledge to give the ultimate reason for things. Man suffers; society suffers. We ask why. This is equivalent to asking why God has given man feeling and free will. We know on this subject only what is revealed to us by the faith in which we believe. But whatever may have been God's plan, what we do know as a positive fact, what human knowledge can take as a starting point, is that man was created a sentient being endowed with free will. This is so true that I defy anyone who may be astonished at it to conceive of a living, thinking, desiring, loving, acting being of anything, in a word, resembling man -yet lacking in sensibility or free will. Could God have done differently? Of course, our reason says yes, but our imagination will forever say no; so radically impossible is it for us to think of man as being without this double attribute. Now, to be sentient is to be capable of receiving identifiable sensations, that is, sensations that are pleasant or painful. Hence well-being and suffering. By the very fact of creating sensibility, God permitted evil or the possibility of evil. In giving us free will, He has endowed us with the faculty, at least to a certain extent, of avoid-ing what is evil and seeking after what is good. Free will presup-poses intelligence and is associ-ated with it. What good would it be to have the power to choose, if the power to examine, to compare, and to judge were not joined to it? Thus, every man born into the world possesses a motive force and an intellect.

43. Law, Political Theory
Translate this page Jena 1929. VII,149p. (List-Studien 2) ( 12202) eur 15. Harrington, James (1611-1677)The Oceana and other works. With an account of his life by John Toland.
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Political institutions and social change in continental Europe in the nineteenth century.
Berkeley-Los Angeles 1967.
X,451p. Orig. cloth. (#13825)
eur 20 BARNI,G. L'Organizzazione di un feudo della val di Parma sul principio del sec. XV e sul finire del sec. XVI. Ricerche di storia giuridica.
Milano 1939. Lg.8vo. 249p. (#21783) eur 40 baron de Paris, F.Didot 1823. 2 volumes. [IV],410; [IV],479p. Contemp. half calf, gilt backs, marbled sides. Inscribed by the author to verso of half-title of first volume. First edition. A general treatise on politics, privately published in a small number of copies for distribution among the author's relations only. Beaujour was France's ambassador to the United States during the Empire. He is now best remembered for his commercial survey of America in the beginning of the nineteenth century ( , 1814), written with the purpose of promoting a revival of French-American trade and also translated into English. *Hoefer IV,p.932. (#24191)

44. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations
HD Harold David 1903 See Harrington Harold David 1903 1 Harrington Helise 19711 Harrington J James 1611 1677 See Harrington James 1611 1677 1 Your,1899,1901/search/a?Harrington, James, 16

45. Xauxa
i The Law of Freedom, 1652) segons Gerrard Winstanley (16091672), Oceana (Common-Wealthof Oceana, 1656) segons James Harrington (1611-1677), Terra austral
Després Jahvè Déu plantà un jardí a Edèn, cap a l'orient, i va posar-hi l'home que havia format. Jahvè Déu va fer brotar de la terra fèrtil tota mena d'arbres, agradables a la vista i bons per a menjar, com també l'arbre de la vida, al mig del jardí, i l'arbre del coneixement del bé i del mal. (La Bíblia, Gènesi 2: 8-9) Aigua amunt de la Ramema... si pensem " el passat en termes d'encreuaments a partir dels quals diverses opcions eren possibles, evitant d'admetre sense discussió que la fórmula que va imposar-se fos l'única possible (o la millor) " (Josep Fontana, La història després de la fi de la història ...hi ha un petit país, Gandòfia segons uns, Terra de Cucanya Terra del poc pa Illa de menja-dorm o País de la ceba gegant segons d'altres, Edat d'or Treballs i dies, s VII ane) segons Hesíode (s VII an e), Nefelococigia, "Casa dels núvols i dels cucuts" Els ocells , 414 ane) segons Aristòfanes (450-385 ane), República La república , 390-374 ane, i Les lleis i Atlàntida Timeu Críties , 370-347 ane) segons Plató (428-347 ane)

46. Harrington
Translate this page Harrington, James (1611-1677). Estuda em Oxford. Como militar, actua nos PaísesBaixos. Serve o rei Carlos I, entre 1647 e 1649, mas é preso em 1661.
Harrington, James The Commonwealth of Oceana
Página Inicial

47. Index
Translate this page 1560-1621 Gutenberg Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911 Gutenberg Harraden,Beatrice, 1864-1936 Gutenberg Harrington, James, 1611-1677 Gutenberg Harris
VYH¼ADÁVAÈ E-KNÍH - ANGLICKÉ TITULY - AUTOR - pís. H Haaren, John H. (John Henry), 1855-1916 Gutenberg
Habberton, John, 1842-1921 Gutenberg
Hackers, the Gutenberg
Hadden, J. Cuthbert (James Cuthbert), 1861-1914 Gutenberg
Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925 Gutenberg
Haies, Edward, fl. 1580. Gutenberg
Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616 Gutenberg
Haldeman-Julius, E. (Emanuel), 1889-1951 Gutenberg
Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 Gutenberg
Hale, Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody), 1820-1900 Gutenberg
Halevy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 AKA: Halévy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 Gutenberg Halévy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 AKA: Halevy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 Gutenberg Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 Gutenberg Hamilton, Clive, 1898-1963 AKA: Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963 Gutenberg Hamilton, Cosmo, 1879-1942 Gutenberg Hamilton, Frederick Spencer, Lord, 1856-1928 Gutenberg Hamilton, Gail, 1833-1896 AKA: Dodge, Mary Abigail, 1833-1896 Gutenberg Hamilton, James, 1814-1867 Gutenberg Harben, William Nathaniel, 1858-1919 Gutenberg Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928 Gutenberg Hargrave, John, 1894-

48. Conceptual Timeline I
Lycidas. 16111677. Harrington, James. The Commonwealth of Oceana.1613-1680. La Rochefoucauld, Duc de. The Maxims. 1614-1687. More, Henry.
Conceptual Timeline
Part I - Born 9th cent. BC through 1860 AD
A stream of conceptual works of importance, those in blue denoting a particularly rich channel
Additions and corrections welcome, please e-mail me) fl. 8-9th cent. BC Homer Iliad, Odyssey fl. 7-8th cent. BC Hesiod Theogony, Works and Days c.639-c.559 BC Solon c.636-c.546 BC Thales fl. 6th cent. BC Sappho Poems c.628-551 BC Zarathustra c.610-545 BC Anaximander fl. 5-6th cent. BC Lao-tzu Tao Te Ching fl. 5-6th cent. BC Mahavira Jainism c.570-475 BC Xenophanes Elegaics 570-508 BC Cleisthenes c.560-c.480 BC Pythagoras c.556-c.468 BC Simonides of Ceos Human Imperfection c.560-c.480 BC Buddha, Gautama 551-479 BC Confucious Analects c.545-540 BC Deutero-Isaiah fl. c.545 BC Anaximenes c.525-456 BC Aeschylus Orestea, Prometheus Bound, Agamemnon, Choephoroe, Eumenides, Libation Bearers c.518-c.438 BC Pindar Pythian Odes c.515-c.450 BC Parmenides c.500-428 BC Anaxagoras c.497-406 BC Sophocles Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone, Ajax, Philoctetes c.490-c.430 BC

49. Ç廪´óѧ·¨Ñ§Ôº
D091.6 FH29. The commonwealth of oceana and a system of politic / “?”?“”/ ?·?.Harrington, James, 16111677.

50. List 1103: Philosophy: 17th Century
List 1103 Philosophy 17th Century. 16. Harrington, James (16111677).The Political Writings of James Harrington Representative Selections.
John Gach Books, Inc.
List 1103: Philosophy: 17th Century
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1. Alexander, S[amuel] (1859-1939).
Spinoza: An Address in Commemoration of the Tercentenary of Spinoza's Death. Manchester Universtiy Lectures No. XXIX. [Manchester, England]: Manchester University Press, 1933. 1st Edition. [20]pp. Printed stiff green wrappers. Minor crumpling to lower right edge, a very good copy. Scarce. With a 1 leaf 8vo holograph letter signed of about 130 words to George Conger, dated 16.9.33. Inquire Order
2. Anderson, F[ulton] H[enry] (1895-1968).
The Philosophy of Francis Bacon. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, [1948]. 8vo. 1st Edition. [viii]+312pp. Blue cloth. A very good copy. (OP). Weight: 1 pound 6 ounces = 638 grams. SIZE: 23 x 15.5 x 2.5cm.

51. CENTER H2 Sociology Social Science (Surnames HL) /H2
325. Harrington, James (16111677). The Political Writings of James HarringtonRepresentative Selections. Edited with Introduction by Charles Blitzer.
John Gach Books, Inc.
Created: 3 Mar 2004
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314. Hage, Jerald.
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316. Haiken, Elizabeth.
Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery. Baltimore/London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, [1999]. 8vo. 1st Paperback Edition. [First published 1997]. [xii]+370+[2]pp. A few text illustrations. Trade paperback. A very good copy. Weight: 1 pound = 464 grams. SIZE: 22.5 x 15 x 2.3cm. Inquire Order
317. Hall, Constance.
The Sociology of Pierre Joseph Proudhon 1809-1865. New York: Philosophical Library Inc., [1971]. 8vo. 1st Edition. ix+228+[2]pp. Green cloth. A very good copy in edgeworn dust jacket. (OP). Inscribed copy. Inquire Order
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The Age of the Chartists 1832-1854: A Study of Discontent. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1930. 8vo. 1st Edition. [ii]+[x]+386+[2]pp. Embossed rose cloth with gilt spine lettering. Spine faded, edges bumped, a good secondhand copy. A husband-wife team, the Hammonds authored a number of works on the social consequences of the industrial revolution on the working class in England. The present work continues the inquiries undertaken in their earlier works

52. 133/ P.48, L. 10. No Rotation , Etc., Referring To The Ideas Of
133/ P.48, l. 10. No rotation , etc., referring to the ideas of James Harrington(16111677) and the plan of Soame Jenyns (1704-1757) to have an annual
133/ P.48, l. 10. 'No rotation', etc., referring to the ideas of James Harrington (1611-1677) and the plan of Soame Jenyns (1704-1757) to have an annual ministry chosen by lot from among thirty picked peers and one hundred commoners Note created by A.J.Grieve, MA

53. Library System Of Lancaster County /All Locations
Num Mark AUTHORS (12 of 2) Medium Year Harrington James 1611 1677 1 CommonwealthOf Oceana. 1901 2 James Harrington s Oceana See Commonwealth of Oceana.,1901/search/a?Harrington, Jam

54. Background
651. Hardy, Thomas (18401928), The Woodlanders, 755. Harrington,James (1611-1677), The Commonwealth of Oceana, 637. Harrison, Benjamin Contents.htm
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55. WIST - A Collection Of Quotations :: H
The law is but words and paper without the hands and swords of men. James Harrington(16111677) English political theorist The Commonwealth of Oceana.
Wish I'd Said That! Movements born in hatred very quickly take on the characteristics of the thing they oppose. John S. Habgood, Archbishop of York (b. 1927) British ecclesiastic That's not a lie, it's a terminological inexactitude. Alexander Haig (b. 1924) American politician
TV interview (1983) No vacation goes unpunished. Karl A. Hakkarainen (contemp.) American technical writer INTERVIEWER: What has the study of biology taught you about the Creator, Dr. Haldane?
HALDANE: I'm not sure, but He seems to be inordinately fond of beetles. J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) English geneticist My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we *can* suppose. J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) English geneticist Reality is the cage of those who lack imagination. J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) English geneticist Never bear more than one kind of trouble at a time. Some people bear three — all they have had, all they have now, and all they expect to have. Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) American clergyman and author A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was.

56. ®Ñ¥Ø¸ê®Æ7
359. 1. The commonwealth of Oceana ; and, A system of politics /0521423295 (PBK.)/Harrington,James, 16111677./Pocock, JGA (John Greville Agard),/Cambridge
Location ¡G WesternHistory ·sÁʮѥظê®Æ
¡· ¦è¬v¥v®Ñ¥Ø ( ½s¸¹ ¼Æ¶q TITLE ISBN AUTHOR PUBLISHER VERSION PUBLISH_YEAR Labour and the tax system /052157160X/Whiting, R. C./Cambridge University Press,2001 Edinburgh and the transformation of the nineteenth century city : land, property, and trust /0521780241/Rodger, Richard./Cambridge University Press,2000 Changing family size in England and Wales : place, class, and demography, 1891-1911 /0521801532/Garrett, Eilidh./Cambridge University Press,2001 Reflections on the Revolution in France /0804739234 (ALK. PAP)/Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797./Clark, J. C. D./Stanford University Press,2001 Townspeople and nation : English urban experiences, 1540-1640 /0804738688 (CLOTH :)/Tittler, Robert./Stanford University Press,2001 Prostitution and Victorian society : women, class, and the state /0521270642 (PBK.)/Walkowitz, Judith R./Cambridge University Press,1982 Continuity, chance and change : the character of the industrial revolution in England /0521396573 (PBK) /Wrigley, E. A. (Edward Anthony), 1931-/Cambridge University Press,1990

Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911. Harraden, Beatrice, 1864-1936. Harrington,James, 1611-1677. Harris, Frank, 1856-1931. Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908.
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59. ?
James Harrington, 16111677. (1) , (2) , (3) The Commonwealth ofOceana , 1656. ?1656 ?
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60. Mandel - The Place Of Marxism In History - 10
Harrington, James (16111677) ideologue of the bourgeoisie during the Englishrevolution of 1640-1660; advocated the republic, a written constitution, a
home who we are what's going on our press ... previous chapter
Ernest Mandel - The Place of Marxism in History - 10
Glossary of people and things
Adams, Samuel (1722-1803): advocated a break with the English Crown and organised a correspondence committee that acted as a revolutionary nucleus in the Boston region during the period that preceded the American revolution. Adler, Victor (1852-1918): founder and leader of the Social-Democratic Party of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; identified with the centre-left of the Second International. Albertus Magnus (1200-1280): Bavarian theologian and philosopher of the Scholastic School; tried to legitimate the Christian faith with rational arguments; supported a crude version of the labour theory of value. Albigensians : religious movement that flourished in Southern France in the 13th century; the pope declared it heretic and the feudal nobility of Northern France organised a bloody crusade against it (also known as Cathars). Anabaptists : radical Protestant sect of the 16th century that called for a return to the ideas of the first Christians and common ownership of wealth.

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