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61. 169 (Svenska Familj-Journalen / Band 19, årgång 1880) (Teckning af Emile Bayard.) Daniel Defoe så heter obebodda Juan Fernandez-ön landsatt sjöman vid namn Selkirk - var engelsman och född i London år 1661. http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/famijour/1880/0173.html | |
62. 1499-1500 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 5. Cestius - Degas) Defoe 1. De Fö e difäu , Daniel, engelsk broschyrförfattare hette ursprungligen Foe (först 1701 började han kalla sig D.). Han föddes 1661 i London af http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/nfbe/0798.html | |
63. Manifestations Of Fiction Works 1 10 1987 Morrison, Toni Beloved 2699 26 675 374 773 1688 Defoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe 2103 13 52 1960 Lee, Harper To kill a mockingbird 2679 30 1661 153 75 http://digitalarchive.oclc.org/da/ViewObject.jsp?objid=0000003274 |
64. PART II - Books Published After 1832 A. Literature History 94 Defoe, Daniel. This first Brayley edition is only the fifth of Defoe s work which first To which are added the extra songs of Merry Drollery, 1661, and an http://www.claudecox.co.uk/160/part2ac.htm | |
65. So Dreadfull A Judgment. Puritan Responses To King Philip's War, 1676-1677. Rich But I ve been reading a biography of Daniel Defoe (~1661-1730), who was involved in some of the violence surrounding the royal successions in the late 17 th http://capecodhistory.us/books/SoDreadfull.htm | |
66. Museum Education Resources At The John Bunyan Museum Chapel of Herne In January 1661, immediately preceding the imprisonment referred to Daniel Defoe travelling through England in the 18th century said that the http://www.museums.bedfordshire.gov.uk/education/Bunyan/Bbeds.html | |
67. Pamphlet And Polemic - University Of Wales, Lampeter The main collector, however, was Thomas Bowdler II (16611738) who was The Dissenter, Daniel Defoe is the writer most frequently encountered in the collection. http://www.lamp.ac.uk/pamphlet/collections.htm | |
68. Time Line imports exports 1660 Spanish surrender to English in Jamaica. 1661 - New Eng. 1719 - Robinson Crusoe is published by Daniel Defoe. http://www.noquartergiven.net/timeline.htm | |
69. Absolutism Timeline 1660, Restoration of Charles II Stuart in England. 1661, Death of Mazarin; Colbert named controllergeneral. 1719, Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe. http://shs.westport.k12.ct.us/muson/AP Mod/Absolutism & Constitution/absolutism_ | |
70. Harold Love's Rochester Edition: Draft Index Dayrell, Sir Francis (164675) 14. Defoe, Daniel 113, 23. Demetrius 112. skirmish between French and Spanish ambassadors 1661 76. campaigns 16702 details? 64. http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/english/research/Rochester edition/edindex.htm | |
71. Wales Timeline 1650-1839 Act, along with those created by the restrictive Clarendon Code (16615), was by Richard Morris after the travels of such writers as Daniel Defoe and Samuel http://www.welshdragon.net/resources/Historical/wales_timeline2.shtml | |
72. HIEU 212, ?The Emergence Of Britain, 1688-2000? Lecture II The British Isles in 1688. England 166179- no elections - one parliament The Cavalier Parliament . Daniel Defoe (1672-1729). http://www.virginia.edu/~history/courses/spring.99/hieu212/data.html | |
73. Robinsono Kruso Enkonduko verkita de Daniel Defoe tradukis en 1908 Pastro A. Krafft. ENKONDUKO. La autoro de la ciamfresa Robinsono Kruso naskigis en Londono, Anglujo, je 1661. http://members.tripod.com/~booton/kruso/rkp0.htm | |
74. Continuing Education Collection - Templeman Library, University Of Kent DA 620, Defoe, Daniel, A tour through the whole island of Great Britain, 3 copies. DC 125, Campbell, Peter, Louis XIV, 16611715, 3 copies. http://library.kent.ac.uk/library/info/cecoll/1996on.shtml | |
75. Felbridge History Group - Adverse Weather There are several accounts of a tremendous storm that hit the country on 18th February 1661, with the loss of numerous windmills. Daniel Defoe, the diarist http://www.jeremy-clarke.freeserve.co.uk/handouts/weather.htm | |
76. What's New -- 18th-c. Resources Daniel Defoe Moll Flanders (Litrix Reading Room) Heavily modernized, broken into chapters Dom Garcie de Navarre, ou Le Prince jaloux (1661) Well edited http://www.c18.org/li/new.html | |
77. BBC - Beyond The Broadcast - Making History There are monuments in Bunhill Fields to Daniel Defoe, John Bunyan and Samuel Wesley. They bought it in 1661 and used it until 1855 for 12,000 burials. http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/beyond/factsheets/makhist/makhist6_prog9b.shtml | |
78. Publishing: Newspaper Publishing: ORIGINS AND EARLY EVIDENCES: The Roman Empire. 1621), France (1631), Denmark (1634), Italy (1636), Sweden (1645), and Poland (1661). was the triweekly Review (170413), produced by Daniel Defoe, in which http://www.lian.com/TANAKA/comhosei/NPinEB.htm | |
79. 1660-1669 Samuel Pepys Diary. Velázquez dies. 1661 Charles II coronation. India famine. Manometer. Daniel Defoe born. Algonquin translation of Bible (1st Amer. http://www.thescreamonline.com/timeline/1660.html | |
80. « Cher Journal » Le Journal Personnel En Tant Que Forme Translate this page les exemples les plus notoires se trouvent les ouvrages de Daniel Defoe Journal of écrit en anglais, décrit le couronnement de Charles II (1661), la peste http://www.collectionscanada.ca/05/0532/053201/053201130601_f.html | |
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