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         Hakluyt Richard:     more books (28)
  1. Voyager's Tales - Hakluyt, Richard, 1552-1616 by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  2. Discovery of Muscovy - Hakluyt, Richard, 1552-1616 by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  3. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English NationVolume 02 - Hakluyt, Richard, 1552-1616 by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  4. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English NationVolume 01 - Hakluyt, Richard, 1552-1616 by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  5. Voyages in Search of the North-West Passage - Hakluyt, Richard, 1552-1616 by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, Henry, 1822-1894 Morley, 2009-07-02
  6. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English NationVolume 04 - Hakluyt, Richard, 1552-1616 by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  7. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English NationVolume 11 - Hakluyt, Richard, 1552-1616 by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  8. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II. - Hakluyt, Ri by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  9. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English NationVolume 08 Asia, Part I - Hakluyt, Richard by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  10. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I. - Hakluyt, Ri by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  11. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English NationVolume 09 Asia, Part II - Hakluyt, Richar by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  12. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English NationVolume 10 Asia, Part III - Hakluyt, Richa by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-07-02
  13. A Selection of Principal Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation By Richard Hakluyt 1552-1616 : Set Out with Many Embellishments and a Preface. by Laurence Irving, 1926-01-01
  14. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation ? Volume 06Madiera, the Canaries, Ancient Asia, Africa, etc. by Richard, 1552-1616 Hakluyt, 2009-10-04

Translate this page en ont faites ses premiers biographes, Las Casas (1552) et Fernando de la politiqued’expansion des souverains britanniques, Richard Hakluyt constitua à son
FLTR 2150 Année académique 2003-2004 Diaporama
Les humanistes et les « nouveaux mondes » : dire et engranger la découverte
(3)1. Introduction Que faut-il entendre par « Grandes Découvertes » ? Certainement pas un élargissement inédit de la connaissance de la terre habitée, dû à des pratiques nouvelles de voyages. Car on voyageait beaucoup au Moyen Âge et ce dernier avait connu, en outre, une formidable ère d'exploration au XIIIe siècle. Une forme de voyage fort répandue au cours des siècles précédents était, en effet, le pèlerinage , épreuve, mortification et sacrifice. Une des pérégrinations régénératrices par excellence était le voyage dans les Lieux Saints: « Mourir près du Tombeau du Christ, après avoir mis ses pas dans ceux du Christ, est une chance spirituelle, même pour ceux qui, en toute sincérité, préfèrent quand même revenir vivants, avec ces singuliers profits que sont l'invasion de la grâce pour l'Autre Monde et l'auréole du héros pour celui-ci » Favier (1991), p.125 . Dans cet esprit, les Croisades furent comprises par beaucoup de chrétiens comme « le »

62. Chapter 29 Of Thomas Jefferson's Library 88607928
Translate this page Bartolomeo de las Casas, del imperio Soberano Sobre las Indias, p 4º 1552. 203. 89. Petrus Martyr Anglerius, de Orbe Novo, ed. Richard Hakluyt, p 8º Par.
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63. Literatuur Zonder Grenzen - Hoofdstuk 3 Middeleeuwen, Renaissance En Barok - Sch
Edmund Spencer heeft voor haar The Faerie Queene (15521599) geschreven. In Engeland· Richard Hakluyt met zijn Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of

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  • Home Scholieren Loginnaam Wachtwoord Literatuur zonder grenzen - Hoofdstuk 3 Middeleeuwen, Renaissance en Barok Geplaatst op zaterdag 04 augustus 2001
    Anoniem verslag plaatsen?
    Je wilt graag je verslag delen met anderen, maar je wilt niet dat je naam er bij staat. Dat is mogelijk, want standaard wordt je naam niet getoond
    Hoofdstuk 3 Middeleeuwen, Renaissance en Barok
    Rond 500 na Chr.: einde antieke beschaving, maar voortleven Latijnse literatuur.
    Buiten kloosters geen belangstelling voor intellectuele zaken. Zelfs de grootste middeleeuwse heerser Karel de Grote (768-814) kon niet lezen of schrijven.
    Feodaliteit: leenstelsel. Machtige heer zocht volgelingen om macht te vergroten. Die volgelingen waren vazallen, die in ruil voor diensten bescherming van de heer kregen. Vazallen moesten een geleend stuk grond (laten) onderhouden (door boeren).
    In de twaalfde eeuw kwamen er veel kruistochten naar Palestina en men probeerde de Moren te verslaan. Er ontstonden heldenverhalen op rijm: chansons de geste. Hierin speelde Karel de Grote vaak een rol, dus sprak men van Frankische of Karelromans.
    Volgens sommige mensen in de Middeleeuwen hadden Adam en Eva het eeuwige leven verspeeld door de duivel in slang. Mensen hadden angst voor de dood omdat ze niet wisten wat er komen ging. Ze verlangden naar de dood als verlossing van het aardse tranendal.

64. Timeline 2: 1300-1599
1552 October Ivan III takes Kazan, “winning for Russia control of the Richard Hakluyt,Discourse of Western Planting; Letter in Hakluyt’s estate, bought by
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Timeline 2: 1300-1599
Timeline 2:
Timeline 1: 25,000 BP to 1299 AD
Timeline 3: 1600- 20th Century

Warning! : I regularly find more things to add to this timeline.
  • Some evidence of Slavs along north coast to Pechora River Outlines of Scandinavia begin to appear on maps of southern Europe The First Novgorod Chronicles mention, in a brief entry, that Novgorodian envoys brought back a treaty they had concluded in Denmark. (Lind: web source Iurii Danilovich, prince of Moscow (Pipes 336) Grand Prince Ivan I (Ivan Kalita “the Moneybag”) of Moscow (also Grand Prince of Vladimir 1328-40) would begin “gathering of the Russian lands” (22); curried favour with the Mongols (now calling themselves the Golden Horde and ruling from a capital they’d built at Sarai (near present-day Volgagrad) and became one of their chief tax collectors and part of that levy “remained in Moscow and he used it to gain the upper hand among his feuding rivals” (23); Ivan’s different from the other rivals because of his close alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church; “the princes of Moscow used their unique combination of wealth, political power, and church power to become the Mongols’ successors as the masters of the Russian land” (23). border between Sweden and Russia fixed across the Finnish peninsula;

Even the Turkish government in Constantinople was asked in 1552 to intervene in onold Virginia from the third volume of Voyages by Richard Hakluyt, which was
EARLY CROATIAN CONTACTS WITH AMERICA AND THE MYSTERY OF THE CROATANS* Were Some Croats Present at Discovery of America? George J. Prpic Journal of Croatian Studies , I, 1960 – Annual Review of the Croatian Academy of America, Inc. New York, N.Y., Electronic edition by Studia Croatica , by permission. All reserved by the Croatian Academy of America. By permission of Georgetown University, from doctoral dissertation The Croats in America, Department of History, Georgetown University, Washington D. C., 1959. After 1420, the whole eastern Adriatic coast with few exceptions was firmly in the possession of Venice, whose perennial policy was to rule these Croatian shores. Although the population of the entire eastern Adriatic region remained predominantly Croatian, a new political, religious and cultural center began to form in and around present day Zagreb - formerly Pannonian Croatia. However, one section of the southern Adriatic coast escaped Venetian hegemony. This was the Republic of Ragusa; an independent merchant state for over one thousand years. While all other Croats were for centuries to live either under Venetian or Turkish rule or under Austrian and Hungarian domination, the Croats in Dubrovnik (Latin "Ragusa") enjoyed complete political freedom and realized achievements which bordered on the miraculous. Dubrovnik was founded in the seventh century in the vicinity of Epidaurus, which had been previously destroyed by the Slavs. The population which was originally Roman became slowly Croaticized, so that the end of the fourteenth century saw it as almost completely Croatian. From the beginning, the city developed a seafaring tradition, which manifested itself in early trade throughout the Balkans. Her commercial routes were eventually extended to all the Mediterranean countries and the Near East, and her trading ships sailed as far as Spain, Portugal and England.

66. California Colonial Bibliography
(1) Francisco López de Gómara. La istoria de las Indias. Y conquistade México. Zaragoza Agustín Millán, 1552. (3) Richard Hakluyt.
California Colonial Bibliography
The literature relative to the Californias is extraordinarily voluminous and varied in nature and quality, and thus it has been subject to numerous bibliographies. Among the most famous of these is that compiled by the Zamorano Club of Los Angeles denoted The Zamorano 80. —W. Michael Mathes Following is a reprint from the
Historiography of the Californias:
Imprints of the Colonial Period, 1552-1821 By W. Michael Mathes
As a result of its isolation from sailing routes and its resistance to Spanish colonization until the final decades of the eighteenth century, California remained a mysterious region, clouded in the mythology of Queen Calafia who governed an immense island inhabited by women which ended at the entry to the Strait of Anián. This great geographic and psychological distance from the population centers of New Spain attracted foreign corsairs who voyaged in search of Anián to gain passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic and used the bays of California to await the passage of the Manila galleon. The corsairs also drew the curiosity of European and American readers anxious to know the latest news of California, the most remote corner of the globe.
       The colonial period in New Spain underwent extraordinary changes in its historiography. Based upon medieval concepts, history written in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries comprised chronicles and documents printed for diffusion. The former were reports of facts and events, frequently without attention to chronology and intermingled with rumors, based upon contemporary or almost contemporary documents or testimony, and the latter were diaries, memoranda, letters, laws, and relations of merits and services, all primary sources and not necessarily written to serve as historical works. Although of lesser importance as historical sources, short imprints called edifying letters also appeared. These imprints promoted religious vocations by means of historical biography that praised the acts of its subject.

67. Antiquariaat A. Kok Zn. BV
EUR 41,00 orderform. Hakluyt,Richard. Hennig,Richard. Die erste Umseglung der Erdedurch Fernando de Maggallanes und Juan Sebastian del Cano, 15191552.
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The bark canoes and skin boats of North America. Washington, 1964. XIV,242 pp. 224 figs. Cloth. Order number (049027). EUR
Alanen,Aulis J. Der Ausenhandel und die Schiffahrt Finnlands im 18.Jahrhunderts. Unter vesonderer Berücksischtigung der Umbruchperiode der Handelsfreiheit in bottnischen Meerbusen und der grossen Seekriege. Helsinki, 1957. 495 pp. 1 Wrapp. (Annales Academie Scient. Fennicae, 103). Order number (012340). EUR
Album Schepen uit alle tijden. wmst. n.d. 200 col.plts. Boards. (Nederlandsche Plantenboterfabriek). Order number (111220). EUR

68. Records Of The Exchequer, And Its Related Bodies, With Those Of The Office Of Fi
ca 1552 E 150 Appointment by the abbots of Combe and Bordesley and Richard SIDENERSof in the parish of Hemycock from the death of Ralph Hakluyt, esquire, who
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Bibles Families ... Searches Records of the Exchequer, and its related bodies, with those
of the Office of First Fruits and Tenths, and
the Court of Augmentations (excluding E 115
See English Regnal Years for the years Kings and Queens reigned.
Source: Extractions from Public Records Office (PRO) Catalogue , Records of the Exchequer, and its related bodies, with those of the Office of First Fruits and Tenths, and the Court of Augmentations (E) excluding E 115, Certificates of Residence (which see). E 40 = Exchequer: Treasury of Receipt: Ancient Deeds, Series A E 40/234 Grant by Joan, relict of Gilbert de BRUNARDESTON, to the abbey of St. Mary of Buckestre (Buckfastleigh) of a meadow belonging to her tenement in Brunardeston, situate as described. Witnesses:- Ralph de CUMBE , Thomas de MUTHECUMBE, and others (named) Devon
E 40/1774(i) "Certificate of proof of the will of William de CUMBE at the Husting held in London , Monday after the Purification, 26 Edward I. [ca 1298], by John de STORTEFORD and

69. Richard Hakluyt, Discourse Of Western Planting, 1584
Introduction Richard Hakluyt (say, hackloot ) was born in 1551 or 1552 and educatedat Westminster School, where he was Queen s Scholar, and Christ Church
Richard Hakluyt, Discourse of Western Planting, 1584 Introduction
"Richard Hakluyt (say, "hack-loot") was born in 1551 or 1552 and educated at Westminster School, where he was Queen's Scholar, and Christ Church, Oxford, where he afterwards lectured on geography. While a student of Christ Church he took Holy Orders. At Oxford he became widely read in records of travel in several languages and in 1582 he published his Diverse Voyages touching the discovery of America .... His greatest work ... was The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation , the first edition of which was published in 1589-90 (Intro., R. Hakluyt, Voyages and Discoveries , Penguin Classics, 1972)." Hakluyt was an Englishman of Welsh extraction who supported the adventures of Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh. He urged Englismen to confront Spain and claim the great rewards of "raysing trades" and other profits that England could reap it if applied itself with zeal and purposefulness to colonization. In the following 1584 essay, he appealed to anti-Roman Catholic and anti-Muslim sentiment invoking Protestantism as the best hope for Christian conquest of the Americas. The following excerpt of his Discourse of Western Planting was transcribed from Ver Steeg and Hofstadter

70. Defining Territories And Empires: From Mongol Ulus To Russian Siberia1200-1800(5
Richard White, The Middle Ground Indians, Empires, and A Selection of Documents(London Hakluyt, 1975); and S The Russian Conquest of Bashkiria 15521740 A
  • Michael Charol, writing under the pseudonym Prawdin, pointed out that the geopolitical "heritage" of Chingis Khan was split between Russian and China, with (Outer) Mongolia as a kind of geo-strategic pivot in between. Prawdin, The Mongol Empire: Its Rise and Legacy (London: Allen and Unwin, 1962), pp. 518, 545-49. China's somewhat underappreciated role in facilitating Russia's eastern advance is addressed below.
  • For example, V. P. Zinov'ev, ed., Tomskaia oblast': Istoricheskii ocherk (Tomsk, 1994); or Istoriia Kuzbassa 3 vols. (Kemerovo, 1967-70). In a larger format, the single chapter becomes volume one. A. P. Okladnikov et al., Istoriia Sibiri, 5 vols. (Leningrad, 1968-69).
  • What follows forms part of the background for my research project on western Siberia entitled "Blacksmith Basin: Empire and Modernity on the Slavic/Inner Asian Frontier 1500-2000."
  • George V. Lantzeff, Siberia in the Seventeenth Century (Berkeley: University of California, 1943).
  • Donald W. Treadgold, "Russian Expansion in the Light of Turner's Study of the American Frontier," Agricultural History, 26 (4), 1952, pp. 147-52; Paul Miliukov, Russia and its Crisis (Chicago, 1906), pp. 5-13; Mark Bassin, "Turner, Solov'ev, and the `Frontier Hypothesis': the Nationalist Significance of Open Spaces," Journal of Modern History, 65 (3), 1993, pp. 473-511.
  • Galya Diment and Yuri Slezkine, eds., Between Heaven and Hell: The Myth of Siberia in Russian Culture (New York: St. Martin's, 1993), p. 1.
  • 71. Richard Hakluyt Was English
    Richard Hakluyt was English, born about 1552. An ordained minister inthe Anglican Church, Hakluyt was an active proponent of English Sources/richard_hakluyt.htm
    Richard Hakluyt was English, born about 1552. An ordained minister in the Anglican Church, Hakluyt was an active proponent of English colonization of the Americas. This discourse is an example of his promotional penchant. Richard Hakluyt A Discourse on Western Planting A particuler discourse concerninge the greate necessitie and manifolde comodyties that are like to growe to this Realme of Englande by the Westerne discoveries lately attempted, Written In the yere 1584 by Richarde Hackluyt of Oxforde at the requeste and direction of the righte worshipfull Mr. Walter Raghly [Raieigh] nowe Knight, before the comynge home of his Twoo Barkes: and is devlded into xxi chapiters, the Titles whereof followe in the nexte leafe.
  • That this westerne discoverie will be greately for the inlargement of the gospell of Christe whereunto the Princes of the refourmed relligion are chefely bounde amongest whome her Majestie is principall. That all other englishe Trades are growen beggerly or daungerous, especially in all the kinge of Spaine his Domynions, where our men are dryven to flinge their Bibles and prayer Bokes into the sea, and to forsweare and renownce their relligion and conscience and consequently theyr obedience to her Majestie. That this westerne voyadge will yelde unto us all the commodities of Europe, Affrica, and Asia, as far as wee were wonte to travell, and supply the wantes of all our decayed trades.
  • 72. Diagrams Page
    1552. English geographer Richard Hakluyt publishes The Principall Navigations, Traffiquesand Discoveries of the English Nation (enlarged 1598, 1600), the most

    73. Genealogy Data Page 12 (Notes Pages)
    33, again Mayor 153839; electedMember of Parliament 1552. This account of Hakluyt shas been reprinted in TheHawkins s DEWE, Richard (b. ABT 1593, d. unknown)
    Genealogy Data Page 12 (Notes Pages)
    HELE, Judith (b. ABT 1568, d. 30 MAY 1629) Given Name: Judith
    Back to Main Page
    GONSON, Benjamin (b. 1524, d. unknown) Given Name: Benjamin
    Back to Main Page
    Hawkins, William Amadas R.N. (b. BEF 1488, d. 1554) Given Name: William Amadas Note: Captain William Hawkins, known as "Old William", was the first ofthree generations of great English seamen.
    He was born before 1490 in Plymouth, Devonshire, England. He died in1554. William Hawkins purchased the Manor of Sutton Valletort orVawter, which remained in the Hawkins family until 1637-8.
    William is thought to have been the Hawkins who in 1513 was master ofthe "Great Galley," one of the few Royal ships of that time. He wasone of the richest men in Plymouth. He established English trade withthe South Seas. He made three voyages to Brazil in about 1528, 1530and 1532 in his own ship of 200 tons called the "Paul of Plymouth",and brought a native king to see Henry VIII. The savage king spentnearly a year in England, but when being returned to Brazil by CaptainHawkins, he died at sea.
    Sir William Hawkins was Lord of the Manor of Sutton. Valletort (orVawter), Mayor of Plymouth 1532-33, again Mayor 1538-39; electedMember of Parliament 1552.

    74. Otley Hall, Otley, Suffolk, UK - Notable Connections
    SolicitorGeneral (1552). In this position he had the unenviable task of advisingon the legality of Lady Jane Grey s succession. Richard Hakluyt The famous Homepage History Gardens Opening Times ... Contact Us Notable Connections DOMESDAY BOOK
    Two manors are referred to in Otley, one probably on the present site of Otley Hall.
    Cardinal Wolsey was granted Henry VIII's land in Otley and other manors in 1528, while he was building Cardinals College, Ipswich, the year before he fell. It is possible that some of Otley Hall's linenfold panelling came from Wolsey's Hampton Court Palace.
    The Gosnolds of Otley Hall were related to the Royal Family through Winifred Windsor who married John Gosnold, third son of Robert Gosnold III and positions at Court, and was Gentleman Usher to Elizabeth 1 and James 1, and Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to Charles.
    John Gosnold III had been MP for Ipswich in the Parliaments of 1547 and 1553 and was appointed Solicitor-General (1552). In this position he had the unenviable task of advising on the legality of Lady Jane Grey's succession.
    The famous geographer-cartographer and pamphleteer was rector of nearby Wetheringsett. He strongly favoured English colonisation of America after the defeat of the Spanish Armada and personally encouraged Bartholomew Gosnold to make his two famous voyages to America in 1602 and 1606/7.
    FOUNDING OF USA Bartholomew Gosnold of the Gosnolds of Otley Hall arguably did more than any other Englishman to see that North America was successfully settled in the early 1600s through his expeditions of 1602 and 1606/7.

    75. The Project Gutenberg EBook Of The Principal Navigations, Voyages
    and to haue continued vntill the yeere 1552. and somewhat longer. of October.1599. Your Honours most humble to be commanded, Richard Hakluyt preacher.

    76. GENUKI: Norfolk: Genealogy: Names,Personal: People And Families
    James, Charles Warburton Chief Justice Coke (Sir Edward Coke, 15521634) his London,1914 and 1962 Wilson, Richard and Mackley London, Hakluyt Society, 1984
    Norfolk: People and Families
    This section contains references to well known (or infamous) Norfolk people and families.
    See also Norfolk: Names, Personal These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Pat Newby.
    November 2003
    Aickman, Dorothy Jean
    John Aickman's Foundery MDCCCXXVII, King's Lynn: a fragment of Lynn history (Aickman family 1827-1896).
    [ISBN 0950706809, 1980]
    Robinson, J.A. (Editor)
    The Ames correspondence: letters to Mary: a selection from letters written by members of the Ames family of Lakenham, Norwich, 1837-1847. (The letters are mainly to Mary Ames Thompson from family members in Norwich and New York.
    [Norwich: Norfolk Record Society vol 31, 1962]
    See Boileau
    Sir John Boileau.
    Astley, Sir Albert Edward Delaval, 21st Baron Hastings
    Astley of Melton Constable, 1236-1936.
    Ketton-Cremer, Robert Wyndham and Yaxley, David
    Three generations: Astley family correspondence (Civil War 1642-1649).

    77. The Colorado College Tutt Library: Donald Jackson Collection
    28. 1552 AD , Italy. The Bishop’s Bible. Printed at London, 1572, by Richard Jugge.Two Leaves herewith. 40. 1598 – 1600 AD, London. Hakluyt’s Voyages.
    Donald Jackson Collection of Original Leaves
    Sixty Original Leaves
    Illustrating the Development of the Printed Book Assembled by Donald Jackson
    With a Working Catalogue Colorado Springs, CO
    INTRODUCTION In 1948 I learned that Dr. Otto F. Ege, dean of the Cincinnati School of Art, had spent forty years collecting damaged or incomplete copies of early books. He sold the leaves separately to persons who did not wish own complete copies. I could ill afford complete copies and did not need them; a single page or leaf would suffice to study the typography and format of the work. So I began to purchase leaves from Ege, a few at a time ad appropriate to the resources to a young man studying on the G. I. Bill. I obtained others in various ways, picking them up at a time from the few dealers who had such items for sale. I recall my delight when Philip C. Duschnes, the New York dealer in rare books, sent me his Catalog No. 68, about 1949, offering a large collection of original leaves from manuscripts, incunabula, and American colonial presses. Donald Jackson
    Colorado Springs
    September 1981 DONALD JACKSON COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL LEAVES - CATALOGUE PREPARED BY DONALD JACKSON 1150 A.D., Italy. Manuscript on vellum. Lectionary. Revised Carolingian script.

    78. John Foxe's Book Of Martyrs
    William Gardiner s Desecration of the Portuguese Royal Chapel in 1552 , HistoricalResearch This was Richard Hakluyt the Elder, the cousin and guardian of the
    John Foxe's Book of Martyrs home introduction transcriptions apparatus ... print this essay
    '"St Peter did not do thus": Papal history in the Acts and Monuments ' - footnotes
    by Tom Freeman
    "'St Peter did not do thus": Papal history in the Acts and Monuments ', by Tom Freeman
    New Light on Drake: A Collection of Documents Relating to his Voyage of Circumnavigation, 1577-80 , trans. and ed. Zelia Nuttall, Hakluyt Society, new series 34 (1914), p. 348. [2] Ibid, pp. 354-7. [3] Zelia Nuttall points out, Drake is known to have taken an edition of Foxe's book with him on his 1577 voyage (ibid, p. 356 n. 3). There is one possible objection to the identification of Drake's book as the Acts and Monuments; the statements of Rengifo and Miranda that the book contained illustrations of 'Lutherans' who had been burned in Spain, a feature not usually associated with Foxe's martyrology. There are, however, illustrations in every edition available to Drake of two Englishmen executed for heresy in the Iberian peninsula: William Gardiner in Portugal (J. Foxe, Actes and Monuments [1563], p. 879;

    79. Plurabelle - Renaissance
    Hakluyt, Richard The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveriesof the Shrewsbury; Oldham, JB Headmasters of Shrewsbury School 1552 1908.
    The Kitchen Brew your own catalogue via our multiple subject search! The Catalogues
    Eighteenth Century

    Twentieth Century


    American Studies

    Lists updated 02 June 2004
    1870 books in list (last updated 02 June 2004) Pliny; Holland, Philemon [Transl]: The Historie of the World. Commonly called, The Naturall Historie of C. Plinius Secundus. Translated into English by Philemon Holland Doctor in Physicke. Secon Edition. London: Adam Islip 1634. 2 vols bound in one, folio format, 29 prelim leaves unpag, 614p plus index, Vol 2 (The Second Tombe) has A 1-7, 632p plus index, title page to vol 1 laid down with minor wear but still bright, with old scribbles, title to vol 2 in better condition, large printer's mark "Tibi Plinius Pingit", a nice copy with a large margin, page height 33.5 cm, original full calf binding has been expertly repaired perhaps 60 years ago, new spine with six bands lettered gilt direct, old boards with minor marginal repairs present, advertisment spelling out the superiority of the second edition in back, last leaf blank present, VG with occasional minor spots and stains due to quality of the paper, scans or photograph availalabe on request. PKM 75443 Conde de Toreno: Biblioteca Autores Espanoles, Desde la Formacion del Lenguaje Hasta Nuestros Dias: Historia del Levantamiento, Guerra y Revolucion de Espana. Escrita por el Leopoldo Augusto de Cueto. Madrid: Atlas 1953. (BAE 64) 534p rebound blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine, ex-lib first edition, library binding, edges browning, little use, pages clean with double columned text and rear contents pages, Spanish language, VG

    80. Francis WALSINGHAM (Sir)
    1548; travelled abroad 15502; G. Inn 1552; Padua 1555. of Sir Richard Worsley ofAppuldurcombe. the Gilbert brothers and John Davis, and Hakluyt dedicated to
    Sir Francis WALSINGHAM, Knight Born: 1530, Scadbury Park, Chislehurst, Kent, England Died: 6 Apr 1590, Seething Lane, London, Middlesex, England Buried: 7 Apr 1590 Father: William WALSINGHAM Mother: Joyce DENNY Married 1: Anne BARNES Jan 1562, Barn Elms, Near Barnes, Surrey, England Married 2: Ursula St. BARBE (dau. of Henry St. Barbe of Somerset and Eleanor Lewknor ) (w. of Sir Richard Worsley of Appuldurcombe ) ABT 1567, Ashington, Somerset, England Children: Frances WALSINGHAM (C. Essex) Mary WALSINGHAM Son of William Walsingham of Scadbury , Chislehurst, Kent, by Joyce , dau. of Sir Edmund Denny of Cheshunt , sister of Sir Anthony Denny . Educ. King's, Camb. 1548; travelled abroad 1550-2; G. Inn 1552; Padua 1555. Married first, 1562, Anne (d.1564), dau. of Sir George Barnes, lord mayor of London , wid. of Alexander Carleill , s.p.; and secondly, 1566, Ursula , dau. of Henry St. Barbe of Somerset , wid. of Sir Richard Worsley of Appuldurcombe . Suc. fa. Mar 1534. Kntd. 1 Dec 1577. J.p. Herts. 1564, q. by 1574; j.p.q. Hants from c.1573, custos rot. by 1577; j.p.q. Surr. from 1579; recorder, Colchester from 1578; high steward, Salisbury, Ipswich 1581, Winchester 1582, Kingston-upon-Hull by 1583, King's Lynn 1588; ambassador to France 1570-3; principal secretary and PC 21 Dec. 1573; chancellor of the Garter 1578-87; envoy to Netherlands Jun-Sep 1578, to France 1581, to Scotland 1583; gov. mines royal 1581; member of commissions to try William Parry Babington conspirators Sep 1586

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