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         De Presno Odd:     more detail
  1. Good Shareware Guide by Odd De Presno, 1989-10-11
  2. The Online World by Odd De Presno, 2010-04-14

81. Books And Reading - Queens Borough Public Library
F.; Clark, Donna. 1/pi to 1.000.000 digits, Kanada, Yasumasa. The onlineworld, De Presno, Odd. Organic syntheses, . The origin of species

82. The Online World Resources Handbook Home Page
The Online World resources handbook. by Odd De Presno. consiDer becominga partner? Enjoy! Yours,. Odd De Presno. Note If you administer
The Online World
resources handbook
by Odd de Presno. Sitemap Handbook Contents Registration The Online World resources handbook book deals with the practical sides of using the global online information resource as seen from an international perspective.
It explores selected applications across network and service boundaries showing how needs may be met.
Browse the handbook's contents to learn more about it's focus, and click here to read what readers say about the handbook. Updated regularly: You are hereby invited to surf the net using the hypertext version as your independent " Web browser bookmark companion
If your link to Norway is slow, try get it from mirror sites around the world.
The Online World resources handbook is being distributed as shareware. Your registration supports continued frequent updates of the handbook.
The handbook is part of a larger project working to publish local print versions in countries around the world. If you are a writer living in a country not listed, why not consider becoming a partner?

83. Arracker, Roger (1991) Highways Of The Mind Whole Earth Review
Presno, Odd De (1993) The Online World Saltrod, Norway Online book - anonymousFTP from ` a href= ftp// /a `/pub/text/online
. Computer Underground Digest: Phrack: RISKS Digest:

84. Kidlink Receives Award From The King Of Sweden
Odd De Presno Sent by Odd DePresno (by way of Vany Martinez ) to
SDNP Coordinators List Archive Date Prev Date Next Thread Prev Thread Next ... Thread Index
Kidlink receives award from the King of Sweden
Hello! In case you haven't heard it yet: Wednesday, The King of Sweden presented Kidlink with The Global Bangemann Challenge Award iin the category "IT in all forms of Education." 700 projects around the world competed for the prize. Photos and more information at Kidlink's eight-month Who-Am-I? program for the southern hemisphere started in May this year. The northern hemisphere program will start again in September. Details at

85. Online World
MessageID Date Sun, 13 Mar 1994 191609 +0100SenDer Technology Transfer in International Development From Odd De Presno
Online World
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.devel-l Message-ID: Date: Sun, 13 Mar 1994 19:16:09 +0100 Sender: Technology Transfer in International Development From: Odd de Presno *** NEW RELEASE OF THE ONLINE WORLD SHAREWARE BOOK *** - Internet and beyond - The Online World is a book about the practical use of the GLOBAL online information resource. It describes resources on major global networks and services as the Internet, Usenet, BITNET, Fidonet, Echo, CompuServe, DIMDI, NIFTY-Serve, and others. The book explores selected applications across country, network and service boundaries showing how needs can be met. The examples range from databases to entertainment and the bizarre to special services for professionals and organizations. The following major changes have been done to the book since its last release: Version 1.4 March 10, 1994 - This update focuses on Latin America, Africa, and Asia for business applications in particular, while strengthening the European pointers. * New sources for news, conferences, gophers, and more for China, Japan, the Middle East, Israel, Southeast Asia, Korea, India, Australia/New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, xUSSR countries, Sub-Saharan and North Africa, and other countries. Includes some Spanish language services. * Network Service Providers Around the World * The Directory of Information Services in China * The KOI-8 (Russian/Cyrillic character) coding scheme. * The No>m standard code (Vietnam) * Some official information sources for the United States and Canada. * Pointers for Cello, Lynx, Mosaic, PPP, SLIP, FreeWAIS, Winsock, Binhex * Special Internet Connections * Updated pointers to the WHOIS service, the Interest Groups List of Lists, NET-RESOURCES, and RFCs.

86. United States
83, De Presno, Odd, Online World, The, The Online World, by De Presno, Computer Science,QA, English, Sep, 1993,
United States United Sta tes Declaration Of Independence United States Declaration of Independe nce Government United S tates JK English Dec United States United Sta tes Bill Of Rights The United States Bill of Rights Government United S tates JK English Dec Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgeral d), 1917-1963 John F. Ke nnedy's Inaugural Address John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address Politics E English Nov Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 Gettysbur g Address Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln Politics E English Nov United States United Sta tes Constitution, The The United States Constitution tates JK English Dec Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799 Give Me Li berty Or Give Me Death Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death, Pat rick Henry Politics E English Dec

87. FreeLists / Nethappenings / K12> Looking For Kidlink
Net Happenings From Educational CyberPlayGround *****From Odd De Presno Presno@xxxxxxx To
FreeLists needs your help. Buy a account today! nethappenings Date Prev 11-2003 Date Index Date Next ... Thread Next
  • From To Date : Tue, 25 Nov 2003 08:48:01 -0600 * For all other languages, start at the top page: Two major new educational programs: - "My future job" - - "Making our world better" - Kidlink's art programs: Currently, the "Who-am-I?" program's What Are My Rights?  module is active for users living in the northern hemisphere: Overview of educational programs: Hugs, Odd de Presno HOT LIST OF SCHOOLS ONLINE

88. - Kidlink Prisbelønnet I Roma
indianerspråk. Odd De Presno. 31.07.2000 Vil la barn få oppfylledrømmene sine. 15.06.1999 Bangemannpris til norske Kidlink.
Bil MC Data Jobb ... Eiendom i Bil MC Data
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Nyheter Ressurser Informasjon Aktuelle saker Initiativ for «unbreakable open source» Nedgangen i IT-markedet varte alt for kort Smart triks gir bredbånd over strømnettet Oppdater deg selv i bransjeregister Bank-Norge satser alt på Java Slik blir du uvenner med Google Slik vil verden bli om ti år Gratis antivirus og brannvegg Følg spam- og virusplagen i Norge time for time Mål inn og utfarten på linjen din Siste debattinnlegg: Nyeste datagjenstander: Shuttle med 17" Samsung LCD kr 8500 Spill og Jobb laptop, RASK kr 6000 Canon FX-1 og fx-2 Fakstoner kr 400 LG LCD TFT 20" L2010P Flatskjerm kr 9800 ... FLAGGSPETT ( NORSKT HÅNDVERK RETT FRA SNEKKER`N) FLOTT GAVE ARTIKKEL. kr 370 Dagens saker på
Publisert 07.12.2000 01:15 Global Junior Challenge:
Av Eirik Rossen
Les mer: Nerdene skal arve jorden Unger avviser foreldrepåstander om Internett-bruk USA: Foreldrene må surfe med barna Kidlink verner indianerspråk ... Global Junior Challenge er et initiativ fra byrådet i Roma for å "fremme og belønne de beste prosjektene innen utdannelse og dannelse av ungdom, realisert gjennom bruk av nye teknologier". Det ble levert til sammen 600 utdannelsesprosjekter fra hele verden, fordelte på flere alderskategorier. Juryen besto av pedagoger fra Argentina, Australia, Kamerun, Kina, Colombia, Egypt, Estland, EU, Tyskland, Israel, Italia, Maldivene, Mexico, New Zealand, Russland, Syd-Afrika, Sverige, England og USA. Deres oppgave var å finne de "mest innovative, inspirerende og effektive anvendelser av nye teknologier til fordel for fremtidige generasjoner, som også tar hensyn til spesielle lokale betingelser som infrastruktur, økonomi, sosiale forhold, utdannelse og miljø. Sammenfattet skal evalueringen gjøres med referanse til sammenheng og utdannelsesmessig innhold, ikke bare teknologi."

89. From Sustag@BETA.TRICITY.WSU.EDU Date Fri, 23 Sep 1994 092428
TH, ForwarDed message DateFri, 23 Sep 1994 153042 +0200 From Odd De Presno To
From sustag@BETA.TRICITY.WSU.EDU Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 09:24:28 -0700 From: "Tom Hodges (moderated newsgroup)" To: Multiple recipients of list SUSTAG-L Subject: new version of the online world resources handbook (fwd) [I just downloaded the new version of Od de Presno's online book about the internet. It has about 800k of text, very comprehensive. The following message tells how to get it. I used lynx since I access the internet over a phone modem and can't use mosaic. If you can, get it yourself, its good experience, then you will know how to find other things on the internet. Otherwise I can send it, but there will be a delay of a few weeks because I will have to wait until there is a megabyte of extra space for my internet account. Also some mail systems will choke on 800+ kbyte messages. I also have it zipped as a 380 kbyte binary file if you can receive MIME (pine compatible) binary files over your email. TH,] Forwarded message Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 15:30:42 +0200 From: Odd de Presno To: Multiple recipients of list DEVEL-L Subject: new version of the online world resources handbook For immediate release: THE ONLINE WORLD - online resources handbook >From his electronic cottage on the southern coast of Norway, author Odd de Presno advises on the practical use of the GLOBAL online information resource. (His house stands in a small bay, about 7 kilometers from Arendal. It is so close to the ocean, that his computers could potentially exchange views with fish and sea gulls. :-) THE BOOK'S CONTENTS

90. Information Sources The Internet And Computer-Mediated
Desktop Internet a DOS hypertext reference to the Internet. De Presno Gophergiving information about Odd De Presno s shareware book, The Online World;
Information Sources: the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication
John December
Access to the most current version of this document is through an Http server
11 Mar 94; Release 3.30
to list pointers to information describing the Internet, computer networks, and issues related to computer-mediated communication (CMC). Topics include the technical, social, cognitive, and psychological aspects.
those getting started in understanding the Internet and CMC; for those experienced, it compactly summarizes sources of information.
you have access to and know how to use finger, ftp, gopher, http, telnet, email, or Usenet newsgroups.
  • Respect access privileges. (See Net Etiquette Guide, below.)
  • This information changes quite a bit; Additions/comments welcome.
  • Use Archie to find a file if it is not at the site given here.
  • Learn to use Gopher, Veronica, WAIS, WWW, to find more information.
  • When using with WWW/Mosaic, sometimes an ftp link will not work; if it doesn't, try to access via ftp manually.
  • Contents

    91. WWW Via Email For The Net-impaired
    The World WiDe Web by Email ^^^^^ by Odd De Presno
    interesting-people message
    Date Prev Thread Prev Thread Next Date Next ... Elist Home Subject WWW via email for the net-impaired
    • From Date : Sun, 21 Aug 1994 15:45:11 -0400 you will get both the "Hints" page, and the one giving more information about . Note: If the requested document is too large, you'll only get the first 5,000 lines. There may be many such references pointers in the text, as illustrated by this page at URL: ... Elist Home Search: this month this year this elist Match: all any boolean Sort by: score date reverse score reverse date
    Words: Help Powered by eList eXpress LLC

    92. Prezentacje - ZB Nr 5(163)/2001, Lipiec 2001
    Mr. Odd De De Presno Skibevig rv. Odd De Presno mieszka wiec sasiedztwiei jest zalozycielem Kidlink i obecnym Dyrektorem ds Wykonawczych.
    Wydawnictwo "ZB" Ok³adka Spis tre¶ci PREZENTACJE - ZB nr 5(163)/2001, lipiec 2001
    L.O. im. Stanis³awa Staszica w Tarnowskich Górach
    ul. Pi³sudskiego 1
    42-600 Tarnowskie Góry
    tel. 0-32/285 29 41
    ¶roda, 16 maja 2001 Szanowni Pañstwo! Jeste¶my grup± uczniów LO im. St. Staszica w Tarnowskich Górach, zrzeszon± w Szkolnym Kole Turystycznym. Od marca tego roku przygotowujemy wyprawê do Szwecji. W za³o¿eniu ma ona polegaæ na wymianie. Celem tej wymiany jest popieranie i zachêta do wzajemnych kontaktów, poznawanie systemu nauczania, kultury, obyczajów. Natomiast tematem wymiany jest ochrona ¶rodowiska, ekologia, zdrowie oraz sposoby ochrony i wspó³pracy w przeciwdzia³aniu zagro¿eniom. Chcieliby¶my zapoznaæ siê równie¿ z gospodark± kraju, która jest jedn± z potê¿niejszych w Europie. Wzoruj±c siê na Szwecji bêdziemy mieli mo¿liwo¶æ wprowadzenia ekologicznego trybu ¿ycia do naszej szko³y, domów i ¶rodowisk i pozwoli nam to zapocz±tkowaæ proces kszta³towania ¶wiadomo¶ci polskiego Europejczyka. Zwracamy siê zatem z pro¶b± do Pañstwa o umo¿liwienie nam porozumienia z instytucjami, fundacjami, polonijnymi towarzystwami, które z kolei stworzy³yby nam kontakt ze szwedzkimi szko³ami ¶rednimi, zainteresowanymi wymian± miêdzynarodow± z Polsk±, jak równie¿ organizacjami zajmuj±cymi siê ochron± ¶rodowiska i zagadnieniami tej dziedziny.

    93. ZB Nr 5(163)/2001, Lipiec 2001
    Odd De Presno Kidlink Executive Director http// Ifinterested, drop Odd De Presno a note at
    Wydawnictwo "ZB" Ok³adka Spis tre¶ci ZB nr 5(163)/2001, lipiec 2001
    Kidlink is a global, non-profit organization headquartered in Norway focused on empowering youth through free educational programs. To help them get friends, and build inter-personal networks with peers around the world. Our motives are explained at Since our start on the Internet in 1990, we have rendered free services to youth living in 141 countries. Kidlink operates 83 public conferences for youth and adults (mostly teachers and parents) in 19 language areas, a private chat network, and a multi-lingual web site of more than 100,000 pages. Languages are Catalan, Chinese, Danish, German, English, French, Hebrew, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Saami, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish. Our services are administered by some 500 volunteers living in 42 countries. Most of them are classroom teachers. Competing with 600 educational projects from all over the world, Kidlink received the 1st prize from the prestigious Global Junior Challenge competition's "Educational projects for users up to 18 years old" category. (

    94. Ednet: Happy Birthday, Kidlink!
    Date Thu, 06 May 2004 121903 +0200 From Odd De Presno .Hello friends! Enjoy! Hugs,. Odd De Presno Kidlink Executive Director.
    Happy Birthday, Kidlink!
    Subject: Happy Birthday, Kidlink!
    From: Ednet Manager (
    Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 23:07:01 EDT Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 12:19:03 +0200

    Hello friends!
    14 years is quite a number of years. Kidlink is coming of age. :-)
    Celebration time is over us. To join in, start at

    Odd de Presno Kidlink Executive Director This archive was generated by hypermail 2b28 Thu Jun 03 2004 - 18:01:06 EDT

    95. WHERE TO START FOR NEW INTERNET USERS Jim Milles Ver. 4.3 15 May
    to use ftp, the following sources are very useful (note that they are regularlyupdated, so the version numbers and file names may change) De Presno, Odd.

    96. ”­•\“à—e
    Odd De Presono. Profile Odd De Presno, Kidlink, Norway. Abstract Group InternationalGroup Activity Speaker Odd De Presno (, Kidlink.
    KIDLINK Odd De Presono Profile

    Odd de Presno, Kidlink, Norway.
    Project Director (CEO). Chairman of The Kidlink Society. Founder. Abstract
    Group: International Group Activity
    Speaker: Odd de Presno (, Kidlink Kidlink demographics: Since the start in 1990, 120,000 students up to the age of 15 living in 119 countries have participated in Kidlink's free multilingual educational programs. More than half the participants are girls. Kidlink gives ample room for youth with physical or psychological disadvantages or differences. Abstract body Kidlink was born on a dream: By letting students through the age of 15 talk to each others, they will get a direct experience with friends having the common experience of childhood but often in very different circumstances. By hearing a range of opinions and developing familiarity with different ideas, they can overcome some communication barriers and solve some problems in a more co-operative manner. We hope that when Kidlink kids become adults, they will take a more global and long-term perspective on issues, rather than acting to maximize local, short-term interests.

    97. Electronic Journal On Virtual Culture
    Linkages between schools, classes, and individual stuDents like Odd DePresno s Kidlink will continue to blossom (Presno). Presno, Odd De.
    or or where is the name of the article or section (e.g., author name) and is the V#N# of that issue of EJVC

    98. - Bangemann-pris Til Norske Kidlink
    Bangemannpris til norske Kidlink. Av Eirik RossenI 1990 opprettet Odd De Presnoen elektronisk tjeneste som siDen har vært brukt av 110.000 barn i 124 land.

    99. KCL: ISS - Ebooks
    Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing Practice, 2001, Go to Ebook, Go to Help. DePresno, Odd. Online world, Search netLibrary, Go to Help. De Quincey, Thomas.
    Text only ISS: Information Services and Systems Services Information gateway ... Structure
    Ebooks A - Z by author: all titles
    A B C D ... U-Z This list only provides access to ebooks To locate print material please use the Library Catalogue NEW: ISS MetaLib Gateway - a quick and easy way to find databases, ejournals and more! D Author Full Title Publication Date Link to ebook Access Notes Daly, Leslie E. Interpretation And Uses Of Medical Statistics Go to Ebook Go to Help Dana, Marvin. Within the law Search netLibrary Go to Help Dana, Marvin. Within the law, from the play of Bayard Veiller Search netLibrary Go to Help Dana, Richard Henry. Two years before the mast Search netLibrary Go to Help Daniel, Samuel. Defence of ryme Search netLibrary Go to Help Daniel, Samuel. Delia contayning certayne sonnets with the complaint of Rosamond Search netLibrary Go to Help Dante Alighieri. Divine comedy. Inferno

    100. KIDLINK- Plass I Cyberspace For De Mellom 10 Og 15 år
    Her treffer barna jevnaldrende og alle barn ønsker venner, sier Oddde Presno som har vært leder av organisasjonen fra starten.
    KIDLINK- plass i cyberspace for de mellom 10 og 15 år
    KRISTIN MACK LøVDAL Internet, dette verdensomspennende nettverket med nærmere 30 millioner brukere, er ikke lenger ukjent og utilgjengelig. For stadig flere er e-post og kommunikasjon via nettet like vanlig som konvolutter med frimerke. Mer ukjent er Kidlink, et "treffsted" på nettet for barn og ungdom mellom 10 og 15 år. Her kan alt diskuteres. Fra tenåringsproblemer som kviser og kjærlighetssorg til musikk og dagens politiske situasjon. Til sammen 25.000 barn fra 65 land har vært med.
    Og det hele startet med en kulturuke for barn i Arendal mai 1990. En ide, et samarbeid med lærere i USA og Canada og 14 intense dager resulterte i at 260 barn fra tre land pratet sammen interaktivt under kulturuken. Dette første prosjektet fikk navnet NORLINK. Vi skjønte med en gang at her satt vi med noe overraskende sterkt, vi kunne slippe det eller gå videre, sier de Presno. På en konferanse i San Francisco uken etter ble det besluttet å gå i gang med Kidlink og KIDS-91 var et faktum. KIDS-91 som varte fra mai 90 til mai 91, ble etterfulgt av KIDS-92 og så videre. Og stadig flere land kom med. Nå er vi i gang med KIDS-95 og 65 land er med, forteller han.

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