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61. Sendit.com - John Carpenter Click here to add John Carpenter to your Watchlist. Jump to titles beginning withA B C D E F H I J M P S T V. next ». Assault On Precinct 13 (DVD) (1976) ». http://www.sendit.com/video/director/7100000000425 | |
62. Ghosts Of Mars Site officiel fran§ais du film de John Carpenter coulisses du tournage, distribution et extraits vid©o. http://www.ghostofmars-lefilm.com/ | |
63. Letter From John Carpenter Letters From The Civil War John C. Carpenter. Last update Oct 20, 2002.This letter not there. Respectfully. Your Friend. John C. Carpenter. http://nps-vip.net/history/letters/carpente.htm | |
64. Index.page Includes photographs, filmography, and biography. http://www.geocities.com/jcfan28714/ | |
65. Playstation 2 Das Ding John Carpenter Bei Evita.de Playstation 2 Das Ding John Carpenter. Gamecube Mario Par Sony Playstation 2 - TonyHaw Nintendo Gameboy Advanced - M Sony Playstation 2 - Memory C Microsoft X http://www.versand-verzeichnis.de/ev_26134.php | |
66. John Alden Carpenter Discussion of his early Twentieth Century modernity coupled with his highly accessible works. From the PBS project I Hear America Singing. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/ihas/composer/carpenter.html | |
67. JOHN CARPENTER, L'indipendente Analisi dell'evoluzione artistica e stilistica, offre inoltre una filmografia. http://www.1aait.com/larovere/carpente.htm | |
68. Maine Writers: C review of Wooden Nickel ) Details of Carpenter s speaking availabilty by Margot C.Griego); Where Have You Been? Bernardino de Sahagún; retold by John Bierhorst http://www.waterborolibrary.org/maineaut/c.htm | |
69. Wanadoo Pr©sentation, filmographie d©taill©e et comment©e, affiches de films. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/edwood/john_carpenter.htm | |
70. Trash City People Index: C Trash City People Index C. Caan, James. Carpenter, John. Escape From LA; John Carpenter sGhosts of Mars; John Carpenter s Vampires; They Live; The Thing 1982 http://www.trashcity.org/BLITZ/ACTRINDC.HTM | |
71. Bookmark New Address For MusicOMH.com Films filmOMH.com reviews Ghosts of Mars, a film by John Carpenter. http://www.filmOMH.com/r71.htm | |
72. DVD > Carpenter, John: Preise Und Angebote Bei Idealo Translate this page DVD-CHARTS - Carpenter, John, Alle A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ST U V W X Y Z. Platz, Bild, Produkt/Titel, Darsteller, Regie, Musik, von,Regio. http://www.dvd-idealo.de/23055R13706L67K0-Film-Musik-Carpenter-John.html | |
73. Fantasmi Da Marte - CineFile.biz Recensione del film di John Carpenter. A cura di Alberto Cassani. http://www.cinefile.biz/ghmars.htm | |
74. DVD > Carpenter, John: Preise Und Angebote Bei Idealo Translate this page DVD-CHARTS - Carpenter, John, A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V W X Y Z. Platz, Bild, Produkt/Titel, Darsteller, Regie, Musik, von,Regio. http://www.dvd-idealo.de/121R9K0-Carpenter-John.html | |
75. Halloween Fiches techniques et synopsis des films de la s©rie cr©©e par John Carpenter. http://membres.lycos.fr/beholder/HalloweenFilm.html |
76. John Carpenter Featured By The Celebrity Portal - Information, Pictures, Photos, p i c s. Pictures, photos, images, John Carpenter pictures, photos, images.Posters, photos, cards, wallpapers, John Carpenter posters, photos, etc. http://www.thecelebrityportal.com/male.php?nr=188 |
77. John Carpenter Provides a biography, filmography, news items and a list of actors and actresses frequently used in his films. http://www.geocities.com/j_nada/carp/ | |
78. Lincolnshire England And North East Lincs - Presented By Linc2u - UK C), Lodging House Osbourne, Edward (C), Lodging House Osbourne, Harrison (C), LodgingHouse Osbourne, John (C), Lodging House Osbourne, Robert (C), Carpenter. http://genealogy4u.co.uk/dir1861names.htm | |
79. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page Miscellaneous songs and cycles listed with REC Music Foundation include many English and French texts. http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/c/carpenter.html | |
80. Encyclopedia Of Electronic Music - C of percussion. Carpenter, John (USA). Halloween (1978) (soundtrack JohnCarpenter was born in 1948 in New York, USA. When he was a child http://www.eem.hotbox.ru/ca.html | |
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