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         Deland Margaret Wade Campbell:     more books (25)
  1. Partners, by Margaret Deland; illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson by Margaret Wade Campbell (1857-1945) Deland, 1913-01-01
  2. The Kays by Margaret Deland by Margaret Deland by Margaret Deland by Margaret Deland by Margaret Wade Campbell (1857-1945) Deland, 1926-01-01
  3. The voice, by Margaret Deland; illustrated by W. H. D. Koerner by Margaret Wade Campbell (1857-1945) Deland, 1912
  4. Good for the soul, by Margaret Deland by Margaret Wade Campbell (1857-1945) Deland, 1899-01-01
  5. Dr. Lavendarïÿýs people. Illustrated by Lucius Hitchcock by Margaret Wade Campbell (1857-1945) and Hitchcock, Lucius (illus.) Deland, 1903-01-01
  6. Captain Archerïÿýs Daughter by Margaret Wade Campbell (1857-1945) Deland, 1932-01-01
  7. Dr. Lavendars people. Illustrated by Lucius Hitchcock by Margaret Wade Campbell (1857-1945) and Hitchcock, Lucius (illus.) Deland, 1903-01-01
  8. The hands of Esau. by Margaret Deland by Deland. Margaret Wade Campbell. 1857-1945., 1914-01-01
  9. The iron woman. by Margaret Deland; with illustrations by F. Wal by Deland. Margaret Wade Campbell. 1857-1945., 1911-01-01
  10. Dr. Lavendar 's people. by Margaret Deland. illustrated by Luciu by Deland. Margaret Wade Campbell. 1857-1945., 1903-01-01
  11. Partners. by Margaret Deland; illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson by Deland. Margaret Wade Campbell. 1857-1945., 1913-01-01
  12. Where the laborers are few. by Margaret Deland illustrated b by Deland. Margaret Wade Campbell. 1857-1945., 1909-01-01
  13. An encore. by Margaret Deland. illustrated by Alice Barber Steph by Deland. Margaret Wade Campbell. 1857-1945., 1907-01-01
  14. Sidney. by Margaret Deland by Deland. Margaret Wade Campbell. 1857-1945., 1890-01-01

61. Abbott Memorial Collection
Henry Alexander Scammell (17831851) 58 Deland, Margaretta Wade (1857-1945) 59 Delp 22Eggleston, Edward (1837-1902) 23 Elder, Margaret Munro 24 Eliot
Abbott Memorial Collection Correspondence, 1778-1928, n.d.
Catalog Number:
Return to: Series Descriptions Collection Guide
Biographical records 1716-1903, n.d.
Catalog Number:
Return to: Series Descriptions Collection Guide
Documents, essays, ephemera, etc., 1743-1909, n.d.
Catalog Number:
Return to: Series Descriptions Collection Guide
Cyrus Hamlin: correspondence, 1828-77, n.d.
Catalog Number:
Box 17 Correspondence, 1828-77, plus undated letters and reseacher's inquiries Return to: Series Descriptions Collection Guide Hannibal Hamlin: correspondence, manuscripts, etc., 1830-62, n.d.
Catalog Number:
Box 18 Folder 1-6 Correspondence, 1830-62 7-8 Poems and hymns 9 Clippings, printed ephemera, etc. Folio Volume 1 Ledger, 1832-1836 Return to: Series Descriptions Collection Guide Jacob Abbott: essays, journals, manuscripts, etc., 1823-79, n.d.

62. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subjects: 155
Del Rio, Dolores,1905 Delacroix, Eugène,1798-1863. Deland, MargaretWade Campbell,1857-1945. Delaney, James Joseph,1901-1987.

DeathGreat Britain1800-1810.

DeathPanamaPanama Canal1900-1910.

DeathSouthern States1860-1870.

DeathUnited States1780-1790.

63. Penn Sta A Href=http// Img Src= ../grafx/psuname.
De Crespigny, Rose C., SEE Champion de Crespigny, Philip, Mrs. Deland, MargaretWade Campbell, 18571945. Dendel, esther warner, 1910-. Denham, Alice.

64. Guide To The Burt Green Wilder Papers, 1841-1925
Corson, Hiram, 18281911. Curtis, George William, 1824-1892. Deland, MargaretWade Campbell, 1857-1945. Drew, Alice. Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926.
Guide to the Burt Green Wilder Papers,
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library Contact Information: Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Fax: (607) 255-9524

Compiled by: Alexandra C. Lipsky Date completed: March 9, 1992 EAD encoding: Peter Martinez, February 2002 Descriptive Summary Title Burt Green Wilder papers, 1841-1925 Collection Number: Creator: Burt G. (Burt Green) Wilder, 1841-1925 Quantity: 6.8 cubic ft. Forms of Material: Correspondence, manuscripts, clippings, diaries, photographs. Repository: Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library Abstract: Diaries; notes and charts pertaining to family genealogy; clippings concerning vivisection; correspondence, photographs, and printed material pertaining to spiders, phrenology, hygiene and education, writing music, Nantucket Island, the Field family, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., temperance, natural history, Wilder's career as a medical cadet and military surgeon during the Civil War; his training under Louis Agassiz, Asa Gray, and Jeffries Wyman, and his career as a professor at Cornell University. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Neurologist, professor of neurology, Cornell University.

65. Florida Days [electronic Resource] / Illus. By Louis K. Harlow.
Business, Agriculture, and Tourism, 18781897. Creator, Deland, MargaretWade Campbell, 1857-1945. Link to other metadata formats.
Link to other metadata formats

66. American Studies Information Community - Works By American Authors
Nix s Mate An Historical Romance of America. Volume 2 (1839). Deland, Margaret WadeCampbell, 18571945. The Way to Peace (1910)ill.. Many Waters (1905)ill..
Works by American Authors
Abbott, Jacob Aboriginal America (1860) [ill.] Abbott, John S. C. David Crockett: His Life and Adventures (1874)[ill.] Addams, Jane Women and Public Housekeeping Ah-nen-la-de-ni [La France, Daniel] An Indian Boy's Story (30 July 1903) [ill.] Aiken, Conrad The House of Dust: A Symphony An Old Man Sees Himself Aiken, George Uncle Tom's Cabin (dramatic version) Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888 Little Women "A Day" from Hospital Sketches and Camp Fireside Stories The Blind Lark / Alcott, Louisa M.; illustrated by W. H. Drake (1886)[ill.] Flower Fables / by Louisa May Alcott (1855)[ill.] Scarlet Stockings Behind a Mask: or, A Woman's Power. "Little Women" on the Stage [review] (March 1912) [ill.] Aldrich, Bess Streeter A Long-Distance Call From Jim (1919)[ill.] Mother's Excitement Over Father's Old Sweetheart (1919)[ill.] Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907 The Snow Fort on Slatter's Hill (Chapter XIII of The Story of a Bad Boy) (1869 )[ill.]

67. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors
DEKKER, Thomas (1572 1623) Deland, Margaret (1857 - 1945) DELL, Ethel SIBREE, John( - ) SIDNEY, Margaret (1844 - 1924 Boule) (1864 - 1960) Wade, Thomas (1805
Project Gutenberg of Australia
a treasure-trove of literature
treasure-trove n treasure found hidden with no evidence of ownership. Home PG Library of Australiana Works in the 'public domain' in Australia Australian Explorers ... Site Map List of birth and death dates The following list shows the birth and death dates of a number of authors. The dates shown may not be accurate, as the list has been compiled from existing sources on the internet, and dates have not been verified by Project Gutenberg of Australia. A comprehensive list of authors and translators, together with birth and death dates, is available from The New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors at the Kingkong web site. Other sites which may be of interest to Project Gutenberg volunteers are listed on the Links page. SURNAME, Christian Name(s) (Born - Died) Home Updated 26 Mar 04

68. Authors List - Alphabetical
1 item(s); Defoe, Daniel (16611731) - 3 item(s); Deland, MargaretWade Campbell (1857 - 1945) - 2 item(s); Depew, Chauncey Mitchell
Browse categories... * Book Specials * Bestsellers List * Newest Titles * View all Authors Anthologies Biology Comedy Criticism Drama Economics Fiction - General Historical Horror Law Military Mythology Non-Fiction Occult Philosophy Poetry Politics Romance Science Fiction Travel Yoga Keywords: View all Titles View all Authors Authors list - Alphabetical A

69. MSReadr
<� gTRC <� bTRC †Ÿÿ‘R?ýüò)‘™.1¶ƒºUFÁc~ÚÂ-mðÛ©–9öìúÍ;Õôß[ÁWRйöd[DÒêÛSœ÷9ÎgvYV‚«,wÒ±G×ÇÍ <� gTRC <� bTRC <ýë0ü§7gþŒÙÿÄiþ§ïËéÀ÷íÏ?šïÌ93ý9¹ hÂ>UV‰û×Eç!óA[gÙE¥Ÿ¼´D†Ts4J×éï‚øÄ@4­›PÌ..$N Ê$‹©=Þ!‡ÑT²œÄž…ÆqßÿÕöº™Šð; $à#ùãùãŸöɵOú¯¡ÿHnUû/øï-Ïåûß+¯ü¿;̀•!” AE~µò¥¡üÈúé·m‹´i:çr$O- <@¹ËT.ØÖ6× íjqù:ż©åò9ŽaÝN"§ÕCŒó ›PL"ƒ#ßP/“©,r‹ŠâGÛSŠÜé5W17„~ËúéÅ5A—p‚-Þº¢• ̙èýyù~Jï »ћŸþ³f¯Åÿ¶–—ú¸ô—iØú kõ;ÕoG73×]y¶ZÕiw £q°Û?Èi.^:—¸¶j¤Í‰X»k8¶ê¾? yzœ²Ý½­ØьöÇ¥«ìÒé·Œe– ¹èúÆï³jvÛÛ Ýn¢¹¦¹lüÇÍ 2Þ:PÀå?‚Ù <+*TäÅçP;f+*I ^ EgÌ-°m©%Žcºh ‚n4±ÝDhTNc4 ÁŠ 3ˆ  f† #΁]"lj°•ûh«1'–k`xôñ Œ 0 žèÔ)ÏñË3TÿÑöÀ_$À¯¡2 <ª’ÕjE $ðãôѐœHƒ?]5±åșË@ÐL栐FV3Œý•¤E·™›#…„!Ú åÆ¢ˆQâY'¾ˆ®êh <±¸?óÊҎ•ôvû;ó¹ù0ᇎ]¹ <¨T7 p4*‚ÂáQlÉ#5EWA”p ,«“áÄöÐKŠ˜egõP)AááƊd@ÀƒõÕIm™Æˆž¬bA˜¢…´R“Ç -ÑB`9aP°tY(â(Z­N“O¨Ê.¦`¦F <¸þŠ€.—0ÒeP  ‘·Ò›žƒ¥õÛ~›©Æós¥úbî³X—4¯¦µ’Úï:–(‚Þ•eÚ ÓC‡yÕßÄ <¢12dPà¯ñ2’-C€±sn < 3ŽUUW¯›ZÑ­bÍmCÞ¹ *B˜Iýt¥íM½všB‚ñ(˃r8 ъY§ÔjŠ»¡7-¤Œ® <Ò¥X… ê)íêô §B·¼ÕË’O …+ ªÕ.k§'Äf…¾Nґ¦¶uz‘ñ0iU=ìhY-[›‚æ¾ø²]:4[R

70. Florida Days (in MARION)
Florida days. Title Florida days / by MargaretDeland ; illustrated by Louis K. Harlow. Author

71. A Href= /cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=fhp;cc=fhp;sid
Title Florida days Digitized from original source held at Florida State UniversityLibraries full citation table of contents (JPEG) add to bookbag.

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