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61. Einzelbuchdarstellung Die Lebensgeschichte des Naturforschers Jean Henri Fabre (1823-1915). http://www.beltz.de/catalog/einzelbuch.asp?ISBN=3-407-78825-8 |
62. RINSEN BOOK CO.-English Information- French entomologist, Fabre, Jean Henri (18231915) is known for hisobservations on insects and his study of their behavior. Fabre http://www.rinsen.com/einfo/epub2.htm | |
63. MSN Encarta - Fabre, Jean Henri Fabre, Jean Henri (18231915), French entomologist, noted for his studies ofarthropod behavior. Born in Saint-Léons, he was educated at the École http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761573767/Fabre_Jean_Henri.html | |
64. Jean Hennri Fabre Biography and observation, I say not merely that I believe in God I can even say that Isee Him. Thus spoke the great scientist Jean Henri Fabre (18231915), at the http://www.edocere.org/biographies/jean_hennri_fabre_biography.htm | |
65. AOL Canada Search: Search Results http//post.queensu.ca/~forsdyke/evolutio.htm. Fabre, JeanHenri Casimir ( 1823- 1915 ) The life and work of this entomologist. E-Tetxs and Gallery. http://search.aol.ca/cat.adp?id=27151&layer=&from=subcats |
66. PHP-Nuke Canada Site - Links http//www.math.utah.edu/~heidi/evol0.html Fabre, JeanHenri Casimir ( 1823 -1915 ) Henri Casimir ( 1823 - 1915 ) http//www.eFabre.net/ Galton, Francis http://www.phpnuke-ca.com/Links-Science__Biology__History__.html | |
67. TRAVEL.com ® ... Science:Biology:History theory. Fabre, JeanHenri Casimir ( 1823 - 1915 ) - e-Fabre.net/ Thelife and work of this entomologist. E-Tetxs and Gallery. Galton http://www.travel.com/Science/Biology/History/ | |
68. Science Directory With Link Exchange http//www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/evolution.html POP Rate LinkUP; Fabre,JeanHenri Casimir ( 1823 - 1915 )- The life and work of this entomologist. http://www.superlinks.com/link2.cfm/catid/104686.htm | |
69. Portfolio At NYU in paperback by University Press of the Pacific, 2002 Known as the Poet of Science,the Homer of Insects, JeanHenri Casimir Fabre (18231915), a French self http://journalweb.journalism.fas.nyu.edu/portfolio/books/book89.html | |
70. MSN Encarta - Jean Henri Fabre Translate this page Jean Henri Fabre (1823-1915), entomólogo francés famoso por sus estudios sobreel comportamiento de los artrópodos. Nació en Saint-Léons y estudió en http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761573767/Jean_Henri_Fabre.html | |
71. History http//www.worldof-dawkins.com/. Fabre, Jean-Henri Casimir ( 1823 - 1915 ) The lifeand work of this entomologist. E-Tetxs and Gallery. http//www.e-Fabre.net. http://www.deskmod.org/Science/Biology/History | |
72. MSN Encarta - Fabre, Jean Henri Translate this page Fabre, Jean Henri (1823-1915), französischer Entomologe, der für seine Untersuchungenund Beschreibungen des Verhaltens der Gliederfüßer berühmt wurde. http://de.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761573767/Fabre_Jean_Henri.html | |
73. IUB Libraries: French Contemporary Authors Approval Plan - Author List - Born Be Fabre, Emile, 1869, 1955. Fabre, Jean-Henri, 1823,1915. Fabre, Lucien, 1889, 1952. FAGUET, Emile, 1847, 1916. FARGUE, Léon-Paul,1876, 1947. http://www.indiana.edu/~libmps/ap/fauthor.html | |
74. Fabre, Jean Henri. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Fabre, Jean Henri. ( zhäN äNr´. fä´br) ( KEY) , 18231915, French entomologist and author and The Insect World of J. Henri Fabre ( ed. with commentary and biographical notes by http://www.bartleby.com/65/fa/Fabre-Je.html | |
75. Fabre, Jean Henri Fabre, Jean Henri , 18231915, French entomologist and author. He is knownfor his observations on insects and his study of their behavior. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0818101.hmtl | |
76. Fabre, Jean Henri Pronunciation Key. Fabre, Jean Henri , 18231915, French entomologist and author 1938), and The Insect World of J. Henri Fabre ( ed. with commentary and biographical notes by E http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0818101.html | |
77. æáâò öÁÎ áÎÒÉ (Fabre Jean Henri) ÆÏÔÏÇÒÁÆÉÉ, ÂÉÏÇÒÁÆ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://persona.rin.ru/cgi-bin/rus/view.pl?id=28511&a=f&idr= |
78. Fabre, Jean Henri Fabre, Jean Henri, www.trellian.com Still searching the hard way? Try SponsoredLink. , 18231915, French entomologist and author. He http://www.slider.com/Enc/F/Fa/Fabre-Je.htm | |
79. Fabre Jean Henri http://www.nanga.fr/f/fabre.htm | |
80. De Funès Story - Sa Plus Grande Source D'inspiration : JEAN HENRI FABRE http://www.defunestory.com/louisdf/univers/jhfabre/fabre.php3 | |
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