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         Flaubert Gustave:     more books (100)
  1. The complete works of Gustave Flaubert; embracing romances. trav by Flaubert. Gustave. 1821-1880., 1904-01-01
  2. Salammbô. Edited by E. Lauvrìere by Gustave, 1821-1880 Flaubert, 2009-10-26
  3. Three Tales by Gustave (1821-1880) Flaubert, 1942
  4. MADAME BOVARY.A Tale of Provincial Life. Translated from the French by John Stirling. by Gustave [1821 - 1880]. Flaubert, 1881
  5. The temptation of St. Anthony by Gustave, 1821-1880 Flaubert, 2009-10-26
  6. The temptation of Saint Anthony. English version by G.F. Monkshood by Gustave, 1821-1880 Flaubert, 2009-10-26
  7. The Letters of Gustave Flaubert, 1857-1880 (Vol. 2) by Gustave Flaubert, 1982-10-31
  8. The Family Idiot: Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1857, Volume 5 by Jean-Paul Sartre, 1994-01-26
  9. Early Writings of Gustave Flaubert by Gustave Flaubert, 1991-12-01
  10. Flaubert in Egypt: A Sensibility on Tour (Penguin Classics) by Gustave Flaubert, 1996-03-01
  11. Where Flaubert Lies: Chronology, Mythology and History (Cambridge Studies in French) by Claire Addison, 2006-11-02
  12. Flaubert: Madame Bovary (Landmarks of World Literature) by Stephen C. Heath, 1992-05-29
  13. Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary and Three Tales (Monarch notes) by Arthur Rozen, 1977-06
  14. Gustave Flaubert (Modern Novelists) by David Roe, 1989-06

21. Detailed Record
Gustave Flaubert, 18211880; sa vieses romansson style • By Albert Thibaudet• Publisher Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie 1922 • Primary Language
About WorldCat Help For Librarians Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1880; sa vieses romansson style
Albert Thibaudet
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22. ResAnet Browse Results
resAnet NL Home, Français Help. New Search Previous Next Flattery,Bruce, 1942 (1 doc); Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880 (101 docs); Flaudier

  • Flattery, Bruce, 1942- (1 doc) Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880 (101 docs) Flaudier, Gauthier (2 docs) Flaumenhaft, Carol (1 doc) Flaux, Armand de, 1819- (1 doc) Flavell, Anne B (4 docs) Flavell, C. J. Michael, 1940- (3 docs) Flavell, D. R., 1946- (3 docs) Flavell, John H (2 docs) Flavelle, Alix, 1960- (1 doc)
  • 23. ResAnet Results Summary
    Translate this page Search Term(s) Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880, 101 matches found. RecordFlaubert,Gustave, 1821-1880. RecordFlaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880.
    Sort By: Title Author Date Search Term(s): Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880 matches found
  • Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. La correspondance de Flaubert : étude et répertoire critique / [par] Charles Carlut. Paris : A. G. Nizet, 1968.
  • Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. The letters of Gustave Flaubert / selected, edited, and translated by Francis Steegmuller. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1980-1982.
  • Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. Intimate notebook, 1840-1841 / Introd., translation, and notes by Francis Steegmuller. [1st ed.]. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, [1967].
  • Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. Correspondance / [par] Flaubert. Éd. établié, présentée et annotée par Jean Bruneau. [Paris] : Gallimard, [1973-
  • Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. November : A new ed. of an early novel by the author / Translated by Frank Jellinek. Edited, and with an introd. by Francis Steegmuller. New York : Serendipity Press; distributed by Crown Publishers, 1967.
  • Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. Salammbô / With an introd. by Justin O'Brien. Illustrated by Edward Bawden. Cambridge [Eng.] : Printed at the University Press for members of the Limited Editions Club, 1960.
  • Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. Lettres inédites à Tourgueneff / Gustave Flaubert ; présentation et notes par Gérard Gailly. Monaco : Editions du Rocher, 1946.
  • 24. Gustave Flaubert
    Translate this page Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880). Balzac et Mérimée ont apporté le réalismedans le roman et la nouvelle. Flaubert a continué dans
    Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) Balzac et Mérimée ont apporté le réalisme dans le roman et la nouvelle. Flaubert a continué dans ce sens en cherchant à atteindre la perfection dans la forme. Il a soumis son écriture aux contraintes d'un style impeccable et d'une objectivité rigoureuse et peut passer pour le maître du réalisme français. Une jeunesse romantique : Gustave Flaubert naît à Rouen, en Normandie, où son père est chirurgien. Elève au collège de la ville, il s'intoxique de lectures romantiques. À quinze ans, il fait la rencontre d'Élisa Schlesinger, à Trouville, au bord de la mer ; elle représente à jamais pour lui le visage de l'amour et réapparaît dans L’Education Sentimentale. L’ermite de Croisset : Sa famille lui fait commencer des études de droit qui ne l'intéressent pas. Il a déjà le goût d'écrire ; il part pour Paris. En 1844, les premières atteintes d'une maladie nerveuse l'amènent à se retirer dans une propriété que vient d'acheter son père, à Croisset, au bord de la Seine. C'est là qu'il va travailler toute sa vie à polir et repolir son oeuvre. Quelques voyages lointains (Corse, Italie, Egypte, Palestine, Grèce) interrompent son travail acharné d'écrivain. Après la publication de Madame Bovary, il est poursuivi par les tribunaux pour immoralité ; il n'est acquitté que de justesse, mais ce scandale assure son succès. Succès et Amertume : Si Salammbô est un succès, L’Education Sentimentale, livre auquel il a travaillé de nombreuses années, n'obtient aucun écho, il dépense sa fortune à essayer d'empêcher sa famille de tomber dans la faillite. Elisa qui est le grand amour de sa vie et qu'il ne peut épouser devient folle et est internée dans un asile. Parmi ses amis fidèles, on compte Zola, Daudet et Maupassant. Il meurt à cinquante-neuf ans, épuisé par le travail auquel il vouait une véritable religion.

    25. Gustave Flaubert
    Translate this page Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880). Sa vie et son oeuvre. Gustave Flaubertet George Sand. Citations. Sa vie et son oeuvre. Dates. Vie. Oeuvres.1821.
    Gustave Flaubert
    Sa vie et son oeuvre
    Gustave Flaubert et George Sand Citations Sa vie et son oeuvre Dates Vie Oeuvres Naissance le 12 décembre, à l’hôtel Dieu de Rouen, où son père est chirurgien-chef. Rencontre avec Elisa Schlésinger à Trouville, pour laquelle il conçoit une passion et qui inspirera les personnages dans L’éducation sentimentale La peste à Florence Rage et impuissance Mémoire d'un fou Education sentimentale Un parfum à sentir Il se lie avec Maxime Du Camp, écrivain français,ensemble ils écrivirent Par les champs et par les grèves . Par les les champs et par les grèves. Gustave Flaubert est victime d’une « crise nerveuse » , très probablement de nature épiléptique. La tentation de Saint Antoine Début de Madame Bovary le 19 septembre. Début d’une deuxième version de la tentation de saint Antoine Mme Bovary Procès de Mme Bovary pour atteinte à la morale : Flaubert est acquitté. C'est à cette occasion qu'il rencontre George Sand Salammbô Flaubert est reçu chez la princesse Mathilde, il fréquente le dîner Magny, correspond avec George Sand Bouvard et Pécuchet Commencement d’une troisième version de La tentation de Saint-Antoine.

    26. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)
    Translate this page Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880). Guinot, Jb. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) http// Lacourière, Christian.
    Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)
    studierte 1840-43
    Rechtswissenschaften in Paris
    I. Biographie
    II. Zitate III. Quiz IV. Bibliographie ...
    I. Biographie
    12. Dezember 1821
    Er wird jedoch 1839 wegen Verweigerung einer Strafarbeit von der Schule verwiesen. Dennoch legt er am 23. August 1840 als Externer erfolgreich sein Abitur ab. 10. November 1841 Flaubert verkehrt vermehrt im Atelier des Bildhauers Pradier und lernt Victor Hugo kennen. 1. Mai 1847 Februar 1848 15. August 1866 Flaubert wird zum Ritter der Ehrenlegion ernannt. 17. November 1869 6. August 1874 April 1880 8. Mai 1880 Flaubert stirbt in Croisset an einem Schlaganfall. Die Beisetzung findet auf dem Friedhof in Rouen statt.
    II. Zitate
    Flaubert's Entschluss zum Jurastudium (1839):
    Flaubert als Jurastudent (1842):
    III. Quiz
    Hier gehts zum Quiz!
    IV. Bibliographie
    Haas, Eugen Flaubert und die Politik
    1931, Heidelberg Haffmans, Gerd (Hrsg.)/Cavigelli, Franz (Hrsg.) Flaubert 1980, Darmstadt

    27. - Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)
    Gustave Flaubert. De Franse schrijver Gustave Flaubert (18211880) werd geborenin Rouen, Normandië op 12 december 1821 als zoon van een chirurg.

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    Gustave Flaubert
    De Franse schrijver Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) werd geboren in Rouen, Normandië op 12 december 1821 als zoon van een chirurg.
    Hij studeerde enige tijd rechten in Parijs, maar besteedde zijn meeste tijd aan de literatuur. Nadat hij zijn studie afbrak keerde hij terug naar Rouen om zich geheel te wijden aan de literatuur.
    Zijn bekendheid als schrijver van non-fictie vestigde hij voornamelijk met het bekende werk "Madame Bovary" uit 1856. Hierin spelen de amoureuze escapades van de vrouw van een plattelandsdokter de hoofdrol. De roman werd een groot succes en maakte Flaubert op slag beroemd. De schrijver kreeg zelfs toegang tot het hof van Napoleon III.
    Flaubert had veel aandacht voor detail en omschreef de omgeving gedetailleerd. Hierdoor werd hij door velen als realist of naturalist beschouwd, maar Flaubert zelf vond dat deze beschrijvingen niet op hem van toepassing waren.
    Andere belangrijke werken van Flaubert zijn "Salammbô" (1862) en "L'Education sentimentale" (1869). Het laatste werk is in Nederland bekend geworden onder de titel "Leerschool der liefde".

    28. FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880), Autograph Note, Initialled.
    Lame Duck Books. Flaubert, Gustave (18211880) Autograph Note, Initialled.. One side of an octavo sheet, begun horizontally and
    Lame Duck Books
    FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880) Autograph Note, Initialled. One side of an octavo sheet, begun horizontally and then continued vertically in the left margin; place and date illegible. Addressed to an unknown "vieux cheri," though internal considerations strongly suggest his closest friend, Bouilhet, Flaubert writes that he has returned after an absence and is looking forward to seeing this friend, suggests a possible time and notes a few complications houseguests and some responsibilities regarding his nephew. He mentions a speech of which he has received a copy from the correspondent's friend and a book he expects to recieve from someone else. His postscript refers to a study of schools of drawing in which he is immersed. A nice note from one of the chief figures in the literature of the Nineteenth Century, author of Madame Bovary and Bouvard et Pecuchet, among other radically unique excressences. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Lame Duck Books ; click here for further details.

    29. Creative Quotations From Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)
    Creative Quotations from . . . Gustave Flaubert (18211880) born onDec 3 French novelist. He was a proponent of Realism and art
    CQHome Search CQ CQ Indexes CQ E-books ... creative
    Creative Quotations from . . . Gustave Flaubert 1821-1880) born on Dec 3 French novelist. He was a proponent of Realism and "art for art's sake"; he was prosecuted and acquitted for "Madame Bovary," 1857. Search millions of documents for Gustave Flaubert
    Creative Hats
    Tshirts African Cichlids Judge the goodness of a book by the energy of the punches it has given you. . . I believe the greatest characteristic of genius, is, above all, force.
    There is not a particle of life which does not bear poetry within it. You must not think that feeling is everything. . . . Art is nothing without form. Nothing is more humiliating than to see idiots succeed in enterprises we have failed it. To see one's name in print! Some people commit a crime for no other reason.
    Published Sources for Quotations Above:
    F: In "The Speaker's Electronic Reference Collection," AApex Software, 1994. R: In "Artists in Quotation," by Donna Ward La Cour, 1989. A: In "The Speaker's Electronic Reference Collection," AApex Software, 1994. N: Sentimental Education.

    30. Flaubert, Gustave
    Flaubert, Gustave (18211880). French novelist of the realist school,noted for his objective approach and painstaking perfection
    Flaubert, Gustave
    French novelist of the realist school, noted for his objective approach and painstaking perfection of style, characteristics of Madame Bovary, his most famous work.
    Flaubert was born in Rouen, Normandy, on December 12, 1821, the son of a doctor. He briefly studied law in Paris but gave it up to write. From 1849 to 1851 he and a friend toured Greece and the Near East, an experience that provided exotic background for two of his novels. Afflicted by a nervous disorder, he spent most of his life quietly at home with his family at Croisset, in the country near Rouen, where he received many leading writers. He died there on May 8, 1880.
    Flaubert's first and most widely read novel, Madame Bovary, first published in 1857, soon became the subject of a famous legal case. Both the author and the publisher were prosecuted on the grounds that the novel was immoral. Although they were acquitted, scandal clouded the reception of the novel, and it was some time before it won recognition as one of the masterpieces of French literature. It has been published frequently in English.
    Madame Bovary relates, against a French provincial-town background, the romantically motivated adulteries of a married woman whose pathetically overblown love affairs end in her suicide. In essence the novel is an indictment of the drabness, pretensions, and petty delusions of bourgeois life, which Flaubert loathed almost to the point of obsession. Nevertheless, the tragedy of the characters, mediocre and dull though they are, is portrayed with powerfully effective perception. Madame Bovary has had a lasting influence as a masterpiece of realism.

    31. Gustave Flaubert Homepage And Biography On
    Introduction. (18211880) My deplorable mania exhausts me. I doubt everything, evenmy doubt (Flaubert in a letter, August 1846). Gustave Flaubert was born the
    Gustave Flaubert A Simple Heart Madame Bovary Madame Bovary - Study Guide Introduction "My deplorable mania exhausts me. I doubt everything, even my doubt" (Flaubert in a letter, August 1846) Gustave Flaubert was born the son of a surgeon in Rouen in 1821. The influence of a medical background is evident both in the content of Madame Bovary and in his 'scientific' style. In 1844 he suffered a form of epileptic seizure which forced him to give up his hated legal studies in Paris (although they later provided material both for Charles Bovary's student days and for Léon) and allowed him to devote himself to his writing. In 1846 he retired to the quiet Normandy village of Croisset with his mother and young niece. Despite his relative isolation he travelled widely; he witnessed the 1848 uprising in Paris (which he later drew on for A Sentimental Education ), toured the Near East with his friend and fellow writer Maxime du Camp and visited North Africa to collect material for the novel Salammbô . Surprisingly for a man famed for his literary misanthropy he also enjoyed the company of a wide variety of friends; he was closest to the writer Louis Bouilhet (Flaubert was devastated by his death in 1869) but he also corresponded with the Goncourt brothers, Sainte-Beuve, George Sand and even Princesse Mathilde, Napoleon III's cousin. He met his mistress and 'muse' Louise Colet in 1846; their relationship lasted until 1857 and their extensive and intimate correspondence has shed much light on the compostion of

    32. LearningLanguages.Net - Advanced Search Results
    Searched for Creator equals Flaubert, Gustave, 18211880 , Advanced Search. Searchedfor Creator equals Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880 , Advanced Search.,

    33. Sharelook: Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880)
    Translate this page Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880) - Schnell Suchen und Finden im redaktionellen Webverzeichniszum Thema Literatur - Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880), Sharelook Links,
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  • Gustave Flaubert Französischer Romanschriftsteller, Begründer des französischen Realismus.
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    Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880)
    Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880) Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880) International: Belgien Deutschland Frankreich Italien ... Niederlande Regional: Aachen Berlin Bochum Bonn ... mehr... Spezielle Angebote: Chat Sharelook Film Sharelook Literatur Sharelook Musik ... mehr... Partner: Kommerziell Metacrawler Cyberdoktor ... Produktangebote
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  • 34. Gustave Flaubert
    Translate this page un site un village une personne. Canteleu, Rouen. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880).Gustave Flaubert (Rouen 1821- Croisset (Canteleu) 1880) Écrivain.

    35. MSN Encarta - Flaubert, Gustave
    Translate this page 1. Présentation. Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880), romancier français, auteur deMadame Bovary, l’un des maîtres du roman réaliste. 2. Vie de Flaubert.
    Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher
    Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Flaubert, Gustave Pr©sentation Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880), romancier fran§ais, auteur de Madame Bovary, l’un des ma®tres du roman r©aliste. Vie de Flaubert Œuvre de Flaubert Entre romantisme et r©alisme Travail de l’©crivain Œuvres de jeunesse Le chef-d’œuvre : Madame Bovary Autres grandes œuvres Articles voisins Bouvard et P©cuchet (Gustave Flaubert) ‰ducation sentimentale, l' (Gustave Flaubert) 5 ©l©ments M©dias 2 ©l©ments S©lection de sites Web Gustave Flaubert (biblioth¨que de Lisieux) Un cœur simple extrait de « Trois Contes » (Gustave Flaubert) 2 ©l©ments Encadr©s Litt©rature

    36. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
    Flaubert, Gustave (18211880). The The Hutchinson Dictionary of theArts 01-01-1998 Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880) French writer. One

    37. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
    4. Flaubert, Gustave (18211880) The Hutchinson Dictionary of theArts; January 1, 1998 Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880) French

    38. Madame Bovary
    Madame Bovary. By Gustave Flaubert, 18211880. AUTHOR Flaubert, Gustave,1821-1880. AKA ADD. Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. - 2000. - Madame Bovary. Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert .htm
    Background Antique White White aquamarine chocolate gold red yellow hotpink lime cadet blue dark goldenrod dark slate deep pink dark salmon salmon tan wheat tomato springgreen turquoise Go To – Table of Contents
    Madame Bovary
    By Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1880
    AUTHOR: Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880
    ADD. AUTHOR: Aveling, Eleanor Marx, 1855-1898, Translator—
    TITLE: Madame Bovary
    LANGUAGE: English -
    mbova10.txt - 662 KB - 262 KB
    mbova10h.htm - 717 KB - 270 KB
    Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. - 2000. - Madame Bovary
    - Urbana, Illinois (USA): Project Gutenberg.
    Etext #2413. - First Release: Nov 2000 - ID:2888
    Flaubert spent five years writing Madame Bovary, most of the time largely in solitude. The novel is notable for being the subject of a public trial citing Flaubert and his editor for offenses against public morals. They were acquitted.
    Emma is the daughter of a successful farmer. With her mother dead, she was spoiled by her father and sent to a convent to be educated. Upon leaving the convent she returned to the farm in the country where her only chances of interaction seem to be with her father and his farm hands. She loves to read novels and dream of a different type of life and of romantic love.
    When her father breaks his leg, Dr. Bovary comes from a nearby town to treat him. Although Charles Bovary is quite a simple man, and really rather dull, he is better educated and more thrilling to talk with than any other men with whom Emma has an opportunity to converse. The doctor is quite enthralled with Emma and visits his patient more often than necessary. Emma is fascinated by someone who has more to discuss than her father’s farm.

    39. Gustave Flaubert --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    More results . 5 web sites, chosen by Britannica editors for our Internet Guide. , Gustave Flaubert (18211880) Information about this French novelist.

    40. Search Results For Gustave Flaubert - Encyclopædia Britannica
    The Web s Best Sites. Results 15 of 28. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) Informationabout this French novelist. Includes a brief biography and bibliography.

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