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Harrington James: more detail | ||||
41. A Law For Governments 15831645), Samuel Pufendorf (1632-1694), and-Jean Bodin (1530-1596) ; in England,Richard Hooker (1554-1600), James Harrington (1611-1677), and Algernon http://www.libertyhaven.com/politicsandcurrentevents/constitutionscourtsandlaw/l | |
42. The Motive Force Of Society 5 James Harrington (16111677), English political philosopher, whose work on theideal state, entitled Commonwealth of Oceana (1656), advocating a written http://www.libertyhaven.com/noneoftheabove/personaldevelopmentorpsychology/motiv | |
43. Law, Political Theory Translate this page Jena 1929. VII,149p. (List-Studien 2) ( 12202) eur 15. Harrington, James (1611-1677)The Oceana and other works. With an account of his life by John Toland. http://www.mdejongh.com/039.html | |
44. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations HD Harold David 1903 See Harrington Harold David 1903 1 Harrington Helise 19711 Harrington J James 1611 1677 See Harrington James 1611 1677 1 Your http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,1899,1901/search/a?Harrington, James, 16 |
45. Xauxa i The Law of Freedom, 1652) segons Gerrard Winstanley (16091672), Oceana (Common-Wealthof Oceana, 1656) segons James Harrington (1611-1677), Terra austral http://idd00j16.eresmas.net/xauxa1/ | |
46. Harrington Translate this page Harrington, James (1611-1677). Estuda em Oxford. Como militar, actua nos PaísesBaixos. Serve o rei Carlos I, entre 1647 e 1649, mas é preso em 1661. http://www.iscsp.utl.pt/~cepp/autores/ingleses/1611._harrington.htm | |
47. Index Translate this page 1560-1621 Gutenberg Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911 Gutenberg Harraden,Beatrice, 1864-1936 Gutenberg Harrington, James, 1611-1677 Gutenberg Harris http://www.elbooks.sk/angautH.html | |
48. Conceptual Timeline I Lycidas. 16111677. Harrington, James. The Commonwealth of Oceana.1613-1680. La Rochefoucauld, Duc de. The Maxims. 1614-1687. More, Henry. http://home.comcast.net/~reillyjones/timeline1.html | |
49. Ç廪´óѧ·¨Ñ§Ôº D091.6 FH29. The commonwealth of oceana and a system of politic / ??/ ?·?.Harrington, James, 16111677. http://www.law.tsinghua.edu.cn/shownews.asp?ID=316 |
50. List 1103: Philosophy: 17th Century List 1103 Philosophy 17th Century. 16. Harrington, James (16111677).The Political Writings of James Harrington Representative Selections. http://www.gach.com/Gach/l1103-01.htm | |
51. CENTER H2 Sociology Social Science (Surnames HL) /H2 325. Harrington, James (16111677). The Political Writings of James HarringtonRepresentative Selections. Edited with Introduction by Charles Blitzer. http://www.gach.com/Gach/l1264-03.htm | |
52. 133/ P.48, L. 10. No Rotation , Etc., Referring To The Ideas Of 133/ P.48, l. 10. No rotation , etc., referring to the ideas of James Harrington(16111677) and the plan of Soame Jenyns (1704-1757) to have an annual http://www.ourcivilisation.com/burke/note/133.htm | |
53. Library System Of Lancaster County /All Locations Num Mark AUTHORS (12 of 2) Medium Year Harrington James 1611 1677 1 CommonwealthOf Oceana. 1901 2 James Harrington s Oceana See Commonwealth of Oceana. http://catalog.lancasterlibraries.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/a?Harrington, Jam |
54. Background 651. Hardy, Thomas (18401928), The Woodlanders, 755. Harrington,James (1611-1677), The Commonwealth of Oceana, 637. Harrison, Benjamin http://www.freeeliterature.com/CD1 Contents.htm | |
55. WIST - A Collection Of Quotations :: H The law is but words and paper without the hands and swords of men. James Harrington(16111677) English political theorist The Commonwealth of Oceana. http://www.wist.info/authors/h.html | |
56. ®Ñ¥Ø¸ê®Æ7 359. 1. The commonwealth of Oceana ; and, A system of politics /0521423295 (PBK.)/Harrington,James, 16111677./Pocock, JGA (John Greville Agard),/Cambridge http://eserv.lib.ncku.edu.tw/nckulib2001/history/item/items7.htm | |
57. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ H Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911. Harraden, Beatrice, 1864-1936. Harrington,James, 1611-1677. Harris, Frank, 1856-1931. Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908. http://www.globusz.com/authors_h1.html | |
58. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Bird On Its Journey, The. Harrington, James, 16111677 CommonwealthOf Oceana, The. Harris, Frank, 1856-1931 Oscar Wilde, His Life http://www.globusz.com/authors_h.asp | |
59. ? James Harrington, 16111677. (1) , (2) , (3) The Commonwealth ofOceana , 1656. ?1656 ? http://cruel.org/econthought/schools/optimist.html | |
60. Mandel - The Place Of Marxism In History - 10 Harrington, James (16111677) ideologue of the bourgeoisie during the Englishrevolution of 1640-1660; advocated the republic, a written constitution, a http://www.isg-fi.org.uk/theory/pom10.htm | |
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