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Harper Frances Ellen Watkins: more detail | ||||||||||
61. African American Department - - Enoch Pratt Free Library - Baltimore, Maryland Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911), abolitionist, poet, authorand popular lecturer was born in Baltimore. Education. Morgan http://www.epfl.net/slrc/afam/first_facts.html | |
62. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Authors: H: Harper, Frances E. W. Onlye. Links URL hinzufügen. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911)http//www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap5/Harper.html. http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Harper__Frances_E__W_/ | |
63. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper 18251911 Antislavery Orator-Poet-Novelist. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper wasborn free in the slave city of Baltimore, Maryland on September 24,1825. http://www.dorothyprince.com/francesharper.asp | |
64. The US50 - A Guide To The Fifty States Return to top Frances Ellen Watkins Harper 18251911 Schoolteacher before travelingfor lectures on a variety of causes, chief among them the abolition of http://www.theus50.com/maryland/history.shtml | |
65. Toc2 Hale, Sarah Josepha (17881879) Mary s Lamb. Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins(1825-1911) Bible Defense of Slavery. A Double Standard. Learning to Read. http://www.rothetechnologies.com/toc2.htm | |
66. Harper W. Boyd Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911 Feminism and literature UnitedStates History Biography / Autobiography . Marketing Management. http://topics.practical.org/browse/Harper_W._Boyd | |
67. The History Of Jim Crow Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, author and lecturer (18251911) She is generallycredited with introducing black protest poetry, most notably The Martyr of http://www.jimcrowhistory.org/scripts/jimcrow/gallery.cgi?collection=lines |
68. Index Authors -. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911). politicalactivist, orator, poet, and fiction writer, most popular and well http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~amerika/Studium/Seminare/Harper2.html | |
69. A-Z | FR com Frances Arnett Sbrocchi s Poetry - Frances Brundage (1854-1937) - Frances EllenWatkins Harper - Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911) - Frances Fanny http://www.shrinker.net/atoz/fr/ | |
70. Selected Publications Of Dr. Bettye Collier-Thomas 724727. 7. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Abolitionist and Feminist Reformer,1825-1911, in Ann D. Gordon with Bettye Collier-Thomas and others, eds. http://www.temple.edu/caahc/selected_publications_of_dr__bettye_collier-thomas1. | |
71. George A. Smathers Libraries: Dept. Of Special And Area Studies Collections. Afr Harper portraitHarper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911 Iola Leroy; or, ShadowsUplifted 2nd. ed. Philadelphia Garrigues Brothers, 1893 4, 282 p. front. http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/AAexhibit/rare.htm | |
72. AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN FICTION (in VSCCAT) Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911. Iola Leroy, or, Shadows uplifted/ Frances EW Harper ; with a new introduction by Hazel V. Carby. http://scolar.vsc.edu:8003/VSCCAT?S=AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN FICTION |
73. H-Net Review: Phyllis F. Field On Ann D. Gordon Et Al., Eds., African American W In Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Abolitionist and Feminist Reformer, 18251911, Bettye Collier-Thomas argues that Harper, remembered chiefly as a poet, was http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=21495916850099 |
74. Portland Imc - 2003.12.17 - The Daily Poetry Movement Quick Bio Harper, Fances Ellen Watkins (18251911), African American writer and Harperwas commemorated through FEW Harper Leagues, Frances E. Harper http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2003/12/276773.shtml | |
75. RPO -- Frances Ellen Watkins : Aunt Chloe Frances Ellen Watkins (18251911). Aunt Chloe. Original text Frances Ellen WatkinsHarper, Sketches of Southern Life (Philadelphia Merrihew and Son, 1872). http://eir.library.utoronto.ca/rpo/display/poem2255.html | |
76. American Literature - Lit 112B - Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825 - 1911) Harper Biography/Bibliography Provides an illustrated biography of Harper, list of works by and about Harper, and links to related sites (Women Writers of Color ). http://www.kjpierson.com/TEACHING/AMLIT/harper.html | |
77. Search Results For Kansas Collection - Encyclopædia Britannica The US movie star Jean Harlow was a sex symbol of the 1930s who portrayed franklysensuous characters. , Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins (18251911), US http://www.britannica.com/search?query=kansas collection&ct=eb&fuzzy=N&iq=5&show |
78. Author Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, From The Oldpoetry Poetry Archive Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (next poet) I was from USA, and I lived from18251911. Print or Buy my poetry? View comments? Add to favorites? http://oldpoetry.com/authors/Frances Ellen Watkins Harper | |
79. Fiction: Francis E.W. Harper Back to List Frances EW Harper (18251911) LINKS Frances Ellen WatkinsHarper http//www.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl413/Harper.htm http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/litlinks/fiction/harper.htm |
80. Literary Encyclopedia: Harper, Frances (1825 1911). Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, African-American writer, social activist,and educator, was born in Baltimore, Maryland on September 24 1825 to http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=1987 |
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