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Hall Bolton: more detail | |||||
41. LONG CREEK CEMETERY You Will Find LONG CREEK CEMETERY In DANVILLE TOWNSHIP JOHN 18381925 49TH OHIO INF Bolton, LEAH S 1932 KALMUS, ANNA 1861-1932 KASSEL, WILLIAM1854-1938 FATHER KASSEL ORR, MARSHall J. 1896- OWEN, SARAH (Hall) Born in http://www.rootsweb.com/~iadesmoi/Toomstone/Huron/long_creek.htm | |
42. Graceland - Orange Grove Cemetery. Lake Charles, Calcasieu Pr. LA Bolton Lennie Bell 2 Oct 1918 26 Jan 1939 Bomar Jul 1932 LVH d/o Elvin and Thelma(Hall) Cooper Cooper Loce H. 1884 1932 Davis Lucy H. 1854 1938 Davis Lucy http://home.att.net/~lvhayes/Genealog/Cems/Calc/gog1.txt | |
43. Keeney Update Volume XVII, Number 3 August 2000 with his wife, Mary Jane Hobbs (18541938) and six K. Allgeier, son Bruce B. Boltonand three Whites, Kings, Perkins, Jessie, Bosworth, Hall, Quick, Hackworth http://www.keeneyklan.com/Roscoe/KeeneyUpdate/v17n3August2000/v17n3August2000.ht | |
44. Haf-Han - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors a 1843 R Frank Freeman s Barber Shop f 1852 Lt, Bert Hall (M 1886 1948) OneMan s War (w John J NILES) n 1929 Bolton Hall {US} (M 1854 - 1938) Even As http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/ha2.htm | |
45. Books From 1923 With US Copyright Not Renewed 15 1916 Feb 21 Sarah K Bolton Pages From 1923 Ferdinand Schuyler MATHEWS {US?}M 1854 - 1938 The Book The Enclosure f 1923 CAE Vine Hall van CAPPELLE http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ccer/1923x.htm | |
46. Untitled from; UNITDATE type="inclusive" 19351938. / UNITDATE 2 letters Arthur, William Harris, 1854-1923 /PERSNAME 1 letter PERSNAME Aylesworth, Merlin Hall, 1886- /PERSNAME 16 letters http://oasis.harvard.edu/dfap/sgml/hou00082.sgm | |
47. Marshall Genealogy LUCINDA Hall married CHARLES COLEMAN, son of Charles and Jackson Allen came to BoltonTownship Brome Ireland and Australia (Queensland)1854 1938\r\nBrodin http://www.surnameweb.org/registry/m/a/r/marshall.shtml |
49. Baptist Hill Cemetery (Part 1) 1995) WW II Acheson, Mary Logan 1854 1938) wf of F (1872 - 1954) Ella Case, BetseyBolton (1799 - 1864 1856 -1880) Haines, Ethel (1889 - 1965) Hall, Charles W http://www.townofbristol.org/bapcem.html | |
50. Barrynotes stores, 4 breweries, 2 distilleries, 1 sawmill, grist mill, carding mill and townhall (still standing). Caroline 1854 1938. 1903 Plumber h 80 Bolton (OD 1903 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~crossroads/barry/barrynotes.htm | |
51. Georgia Wilkes County Rehoboth Baptist Church Cemetery Thornton, 2nd w/o George Teasley Hall Sr Harris PFC US Army WW II, Margaret BoltonTiller Anna Henry Wolfe Wolfe Mary E. ?1854 -1938 Mary Elizabeth http://searches1.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/ga/wilkes/cemeteries/rehobapt.tx |
52. Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949. Papers: Guide. bMS Am 1323. Villard, Oswald Garrison, 18721949. Papers Guide. Houghton Library, Harvard College Library. 2000 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Descriptive Summary http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00082.html | |
53. Project Gutenberg Titles Benjamin Nathan), 18701938. Alvira, The Heroine Of Vesuvius, by In Paris, A Volume 1, by Souvestre, Emile, 1806-1854 In Paris, A Volume 2, by Souvestre, Emile, 1806-1854 http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/titles.htm | |
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