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81. Saxo Grammaticus [pb] , 0859915026 Saxo Grammaticus The History of the Danes, Books IIX I. English Text; II. Commentary Hilda Ellis Davidson Translated by Peter Fisher http://www.boydell.co.uk/3139.HTM |
82. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Saxostudier (1975) and Saxo Grammaticus A Medieval Author is Two papers Schmidt ( Saxo Grammaticus Ein singularer in http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
83. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article Saxo Grammaticus. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; 1/10/2004. Saxo Grammaticus Saxo Grammaticus , c.1150c.1220, the first important Danish historian. http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?DOCID=1E1:SaxoGram&num=14&ctrlInfo=Roun |
84. NetSERF: Literature: Works By Author: Saxo Grammaticus Danish History, The (Books IIX) by Saxo Grammaticus Originally written in Latin in the early years of the 13th Century AD by the Danish historian Saxo, of http://www.netserf.org/Literature/Authors/Saxo_Grammaticus/ | |
85. RPG.HU - Raoul Renier Honlap Saxo Grammaticus A dánok története (részlet) (A kategória többi írása), LITERA VAMPIRICA. Saxo Grammaticus A DÁNOK TÖRTÉNETE http://member.rpg.hu/renier/mutat.php?id=134 |
86. Blackwell S Online Bookshop Product Information. History of the Danes. History of the Danes Edition New ed Saxo Grammaticus, Grammaticus, Saxo Davidson, Hilda Ellis Paperback $39.95 Buy Now http://bookshop.blackwell.com/bobus/scripts/home.jsp?action=search&type=isbn&ter |
87. Saxo Grammaticus: The History Of The Danes, Books I-IX : I. English Text; II. Co Find the lowest price for Saxo Grammaticus The History of the Danes, Books IIX I. English Text; II. Commentary. http://www.bookchecker.com/0859915026 | |
88. Saxo Selected Anecdotes and Accounts of Epic Combat from Saxo Grammaticus (aka Saxo the Learned ) The Danish History, Books IIX Late 12th - Early 13th Century AD. http://www.thearma.org/essays/Saxo.htm | |
89. Project Gutenberg Titles By Saxo Grammaticus Project Gutenberg Titles by. Saxo Grammaticus. The Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus. You can also look up this http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Saxo Grammaticus |
90. Raamatukoi Raamatupood -- Saxo Grammaticus OTSING TEEMAD http://www.raamatukoi.ee/cgi-bin/isik?3928 |
91. Arkiv For Dansk Litteratur - Saxo - Forfatterportræt Et forsøg på at skære igennem og en ny kritisk gennemgang af alle kilder til Saxos biografi findes i Karsten FriisJensen Was Saxo Grammaticus a Canon of http://www.adl.dk/adl_pub/fportraet/cv/ShowFpItem.xsql?nnoc=adl_pub&ff_id=21&p_f |
92. Oxbow Books/David Brown Book Company Saxo Grammaticus `History of the Danes provides some of the most important evidence for the heroic and mythological traditions of Northern Europe. http://www.oxbowbooks.com/bookinfo.cfm/ID/14500 | |
93. The Danish History, Books I-IX: Book Three bravery. (3). Go to Book Four. ENDNOTES (1) Saxo now goes back to the history of Denmark. All the events hitherto related in Bk. III http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/DanishHistory/book3.html | |
94. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Saxo GrammaticusVademecum in opus Saxonis et alia opera Danica compendium ex indice verborum . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxo_Grammaticus | |
95. Northvegr - Saxo's The History Of The Danes Come Discuss the Northern Way With Us. Home Site Index Bookmark This Page My Northvegr . Saxo s The History of the Danes. Back to Main Texts Page. http://www.northvegr.org/lore/saxo/ | |
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