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81. What Confucius Thought A brief summary of the basic concepts behind one of the world's oldest philosophies, Chinese Confucianism. http://www.heptune.com/confuciu.html | |
82. Quoteland :: Quotations By Author QUOTATIONS by AUTHOR, BooksBooks by and about Confucius Click this icon to engrave the quote on mugs, bookmarks, tshirts and much more. Change. http://www.quoteland.com/author.asp?AUTHOR_ID=195&e=747 |
83. Works By Confucius Analects, Doctrine of the Mean, and Great Learning online. http://www.4literature.net/Confucius | |
84. Confucius Quotes. Confucius Quotations Confucius Quotes. Famous and infamous quotes from Confucius. Confucius Quotations. Quotes Confucius Quotes Confucius Quotations. http://www.military-quotes.com/confucius.htm&e=747 |
85. Works By Confucius Works by Confucius. Buy more than 2,000 books on a single CDROM for only $19.99. Read, write, or comment on essays about Confucius Search for books. http://www.4literature.net/Confucius/&e=747 |
86. Temple And Cemetery Of Confucius And The Kong Family Mansion In Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu China Inscribed 1994 Criteria C (i) (iv) (vi) Justification http://whc.unesco.org/sites/704.htm&e=747 |
87. Öª ¶¨ º ¸Ç Ìì Ï ֮ ÖÁ ÉÆ ºÍ ÖÁ ³Ï Explore the teachings of Confucius and discusses critical issues that pervade the Chinese society. http://geocities.com/Athens/Marble/3232/ | |
88. Proverbes Confucius Translate this page proverbes - Des milliers de proverbes et citations classés sous plus de 430 thèmes + des proverbes de Confucius et des citations humoristiques.Galerie de http://www.proverbes-citations.com/proverbesconf.htm&e=747 |
89. Confucian Political Theory Biography of Confucius and information on his ideal of government. http://www.empereur.com/DOC/Confucian_Political_Theory.html | |
90. Confucius Confucian forest online. Classical music. Confucian menu. Sacrifice Confucius. GB. BIG5. ?, Confucius s Life. ?, Confucius s Biography. ?, Golden Sentence. http://www.chinakongzi.net/2550/eng/&e=747 |
91. Confucius Quotes. Confucius Quotations Some military related quotations by Confucius http://www.military-quotes.com/confucius.htm | |
92. China Confucius Biography of Confucius. Confucius (born Kong Qiu, styled Zhong Ni) was born in the village of Zou in the country of Lu in 551 BC, a http://www.chinakongzi.net/2550/eng/biography.htm&e=747 |
93. Chinese Cultural Studies Confucius The Analects Chinese Cultural Studies Confucius Kongfuzi (c. 500 CE) The Analects, excerpts. Rectifying the Names. XII.17 Chi Kangtzu asked Confucius about government. http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/core9/phalsall/texts/analects.html&e=747 |
94. Confucian Analects 500 BC CONFUCIAN ANALECTS Confucius 1 The Master Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? Is http://uweb.superlink.net/fsu/analect1.html&e=747 |
95. Philosophers Sung Tzu Kung Futzu. Confucist. Chinese. sixth-fifth century, BC. Founder of the Confucist school of thought, Kung Fu-tzu s teachings are recorded http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phil/philo/phils/confucius.html&e=747 |
96. Onelittleangel.com Confucius Origine la suite . Confucius. Liens internes. http://www.onelittleangel.com/sagesse/citations/confucius.asp&e=747 | |
97. Confucius, A Great Educator In Chinese History - With Picture Of Introcuce Confucius, with picture of Confucius, Confucius biography, the birthday of Confucius, Confucius analects, etc. http://www.chinavoc.com/history/dongzhou/confucius.htm&e=747 |
98. Confucius Confucius was the greatest eastern philosopher of all time. His beliefs it differs. Confucius. Pat Zukeran. The Life of Confucius. http://www.probe.org/docs/confucius.html&e=747 |
99. Electronic Passport To Confucius Confucius was a wise teacher who wanted to bring good government to China. Learn about Confucius in the Electronic Passport at www.mrdowling.com. Confucius http://www.mrdowling.com/613-confucius.html&e=747 |
100. Nothingistic.org :: Dead End nothingistic.org. The Analects. Confucius. other notes. James Legge s translation of the Lun Yü, or the Analects of Confucius, first appeared in 1861. http://nothingistic.org/library/confucius/analects/&e=747 | |
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