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         Dante Alighieri 1265-1321:     more books (100)
  1. Purgatory and Paradise translated by the Rev. Henry Francis Cary M.A. from the original of Dante Alighieri and illustrated with the designs of M. Gustave Dore by Gustave (1832-1883) illus. Cary, Henry Francis (1772-1844) tr. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Dore, 1883
  2. The ante-purgatorio of Dante Alighieri by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, Thomas William Parsons, 2010-08-19
  3. La divina commedia; the Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri; by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, Melville Best Anderson, 2010-08-28
  4. The Vision of Dante Alighieri ; translated by Henry Francis Cary by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, Henry Francis Cary, 2010-08-08
  5. The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 2010-06-15
  6. The Paradiso of Dante Alighieri by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, Philip Henry Wicksteed, et all 2010-08-29
  7. The Hell of Dante Alighieri by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, Arthur John Butler, 2010-08-13
  8. The Paradise of Dante Alighieri by Annie Kane, 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, et all 2010-09-07
  9. Inferno. Translated by Henry Francis Cary, from the original of Dante Alighieri, and illustrated with the designs of M. Gustave Doré by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, 2010-08-02
  10. The early Italian poets from Ciullo d'Alcamo to Dante Alighieri (1100-1200-1300) in the original metres, together with Dante's Vita nuova by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, 2010-08-10
  11. Stories from the Italian poets: being a summary in prose of the poems of Dante, Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso; with comments throughout, occasional ... of the lives and genius of the authors by Leigh Hunt, 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, et all 2010-08-28
  12. Dante's Divina commedia, its scope and value by Franz Hettinger, 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, 2010-08-16
  13. Dante: the poet by Cesare Foligno, 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, 2010-08-31
  14. A teacher of Dante, and other studies in Italian literature by Nathan Haskell Dole, 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, 2010-09-08

1. Dante Alighieri 1265-1321
Translate this page Dante Alighieri. 1265-1321. De sa vie nous retiendrons deux expériences fondamentalesdu malheur La douleur du deuil et celle de la trahison politique.
Dante Alighieri De sa vie nous retiendrons deux expériences fondamentales du malheur : La douleur du deuil et celle de la trahison politique. Issu d’une famille de petite noblesse commerçante. (son père est agent de change et préteur d’argent) Dante est rapidement orphelin de mère (1275) puis de père (1281). Il est confié à ses (demi-)frères et sœurs A neuf ans il rencontre pour la première fois celle qui devait lui inspirer  « ce qui jamais ne fut dit d’aucune » ; il la retrouve à dix huit ans, elle meurt à 25 ans. sa passion pour la jeune femme se transforme en Amour mystique : Béatrice, symbole de la vertu agissante, source de grandeur d’âme et de dépassement de soi.  En1291 Dante entame des études  philosophico-théologiques(1291-1295) et expose sa conception de la sagesse dans  la Vita nuova   puis dans Il Convivio (le Banquet) (1307) : le bien  moral est la fin de toute activité humaine. Même au sein de ses misères et de ses erreurs, l’amour humain est un amour naturel pour Dieu ; l’homme aimant la beauté aime Dieu sans le connaître. Parallèlement, Dante fait la terrible expérience des soubresauts et revirements politiques. En 1293, une ordonnance de justice retire aux nobles le droit de participer aux affaires publiques ; deux ans plus tard, ce droit n’est restitué qu’à ceux qui renient leur rang en s’inscrivant dans une corporation professionnelle. Dante choisit celle des Apothicaires et des Médecins ( qui est aussi celle des Libraires) et devient rapidement un porte-parole important des

2. Dante Alighieri 1265-1321
Translate this page EBDSA Content Dante Alighieri(english)Page The World of Dante TheDivine Comedy by Dante Alighieri Dante Publications Online. La
Dante [ Inicio/Home ] Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
chè la diritta via era smarrita


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3. Dante Alighieri 1265-1321
Translate this page Dante Alighieri Lebensdaten. Zu Dantes Lebenslauf sind fast keinegesicherten Daten überliefert. Nahezu alles, was über das Leben
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Dante Alighieri: Lebensdaten
Zu Dantes Lebenslauf sind fast keine gesicherten Daten überliefert. Nahezu alles, was über das Leben des Dichters bekannt ist, beruht auf Angaben oder Andeutungen, die Dante selbst in seinen Werken macht. Dante ist vermutlich im Mai oder Juni 1265 in der Pfarrei S. Martino del Vescovo in Florenz geboren. Eltern: Alighiero di Bellincione (gehört zum niederen, guelfisch gesinnter Stadtadel) und Bella (verstirbt früh), Stiefmutter: Lapa di Chiarissimo Cialuffi (übernimmt Dantes Erziehung). um 1285 Einige Zeit nach dem Tod des Vaters (1281 oder 82) heiratet Dante Gemma, eine Tochter der mächtigen Familie Donati. Aus der Ehe gehen 4 Kinder hervor (Giovanni, Pietro, Jacopo, Antonia). Dantes Ausbildung beginnt vermutlich mit dem Unterricht bei einem Privatlehrer in Florenz. Möglicherweise war Brunetto Latini (ca. 1220-1294) einer seiner Lehrer. Eventuell hat er anschließend in Bologna studiert. Dort knüpft er auch erste Beziehungen zu den Dichtern des „neuen Stils“ wie Guido Guinizelli, Cino da Pistoia und Guido Cavalcanti; mit diesem wird ihn eine enge Freundschaft verbinden. Als Berittener nimmt Dante an der Schlacht von Campaldino gegen Arezzo und die toskanischen Ghibellinen teil, die Florenz den Sieg und der ghibellinischen Partei den Untergang beschert.

4. Manuscripts Catalogue
Dante Alighieri 12651321, 36 entries. Dante Tomb, Ravenna. Photographby J. Cooper Ashton. Caption on slide Ravenna Dante Tombe.

5. Guido Mazzoni Collection - Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321
Special Collections Library Duke University. Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. Browse database entries for this category materials to the field of Dante studies is of no surprise, since
Guido Mazzoni Collection
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library - Duke University
Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321
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This very large group of 2,234 records represents pamphlets, newspapers, clippings, periodicals, manuscripts (mostly student theses)and many "per nozze" items (pamphlets published in honor of a wedding). Several of the items have pull-out charts of the Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise, or of the Alighieri family tree. Dates range from 1797 to 1943. The importance of these materials to the field of Dante studies is of no surprise, since Mazzoni was a Dante scholar and President of the Societa` Dantesca. With the exception of book-length works, virtually everything written on the subject in Italian during the nineteenth century can be found here, including lesser-known authors. One can also find the texts of Mazzoni's Lectura Dantis, a lecture series which he founded and participated in. There are a number of periodicals (for example, Il Giornale Dantesco) and unique issues commemorating the poet's birth date. Of interest also are the unusual and often beautifully illustrated items which announce the publication of luxury editions of Dante texts, particularly the Divine Comedy. Rare and aesthetically beautiful Dante studies

6. ILTweb Digital Dante
Inf. 03.009. ABOUT Dante (12651321).Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Italian poet, author of The Divine Comedy.
C R E D I T S PRESS AWARDS D IGITAL D ANTE Abandon every hope, who enter here.
Inf. 03.009
Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Italian poet, author of The Divine Comedy The Divine Comedy, a vernacular poem in 100 cantos (more than 14,000 lines), was composed in exile. It is the tale of the poet's journey through Hell and Purgatory (guided by Vergil) and through Heaven (guided by Beatrice, to whom the poem is a memorial.) Written in a complex pentameter form, terza rima , it is a magnificent synthesis of the medieval outlook, picturing a changeless universe ordered by God. Through it Dante established Tuscan as the literary language of Italy and gave rise to a vast literature. His works also include La vita nuova (c.1292), a collection of prose and lyrics celebrating Beatrice and ideal love; treatises on language and politics; eclogues; and epistles. HOME Introduction Net Resources About Dante ... INDEX D IGITAL D ANTE
Institute for Learning Technologies

Last Modified November, 1997.

7. Dante, Alighieri (1265-1321)
Dante, Alighieri (12651321) Italian poet and philosopher. Works about Dante Alighieri. Dante Alighieri from The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Works by Dante Alighieri. Language Italian. Divine Comedy
Dante, Alighieri (1265-1321)
Italian poet and philosopher
Works about Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri from Catholic Encyclopedia Dante Alighieri from The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge Works by Dante Alighieri Inferno Purgatorio Paradiso Divine Comedy Language : Italian Divine Comedy Search works of Dante Alighieri on the CCEL:
Match: All Any authInfo.xml This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library at
Calvin College
. Last modified on 06/03/04. Contact the CCEL.

8. Dante
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback. Dante Alighieri (12651321) The greatest Italian poet and one of the most important writers of European literature.
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B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) The greatest Italian poet and one of the most important writers of European literature. Dante is best known for the epic poem COMMEDIA, c. 1310-14, later named LA DIVINA COMMEDIA. It has profoundly affected not only the religious imagination but all subsequent allegorical creation of imaginary worlds in literature. Dante spent much of his life traveling from one city to another. This had perhaps more to do with the restless times than his wandering character or fixation on the Odyssey. However, his Commedia can also be called a spiritual travel book. "It were a shameful thing if one should rhyme under the semblance of metaphor or rhetorical similitude, and afterwards, being questioned thereof, should be unable to rid his words of such semblance, unto their right understanding." (from Vita Nuova , c. 1293) Dante Alighieri was born into a Florentine family of noble ancestry. Little is known about Dante's childhood. His mother, Bella degli Abati, died when he was seven years old. His father, Alighiero II, made his living by money-lending and renting of property. After the death of his wife he remarried, but died in the early 1280s, before the future poet reached manhood. Brunetto Latini, a man of letters and a politician, became a father figure for Dante, but later in his Commedia Dante placed Latini in Hell, into the seventh circle, among those who were guilty of "violence against nature" - sodomy.

Italian poet. (12651321)
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Dante Alighieri
Italian poet, born at Florence, 1265; died at Ravenna, Italy , 14 September, 1321. His own statement in the "Paradiso" (xxii, 112-117) that he was born when the sun was in Gemini, fixes his birthday between 18 May and 17 June. He was the son of Alighiero di Bellincione Alighieri, a notary belonging to an ancient but decadent Guelph family, by his first wife, Bella, who was possibly a daughter of Durante di Scolaio Abati, a Ghibelline noble. A few months after the poet's birth, the victory of Charles of Anjou over King Manfred at Benevento (26 February, 1266) ended the power of the empire in Italy, placed a French dynasty upon the throne of Naples, and secured the predominance of the Guelphs in Tuscany. Dante thus grew up amidst the triumphs of the Florentine democracy, in which he took some share fighting in the front rank of the Guelph cavalry at the battle of Campaldino (11 June, 1289), when the Tuscan Ghibellines were defeated by the forces of the Guelph league, of which Florence was the head. This victory was followed by a reformation of the Florentine constitution, associated with the name of Giano della Bella, a great-hearted noble who had joined the people. By the Ordinances of Justice (1293) all nobles and magnates were more strictly excluded from the government, and subjected to severe penalties for offences against plebeians. To take any part in public life, it was necessary to be enrolled in one or other of the "Arts" (the guilds in which the burghers and artisans were banded together), and accordingly Dante matriculated in the guild of physicians and apothecaries. On 6 July, 1295, he spoke in the General Council of the Commune in favour of some modification in the Ordinances of Justice after which his name is frequently found recorded as speaking or voting in the various councils of the republic.

Chronology of Dante Alighieri (12651321). 1265 - Dante is born, probablyMay 29, under the sign of Gemini. 1274 - First meets, and
Chronology of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
- Dante is born, probably May 29, under the sign of Gemini.
- First meets, and falls in love with Beatrice Portinari, according to the Vita nuova
- Dante's father dies. He is married shortly thereafter to Gemma Donati, with whom he has four children (Jacopo, Pietro, Giovanni and Antonia).
- Participates as a cavalryman in the battle of Campaldino. The Guelf League (Florence and Lucca) defeats the Ghibellines ofArezzo. Dante recalls this battle in Purgatorio
- Death of Beatrice.
- Writes the Vita nuova
- Dante meets Charles Martel, King of Hungary and heir to the kingdom of Naples and the country of Provence. Dante recounts their meeting in Paradiso VIII.
- Joins the guild of the apothecaries for the purpose of entering public life.
- Dante is prior for two months (15 June-15 August), one of the six highest magistrates in Florence. Boniface VIII proclaims the Jubilee Year. Fictional date (Eastertime) of the journey of the Divine Comedy
- Dante is sent to Rome as an envoy to Pope Boniface VIII, as Charles of Valois approaches Florence.
- The Black Guelfs seize power in Florence. Dante is banished from the city for two years and forever excluded from public office. Later in the same year his banishment is made perpetual, and he is condemned to be burned alive if taken in the territory of the Florentine Republic.

11. Island Of Freedom - Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri. 12651321. Distracted mortals! of what paltry worth The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Dante's Inferno. Dante Alighieri, called Dante, wrote the poetic masterpiece
Dante Alighieri
Distracted mortals! of what paltry worth
Are the arguments whereby ye are so prone
Senselessly to beat down your wings to earth!

Dante Alighieri on the Web

Online Bibliographies on Dante

Fantastic Imaginations: Dalí and Dante

Digital Dante
Dante's Inferno

Dante Alighieri, called Dante, wrote the poetic masterpiece La Divina Commedia , or The Divine Comedy , which helped establish his native Tuscan dialect as the literary language of Italy. He is not only Italy's preeminent poet but, along with Shakespeare , one of the towering figures of Western literature. This primacy is accorded him because of his profound understanding of medieval thought, his mastery of complex technical skills, and the dramatic range and originality of his imagination. Dante's life spanned the troubled years of the late Middle Ages, in which the long struggle between pope and emperor for supremacy in Italy reached its most acute phase, and in which the concept of nationalism, exemplified by the growing power of the French monarchy, was displacing the medieval vision of a united Christendom. Deeply involved in the issues and events of his day, Dante reflected in his writings the aspirations and anxieties of his contemporaries, while projecting into them a universal and timeless dimension.
Of a middle-class Florentine family with some pretensions to ancient nobility, Dante received a good education both in the classics and in scholastic Christian literature. At a very early age he began to write poetry, largely love lyrics (canzoni) in the style of Guido Guinizelli and Guido Cavalcanti. The most memorable events of his youth were his two encounters (1274 and 1283) with Beatrice Portinari, to whom he remained spiritually devoted for the rest of his life in a metaphysical transformation of the tradition of courtly love popularized by the Provencal troubadours despite his own marriage (c. 1285) to Gemma Donati (which produced several children) and Beatrice's to Simon de'Bardi. The progression of his love for her was embodied in the love poetry of his first book

12. NetSERF: Literature: Works By Author: Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Literature Works by Author Dante Alighieri (12651321) Dante Alighieri Projects Dante Alighieri, Life of La Divina Commediaby Dante Alighieri. Uses frames to present the cantos
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La Divina Commedia by Dante Alighieri
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13. - Great Books -
Dante Alighieri (12651321), Italian poet, born at Florence, 1265;died at Ravenna, Italy, 14 September, 1321. His own statement
Dante Alighieri
Italian poet, born at Florence, 1265; died at Ravenna, Italy, 14 September, 1321. His own statement in the "Paradiso" (xxii, 112-117) that he was born when the sun was in Gemini, fixes his birthday between 18 May and 17 June. During his exile from Florence he sought and received refuge and protection from a branch of the Malaspina family in Mulazzo and pays tribute to this in his Purgatorio
Already Dante had written his first book, the "Vita Nuova", or "New Life", an exquisite medley of lyrical verse and poetic prose, telling the story of his love for Beatrice, whom he had first seen at the end of his ninth year. Beatrice, who was probably the daughter of Folco Portinari, and wife of Simone de' Bardi, died in June, 1290, and the "Vita Nuova" was completed about the year 1294. Dante's love for her was purely spiritual and mystical, the amor amicitiae defined by St. Thomas Aquinas : "That which is loved in love of friendship is loved simply and for its own sake". Its resemblance to the chivalrous worship that the troubadours offered to married women is merely superficial. The book is dedicated to the Florentine poet, Guido Cavalcanti, whom Dante calls "the first of my friends", and ends with the promise of writing concerning Beatrice "what has never before been written of any woman".
A few years before his exile Dante had married Gemma di Manetto Donati, a distant kinswoman of Corso, by whom he had four children. He never saw his wife again; but his sons, Pietro and Jacopo, and one of his daughters, Beatrice, joined him in later years. At first, he made common cause with his fellow-exiles at Siena

14. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Dante Alighieri (12651321). Dante Alighieri was born in Florence, Italy,in May 1265. In present day terms, Dante would be considered
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15. ClassicNotes: Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri. Biography of Dante Alighieri (12651321). Dante isone of the greatest poets in the Italian language; with the comic
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Biography of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Dante is one of the greatest poets in the Italian language; with the comic story-teller Boccaccio and the poet Petrarch, he forms the classic trio of Italian authors. Dante Alighieri was born in the city-state Florence in 1265. He first saw the woman, or rather the child, who was to become the poetic love of his life when he was almost nine years old and she was some months younger. In fact, Beatrice married another man, Simone di' Bardi, and died when Dante was 25, so their relationship existed almost entirely in Dante's imagination, but she nonetheless plays an extremely important role in his poetry. Dante attributed all the heavenly virtues to her soul and imagined, in his masterpiece The Divine Comedy, that she was his guardian angel who alternately berated and encouraged him on his search for salvation. Dante never returned to Florence. He wandered from city to city, depending on noble patrons there. Between 1302 and 1304 some attempts were made by the exiled Whites to retrieve their position in Florence, but none of these succeeded and Dante contented himself with hoping for the appearance of a new powerful Holy Roman Emperor who would unite the country and banish strife. Henry VII was elected Emperor in 1308, and indeed laid seige to Florence in 1312, but was defeated, and he died a year later, destroying Dante's hopes. Dante passed from court to court, writing passionate political and moral epistles and finishing his Divine Comedy, which contains the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. He finally died in Ravenna in 1321.

16. Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321
Dante Alighieri, 12651321. That singular splendor of the Italianrace, as his first biographer, Boccaccio, called him, was born
Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321
"That singular splendor of the Italian race," as his first biographer, Boccaccio, called him, was born, a lawyer's son, in Florence in May 1265. He was baptized Durante, later contracted into Dante (the name means "the much-enduring" and "the giver"). In his Vita Nuova (the New Life ), he relates how he first set eyes on "the glorious lady of his heart, Beatrice," he then being about nine years of age and she a few months younger. To Boccaccio we owe the generally accepted fact that she was the daughter of Folco Portinari, for Dante himself never gives the slightest clue as to her family name. But their chance meeting in May 1274 determined the whole future course of the poet's life. The story of his boyish passion is told with pathos in the Vita Nuova . There is no evidence that any similar feelings were aroused in the heart of Beatrice herself. She was married early to Simone de' Bardi, but neither this nor the poet's own subsequent marriage interfered with his pure and utterly Platonic devotion to her, which intensified after her death, on June 9, 1290. Shortly after, Dante married Gemma Donati, the daughter of a powerful Guelph family. That it was an unhappy marriage is open to interpretation what is certain is that after Dante's exile he never appears to have seen his wife again. In 1289 Dante fought at Campaldino, where Florence defeated the Ghibellines, and was at the capitulation of Caprona. He was registered in one of the city guilds (of the Apothecaries) being entered as "Dante d'Aldighieri

17. - Great Books -
Dante Alighieri ( 12651321) Italian poet, born at Florence, 1265; died at Ravenna, Italy, 14 September, 1321. His own statement
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
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18. Dante Alighieri
Translate this page Home_Page Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Poeta, prosista, teórico dela literatura, filósofo y pensador político italiano. Está
Dante Alighieri
P oeta, prosista, teórico de la literatura, filósofo y pensador político italiano. Está considerado como una de las figuras más sobresalientes de la literatura universal, admirado por su espiritualidad y por su profundidad intelectual. Dante nació en Florencia, en los últimos días de mayo o los primeros de junio del año 1265, en el seno de una familia que pertenecía a la pequeña nobleza. Su madre murió cuando todavía era pequeño, y su padre al cumplir los 18 años. El acontecimiento más importante de esta trágica juventud, según su propio testimonio, fue conocer, en el año 1274, a Beatriz, la mujer a quien amó y que exaltó como símbolo supremo de la gracia divina, primero en La vida nueva y, más tarde, en su obra maestra, La Divina Comedia . Los especialistas han identificado a Bice di Folco como la noble florentina Bice di Folco Portinari, que murió en 1290, con apenas 20 años. Dante sólo la vio en tres ocasiones y nunca habló con ella, pero eso fue suficiente para que se convirtiera en la musa inspiradora de casi toda su obra. Se sabe muy poco acerca de la educación de Dante, aunque sus libros reflejan una vasta erudición que comprendía casi todo el conocimiento de su época. En sus comienzos ejercieron una gran influencia sobre él las obras del filósofo y retórico Brunetto Latini, que aparece, por otro lado, como personaje destacado en La Divina Comedia . Se sabe que, hacia 1285, se encontraba en Bolonia, y se supone que estudió en la universidad de esa ciudad. Durante las luchas políticas que tuvieron lugar en la Italia de esos años, se unió en un principio al bando de los güelfos, opuestos a los gibelinos. En 1289 formaba parte del ejército güelfo de la ciudad de Florencia que combatió en la batalla de Campaldino, en la que los güelfos de Florencia vencieron a los gibelinos de Pisa y Arezzo. Por esa misma época se casó con Gemma di Manetto Donati, perteneciente a una destacada familia güelfa florentina.

19. DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321)
Translate this page Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Nasce a Firenze nel 1265. Il padre, chesvolgeva una piccola attività di cambiatore e prestatore di
DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) Nasce a Firenze nel 1265. Il padre, che svolgeva una piccola attività di cambiatore e prestatore di denari, vantava ascendenti nobili. Lo stesso Dante, nel Paradiso , fa risalire le sue origini a Cacciaguerra, un trisavolo vissuto nel XII sec., che morì combattendo i musulmani durante la IIa crociata. La famiglia quindi era della piccola nobiltà (le rendite erano derivate anche dal possesso di alcuni terreni e case). Questo permise a Dante di non svolgere alcuna attività lavorativa e di dedicarsi liberamente agli studi e ai divertimenti propri delle persone del suo ceto. La sua prima formazione intellettuale consiste in studi di grammatica e logica. Studiò retorica con Brunetto Latini e ancora giovanissimo si dedicò alla poesia divenendo amico di Guido Cavalcanti e Lapo Gianni. Le sue Rime furono soprattutto dedicate ad esaltare -secondo la maniera del Dolce Stilnovo- una donna: Beatrice (forse Bice di Folco Portinari), morta nel 1290. Dedicata completamente a lei è anche la Vita Nuova (1293), dopodiché Dante s'orienta verso gli studi filosofici e teologici.

20. Dante Alighieri
Translate this page Just click here! Dante Alighieri. (1265-1321). INCIPIT. Nel mezzo del cammin dinostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, ché la diritta via era smarrita.

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