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61. Welcome To GLOBE European Union Organization which helps elected officials to coordinate their work to achieve greater impact and address the urgency and scale of the environmental threats facing the continent and the planet. http://users.swing.be/aude.lemens/ | |
62. Historical Archives Of The European Union- Welcome Historical Archives of the European Union. Villa il Poggiolo Piazza TA Edison, 11 50133 Firenze Italia Phone ++ 39 055 4685620 Fax ++ 39 055 573728 mail http://www.iue.it/ECArchives/ | |
63. European Union Laying Hens Legislation This page from the official European Union website will always show the latest information on their regulations concerning laying hens and the ban on battery egg farming. http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/aw/aw_farm_layinghens_en.html | |
64. Europe Local Government Council Web Sites Index Index of councils within the European Union using clickable maps and lists. http://www.oultwood.com/localgov/europe.htm | |
65. Resources For Science Writers European Union of Science Journalists Associations. http://www.esf.org/eusja/ | |
66. The European Union Of Jewish Students Welcome to the web site of the European Union of Jewish Students. It promises fresh updates on our present activities and upcoming http://www.eujs.org/ | |
67. Eumao They seek instructors to join in developing the arts throughout Europe and the world. http://www.geocities.com/eumao_uk |
68. Assemblee De L'UEO The Assembly is Western European Union s interparliamentary forum, exercising responsibility for scrutiny of and debate on security and defence issues. http://www.assembly-weu.org/ |
69. Europa > European Union > European Commission - External Relations: Home Demographic, political, and geographic information. http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg1a/tacis/country_closeup/tajikistan/cc_tajik.htm | |
70. The Danish EU Presidency - Eu2002.dk Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the launch of the EU Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Date, 31/12/2002. http://www.eu2002.dk/main/ | |
71. European Central Securities Depositories Association Establishing common principles for crossborder activities for efficient and safe securities settlement within the European Union. http://www.ecsda.com/ |
72. Scotsman.com News - European Union Obituaries. Article Index. Hot Topics. European Union. Iraq. Middle East. Immigration. Back Issues. Services. Free News Email. Free Web Feeds. Syndication. European Union, http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=591 |
73. Your Network To A Safer And Healthier Working Environment welcomes Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia as full Member States of the European Union. http://europe.osha.eu.int/ | |
74. CCL II Construction Of Computational Logics II Working group (22457 CCL II) in the ESPRIT Basic Research program of European Union, successor project of working group CCL I people, teams, workshop and conference, summer school, bibliography, archive, annual reports, mail list, systems. http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/ccl/ |
75. Guardian Unlimited Books | Top 10s | Hugo Young's Favourite Books On The Europea Journalist, political columnist and author Hugo Young shares his favourite books. http://books.guardian.co.uk/top10s/top10/0,6109,99685,00.html | |
76. Legal Publisher Europa Law Publishing Law book publisher specializing in European Union Law, the European Convention on Human Rights, International Law, International Trade Law and comparative national law. http://www.europalawpublishing.com | |
77. Sources On The European Union PNPOnline User ID Sources on the European Union. Council of the European Union; Document Delivery Service; Economic and Social Committee; http://www.hri.org/nodes/europe.html | |
78. Summary Report For European Union Fibre Crops Detailed summary of discussions and papers presented at the Natural Fibres Performance Forum, organized by the Interactive European Network for Industrial Crops and their Applications. Compiled by Olesa and Plackett. PDF document. http://www.ienica.net/reports/BIGFIBRES.pdf |
79. *** UEG: European Union Of Gymnastics *** http://www.ueg-gymnastics.com/ |
80. WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources--European Union The European Union. Community, from the University of Exeter. Official European Union Sources. http://www.etown.edu/vl/eurunion.html | |
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