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         Christie Agatha:     more detail

21. Agatha Christie
Translate this page Agatha Christie. (1891-1976). Agatha Christie Escritora inglesa Nacióel 15 de septiembre de 1891 en Torquay (Gran Bretaña). Hija

22. Liens Vers D'autres Sites Sur Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie (1891-1976).Nous vous invitons à visiter ces sites sur Agatha Christie
Intro Biographie Oeuvres Liens Liens vers d'autres sites sur Agatha Christie Agatha Christie
Nous vous invitons à visiter ces sites sur Agatha Christie :
Une notice biographique et une bibliographie d'Agatha Christie sur le site Biographies litteraires
Une notice biographique et une bibliographie d'Agatha Christie sur Livre en Poche Référencer un nouveau site Intro Biographie Oeuvres Liens Tous produits Livres Livres épuisés Musique pop, rock Musique classique DVD, Vidéos CD-Rom, jeux Jeux et jouet

23., Círculo De Lectores
Translate this page Agatha Christie (1891-1976) Esta prolífica escritora inglesa inauguró su fulgurantecarrera con El misterioso caso de Styles, novela en la que aparece por

24. The ARTery > Prose > Happiness [Agatha Christie (1891-1976)]
Murder and Mystery. Agatha Christie (18911976). Happiness (from TheLabours of Hercules). In the little parlour of the Convent, Hercule
Agatha Christie (1891-1976) Happiness
(from The Labours of Hercules
In the little parlour of the Convent, Hercule Poirot told his story and restored the chalice to the Mother Superior. She murmured: "Tell him we thank him and we will pray for him." Hercule Poirot said gently: "He needs your prayers." "Is he then an unhappy man?" Poirot said: "So unhappy that he had forgotten what happiness means. So unhappy that he does not know he is unhappy." The nun said softly: "Ah, a rich man..." Hercule Poirot said nothing - for he knew there was nothing to say...
Christie, A. (1947, 1985) The Labours of Hercules Fontana Paperbacks, p.231 Last updated
Thu, May 13, 2004, 22:15:29

25. The ARTery > Prose > Some Advice [Agatha Christie (1891-1976)]
Agatha Christie (18911976). Some Advice (from Dumb Witness). My friend, I amalways nervous towards the end of a case. If anything should go wrong – .
Captain Hastings suggests to his companion Poirot that they should 'forget crime and go to a show'... Agatha Christie (1891-1976) Some Advice
(from Dumb Witness
'Is anything likely to go wrong?' 'I do not think so.' He paused, frowning. 'I have, I think, provided against every contingency.' 'Then, supposing that we forget crime and go to a show?' Ma foi , Hastings, that is a good idea!' 'But in that case, Poirot, there would have been no play.' I pointed out. Poirot was forced to admit that perhaps that was so.
Christie, A. (1937, 1949) Dumb Witness Pan Books Limited, p.201. Last updated
Thu, May 13, 2004, 22:15:29

26. Agatha Christie - Biography, Works, And Message Board
Agatha Christie. Dame Agatha Christie (18911976). This article waswritten by Knowledgerush staff or contributed by users. All text

27. En El 25 Anviersario De La Muerte De Agatha Christie (1891-1976): La Voz De La R
Ed. 174 - 02/Feb/2001 Portada Titulares En el 25 Anviersario de la muerte de Agatha Christie (1891-1976): La Voz de la Reina del Misterio Francisco Arias Solis "No soy buena conversadora, no sé dibujar, pintar, moldear o esculpir, no puedo hacer las cosas de prisa, me resulta difícil decir lo que quiero, prefiero escribirlo. Escogí la profesión justa. Lo mejor de ser autora es que se trabaja en privado y al ritmo que se quiere". Agatha Christie Agatha Christie está considerada una de las máximas exponentes de la novela policiaca e indudablemente es la reina del misterio. Su copiosa obra se ambienta generalmente en el período que antecede a la primera guerra mundial y está poblada de personajes emblemáticos, como el detective Hércules Poirot y la astuta Miss Marple. Es autora de más de sesenta novelas policiacas, además de gran cantidad de cuentos, obras de teatro y otro tipo de relatos. Es la escritora más traducida del planeta y con más de 400 millones de libros vendidos en todo el mundo es también el autor que ha vendido más ejemplares de sus obras. Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller nace en Torquay el 15 de septiembre de 1891, pertenece por tanto, a esa generación que hubo de superar la herencia victoriana y enfrentarse a las primeras ruinas del imperio. Su padre se pasaba el día jugando a las cartas y dilapidó sus rentas tan alegremente que a su muerte, sucedida cuando Agatha tenía once años, había dejado sin un duro a su familia.

28. Idézetek :: Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie (18911976). Kapcsolódó oldal(ak). «VISSZA. A régész a legjobb férj.
FÕOLDAL SZERZÕK Ady Endre Agatha Christie Woody Allen Angelius Silesius Aquinói Szt. Tamás Arisztotelész Balzac, Honoré de Baudelaire, Charles Beethoven, Ludwig van Blaga, Lucian Blake, William Bronte, Charlotte Bruno, Giordano Buddha Busch, Wilhelm Cervantes Cézanne, Paul Chamfort, N-S Chandler, Raymond Chateaubriand Churchill, Winstone

29. Pchristie.html
Translate this page Agatha Christie (1891-1976). Notas biográficas. Agatha Christie —conhecida de milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo como a Rainha
Home Page Textos originais Bases de dados Testes e Fichas de trabalho
Agatha Christie Outros Autores W. Somerset Maugham Edgar A. Poe Ernest Hemingway Katherine Mansfield ... Jean Stafford
Agatha Christie
The Mysterious Affair at Styles Styles The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
Ten Little Niggers The Mousetrap

Agatha Christie morreu em 1976.
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30. Valencia West LRC - Christie, Agatha
Christie, Agatha (18911976). Pathfinder. May 1996. The following reference bookscan be used to get both biographical and critical information about authors.
Christie, Agatha (1891-1976)
May 1996
The following reference books can be used to get both biographical and critical information about authors. These sources should be used as a starting pointDO NOT base all of your research on material obtained from reference books. Use these sources to become better acquainted with your author; this will allow you to utilize more effectively the sources listed under COMPREHENSIVE LITERARY RESEARCH. These sources are located at the West Campus LRC; they may also be located at other local libraries.
Consult the following reference sources to get an overview of your author's life.
Contemporary Authors
REF Z 1224 .C6
This multivolume biographical source is best accessed via the Contemporary Authors Cumulative Index (REF Z 1224 .C58)
Dictionary of Literary Biography
REF PS 221 .D5
This multivolume biographical source is best accessed via the Contemporary Authors Cumulative Index (REF Z 1224 .C58)
Twentieth Century Authors
REF PN 771 .K86s
Current Biography
REF CT 100 C6 1964
Consult the following reference sources to obtain critical analyses of your author and his/her work. The first sources listed will provide a more general critical analyses of your author, while the second set of sources will provide critical analyses of a more specific nature.

31. MicroMegas • P A P E L E R Í A • Agatha Christie
Translate this page Agatha Christie (1891-1976). Click Here! Novelista inglesa. Nacióel 15 de septiembre de 1891 en Torquay (Gran Bretaña). Era la
Novelista inglesa Nació el 15 de septiembre de 1891 en Torquay (Gran Bretaña). Era la hija menor del matrimonio compuesto por Fred Miller y Clara Boehmer. De niña tuvo un carácter tímido y retraído, y rechazaba sus muñecas para jugar con amigos imaginarios. Esto le ayudó mucho para su trabajo como escritora. Su padre, que vivía de rentas y se pasaba el día jugando a las cartas, murió cuando ella tenía once años, dejando a su mujer e hijos en bancarrota. Durante la Guerra Mundial trabajó de enfermera voluntaria en un hospital y un día se le ocurrió escribir una historia policial cuya víctima moría envenenada.. Esta novela fue El misterioso caso de Styles (1920), y con ella inaguró su carrera. Sus relatos se caracterizan por los sorprendentes desenlaces y por la creación de dos originales detectives: Hercules Poirot y Miss Marple. Poirot es el héroe de la mayor parte de sus novelas, entre las que destacan El asesinato de Rogelio Ackroyd (1926) y Telón (1975), donde se produce la muerte del detective. Se casó con Archibald Christie, pero se divorciaron en 1928 ya que él la abandonó para irse con su secretaria. Ésto, unido a la muerte de su madre, le causó una gran crisis nerviosa que dio lugar a amnesia. En una noche de diciembre del año 1926, teniendo ella 36 años, apareció su coche abandonado cerca de la carretera, pero no había rastro de ella.

32. Agatha Christie At The Mad Cybrarian's Library
addresses. The Mad Cybrarian s Library. Agatha Christie. 18911976.The Mysterious Affair at Styles (UVa) 1987. Illustrations. (400
web hosting domain names email addresses
The Mad Cybrarian's Library
Agatha Christie

33. Agatha Christie
Translate this page Agatha Christie. Auteur anglaise (1891-1976) célèbre pour ses fameuxromans policiers. La Reine du Crime. Née Agatha Miller en
Vous êtes ici : accueil Les Auteurs Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie
Auteur anglaise (1891-1976) célèbre pour ses fameux romans policiers. La Reine du Crime Hercule Poirot qui fut le personnage principal de plus de 40 romans. Sa célébrité gagna aussi les milieux du cinéma et Broadway. Bastet
Le lundi 24 mai 2004 par bastet
Le mardi 23 mars 2004 par bastet
Jane Marple
a découvert un assassin particulièrement habile ; elle fut aidée dans son enquête par le multi-millionnaire ronchonnant, Jason Rafiel
Le mardi 22 juillet 2003 par Feline
Le lundi 23 juin 2003 par Feline
Commander les livres de Agatha Christie sur
Le Meurtre de Roger Ackroyd
- Poche COMMANDER Trois souris
- Poche COMMANDER Le Crime de l'Orient-Express
- Poche COMMANDER Poirot résout trois énigmes
- Poche COMMANDER Le Secret de Chimneys
- Reliure inconnue COMMANDER Dix petits nègres
- Poche COMMANDER Meurtre en Mésopotamie
- Broché COMMANDER Agatha Christie, tome 5 : Les Années 1936-1937

34. Nemesis De Agatha Christie
Agatha CHRISTIEAuteur anglaise (1891-1976) célèbre pour ses fameux romans policiers.
Vous êtes ici : accueil Les fiches de lectures Agatha Christie Nemesis
Nemesis de Agatha Christie
Le mardi 23 mars 2004 par bastet Jane Marple a découvert un assassin particulièrement habile ; elle fut aidée dans son enquête par le multi-millionnaire ronchonnant, Jason Rafiel (une vieille tante et sa nièce, des amies un vieux professeur, sans oublier les classiques Américains , que la Reine du Crime aime à caricaturer !). Elle sera même invitée à passer quelques jours chez Mrs. Glynne et ses soeurs Clotilde et Anthea Bradbury-Scott Michael Rafiel Miss Temple Pour moi, Nemesis
Auteur anglaise (1891-1976) célèbre pour ses fameux romans policiers.
Ses autres livres :
Le flux et le reflux

La mysterieuse affaire de Styles
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35. Christie
Dame Agatha Christie Mallowan (18911976), the writer of detective andromantic fiction, doesn t receive nearly the respect she deserves.
Dame Agatha Christie Mallowan (1891-1976), the writer of detective and romantic fiction, doesn't receive nearly the respect she deserves. Although celebrated as perhaps the greatest crime writer of the twentieth century, her works are filled with social commentary, irony, comedy, parodies of her own profession, and generally a finesse her many imitators usually lack. Christie created many fictional characters as subjects for her works, apart from Hercule Poirot (her earliest, most widely recognized, and least favorite). Of all her creations, by far the most sophisticated is Miss Jane Marple, the elderly woman (who remained active and elderly from the 1930s to the 1970s), an outwardly timid and respectable maiden aunt many people themselves have. In reality, however, Christie's Miss Marple succeeds because she is not only shrewd (in Christie's words, having "plumbed the depths of human iniquity"), but also because she was an exceedingly cynical old woman. In this and many other ways Miss Marple mirrors Christie's own outlook. Max Mallowan, Christie's second husband, was a distinguished archaeologist who was renowned for his work in Mesopotamia. Christie accompanied him on several trips to the field. After returning from one excursion, the famous author was questioned by reporters as to how she felt about being married to a man whose interest lay in antiquities.

36. Daily Celebrations ~ Agatha Christie, Being Alive ~ September 3 ~ Ideas To Motiv
Mary Clarissa Mallowan in Torquay, Devon, England, mystery writer and playwrightDame Agatha Christie (18911976) was tutored at home by her mother until age 16
September 3 ~  Being Alive Hercule Poirot Series
"I l i k e living . I have sometimes been w i l d l y despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow , but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be a l i v e is a grand thing." ~ Agatha Christie Born Agatha Mary Clarissa Mallowan in Torquay, Devon, England , mystery writer and playwright Dame Agatha Christie (1891-1976) was tutored at home by her mother until age 16, then studied music in Paris Writing is a great consolation to anyone who can't express themselves well any other way," she said. While working as a World War I nurse, she created Inspector Hercule Poirot in her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles breathing life into one of the most beloved characters of the 20th century. This eccentric Belgian detective with the long moustache appeared in almost half of her novels. "Mon cher," said Poirot in Death in the Clouds (1935) "practically speaking, I know everything!" In addition to lively, unforgettable characters, clues and crime solving, and clever endings, a major theme of Christie's books was conciliation and acceptance , especially within a family . Truth, however bitter, can be

37. Casa Del Libro - Comprar Libros: Arte, Literatura, Economía, Derecho, Diccion
Translate this page Torquay, (1891-1976). Agatha Christie, novelista y dramaturga, ha sido consideradacomo una de las grandes escritoras del género detectivesco.,1463,CHRISTIE32AGATHA,00.html
document.write((document.layers) ? '' : '');
writeButtonBar(0) T­tulo Autor Isbn Editorial m¡s opciones de bºsqueda Artes Pl¡sticas:
Ciencia y Tecnolog­a: ... inicio > ficha de autor ficha de autor CHRISTIE, AGATHA Torquay Agatha Christie Mary Westmacott Agatha Christie La ratonera o Testigo de cargo Billy Wilder Libros del autor: 199 libros encontrados

Editorial: TUSQUETS EDITORES , 1987

Editorial: EDITORIAL MOLINO , 1996

Editorial: EDITORIAL MOLINO , 1996 displayBolsa('2900000545815',''); ASESINATO EN MESOPOTAMIA Editorial: EDITORIAL MOLINO , 1996 displayBolsa('2900000545816',''); POIROT EN EGIPTO Editorial: EDITORIAL MOLINO , 1996 displayBolsa('2900000545818',''); BEST DETECTIVE STORIES (ADVANCED) Editorial: LONGMAN , 1996 displayBolsa('2900000546093',''); EL TESTIGO MUDO Editorial: EDITORIAL MOLINO , 1997

38. Referat
Agatha Christie Agatha Christie (18911976) jako ?první dáma zlocinu“rozvíjí tradici anglického detektivního žánru ve 20.

Agatha Christie (18911976) skrev ca. 70 kriminalromaner og 30 novellesamlinger,de fleste med enten den indbildske belgier, Hercule
Grønt støv på den danske krimihimmel En forfatter puster nyt liv i erhvervslivet Jeg ville aldrig skrive en selvbiografi En trækvogn fyldt med festoriginaler ... Tidligere artikler AGATHA CHRISTIE SPØGER I SYRIEN skrevet af Marit Haugaard
Baron's Hotel, 1911 eller se filmen Lawrence of Arabia fra 1962 med Peter O'Toole og Alec Guinness i hovedrollerne.. Agatha Christie The mysterious affair at Styles (da. 1954: ) og hendes internationale gennembrud var The Murder of Roger Ackroyd , 1926, (da.1938:

Mordet i Orientekspressen
"Klokken var fem en vintermorgen i Syrien. Ved perronen i Aleppo holdt det tog, der i køreplanen grandiøst betegnedes som Taurus- ekspressen."
Se om bogen er hjemme her
. Lademann, 1981.
Lady Chatterley's elsker
og Graham Greene Stamboul Train Istanbul-ekspressen En kvinde forsvinder fra 1938 og From Russia with love Agent 007 jages fra 1963
ORIENT EXPRESS, Compagnie Internationale des Wagons Lits

Keith and Margo's Mystery Train

Aleppo Ingeborg Maria Sick: Pigen fra Danmark . Gyldendal, 1945

40. Archives Hub: Agatha Christie Papers
Max Edgar Lucien (19041978) Sir Knight Archaeologist Mallowan, Agatha Mary Clarissa(1891-1976) Dame Author called Mary Westmacott and Agatha Christie.
Archives Hub Helpdesk email
Phone +44 (0)161 275 6789
Agatha Christie Papers
Reference GB 0029 MS99
Title : Agatha Christie Papers
Dates of creation
Held at : University of Exeter
Extent : 13 boxes
Name of Creator : Agatha Mary Clarissa Mallowan (1890-1976), novelist as Agatha Christie
Level of Description : fonds
Language of Material : eng
Administrative/Biographical History
Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Mallowan (1890-1976), novelist as Agatha Christie, was born in Torquay, the third and youngest child of Frederick Alvah Miller of New York and Clarissa Boehmer. She received no education of note but taught herself to read and in this way made up for her lack of schooling. In 1906 she was sent to Paris to study singing and piano in the hope of making a career in the concert hall, but was told she was too reticent for such a role. Returning to Torquay, she rejected one suitor to fall for Archibald Christie, whom she married with two days notice in 1914. After his enrolment in the Royal Flying Corps she took up work as a nurse at University College Hospital, London. It was at this point that her idea of writing a sleuth story was born, and took the shape of a Belgian, Hercule Poirot, based on characters she met evacuated from the continent. In 1920 her first novel The Mysterious Affair at Styles was published by John Lane, finally introducing Poirot to readers after six earlier attempts to find a publisher had failed. In 1926 she changed her publisher to Collins and at the same time her husband's affections changed to another woman. The first Collins title was a great success and a revolution in the genre of crime writing. It also triggered the meeting between Agatha Christie and Max Mallowan, an archaeologist, whom she visited at Ur and whom she married in 1930, two years after divorcing her first husband, by whom she had a daughter. More than twenty more novels had appeared by 1938, when this series of files begins, and a further forty followed, plus short stories and plays. She went on to become the world's biggest-selling author, and the author of by far the longest-running play in London

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