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         Dante:     more books (100)
  1. The Banquet (Il Convito) by Dante Alighieri, 2009-10-04
  2. Dante's Blackmailed Bride (Silhouette Desire) by Day Leclaire, 2008-02-12

141. Inferno
Plot summary and analysis. Also includes a discussion forum.
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Renaissance Poetry

by Patrick Gardner, Brian Phillips
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142. Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Art Images - Works And Biography - OCAIW
Provides an extensive set of links to Rossetti's paintings available at other sites online.

Italiano O C A I W :   O N L I N E   S I N C E  1 9 9 7 Thuesday, 03 June 2004 Home Masters' Catalogue The Nude in Art History Degas' Gallery ... Biography (VAR)
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B C D ... Z Dante Gabriel Rossetti [British Painter and Illustrator, 1828-1882] - Pre-Raphaelite HELP to keep this site on the Web!!
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Images' list of works by the Artist in 'Virtual Art Galleries' and 'Art Museum' sites
Virtual Galleries
ARTCYCLOPEDIA ARTCY The Blue Bower, 1865 ARTMAGICK GALLERY ARTMAGICK A Christmas Carol A Sea Spell A Vision of Fiammetta ... Writing on the Sand ARTS IN VICTORIAN BRITAIN VICTORIAN Six Works BRIAN YODER'S ART GALLERY YODER Beata Beatrix (c. 1863) Ecce Ancilla Domini (The Annunciation) (1849) Joan of Arc Kisses the Sword of Liberation (1863) ... Venus Verticordia (1864-1868) CAROL GERTEN'S FINE ART CGFA A Sea Spell A Vision of Fiammetta Arthur's Tomb (detail) ... Ecce Ancilla Domini!

Translate this page Dante ALIGHIERI (2 di 2). Quindi Dante resta fedele a Beatrice nonostante tutto, e continua a celebrarla ininterrottamente anche dopo la morte.
di Maria Viteritti DANTE ALIGHIERI "con altra voce omai, con altro vello ritornerò poeta, e in sul fonte del mio battesimo prenderò 'l cappello" Paradiso, XXV.
Prima di scrivere una cronologia su Dante Alighieri è necessario precisare che della sua vita conosciamo bene le linee generali ma restano molte incertezze su diversi particolari, come gli studi, le scuole frequentate... Data la condizione che visse come esule del resto non ci è stato neppure tramandato niente che gli sia appartenuto, nemmeno uno scritto autografo! Con certezza comunque sappiamo che lo scrittore nasce nel 1265 a Firenze, presso una famiglia guelfa (il padre è Alaghiero degli Alighieri, la madre Donna Bella) che, nonostante vanti radici nobili (che Dante farà risalire alla grandezza del suo capostipite Cacciaguida in Paradiso XV-XVII) si mantiene con attività mercantili ma di scarsa rendita economica.
Il primo avvenimento importante avviene alla tenera età di nove anni, quando, come attesta nella Vita Nuova, incontra per la prima volta Bice di Folco Portinari, la donna celebrata e universalmente conosciuta come Beatrice, il grande amore che guiderà la sua vita e tutta la sua opera di poeta. E' proprio così, infatti, che comincia la sua attività artistica: con le liriche giovanili dedicate a lei, in seguito raccolte nella Vita Nuova, che scrive insieme ad amici poeti fra cui Guido Cavalcanti (cominciano a frequentarsi nel 1283) e Brunetto Latini, che gli farà da maestro in questo primo periodo di "apprendistato". Pochi anni dopo, nel 1290 Beatrice muore. Dante vive un travaglio interiore terribile; ma nonostante questo, sposa Gemma di Manetto Donati da cui ha quattro figli: Giovanni, Jacopo, Pietro e Antonia.

144. Dante Gabriel Rossetti: An Overview
Resources for placing Rossetti's poetry into literary, biographical, social, and political contexts.

145. Dante's Inferno
This site is dedicated to the study of Dante Alighieri and one of his works, The Divine Comedy. Specifically, this site will focus on The Inferno.
This site is dedicated to the study of Dante Alighieri and one of his works, The Divine Comedy . Specifically, this site will focus on Inferno. Main Menu Inferno Dante Bio Divine Comedy Bio ... Essays Best if viewed in 800 x 600 resolution
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146. Dante Alighieri (Dante)
S'enregistrer Devenir membre Recherche : Musées, lieux, oeuvres Personnalité Insecula Dante Alighieri (Dante)
Dante Alighieri (Dante)

Naissance : Florence , 1265 - Décès : Ravenne
Le Trecento ou la "Pré-Renaissance"

Dante Alighieri est né en 1265. Il perdra successivement sa mère, en 1278, puis son père, agent de change et préteur d'argent, en 1282. Il sera élevé par ses frères et soeurs.
En relation avec Giovanni Boccacio (Boccace) et Ugolin della Gherardesca
Sites en relation : Bibliothèque Jardins La Porte de l'Enfer La Porte de l'Enfer
Il rencontrera pour la première fois Béatrice, sa future égérie, à l'âge de neuf ans, puis la retrouvera à dix-huit ans, sans jamais faire sa connaissance et lui adresser la parole. Cette dernière, qui lui inspirera "ce qui jamais ne fut dit d'aucune", disparaîtra à l'âge de vingt-cinq ans.
Dante exposera sa conception de la sagesse dans la Vita nuova, en 1291, après avoir séjourné à Bologne où il entreprendra des études de philosophie et de théologie. Influencé par philosophe florentin Brunetto Latini, exilé en France, Dante fréquentera de nombreux poètes, en particulier Guido Cavalcanti et Cino da Pistoia. Dante intègrera la corporation des Apothicaires, des Médecins et des Libraires en 1295, lors du rétablissement des droits des nobles à participer aux affaires publiques sous réserve qu'ils renoncent à leurs droits et rejoignent une guilde. Florence connaîtra alors une vie sociale et politique agitée. Les Guelfes, qui soutiennent le pouvoir temporel du pape et émettent des revendications nationalistes, s'opposeront aux Gibelins, qui soutiennent l'autorité du Saint-Empire romain germanique qui exerce une certaine influence en Italie. Le conflit se transformera en guerre civile. Dante, partisan des Guelfes, sera du coté des vainqueurs à la bataille de Campaldino de 1289 qui opposera les Florentins aux Gibelins de Pise et d'Arezzo. Les Guelfes seront alors victimes d'une scission.

Un interessante scritto introduttivo di Giovanni Gentile.
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148. The Classic Text: Dante Alighieri
Dante s work flourished in the fifteenth century along with the printing press, and he became known as the divino poeta or divine poet.
T he Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri remains today one of the pillars upon which the European literary tradition has been built. Originally titled simply Commedia , Dante's masterpiece was written at the end of his life and finished just before his death in 1321. In an era of hand-copied manuscripts, it reached a large and appreciative audience quickly. By the year 1400, no fewer than 12 commentaries devoted to detailed expositions of its meaning had appeared to support the text. Giovanni Boccaccio wrote on the poet's life and in 1373-1374 delivered the first public lectures on Dante's Commedia D ante's work flourished in the fifteenth century along with the printing press, and he became known as the divino poeta or divine poet. In 1555, a fine edition of his Commedia was published in Venice with the adjective divine applied to the poem's title for the first time, resulting in the title still in use today, The Divine Comedy O f Dante's approach to this classic text, Benét's Reader's Encyclopedia T he Divine Comedy is also important for its place in the history of the development of the Italian language. Dante opposed the assumptions of his day that prescribed Latin as the only appropriate language for serious writing. He advocated the use of a courtly Italian enriched with the best of every spoken dialect to form a serious literary language. This would help to unify the separated Italian territories by the creation of a national culture, an end to which Dante strived his entire life. While falling short of his goal of unification, Dante did use his native Tuscan as a basis for several of his works, including

149. Dantes Göttliche Komödie
œbersetzt von Dr. Karl Witte. Die 1. sechs Ges¤nge.

150. Otfried Lieberknecht, ORB Dante Alighieri: A Guide To Online Resources
ORB ONLINE REFERENCE BOOK FOR MEDIEVAL STUDIES Dante ALIGHIERI A Guide to Online Resources Otfried Lieberknecht. Gateway to Dante Resources
Encyclopedia Library Reference Teaching ... HOME ORB O NLINE R EFERENCE B OOK F OR M EDIEVAL S TUDIES
D ANTE A LIGHIERI: A Guide to Online Resources
Otfried Lieberknecht
Gateway to Dante Resources: ORB EncyclopediaOriginal Essays: Gateway to General Resources for Medieval Studies: Discussion Lists and Newsletters of Interest for Italian Studies:
  • Italian-Studies - Discussion of Italian literature, linguistics and culture, with special interests also in Dante studies. Sponsored by the Society for Italian Studies and by the University of Leicester, coordinated by George P. Ferzoco and Otfried Lieberknecht
  • Let-It - Letteratura Italiana, a moderated list for discussion of Italian literature and philology. Organized and moderated by

151. Società Dante Alighieri
Firenze Scuola di lingua e cultura italiana per stranieri.



152. Colégio Dante Alighieri
Translate this page Colégio Dante Alighieri, O poeta Dante Alighieri, DESTAQUES. Alunos responsáveis. Leia mais. Alunos do Dante visitam ONG em São Mateus. Leia mais.
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Dante Alighieri
O poeta Dante Alighieri
Alunos participam de passeio a Holambra. Leia mais
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Projeto interdisciplinar para 1as séries do Ensino Médio trata de Pablo Picasso.
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CineDante: alunos assistem ao filme Cabaret. Leia mais Leia mais Leia mais Alunos da 8ª série participam da Oficina de Matemática. Leia mais Leia mais Oficina de Jogos e Matroginástica: interação familiar e homenagem. Leia mais Dante realiza o IX Campeonato de Street Ball. Leia mais 6ª Oficina de Italiano: Un viaggio in Italia. Leia mais Leia mais O Dante na Febrace 2004: Exposição e Premiação. Leia mais Alunos do Dante visitam o nos dias 2 e 3 de março. Leia mais Dante é premiado por projeto de inclusão digital.

153. Starpages: Dingdong Dantes Web Sites
Links to Dingdong Dantes sites.
  • Actors
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  • mySQL Database ... FANMAIL Page: 4 votes Friends -n- Lovers The first fan-site for the BEST love-team in primetime TV! Dingdong Dantes and Tanya Garcia. Webmaster: modify listing delete listing Add News Collect Award ... Voting Link 3 votes Dingdong Dantes' Domain This is the FIRST unnoficial website of Dingdong Dantes. It has lots of articles and pictures of the hottest young actor in showbusiness. It also has a zodiac sign reading on the very handsome actor. Through this site, one could join his mailing Webmaster: modify listing delete listing Add News Collect Award ... Voting Link 2 votes Dingdong Dantes Mailing List Webmaster: modify listing delete listing Add News Collect Award ... Voting Link 1 votes Friends -n- Lovers FORUM Discussion Board for Friends -n- Lovers
  • 154. - Dante Hall
    82 Dante Hall. WR. Height 58 Weight 187 Born 09/20/1978, College Texas A M NFL Experience 5.
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    155. Jane Morris
    Photograph by J. Robert Parsons, posed by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1865.
    Jane Morris. Photograph by J. Robert Parsons, posed by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1865.
    About The WMG Visiting Gallery Shop ... On-line Exhibition

    156. Index Of /dept/english/dante
    Parent Directory 28Oct-2003 1003 - CantoVCiardi.html 06-Jun-2003......Index of /dept/english/Dante. Name Last modified Size
    Index of /dept/english/dante
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    158. C.L.I. Dante Alighieri - Italiano Per Stranieri
    Translate this page best resolution 800x600 pixel. Statistiche.
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    159. Dante, Alighieri (1265-1321)
    Dante, Alighieri (12651321). Italian poet and philosopher. Works about Dante Alighieri. Dante Alighieri from Catholic Encyclopedia.
    Dante, Alighieri (1265-1321)
    Italian poet and philosopher
    Works about Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri from Catholic Encyclopedia Dante Alighieri from The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge Works by Dante Alighieri Inferno Purgatorio Paradiso Divine Comedy Language : Italian Divine Comedy Search works of Dante Alighieri on the CCEL:
    Match: All Any authInfo.xml This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library at
    Calvin College
    . Last modified on 06/03/04. Contact the CCEL.

    160. Heart's Ease Gallery (Dante Gabriel Rossetti)
    Biography, several representative works, and suggested further resources.

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