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De Presno Odd: more detail | |||||
81. Books And Reading - Queens Borough Public Library F.; Clark, Donna. 1/pi to 1.000.000 digits, Kanada, Yasumasa. The onlineworld, De Presno, Odd. Organic syntheses, . The origin of species http://www.queenslibrary.org/books/ebook/ebook.asp?category=Science |
82. The Online World Resources Handbook Home Page The Online World resources handbook. by Odd De Presno. consiDer becominga partner? Enjoy! Yours,. Odd De Presno. Note If you administer http://ftp.arnes.si/simtel.net/presno/ | |
83. Arracker, Roger (1991) Highways Of The Mind Whole Earth Review Presno, Odd De (1993) The Online World Saltrod, Norway Online book - anonymousFTP from ` a href= ftp//ftp.eunet.no ftp.eunet.no /a `/pub/text/online http://www.kulichki.com/moshkow/INTERMET/bdgtti-1.02.txt_Piece40.14 | |
84. Kidlink Receives Award From The King Of Sweden Odd De Presno Sent by Odd DePresno Presno@eunet.no (by way of Vany Martinez vany@sdnp.org.pa ) to http://www.sdnp.undp.org/rc/forums/mgr/sdnpmgrs/msg00526.html | |
85. Online World MessageID 199403131816.AA07933@grida.no Date Sun, 13 Mar 1994 191609 +0100SenDer Technology Transfer in International Development From Odd De Presno http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Acad_Research/Online_World_17311.html | |
86. United States 83, De Presno, Odd, Online World, The, The Online World, by De Presno, Computer Science,QA, English, Sep, 1993, httpwww.WorlDeBookLibrary.com/Members/Gutenberg/termc10 http://worldebooklibrary.com/eBookCollections_files/sheet004.htm | |
87. FreeLists / Nethappenings / K12> Looking For Kidlink Net Happenings From Educational CyberPlayGround *****From Odd De Presno Presno@xxxxxxx To http://www.freelists.org/archives/nethappenings/11-2003/msg00131.html | |
88. Digi.no - Kidlink Prisbelønnet I Roma indianerspråk. Odd De Presno. 31.07.2000 Vil la barn få oppfylledrømmene sine. 15.06.1999 Bangemannpris til norske Kidlink. http://www.digitoday.no/dtno.nsf/pub/md20001206214913ero17785305 | |
89. From Sustag@BETA.TRICITY.WSU.EDU Date Fri, 23 Sep 1994 092428 TH, thodges@beta.tricity.wsu.edu ForwarDed message DateFri, 23 Sep 1994 153042 +0200 From Odd De Presno Presno@grida.no To http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech/orgfarm/net-resources/The.Online.World | |
90. Information Sources The Internet And Computer-Mediated Desktop Internet a DOS hypertext reference to the Internet. De Presno Gophergiving information about Odd De Presno s shareware book, The Online World; http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/communications/cmc-list/internet-cmc.html | |
91. WWW Via Email For The Net-impaired The World WiDe Web by Email ^^^^^ by Odd De Presno oPresno@extern.uio.no)_ http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/199408/msg00055.ht | |
92. Prezentacje - ZB Nr 5(163)/2001, Lipiec 2001 Mr. Odd De De Presno Skibevig rv. Odd De Presno mieszka wiec sasiedztwiei jest zalozycielem Kidlink i obecnym Dyrektorem ds Wykonawczych. http://www.zb.eco.pl/zb/163/prezenta.htm | |
93. ZB Nr 5(163)/2001, Lipiec 2001 Odd De Presno Kidlink Executive Director http//www.kidlink.org/english/general/press/Presno.html. Ifinterested, drop Odd De Presno a note at Presno@eunet.no. http://www.zb.eco.pl/zb/163/orginal/kidlink.htm | |
94. Ednet: Happy Birthday, Kidlink! Date Thu, 06 May 2004 121903 +0200 From Odd De Presno Presno@c2i.net .Hello friends! Enjoy! Hugs,. Odd De Presno Kidlink Executive Director. http://k12.nsm.umass.edu/listserv/ednet/0023.html | |
95. WHERE TO START FOR NEW INTERNET USERS Jim Milles Ver. 4.3 15 May to use ftp, the following sources are very useful (note that they are regularlyupdated, so the version numbers and file names may change) De Presno, Odd. http://www.ifla.org/documents/internet/newuser.txt |
96. \àe Odd De Presono. Profile Odd De Presno, Kidlink, Norway. Abstract Group InternationalGroup Activity Speaker Odd De Presno (oPresno@kidlink.org), Kidlink. http://www.cec.or.jp/event/sympo98/jirei/k02.html | |
97. Electronic Journal On Virtual Culture Linkages between schools, classes, and individual stuDents like Odd DePresno s Kidlink will continue to blossom (Presno). Presno, Odd De. http://www.monash.edu.au/journals/ejvc/sqarv3n1.future | |
98. Digi.no - Bangemann-pris Til Norske Kidlink Bangemannpris til norske Kidlink. Av Eirik RossenI 1990 opprettet Odd De Presnoen elektronisk tjeneste som siDen har vært brukt av 110.000 barn i 124 land. http://www.digi.no/php/art.php?id=58929 |
99. KCL: ISS - Ebooks Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing Practice, 2001, Go to Ebook, Go to Help. DePresno, Odd. Online world, Search netLibrary, Go to Help. De Quincey, Thomas. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/iss/library/ebooks/ebookslistd.html | |
100. KIDLINK- Plass I Cyberspace For De Mellom 10 Og 15 år Her treffer barna jevnaldrende og alle barn ønsker venner, sier Oddde Presno som har vært leder av organisasjonen fra starten. http://www.oslo.net/historie/CW/utg/software-messe-0295/648449pl.html | |
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