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61. 1916 the woods. 590 Curwood, James Oliver, 18781927. KAZAN/BY/James of 1812. 1918 605 Curwood, James Oliver, 1878-1927. THE GRIZZLY/KING http://www.library.ubc.ca/edlib/egoffbib/1916.html | |
62. 1922 He learns the ways of animals and birds, learns their language and travels with the wild geese. Is it all just a dream? 645 Curwood, James Oliver, 18781927. http://www.library.ubc.ca/edlib/egoffbib/1922.html | |
63. Baree, The Story Of A Wolf-dog (in MARION) Title Baree, the story of a wolfdog / James Oliver Curwood. Uniform title Baree, son of Kazan. Author Curwood, James Oliver, 1878-1927. http://www.ccpl.org/MARION/ABC-9314 |
64. Lib.Ru: Äæåéìñ Îëèâåð Êåðâóä (18781927). ?(419k) 10 ? ; ?(252k) 11 ; See also. www James Oliver Curwood at Project Gutenberg http://lib.ru/NATUR/CURWOOD/ | |
65. Lib.Ru: Äæåéìñ Îëèâåð Êåðâóä (18781927). ?(419k) 31 ? ; ?(252k) 30 ; See also. www James Oliver Curwood at Project Gutenberg http://lib.ru/NATUR/CURWOOD/Encoding_lat | |
66. LISTA DE TITULOS Baby Mine, by Mayo, Margaret Back Home, by Wood, Eugene, 18401923 Back To Gods Country And Other Stories, by Curwood, James Oliver, 1878-1927 Backlog Studies http://redcultural.iespana.es/redcultural/gutenberg/titulos.htm |
67. Houghton Mifflin Company. Correspondence And Records, 1832-1944: Guide. 2 letters from; 1932. 2 letters to; 1932. (458) Curwood, James Oliver, 18781927. 1 letter from; 1920. (459) Cushing, Harvey, 1869-1939. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00009.html | |
68. Del 6 : Tillägg I vissa delar av världen uppnådde James Oliver Curwood (18781927) en långt större popularitet med sina snällare och mera romantiska vildmarksskildringar http://hem.fyristorg.com/caurelio/essayer6.html | |
69. ERISMAN-ODOM COLLECTION Burnett Library Texas Christian University New York, NY Barse Co., c1917. Curwood, James Oliver, 18781927. The ancient highway. New York, Grosset Dunlap 1925 Curwood, James Oliver, 1878-1927. http://libnt2.lib.tcu.edu/SpColl/web-exhi/BOYSBKS2.txt |
70. Author Hitlist Curwood, James Olive. Author, Title, Call Number, Status. Book, Curwood, James Oliver, 18781927. The bear a novel. FIC CUR, IN. Book, Curzon http://ghs-opac.bcsd.k12.il.us/wx/s.dll?d=s11&s1=Curwood, James Olive |
71. Mestská Knihovna Trhové Sviny - Catalogue LANius Loc.Mark, Author, Title, Part. M, Curwood,James Oliver,18781927, Barí,syn Kazanuv, V kanadské divocine, M, Curwood,James Oliver,1878-1927, Vlcák Kazan, http://knihovna.tsviny.cz/LANius/eng/l.dll?kfh~S=Kanada |
72. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Subject, Automobiles in motion pictures. Add author, Curwood, James Oliver, 18781927. Shipman, Nell, 1892-1970. Arling, Charles. Oakman, Wheeler, 1890-1949. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,12/search/aWells, Ken./awell | |
73. SciFan: Writer: James Oliver Curwood (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) Writers James Oliver Curwood (1878 1927, United States http://www.scifan.com/writers/cc/CurwoodOJames.asp | |
74. GIGA Quote Author Page For James Oliver Curwood GIGA's compilation of quotations, excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorisms by James Oliver Curwood. James Oliver Curwood. American journalist and novelist ( 1878 1927) BUY BOOK RELATED TO. James Oliver Curwood. CHECK READING LIST (3 http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quautcurwoodjamesox001.htm | |
75. James Oliver Curwood Biography James Oliver Curwood information including a list of his books and movies. James Oliver Curwood. James Oliver Curwood was born in Owosso on June 12, 1878, and lived here most Williams Street http://www.shianet.org/community/tour/joc.html | |
76. James Oliver Curwood James Oliver Curwood. James Oliver Curwood was born in Owosso, Michigan on June 12, 1878, the son of James Moran Curwood On January 1, 1927 he was appointed to the http://www.sdl.lib.mi.us/curwood.htm | |
77. Violet Books: James Oliver Curwood A bookstore specializing in hardto-find vintage western literature. Here's a biographical page gallery for author James Oliver Curwood. James Oliver Curwood lived most of his life in Owosso http://www.violetbooks.com/western-bios/james-curwood.html | |
78. Tantor.com : James Oliver Curwood James Oliver Curwood. James Oliver Curwood was born in Owosso Michigan in 1878, and lived there for most poisoning, at age 49, in 1927, and is buried near his home http://www.tantor.com/AuthorDetail.asp?Author=Curwood_J |
79. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (CRO - CZZ) Quintus), Roman historian (c. 2nd century) see Rufus BUY AMAZON BOOK James Oliver Curwood, American journalist and novelist (1878 - 1927) - READ QUOTES http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubiocro.htm | |
80. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Curwood, James Oliver 1878 - 1927 Curwood, James Oliver 1878 1927 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. Curwood, James Oliver (soubor výstriku), © Mestská knihovna http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/c/111524.htm | |
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