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1. Europa - The European Union On-Line Europa provides an access to information (press releases, legislation, factsheets) published by the European Union and its institutions European Parliament http://europa.eu.int/ |
2. EUROPA - Gateway To The European Union Europa provides an access to information (press releases, legislation, factsheets ) published by the European Union and its institutions European http://europa.eu.int/index_en.htm | |
3. EUROPEAN UNION IN THE UNITED STATES WEBSITE - EUROPEAN COMMISSION DELEGATION, WA European Union. Delegation of the European Commission to the United States. 2300 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20037. Telephone (202) 8629500 Fax (202) 429-1766. EU Ambassador to the US Günter Burghardt " claim too much credit for the European Union's accomplishments because EU expansion is, above all, a http://www.eurunion.org/ | |
4. Government Information, Doe/Moffitt Libraries, UC Berkeley United Nations. European Union. NonGovt Organizations. Full-text Databases United Nations. European Union. Non-Governmental Organizations. Full-Text Databases http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/GSSI/eu.html | |
5. Western European Union - Union De L'Europe Occidentale Security and defense alliance involving states throughout Europe. http://www.weu.int/ |
6. Accessing European Union Information EU Home Research Tools. ACCESSING European Union INFORMATION. Library Press and Public Affairs Section Delegation of the European Commission Washington, DC. http://www.eurunion.org/infores/resguide.htm | |
7. Political Resources On The Net - European Union I - Parties Index of european (European Union) political sites available on the Internet, with links to Parties, Organizations, Governments and Media European Union (14 Parties) Elections in the European Union by Wilfried Derksen. European Elections http://www.politicalresources.net/eu.htm | |
8. European Parliament Web Server reference documents, information on Members (MEPs) and general information and offers the opportunity to follow the legislative work of the European Union. http://www.europarl.eu.int/ |
9. Europa - The European Union On-Line Official portal to the European Union's institutions, policy programs, and news releases. http://www.europa.eu.int/ |
10. The European Union Committee Of The UK House Of Lords Scrutinises and produces reports on European Legislation background to the Committee, copies of evidence and reports. http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/ld199798/ldbrief/ldscrueu.h | |
11. Campaign For Digital Rights - European Union Copyright Directive Information about why the EUCD is bad, background, and resources. http://ukcdr.org/issues/eucd/ | |
12. European Union (EU, EC) European Union. The European Union (EU) is a union of twentyfive independent states based on the European Communities and founded http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/adressen/eu.html | |
13. EUROPA - The EU At A Glance - The History Of The European Union A brief history, plus key events of each year from 1946 onwards. http://europa.eu.int/abc/history/index_en.htm | |
14. Europeansecurity.net Information about the future of European security. Offers analysis and critiques of current trends in European Union and NATO thinking. http://www.europeansecurity.net | |
15. Official Publications Of The European Union Covering business, economics and policy from the Swiss EUROP agency. http://www.euros.ch | |
16. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Special Report: European Union Ongoing coverage with news, comment and analysis about the European Union itself and its issues, policies and future. Includes links to official documents, European government and media sites. http://www.guardian.co.uk/eu/0,7368,396838,00.html | |
17. EUSA: European Union Studies Association European Union specialists should join the biggest international scholarly and professional association devoted to the European Union and ideas on the European Union. The European Union Studies http://www.eucenters.org/ | |
18. NATO Handbook: The Western European Union (WEU) Overview of the WEU's history and development, placing it in the context of other multilateral organisations such as NATO and the EU. http://www.nato.int/docu/handbook/2001/hb1504.htm | |
19. EUR-Lex - Legislation - In Force - Consolidated - - Consolidated Text 2001L002 Text of the directive passed by the European Parliament on 22 May 2001. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/en/consleg/main/2001/en_2001L0029_index.html | |
20. European Court Of Auditors - External Audit Of The EU Budget www.eca.eu.int provides access to information on the work of the european court of auditors including audit reports on the European Union accounts and the implementation of the European Union http://www.eca.eu.int/ |
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