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61. TROISIEME CHAPITRE Translate this page en ont faites ses premiers biographes, Las Casas (1552) et Fernando de la politiquedexpansion des souverains britanniques, Richard Hakluyt constitua à son http://pot-pourri.fltr.ucl.ac.be/itinera/enseignement/FLTR2150/chap03.htm | |
62. Chapter 29 Of Thomas Jefferson's Library 88607928 Translate this page Bartolomeo de las Casas, del imperio Soberano Sobre las Indias, p 4º 1552. 203. 89. Petrus Martyr Anglerius, de Orbe Novo, ed. Richard Hakluyt, p 8º Par. http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/becites/main/jefferson/88607928_ch29.html | |
63. Literatuur Zonder Grenzen - Hoofdstuk 3 Middeleeuwen, Renaissance En Barok - Sch Edmund Spencer heeft voor haar The Faerie Queene (15521599) geschreven. In Engeland· Richard Hakluyt met zijn Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of http://scholieren.samenvattingen.com/documenten/show/1414935/ | |
64. Timeline 2: 1300-1599 1552 October Ivan III takes Kazan, winning for Russia control of the Richard Hakluyt,Discourse of Western Planting; Letter in Hakluyts estate, bought by http://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/~agraham/nost202/4sibt2.htm | |
65. EARLY CROATIAN CONTACTS WITH AMERICA AND THE MYSTERY OF THE CROATANS* Even the Turkish government in Constantinople was asked in 1552 to intervene in onold Virginia from the third volume of Voyages by Richard Hakluyt, which was http://www.studiacroatica.com/jcs/01/prpic.htm | |
66. California Colonial Bibliography (1) Francisco López de Gómara. La istoria de las Indias. Y conquistade México. Zaragoza Agustín Millán, 1552. (3) Richard Hakluyt. http://www.dsloan.com/Auctions/A12/Mathes82.htm | |
67. Antiquariaat A. Kok Zn. BV EUR 41,00 orderform. Hakluyt,Richard. Hennig,Richard. Die erste Umseglung der Erdedurch Fernando de Maggallanes und Juan Sebastian del Cano, 15191552. http://www.nvva.nl/kok/scheepvaart.htm | |
68. Records Of The Exchequer, And Its Related Bodies, With Those Of The Office Of Fi ca 1552 E 150 Appointment by the abbots of Combe and Bordesley and Richard SIDENERSof in the parish of Hemycock from the death of Ralph Hakluyt, esquire, who http://www.combs-families.org/combs/records/england/pro/e.htm | |
69. Richard Hakluyt, Discourse Of Western Planting, 1584 Introduction Richard Hakluyt (say, hackloot ) was born in 1551 or 1552 and educatedat Westminster School, where he was Queen s Scholar, and Christ Church http://www.auburn.edu/~lakwean/hist7530/doc1584_hakluyt.html | |
70. Defining Territories And Empires: From Mongol Ulus To Russian Siberia1200-1800(5 Richard White, The Middle Ground Indians, Empires, and A Selection of Documents(London Hakluyt, 1975); and S The Russian Conquest of Bashkiria 15521740 A http://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/sympo/Proceed97/Kotkin-notes.html | |
71. Richard Hakluyt Was English Richard Hakluyt was English, born about 1552. An ordained minister inthe Anglican Church, Hakluyt was an active proponent of English http://elmo.shore.ctc.edu/asowards/Primary Sources/richard_hakluyt.htm | |
72. Diagrams Page 1552. English geographer Richard Hakluyt publishes The Principall Navigations, Traffiquesand Discoveries of the English Nation (enlarged 1598, 1600), the most http://www.fofweb.com/Subscription/Science/Timeline.asp?SID=1&TimePeriod=1501 |
73. Genealogy Data Page 12 (Notes Pages) 33, again Mayor 153839; electedMember of Parliament 1552. This account of Hakluyt shas been reprinted in TheHawkins s DEWE, Richard (b. ABT 1593, d. unknown) http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~gwt1/n_b.html | |
74. Otley Hall, Otley, Suffolk, UK - Notable Connections SolicitorGeneral (1552). In this position he had the unenviable task of advisingon the legality of Lady Jane Grey s succession. Richard Hakluyt The famous http://www.otleyhall.co.uk/connections.htm | |
75. The Project Gutenberg EBook Of The Principal Navigations, Voyages and to haue continued vntill the yeere 1552. and somewhat longer. of October.1599. Your Honours most humble to be commanded, Richard Hakluyt preacher. http://www.gutenberg.net/etext05/7hk0610.txt |
76. GENUKI: Norfolk: Genealogy: Names,Personal: People And Families James, Charles Warburton Chief Justice Coke (Sir Edward Coke, 15521634) his London,1914 and 1962 Wilson, Richard and Mackley London, Hakluyt Society, 1984 http://www.uea.ac.uk/~s090/genuki/NFK/people/ | |
77. The Colorado College Tutt Library: Donald Jackson Collection 28. 1552 AD , Italy. The Bishops Bible. Printed at London, 1572, by Richard Jugge.Two Leaves herewith. 40. 1598 1600 AD, London. Hakluyts Voyages. http://www.cc.colorado.edu/Library/SpecialCollections/Illuminated/DJackson.html | |
78. John Foxe's Book Of Martyrs William Gardiner s Desecration of the Portuguese Royal Chapel in 1552 , HistoricalResearch This was Richard Hakluyt the Elder, the cousin and guardian of the http://www.hrionline.ac.uk/foxe/apparatus/freemanstpeterfootnote.html | |
79. Plurabelle - Renaissance Hakluyt, Richard The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveriesof the Shrewsbury; Oldham, JB Headmasters of Shrewsbury School 1552 1908. http://www.plurabelle.co.uk/catalog/ren.html | |
80. Francis WALSINGHAM (Sir) 1548; travelled abroad 15502; G. Inn 1552; Padua 1555. of Sir Richard Worsley ofAppuldurcombe. the Gilbert brothers and John Davis, and Hakluyt dedicated to http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/Bios/FrancisWalsingham.htm | |
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