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81. European Documentation Centre (EDC) University of Mannheim branch of the EU's extensive information network. Current announcements and news as well as links to full text and abstract libraries, databases, and other sources of data on the institution and member states of the European Union. http://www.uni-mannheim.de/users/ddz/edz/eedz.html | |
82. EUROPEAN INTERNATIONAL POLICY FORUM: Partnership Between EU World Bank & Develop Series of advanced international policy seminars aiming to facilitate a policy dialogue that strengthens the partnerships between the European Union, the World Bank group and developing countries. http://www.eipf.org/ | |
83. The European Union The European Union A Bibliography. Osvaldo Croci. 5 THE European Union AND MEMBER STATES. 5.1 General and Comparative. 5.2 Austria. 5.3 The Benelux countries. http://www.mun.ca/ceuep/EU-bib.html | |
84. Ezilon - Europe, European Union Search Engine And Directory European Union and Eurozone countries search engine links websites listings directory. European Union International Search Engine and Directory. http://www.ezilon.com/ | |
85. EU ASAC - The EU's Assistance On Curbing Small Arms And Light Weapons In The Kin Comprehensive small arms and light weapons program to assist in weapons collection, weapons destruction, weapons registration, and safe storage for the military. http://www.eu-asac.org | |
86. TELMARK: Technology Impacts On European Electricity Markets Objective, work plan and information about workshops. TELMARK is a European Union sponsored project looking at the application of modern Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). http://www.telmark.org |
87. European Union Youth Orchestra The governments of the 15 member states of the European Union Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The http://www.euyo.org.uk/ | |
88. Welcome At FACE Europe Objectives are to promote responsible hunting and wildlife habitats, and to lobby European and international institutions. English, French, German http://www.face-europe.org/ | |
89. Publications Office Who s who in the European Union? 1.5, Official Journal of the European Union published in 20 languages and Acquis communautaire available in 9 new languages! http://publications.eu.int/general/en/index_en.htm | |
90. Social Security & Social Integration Social Security in the European Union. http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/missoc2001/index_en.htm | |
91. European Union European Union, European Commission. Guides European Union Research (NYU Law Library) START HERE if you are researching the European http://www.law.nyu.edu/library/foreign_intl/european.html | |
92. European Collection Of Minor Fruit Trees of project, database of holdings, descriptions and photographs of plants.......European Union project collects varieties of minor fruits cultivated around the Mediterranean. Holdings include cornelian cherry, figs, loquat, medlar, pomegranate, sorbus, strawberry tree. http://www.unifi.it/project/ueresgen29/ | |
93. Cyprus & European Union: Accession Negotiations The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.cyprus-eu.org.cy/ | |
94. Regional Indicators: European Union (EU) Regional Indicators European Union (EU) The European Union, with increasingly integrated economies and energy sectors, is the world s secondlargest energy http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/euro.html | |
95. European Community Studies Association Scholarly and professional association focusing on the European Union. http://www.ecsanet.org/ | |
96. European Union Social And Ethical Policies European Union Social and Ethical Clearinghouse,Social and Ethical in the European Union, European Union Social Policy, European Union Social and Ethical http://cei.sunderland.ac.uk/EU/index.cfm | |
97. International Union Of Tenants Information about other tenant organizations in the world, about secure tenure, about living and the environment, and about housing and tenant issues in the UN and in the European Union. http://www.iut.nu/ |
98. European Union Nature Conservation Policy And Legislation European Union Nature Conservation Policy and Legislation. Environment and Europe European Union environment law and policy and its impact on industry. http://www.ecnc.nl/doc/europe/legislat/conveu.html | |
99. SEBC Home Page The SEBC is responsible for the management of the Business Sector Support Program (BSSP) funded by the European Union. Business network that allows the crossflow of information Between the European Commission and Syria. http://www.sebcsyria.org | |
100. European Institute Of Cyprus An independent nonprofit organisation promoting the study, training and information concerning issues relating to the European Union. http://www.eic.ac.cy/ | |
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