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81. GED2HTML V3.0b (5/28/97), Fri Mar 30 045310 2001 ;; See The I1673 BULL George Anson /BULL/ 1814 1867 d0000/g0000038 d0001/g0000003.html I1759 GLOYD James/GLOYD/ III d0000/g0000018.html I0263 Hamilton Jane /Hamilton http://merrill.olm.net/family/miller5p/gendex.txt |
82. C DATA041 Mary Ann page 251 COLE Mary Ann 18141867 page 252 002-1 Harris Family RICHARDS AaronJames page 36 Daniel BAILLIE page 251 ROCHESTER George Hamilton page 254 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160c041.htm | |
83. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1720) Hamilton, Clive (1898 1963) Hamilton, Frederic (Spencer) (1856 - 1928)Hamilton, Gail (1833 - 1896) Hamilton, James (1814 - 1867) HAMSUN, Knut (1859 http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
84. EAST CLYMER CEMETERY Alexander Hamilton, was at the siege of Yorktown, after MEAD See same info for BUSHNELLJames A 1851 13 days TANNER VR 18091894 Eliza 1814-1867 TARBELL George W http://www.rootsweb.com/~nychauta/CEMETERY/Eclymer.htm | |
85. Methodist Ministers G-I Hamilton, Robert, W, 1836, 1876. Hamilton, William, W, 1788, 1843. Hamon,Herbert W. W, 1899, 1955. Hanby, James, W, 1880, 1938. Hannah, John DD, W,1814, 1867. http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data1/dg/methodist/ministers/t4.html | |
86. Haf-Han - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors n 1843 James Hamilton (M 1814 1867) The Lamp And The Lantern 1854 JamesHamilton {US} (M 1900 Nov 15 - 1988 May 25) (ps Hamish Hamilton) James http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/ha2.htm | |
87. Sacramento Co., CA - Index To Federal Land Records California Land 01 BAKER SHUBAEL N MD 0080N 0060E 017 1814 1867/11/01 017 82594 1865/12/01 COLLINSEDWARD; BOONE James W MD 0060N 0040E 034 406 1865/11/01 CONNOR Hamilton S MD http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ca/sacramento/land/sacramen.txt |
88. I03872: Harry BOYLES (____ - ____) Elizabeth HAILE _David Ballard DICKEY _+ (1814 1867) m 1830 1785 - 1853)m 1808 _George Hamilton MOSELEY _ Reuben B. SMITH Family 1 James W. CRASK http://www.craskfiles.com/c1/d0005/g0000067.html | |
89. I166 Joseph Paul ALEXANDER , III _Kindred BOBO , Jr._ (1814 1867) _William Fincher BOBO 1889 _ Bertie DAVIS _Robert Hamilton TEAGUE _ http://www.psi-sc.com/genealogy/sexton/html/d0000/g0000030.html |
90. I114563: Arlene A. ? (Private - ____) PIERCE (1930 1930) _Jefferson Hamilton CHENOWETH _ CHENOWETH Family 1 RobertJames WATSON _Gideon CHENOWETH _+ (1814 - 1867) m 1834 http://www.jonathanpaul.org/chenoweth/d0029/g0000190.html | |
91. UNITED GERMAN FRENCH CEMETERY, Cheektowaga, Erie County, New 1883 1902 Buffalo S Y Excellent Austin, James G. 1842 Sep 1846 Buffalo S Y Poor neeHamilton Brant, Frederick W K Y Excellent Hack, Jacob P. 1814 1867 Buffalo K http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ny/erie/cemeteries/united.txt |
92. M'Cheyne's Friends The abovelinked website was posted in 2001 by Alan Newble. Rev. JamesHamilton (1814 - 1867). Assistant minister at St. George s http://web.ukonline.co.uk/d.haslam/mccheyne/friends.htm | |
93. The Political Graveyard: Politicians Who Died In 1867 The Political Graveyard Questions? Return to The PoliticalGraveyard main page. Politicians Who Died in 1867. http://politicalgraveyard.com/chrono/died-1867.html | |
94. TheologyBooks.com | FEATURE CONTENT : Spurgeon: Proverbs - Song Of Solomon [Comm 8vo. Leicester, 1781. 3/6. Confused, eccentric, and happily very rare. 619 HAMILTONJAMES, DD (18141867). Royal Preacher Lectures on Ecclesiastes. Cr. 8vo. http://www.theologybooks.com/site/feature.cfm?tkey=45 |
95. List Of Authors Quoted http://www.ibiblio.org/webster/xml_files/gcide_authorities.xml | |
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