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81. Women Vs. Ryan Women vs. Father Ryan. On January 27 USN lost to Father Ryan 3323in a defensive battle, dropping their record to 10-7. Trailing http://www.usn.org/news/2003_2004_news/sports_news/20040129_wombball_vs_ryan.htm | |
82. 2004 Hockey Season Ends The final game, against Father Ryan, was a 61 victory with a hattrick for Benny Sachs. Now the Knight TIgers set their sights http://www.usn.org/news/2003_2004_news/sports_news/20040217_hockey_ends.htm | |
83. Pope John Paul II High School Tech Help. View Options, Year, Month. JPII Baseball vs. Father Ryan HOME. JPII Baseballvs. Father Ryan HOME 04/28/2004. Events Calendar. Thursday, May 13, 2004 . http://www.jp2hs.org/index.php?module=calendar&module=calendar&calendar[view]=ev |
84. Pope John Paul II High School Tech Help. View Options, Year, Month. 430 pm JPII Soccer vs. Father RyanHOME. 430 pm JPII Soccer vs. Father Ryan HOME 04/27/2004. Events Calendar. http://www.jp2hs.org/index.php?module=calendar&module=calendar&calendar[view]=ev |
85. Catholic World News : Sex-Abuse Charges Against Deceased Boston Prelate Garland claimed that he had been sexually assaulted at the cardinal s residence,and that Cardinal Medeiros had observed as Father Ryan took Garland then a 17 http://www.cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=17770 |
86. Vanderbilt Commodores | Official Site For Vanderbilt Athletics 21 Ryan Mullins. 1LSo. LHP. L/L 6-6, 179. Nashville, TN Father Ryan.Action Photos. Head Coach Tim Corbin Says Ryan was our No. 3 http://www.commodores.com/baseball-bio.cfm?id=90 |
87. Sewanee: The University Of The South, The Class Of 2008 William Arthur, Nashville, TN, Father Ryan HS. Christopher Lomas, Nashville,TN, Father Ryan HS. Katherine Maclay, Brentwood, TN, Father Ryan HS. http://www.sewanee.edu/accept2004_3.htm | |
88. Flyers 1 Our last effort, Rogue Nun, still isn t done and I m not sure it ever willbe, at least not as long as Father Ryan is pastor at St. Mary s. http://www.danielhayes.com/Flyers.htm | |
89. Project Roots: Susan Gosling Is Looking For Her Canadian Father, Ryan Roberts My father is a Canadian Airman by the name of Ryan Roberts. If you know anythingabout Susan Gosling s Father Ryan Roberts, please contact Project Roots. http://www.project-roots.com/roberts-ryan.html | |
90. Large Print Reviews - The Bishop In The West Wing - A Book Review If this is your first Father Ryan story, you are in for a treat. To get diversion.It is also a must read for fans of Father Ryan. Related http://www.largeprintreviews.com/thebishop.html | |
91. Allegation Review Committee Father John Ryan. Father Ryan has been forbidden to serve in any public ministrysince 1993. The allegations regarding Father Ryan concern adolescent boys. http://www.dmdiocese.org/allegation_review_cmnt.htm | |
92. Father Ryan High School In Nashville, TN Rico Amalia Nena Lilla Laquita Sung Karma Danica Santa Cordia Josefina Lucila VeldaJeffery Palma Catina Lilian from Father Ryan High School in Nashville, TN. http://names.namesdatabase.com/schools/TN/Nashville/FatherRyanHighSchool.html | |
93. Father Ryan High School - 164.00 Points McCallie School, The McCallie Invitational, FatherRyan High School 164.00 Points, 12/20/02, http://www.mccallie.org/athletics/wrestling/MIWT/2002/web/miwt2002sumtm008.htm | |
94. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Father Abram J. Ryan (Catholic Encyclopedia) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13282b.htm | |
95. Birth Stories: Lukas, Ryan, And Jason, From Birth To Homecoming A Father's story of the birth of triplets by csection. http://www.thelaboroflove.com/birthstories/140.html | |
96. District 9 - Illinois Serving the ChicagoCabrini, Lafayette, Sheridan-Carroll, Father Francis A. Ryan, and Father Matthias Erz Councils in Illinois. http://www.angelfire.com/il/ExcelChgo/index.html | |
97. Father Abram J. Ryan Assembly - Web Site The Father Abram J. Ryan Assembly of Dallas, Texas. http://dwp.bigplanet.com/fda1087 | |
98. Knights Of Columbus No 5025 Chicago, ILLINOIS The Father Francis A. Ryan Council of Chicago, Illinois. http://hometown.aol.com/no5025/ | |
99. The Observer | Special Reports | US Father In 'Private Ryan' Plea As Son Is Kill US Father in Private Ryan plea as son is killed in Iraq Paul Harris in New YorkSunday January 11, 2004 The Observer He survived one of America s most http://observer.guardian.co.uk/iraq/story/0,12239,1120542,00.html | |
100. Erin Ryan Wants Father To Be Appreciated Erin Ryan wants Father to be appreciated. Oakland Tribune/November 18, 2003 By JasonDearen. Ryan s family underwent years of turmoil after her Father s death. http://www.rickross.com/reference/jonestown/jonestown25.html | |
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