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41. Book Categories: Art And Music Gita Wolf. 145/. -. Later Stuarts 1661-1714. Boswell Taylor. 50/-. 1970. 40/-. 1997. Moll Flanders. Daniel Defoe. 75/-. 1993. More Favourite Fairy Tales. Andrew Lang. http://www.chapterandverseindia.com/children.htm | |
42. History Of Prose Style -- Homepage 1660s THOMAS TRAHERNE. Centuries of Meditations. 1661 JOHN TILLOTSON. From a sermon On the Poor Man s Contentment. ; 1724 Daniel Defoe. from Roxana. http://www.towson.edu/~tinkler/prose/prose1.html | |
43. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z Anon. SITE Gallica Bibliothèque nationale de France SUBJECT Mathematics NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Amsterdam edition AUTHOR Defoe, Daniel see Francis William Newman. http://eee.uci.edu/~papyri/bibliography/d.html | |
44. Bibliografia Lidia De Michelis mercantile di Daniel Defoe, Melegnano, Montedit. frye, n. (1973 1957, The Anatomy of Criticism, Princeton, Princeton University Press. FULLER, R. (1661), The http://www.club.it/culture/culture99/lidia.demichelis/biblio.demichelis.html | |
45. Timeline 1661-1699 a part of the Clarendon Code (16611665), was 1686 May 24, Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (d.1736), German physicist left his island after 28 years (as per Defoe). http://timelines.ws/1661_1699.HTML | |
46. Books 707 - 750 715. July 1996, Blaise Pascal, Pensées, 1661, 204 pp. 716. Aug. 728. Apr. 1997, Henry Fielding, Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Wild, 1743, 290 pp. 729. Apr. http://www.artgarfunkel.com/library/list23.htm | |
47. BSR (Bibliothèque Sonore Romande) - Liste Des Cds (mp3) Translate this page 1, 12564, Defoe, Daniel, Robinson Crusoé, 1, 1, 12642, DUFREIGNE, Jean-Pierre, Louis XIV 2 Les passions et la gloire 1661-1670, 1, http://www.bsr-lausanne.ch/index.php?menu=28 |
48. Victoria University Library - Northrop Frye Collection 1077. Defoe, Daniel. A Journal of the plague years and other pieces. Edited by Arthur Wellesley Secord. 177 p. Annotated no. 1661. Donne, John. http://library.vicu.utoronto.ca/fryebib/d.htm | |
49. Garth, Sir Samuel Garth, Sir Samuel, 16611719, English poet and physician, b. Yorkshire. Events). Modern panegyrick and Defoe s Dunciad. (poet Daniel Defoe) (Studies in http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0820267.html | |
50. Bibliography For Ann Finch Murry, John Middleton. Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (16611720). New Adelphi, NS. Defoe, Daniel. A Tour Thro the Whole Island of Great Britain. http://mason.gmu.edu/~emoody/finchbiblio.html | |
51. Upto WW2 Samuel Pepys visited it in 1661 and again in 1667. In his book A Tour Through The Whole Island of Great Britain (172426) Daniel Defoe describes a vineyard in http://www.scan.ukhelp.com/Encyclopaedia/History/Upto_WW2/upto_ww2.html | |
52. ±è³²ÁßÀÇ ¸ñȸ ¾ÆÅ°ºê Milton, 160874)/?(Paradise Lost) 005 (Jhon Bunyan, 1628-88)/? ?(Pilgrims Progress) 006 ?(Daniel Defoe, 1661-1737)/? http://doingtheology.co.kr/jboard/?p=modify&code=ministry&id=66 |
53. ±è³²ÁßÀÇ ¸ñȸ ¾ÆÅ°ºê Milton, 160874)/?(Paradise Lost) 005 (Jhon Bunyan, 1628-88)/? ?(Pilgrims Progress) 006 ?(Daniel Defoe, 1661-1737)/? http://doingtheology.co.kr/jboard/?p=reply&code=ministry&id=66&depth=1&page=1 |
54. DüþLE Edebiyat Dergisi - Özel Dosya 1636, Floransa 1640, Roma - 1661, Madrid. Dönemin en ünlü iki adi, 1719, Robinson Crusoe nun yazari Daniel Defoe ve 1726, Gulliver in Seyahatleri nin http://www.dusle.com/dosya/goster.php?idd=92&ids=27 |
55. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent GH Healey (ed.), The Letters of Daniel Defoe (Oxford, 1955), 125212 and Defoe s An Historical Account Historical Notices of Scottish Affairs, 1661-1688 (2 http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.0269-1213.2004.00051.x/enha | |
56. Krown & Spellman Booksellers: Browse By Author Roxana. The Fortunate Mistress. Defoe, Daniel. The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Degge, Simon. Traduits en Vers..Paris Florentin Lambert,1661. Scupoli. http://www.krownspellman.com/cgi-bin/spellman/find/author/De.html | |
57. History Heads | An Interview With Justin Champion one of the great figures in Daniel Defoe s Journal of Defoe conjures up an image of Solomon Eagle walking In 1661, they tried to encourage Christ s rule by http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/H/history/heads/outtakes/champion.htm | |
58. Descriptions And Depictions Of Historical Scottish Clothing Illustration in Daniel Defoe s novel Life of Mr. Duncan Campbell, 1720, ND. was apparently engraved (so not a depiction of a belted plaid or kilt), 1661, 1661, ND. http://www.medievalscotland.org/clothing/refs/ | |
59. Biblioteca Argentina Para Ciegos - Catálogo Braille - Novelas Translate this page Defoe Daniel, Robinson crusoe, 10, 964. Defoe Daniel, Robinson crusoe, 3, 3360. Fast Howard, Espartaco, 9, 1661. Fast Howard, Silas timberman, 5, 2058. http://www.bac.org.ar/BibBraille/novelasb.htm | |
60. Aprill Peeter Urm (1949). 26. aprill, Daniel Defoe (1661), Edgar Aavik (1913). Eugéne Delacroix (1798), Jüri Kaarma (1950). Anita Loos (1893), Heitti Polli (1951). http://www.hot.ee/markwest/kalender/aprill.html | |
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