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         Harper Frances Ellen Watkins:     more detail
  1. Biography - Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins (1825-1911): An article from: Contemporary Authors Online by Gale Reference Team, 2007-01-01
  2. Poems by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper 1825-1911, 1898-12-31
  3. Poems on miscellaneous subjects by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper 1825-1911, 1857-12-31
  4. Idylls of the Bible by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper 1825-1911, 1901-12-31
  5. "One great bundle of humanity": Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911) by Margaret Hope Bacon, 1989
  6. Iola Leroy, or, Shadows uplifted by Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911 Harper, 2009-10-26
  7. MINNIES SACRIFICECL (Black Women Writer Series) by Frances E. W. Harper, Frances Smith Foster, 1994-06-01
  8. Iola (Black Classics) by Frances E. W. Harper, 1996-09
  9. Discarded Legacy: Politics and Poetics in the Life of Frances E.W. Harper, 1825-1911 (African American Life) by Melba Joyce Boyd, 1994-06

21. The Two Offers By Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Logo Link to Home Page, Short Story Classics. Frances Ellen WatkinsHarper 1825-1911. The Two Offers. by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper.
Short Story Classics
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
The Two Offers
by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
"What is the matter with you, Laura, this morning? I have been watching you this hour, and in that time you have commenced a half dozen letters and torn them all up. What matter of such grave moment is puzzling your dear little head, that you do not know how to decide?" "Well, it is an important matter: I have two offers for marriage, and I do not know which to choose." "I should accept neither, or to say the least, not at present." "Why not?" "Because I think a woman who is undecided between two offers, has not love enough for either to make a choice; and in that very hesitation, indecision, she has a reason to pause and seriously reflect, lest her marriage, instead of being an affinity of souls or a union of hearts, should only be a mere matter of bargain and sale, or an affair of convenience and selfish interest." "But I consider them both very good offers, just such as many a girl would gladly receive. But to tell you the truth, I do not think that I regard either as a woman should the man she chooses for her husband. But then if I refuse, there is the risk of being an old maid, and that is not to be thought of."

22. Author Frances Ellen Watkins, From The Oldpoetry Poetry Archive
next poet) I was from USA, and I lived from 18251911. Harper died on February 22,1911,she was then 85 years Poems by Frances Ellen Watkins First 7 shown of 45 Ellen Watkins
var keep_domain = 0; document.onkeypress = ''; google_ad_client = "pub-7213886436782633"; google_alternate_ad_url = ""; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_color_border = "A8DDA0"; google_color_bg = "EBFFED"; google_color_link = "0000CC"; google_color_url = "008000"; google_color_text = "6F6F6F"; //> Hello. Login or Register
  • Poetry Frances Ellen Watkins next poet
    I was from USA, and I lived from 1825-1911. Print or Buy my poetry? View comments Add to favorites? My influences included Inequity and harsh treatment of slaves. - the Anti-Slavery Movement. Frances Ellen Watkins was born free in the slave city of Baltimore, Maryland on September 25,1825. She never experienced the hardships of slavery and yet she would devote her entire life to the abolitionist movement, and what she called "a brighter coming day".
    After receiving an education at her uncle's school, and working in a book store, she turned to publishing. A book of poetry entitled

23. Unitarian Universalist Biographical Dictionary
Frances Harper. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911), was an African-Americanwriter, lecturer, and political activist, who promoted abolition, civil rights
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Frances Harper
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911), was an African-American writer, lecturer, and political activist, who promoted abolition, civil rights, women's rights, and temperance. She helped found or held high office in several national progressive organizations. She is best remembered today for her poetry and fiction, which preached moral uplift and counseled the oppressed how to free themselves from their demoralized condition. Frances was born in Baltimore, Maryland, to free parents whose names are unknown. After her mother died in 1828, Frances was raised by her aunt and uncle. Her uncle was the abolitionist William Watkins, father of William J. Watkins, who would become an associate of Frederick Douglass. She received her education at her uncle's Academy for Negro Youth and absorbed many of his views on civil rights. The family attended the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church. At the age of fourteen, Frances found a job as a domestic in a Quaker household, where she was given access to their library and encouraged in her literary aspirations. Her poems appeared in newspapers, and in 1845 a collection of them was printed as

24. Unitarian Universalist Biographical Dictionary
General Winfield Scott Hancock (18241886) Eliza Rice Hanson (b.1825) Sir AlisterHardy (1896-1985) Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911) complete Ida A
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Frances Dana Barker Gage

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William Channing Gannett
Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) complete William Gaskell (1805-1884) complete Ebenezer Gay (1696-1787) assigned Lucia Fidelia Wooley Gillette Margaret Gillies Caroline Howard Gilman (1794-1888) complete Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) assigned Samuel Gilman (1791-1858) complete John Godbey William Godwin John Goldsbury Peter Gonesius (b.c1530-?1570) Alexander Gordon (1841-1931) complete Eleanor Elizabeth Gordon (1852-1942) complete Augustus Graham (1776-1851) complete Mary H. Graves Horace Gray Dana McLean Greeley (1908-1986) complete Horace Greeley Mary Grew Matthew Gribaldi Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) assigned Nina H. Grieg (1845-1935) assigned Moses Grinnell Henry Grinnell Joseph Grinnell Emil Gudmundson ... Dr. Augusta Stowe Gullen H Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) assigned Lucretia Peabody Hale Susan Hale Sir Benjamin Hall Frank Oliver Hall (1860-1941) assigned Edmund Halley Marion Franklin Ham Hannibal Hamlin Phebe Ann Coffin Hanaford (1829-1921) assigned General Winfield Scott Hancock Eliza Rice Hanson (b.1825)

25. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - P
Poems AUTHOR Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911 LANGUAGE EnglishSUBJECT Poetry PG ENTRY 679 - POSTING DATE Oct 1996 ZIP.

26. Frances E. W. Harper's Iola Leroy: Selected Bibliography
1991. Ammons, Elizabeth. Legacy Profile Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911). Legacy A Journal of American Women Writers 2.2, (Fall 1985) 61-6.
Literary Movements Timeline American Authors English 310/510 ... English 462/562
Selected Bibliography on Frances E. W. Harper and Iola Leroy
Ammons, Elizabeth. Conflicting Stories: American Women Writers at the Turn Into the Twentieth Century Ammons, Elizabeth. "Legacy Profile: Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911)." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 2.2, (Fall 1985): 61-6. Bacon, Margaret Hope. "'One Great Bundle of Humanity': Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911)." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 113.1 (1989 Jan.):21-49. Bennett, Michael. "Frances Ellen Watkins Sings the Body Electric." Recovering the Black Female Body: Self-Representations by African American Women . Ed. Michael Bennett and , Vanessa D.Dickerson Peterson, Carla L. (foreword). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2001. 19-40. Bennison, Sarah Elizabeth. "The Poetry and Activism of Frances Ellen Watkins Harper." Journal x: A Journal in Culture and Criticism Berlant, Lauren. "The Queen of American Goes to Washington City: Harriet Jacobs, Frances Harper, Anita Hill."

27. Frances E. W. Harper
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911). American Literature Sites FoleyLibrary Catalog Selected Bibliography on Iola Leroy. Biographical
Literary Movements Timeline American Authors English 310/510 ... English 462/562
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911)
American Literature Sites
Foley Library Catalog
Selected Bibliography on Iola Leroy ... Biographical sketch and links at the Bedford/St.Martin's site
Teaching guide
from the Heath Anthology iste
Quotations and lesson plans
from the African American Writers Online site.
Brief essay on Harper's role in the Underground Railroad . (U C Davis)
Lucy Delany, From the Darkness Cometh the Light (note Harper's use of "Delany" as a character name) Works Forest Leaves (1845; no copy of these poems survives)
Moses: A Story of the Nile (poems, 1854, 1869; 20 editions by 1871)
Atlanta Offerings: Poems (1871) (This is no longer available at the University of Michigan MOA project.)
Poems illustrated HTML version at the University of Virginia
"Enlightened Motherhood"
(speech;1892) ( another version at
The Master of Alabama (poems, 1894) Sketches of Southern Life (poems, 1872; HTML at Virginia) Sketches of Southern Life (HTML;1891 edition at the Legacy American Women Writers Site)

28. Annotated
Discarded Legacy Politics in the Life of Frances EW Harper, 18251911. AfricanAmerican Review. Lauter, Paul. Is Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Good Enough
Annotated Bibliography
Andrews, William L; Foster and Harris, ed. The Oxford Companion to African-American
Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
This anthology gives a detailed outline of the books, speeches and most famous poems written by Harper. To begin, researchers of Harper must know the titles and dates of her major works because the essays and literature about her work is sparse. However, this autobiographical passage shows there are many methods to research Harper's works and life.
Carby, Hazel V. Reconstructing Womanhood: The Emergence of the Afro-American
Woman Novelist. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
Iola Leroy is Harper's acclaimed novel. Carby discusses Harper's novel in a manner that explains Harper's style and intent for writing. Moreover, Carby shows Harper's political intent and outlines the themes present in Harper's poetry and prose, such as the abolition movement and gender inequality. While outlining the character development of the protagonist, Iola, Carby shows the stages of Harper's writing and how the writing correlates to different historical and political issues.
Hill, Patricia Liggins. "'Let Me Make the Songs for the People': A Study of Frances Watkins

29. WASM Author Detail
Author Details Detail Information for Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins,18251911 Author name Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911.

30. WASM Document Detail
All subject terms Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911; Watkins, Frances Ellen;Frances Ellen Watkins Harper; Anti-Lynching Movement, 1890-1940; Civil

31. Maryland Writers, Editors, Newspaperpersons, Authors
Harper, Frances EW (18251911) (Author, Orator, Social Reformer) FrancesEW Harper Frances Ellen Watkins Harper was born in Baltimore, MD.
Home Cruise the Internet About Sailor Contact Us ... Help Famous Marylanders : writers, poets, editors, newspaperpersons
  • Baker, Russell
      Russell Baker
      Russell Baker was born in Loudoun County, Virginia. After graduating from Johns Hopkins University with a degree in English he worked as a reporter for the Baltimore Sun.
    Barth, John (1930- )(writer)
      John Barth : American Literature on The Web
      John Barth (1930- ), a native of Maryland, is one of the most influential authors of the second half of the twentieth century. John Barth - from the Heath Anthology
      John Barth was born in Cambridge, a small “southern” town on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
    Bell, Madison Smartt
      Madison Smartt Bell
      Born and raised in Tennessee, he has lived in New York and in London and now lives in Baltimore, Maryland. He has taught in various creative writing programs, including the Iowa Writers' Workshop and the Johns Hopkins University Writing Seminars. Since 1984 he has taught the Goucher College Creative Program, where he is currently Writer In Residence, along with his wife, the poet Elizabeth Spires.

32. Civil War References
showfullrecord=ON. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, 18251911, Letter fromFrances Ellen Watkins Harper, May 13, 1867. http//colet.uchicago
Readings for Seminars
The assigned readings may be accessed from computers on campus and in Glasgow University Library (GUL). While some of the primary sources come from web pages external to the university, most are drawn from The American Civil War: Letters and Diaries (in both cases, clicking on the link will take you to the appropriate web page). This database is the largest on-line collection of Civil War materials, with over 100,000 pages of materials.
Using The American Civil War: Letters and Diaries
If you wish to read James Williams' Memoir in preparation for Seminar 2 (see below), you should be able to reach the source by clicking on the link below. Alternatively, go to the GUL homepage at Click on Information Resources and then click on Databases. From there click on the letter A and then click on The American Civil War: Letters and Diaries. Click on Table of Contents and then on the letter W. Find James Williams, and then click on the link to view the source.
Seminar 1: Southern Society, Masters and Slaves

33. The Genealogy Forum: African American Resource Center: Frances Ellen Watkins Har
Welcome to the Genealogy Forum African American Resource Center! Frances Ellen WatkinsHarper 18251911. Name France Watkins Harper Birthplace Baltimore MD.
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34. Harper, Frances E.W.
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911. ca. 443 kilobytes. Iola Leroy, or, Shadowsuplifted. Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911. Garrigues Brothers.
Iola Leroy Expand Search
Harper, Frances E.W.
Iola Leroy
About the electronic edition:
Iola Leroy, or, Shadows uplifted: a machine-readable transcription
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911
ca. 443 kilobytes
The New York Public Library. New York, N.Y.wwm97248.sgm
About the print source:
Iola Leroy, or, Shadows uplifted
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911 Garrigues Brothers Philadelphia
Prepared as part of The Digital Schomburg, a project providing electronic access to collections on the African Diaspora and Africa from The New York Public Library.
All quotation marks retained as data. All unambiguous end-of-line hyphens have been removed, and the trailing part of a word has been joined to the preceding line. The images exist as archived TIFF images, and one or more JPEG versions for general use. Transcription by double-keyed entry.
November, 1997

35. The San Antonio College LitWeb Frances E.W.Harper Page
The Frances EW Harper Page. ( 18251911 ). Major Works Minnie s Sacrifice, Sowingand Reaping See also A Brighter Coming Day A Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Reader
The Frances E. W. Harper Page
Major Works

Minnie's Sacrifice, Sowing and Reaping, Trial and Triumph: Three Rediscovered Novels . Edited by Frances Smith Foster. Beacon, 1994. See also A Brighter Coming Day: A Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Reader . Edited with an introduction by Francis Smith Foster. The Feminist Press, 1990.
Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects
Minnie's Sacrifice
Sowing and Reaping
Sketches of Southern Life
On Line
Trial and Triumph
Iola Leroy
Page Images . Reprint with an introduction by Frances Smith Foster. Oxford, 1988.
Atlanta Offering
Poems on line
About Harper PAL: Frances Ellen Watkins Harper . Bibliography, assessment. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper from Voices From the Gaps. A Harper Biographical Sketch Back to Chronology Back to American Women Writers

36. / The African American Experience In Ohio, 1850-1920 / Colored A
. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911), Download High ResolutionTIFF Image. Item Description. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911)....... Item

37. / The African American Experience In Ohio, 1850-1920 / Colored A
information about them, click the appropriate image. Frances Ellen WatkinsHarper (18251911). Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911).





Colored American From Slavery to Honorable Citizenship
Photograph from The Colored American from Slavery to Honorable Citizenship To view higher quality images and to get more information about them,
click the appropriate image. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911) HOME CONTACT ABOUT CALENDAR ... SEARCH

38. Maria Miller Stewart (1803-1879)
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) Frances Ellen Watkins Harperwas born free in Baltimore Maryland. Orphaned at a young age

39. The Desk
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) was born to a free black woman, who diedwhen Harper was three. In 1850, Harper moved to Ohio and taught school.

The Parlor The Kitchen References Women's writing has enjoyed a rich tradition. Women of all classes, ranks and ages have taken up the pen throughout history. In the nineteenth century, there was a broad range of writing circulating beyond the few hallowed authors of the "American Renaissance". This page gives you a brief introduction to what is available on the Web by women. The first section will take you through links about five major nineteenth century poets: Alice and Phoebe Cary, Rose Terry Cooke, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, and Helen Hunt Jackson. The next section is a brief introduction to the amazing variety of poetry by women published in magazines and newspapers of the nineteenth century. Finally, the last section touches on private writings by women who chose not to publish, but still circulated their writing. The Poets Poetry in Magazines and Newspapers Private Writings
The Poets
Print exploded in the nineteenth century and women filled the ranks of writers needed for numerous magazines, newspapers and journals. While traditional thought may be that women were limited only to the domestic role, a surprising number wrote and published poetry. Paula Bennet's Nineteenth Century American Women Poets: An Anthology and Emily Stipes Watts's Poetry of American Women from 1632 to 1945 are representative of the recent movement to recover the women poets of the nineteenth century. Paula Bennet includes a broad range of poets, dividing her anthology into a section of “major poets” of the century and a section of a broad range women's poetry published in magazines and journals. I follow her divisions here, giving a brief representation of published poets available on the Web.

40. Abolitionists
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) Lucretia Coffin Mott (1793-1880) WilliamLloyd Garrison Harriet Tubman (1820?-1911) Sarah Douglass (1806-1882) Grace
Sunshine for Women
WHM 2002, ToC
Home Abolitionist Movement Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911)
Lucretia Coffin Mott (1793-1880)
William Lloyd Garrison
Harriet Tubman (1820?-1911)
Sarah Douglass (1806-1882)
Grace Bustill Douglass (1782-1842)
Elizabeth Buffum Chace (1809-99)
Lucy Buffum Lovell (n.d.)
Maria Miller Stewart (1803-1879)
Angelina and Sarah Grimké (1805-1879 and 1792-1873) Abigail Kelley Foster (1810-1887) More a short encyclopedia of American women's history than a biographical dictionary, The Reader's Companion to US Women's History is arranged alphabetically according to topic, such a Abolitionist Movement, Feminism, Reproductive Rights, Slavery, and the Vietnam War Era. Consequently, we will meet several women connected with the issue on the selected topic: The Abolitionist Movement. from Wilma Mankiller, Gwendolyn Mink, Marysa Navarro, Barbara Smith, Gloria Steinem (eds.), The Reader's Companion to US Women's History [Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998] In 1852 Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911), a Black abolitionist, teacher, and poet, wrote: "The conditions of our people, the wants of our children, and the welfare of our race demand the aid of every helping hand." Several years later

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