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101. Dante Systems Ltd. Romania SoluÅ£ii tehnice pentru aplicaÅ£ii de supraveghere, echipamente industriale pentru achiziÅ£ie date, software de vizualizare Åi dialog cu operatorul. http://www.dante.ro/ |
102. Www.dante.org/ http://www.dante.org/ |
103. Dante And Virgil Welcome to the Dante and Virgil website, a study of the literary, personal, and theological relationship between Dante Alighieri and the ancient Roman poet http://users.erols.com/antos/dante/ | |
104. Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri Translate this page Language courses for a variety of purposes, as well as courses in culture, cooking, and wine. Informatio http://www.clida.it/ | |
105. Dante's Realm : Gustav Dore Art Gallery A gallery of the carvings of Gustav Dore. These pictures accompany the poem the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/mage/719/index5.html | |
106. Asociación Dante Alighieri De Buenos Aires, Asociación Dante Alighieri De Buen Translate this page La lengua y la cultura italianas en el ciberespacio en la pagina web de la Dante Alighieri de Buenos Aires. La lengua y la cultura http://www.dante.edu.ar/ | |
107. Dante's Peak (1997) Contains a plot summary, trailer, cast lit, and message board. http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0118928/ | |
108. Dante Gabriel Rossetti Online Dante Gabriel Rossetti English PreRaphaelite Painter, 1828-1882 Guide to pictures of works by Dante Gabriel Rossetti in art museum sites and image archives http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/rossetti_dante_gabriel.html | |
109. Laura's Ron Dante Fan Pages Artistapproved fan page for the lead singer of The Archies and The Cuff Links. Contains biography, discography, tour schedule, pictures, message board and related links. http://lpintop.tripod.com/laurasrondantefanpages/ | |
110. Dante Gabriel Rossetti (British, 1828 - 1882) Dante Gabriel Rossetti (British, 18281882). Biography. View a selection of paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Article Archive New! http://www.artmagick.com/artists/rossetti.aspx | |
111. Dante Gabriel Rossetti A photograph of the author. http://www.people.virginia.edu/~bhs2u/carroll/rossetti.html | |
112. Dante Alighieri Collection At Bartleby.com Hell. Canto iii. Line 9. Dante Alighieri. Dante Alighieri. XX. Bartletts Dante Alighieri Quotations Epitomal selections by John Bartlett. http://www.bartleby.com/people/DanteAli.html | |
113. Great Books Index - Dante GREAT BOOKS INDEX. Dante Alighieri (12651321). An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation. Dante s Divine Comedy. http://books.mirror.org/gb.dante.html | |
114. Dante Thomas - Homepage your recent posts. Official Site Link. Dante Thomas. When Pras from The Fugees heard the voice of Dante Thomas while the two happened http://www.elektra.com/dantethomas/ | |
115. Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft: Homepage Offizielle Site mit Darstellung der Gesellschaft, deren Zielen und Aktivit¤ten. Neben dem Inhalt des Deutschen Jahrbuches finden sich Daten zum K¼nstler und Links. http://www.uni-marburg.de/hosting/ddg/ | |
116. Rete Dante Alighieri - Spazio Web Gratis ---- Dante Alighieri Network -- Free We Spazio di discussione per Scuole di italiano all'estero, istituti di cultura, associazioni di italiani. http://www.dantealighieri.net/ | |
117. Dante Alighieri. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. Dante Alighieri. (d n´t , Ital. Dante was the author of the Divine Comedy, one of the greatest of literary classics. 1. Life. http://www.bartleby.com/65/da/DanteAli.html | |
118. Scuola Media Dante Alighieri Di Brindisi Brindisi Presenta la scuola, i corsi multimediali, le attivit , le partnership nell'ambito del progetto Comenius, informazioni sulla citt . http://utenti.lycos.it/alighieri/ | |
119. Welcome To The Inferno Dante s Inferno and All Night Video Store Stuff! Give the Devil his due. Buy Mugs, TShirts and more! Infernal Rantings. The Continued http://www.badmovieplanet.com/inferno/ | |
120. 'Dante And Beatrice', Henry Holiday Presents the oil on canvas painting and provides a brief decription. http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/walker/collections/19c/holiday.asp | |
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