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         Carpenter Edward:     more books (31)
  2. Edward Carpenter, 1844-1929: An apostle of freedom by Dilip Kumar Barua, 1991
  3. Edward Carpenter, 1844-1929: An apostle of freedom by Dilip Kumar Barna, 1991
  4. From Adam 's Peak to Elephanta sketches in Ceylon and India by by Carpenter. Edward. 1844-1929., 1903-01-01
  5. The promised land; a drama of a people 's deliverance in five ac by Carpenter. Edward. 1844-1929., 1910-01-01
  6. Days with Walt Whitman : with some notes on his life and work by Edward, 1844-1929 Carpenter, 2009-10-26
  7. Civilisation: its cause and cure, and other essays by Edward (1844-1929) Carpenter, 1889-01-01
  8. Pagan & Christian creeds : their origin and meaning by Carpenter Edward 1844-1929, 1921-01-01
  9. Civilisation. its cause and cure. and other essays. by Carpenter. Edward. 1844-1929., 1921-01-01
  10. Days with Walt Whitman. with some notes on his life and work. by Carpenter. Edward. 1844-1929., 1906-01-01
  11. Loves coming-of-age : a series of papers on the relations of thre sexes by Edward (1844-1929) Carpenter, 1909
  12. Angels' wings : a series of essays on art and its relation to life by Edward, 1844-1929 Carpenter, 2009-10-26
  13. A visit to a gtildenacuteani or wise man of the East by Edwa by Carpenter. Edward. 1844-1929., 1911-01-01
  14. Love 's coming of age; a series of papers on the relations of th by Carpenter. Edward. 1844-1929., 1911-01-01

21. Edward Carpenter
His friendship with Whitman is an important piece in studying the American poet. Anonymous Review. Click here for more info. Edward Carpenter (18441929).

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Edward Carpenter
Online Resources Texts: Edward Carpenter Texts: Queer Histories Texts: Authors Index ... Suggest a Name Names Index: A B C D ... Scholars Index Love's Coming-of-Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes (1912) by Edward Carpenter Intermediate Sex (1912) by Edward Carpenter by Edward Carpenter Solar Myths and Christian Festivals; The Symbolism of the Zodiac; Totem-Sacraments and Eucharists; Food and Vegetation Magic; Magicians, Kings and Gods; Rites of Expiation and Redemption; Pagan Initiations and the Second Birth; Myth of the Golden Age; The Saviour-God and the Virgin-Mother; Ritual Dancing; The Sex-Taboo; The Genesis of Christianity; The Meaning of it All; The Ancient Mysteries; The Exodus of Christianity; Conclusion; Appendix on the Teachings of the Upanishads: Rest; The Nature of the Self. Days with Walt Whitman with Some Notes on His Life and Work by Edward Carpenter A Visit to Walt Whitman in 1877; Walt Whitman in 1884; Notes and Appreciation; Whitman as a Prophet; Appendix to Whitman as Prophet; The Poetic form of Leaves of Grass ; Walt Whitman s Children; Whitman and Emerson.

22. Lettera C Dei Link Alfabetici A Personaggi GLBT
Translate this page Carpenter, Edward (1844-1929) Su colui che fu uno dei pionieri del movimento omosessuale inglese troviamo online-una bella biografia, che lo presenta sia come
Home page Giovanni Dall'Orto Linkoteca > Lettera C C In neretto i nomi delle persone omo o bisessuali.
La lingua dei siti si intende l'inglese, eccetto dove una bandierina indica una lingua diversa. Cadmus, Paul (1904-1999)
Paul Cadmus: the body politic
con galleria d'immagini Cahun, Claude (Lucy Schwob, 1894-1954)
Fotografa surrealista, narcisista e apertamente lesbica, oggi in via di riscoperta e rivalutazione.
Una biografia e due gallerie d'immagini le sono dedicate da un sito lesbo-punk , affiancato da "The knitting circle" che propone una biografia breve in chiave gay , ma senza immagini.
In francese appare una esplicita pagina su , illustrata. Campiglia, Maddalena (1553-1595)
Su di lei Maria G. Di Rienzo ha scritto "Donna amando pur donna essendo": Maddalena Campiglia (Vicenza 1553-1595) Capote, Truman (1924-1984)
Un sito che si presenta come "A b+w tribute"
(omaggio in bianco e nero) ne propone una bella galleria d'immagini.
Esiste anche una breve pagina biografica Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da (1560-1609)
Solo su un sito gay in lingua italiana (sia pure svizzero) si poteva trovare un saggio che negasse aprioristicamente Caravaggio di Derek Jarman
In compenso gli stranieri vanno decisamente meno per il sottile: si veda l'articolo di Peter Robb

23. Knitting Circle Edward Carpenter
100 . Chushichi Tsuzuki, (1980), Edward Carpenter, 18441929 Prophet of Human Fellowship , Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
The Knitting Circle: Lesbian and Gay Studies
Biography work bibliography
Edward Carpenter
Born 29th. August, 1844 in Brighton, died 28th. June, 1929, in Guildford.
British social reformer. He studied at Trinity Hall, Cambridge and then was ordained deacon in 1870, to become curate at St. Edward's Church, Cambridge. After two years he left the church and became a travelling lecturer in the north of England for the University Extension Movement. His father died in 1882 and left him 6000 pounds, which made him financially independent. He bought a smallholding at Millthorpe near Sheffield and took up market gardening and sandal making. His Millthorpe cottage became the focus for Sheffield socialists and radicals. He met George Merrill on a train, and in 1898 Merrill moved into the cottage at Millthorpe. They lived together for thirty years. A black and white photograph of Edward Carpenter and George Merrill is in the Sheffield City Archives and is reproduced in Colin Spencer, (1995) . The couple were used as the model for the relationship between Maurice and Alec, the gamekeeper, in the novel Maurice by E. M. Forster

24. CarpenterBio
Edward Carpenter. 18441929. Tsuzuki, Chushichi. Edward Carpenter, 1844-1929 Prophet of Human Fellowship. Cambridge Cambridge UP, 1980.
Edward Carpenter
Anglican cleric, itinerant professor, socialist, poet, anarchist, pioneer of gay liberation, and often considered a prophet. After leaving Cambridge, Carpenter sought to live a simple rural life that hoped would involve "whole-bodied" as well as whole-hearted comradeship. This often meant living with married couples and their families. He also lived for a while on John Ruskin's St. George's Farm, before purchasing his own farm at Millthorpe in 1883 with money inherited when his parents died. Shortly after they met in the early 1880's, Carpenter joined Havelock Ellis's "Fellowship of the New Life," a faction of which became the Fabian Society in 1884. Carpenter remained on good terms with both groups. He studied the Bhagavad-Gita and even traveled to India in 1890 to learn more about Hinduism. He was also friends with Emma Goldman and often supported socialist causes financially and in print. However, his preference for personal politics over national movements, his opposition to any theory that claimed to be the final answer to society's problems, and his eclecticism made him as much an anarchist as a socialist. Carpenter believed that society would develop by a process he called "exfoliation," a form of Lamarckian evolution propelled by will in which society was expected throw off its successive skins (e.g. capitalist institutions) as it outgrew them. Carpenter was also an advocate of women's liberation. He regarded marriage in England as both enforced celibacy and a form of prostitution. He did not believe women would truly be free until a socialist revolution occurred. In contrast to many of his contemporaries, however, this led him to conclude that all oppressed workers should support women's emancipation, rather than to subordinate women's rights to worker's rights. Olive Schreiner, Edith Lees (later Mrs. Havelock Ellis), and his six sisters were among the people who helped to edit his writings on women.

25. Over The Great City, By Edward Carpenter
Click Here. OVER THE GREAT CITY. by Edward Carpenter (18441929). VER the great city, Where the wind rustles through the parks and
OVER THE GREAT CITY by: Edward Carpenter (1844-1929)
    VER the great city,
    Where the wind rustles through the parks and gardens,
    In the air, the high clouds brooding,
    In the lines of street perspective, the lamps, the traffic,
    The pavements and the innumerable feet upon them,
    I Am: make no mistakedo not be deluded.
    Think not because I do not appear at the first glancebecause the centuries have gone by and there is no assured tidings of methat therefore I am not there.
    Think not because all goes its own way that therefore I do not go my own way through all.
    The fixed bent of hurrying faces in the streeteach turned towards its own light, seeing no otheryet I am the Light towards which they all look.
    The toil of so many hands to such multifarious ends, yet my hand knows the touch and twining of them all.
    All come to me at last.
    There is no love like mine;
    For all other love takes one and not another;
    And other love is pain, but this is joy eternal.

26. By The Shore, By Edward Carpenter
Click Here. BY THE SHORE. by Edward Carpenter (18441929). LL night by the shore. The obscure water, the long white lines of advancing
BY THE SHORE by: Edward Carpenter (1844-1929)
    LL night by the shore.
    The obscure water, the long white lines of advancing foam, the rustle and thud, the panting sea-breaths, the pungent sea-smell,
    The great slow air moving from the distant horizon, the immense mystery of space, and the soft canopy of the clouds!
    The swooning thuds go onthe drowse of ocean goes on:
    The long inbreathsthe short sharp outbreathsthe silence between.
    I am a bit of the shore: the waves feed upon me, they come pasturing over me;
    I am glad, O waves, that you come pasturing over me.
    I am a little arm of the sea: the same tumbling swooning dream goes onI feel the waves all around me, I spread myself through them.
    How delicious! I spread and spread. The waves tumble through and over methey dash through my face and hair.
    The night is dark overhead: I do not see them, but I touch them and hear their gurgling laughter.

27. Jan Magnussons Bibliografi över Svenska Och Vissa Utländska GLBTQ-romaner Samt
Translate this page 1908 Carpenter, Edward (1844-1929), The Intermediate Sex A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women, London (?), 1908.
Sidan senast uppdaterad 2004-03-30 Gaylitteratur 1900-1910 Start Bibliografi Gaylitteratur Kupffer, Elisàr von , (1872-1942, äv. pseud. Elisarion), Lieblingsminne und Freundesliebe in der Weltliteratur : eine Sammlung mit einer ethisch-politischen Einleitung , Berlin Neurahnsdorf, 1900 1901 Duc, Aimée, (pseud. f. Minna Wettstein-Adelt , f. 1869), Sind es Frauen? : Roman über das dritte Geschlecht , Berlin, 1901 Carpenter, Edward, Ioläus : an Anthology of Friendship , Manchester, 1902 Gide, André L'immoraliste , Paris, 1902 1903 Burton, Sir Richard Francis (1821-1890), "Terminal Essay, Part IV/D, Social ConditionsPederasty," in The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night , (Printed by the Burton Club, for private subscribers only), vol. 10, 1903? Stoddard, Charles Warren For the Pleasure of His Company : An Affair of the Misty City : Thrice told , (designs by Marshall Douglass), San Francisco Bang, Herman Mikael , København, 1904 (sv. övers. 1904) Hirschfeld, Magnus Berlins drittes Geschlecht : mit einem Anhang [von] Paul Näcke : ein Besuch bei den Homosexuellen in Berlin . (herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Manfred Herzer), Berlin, 1904 (Ny utg. 1991)

28. Utländsk Vetenskaplig Litteratur: Författare
Campbell, Joseph, 19041987, USA. Caro, Robert A. Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929, Great Britain. Carson, Rachel Louise, 1907-1964, USA. Chalmers, Alan F.
Svensk litteratur Utländsk skönlitteratur Utländsk vetenskaplig litteratur Pseudovetenskaplig litteratur ... Referenser Författare Född Nation Russia Adler, Mortimer J[erome] USA USA Allison, Graham T. Angier, Natalie Anselm, St. [of Canterbury] Italy-Great Britain (writing in Latin) Aquinas, St.Thomas (Thomae Aquinatis) Italy (writing in Latin) Aragon, Louis Guatemala-France Archimedes 287-212 BC Greece (Ancient) Arendt, Hannah Aristotle [Aristoteles] 384-322 BC Greece (Ancient) Ashton-Warner, Sylvia [Constance] New Zealand Audubon, John James USA Auerbach, Erich Germany Augustine, Saint (Aurelius Augustinus) North Africa (writing in Latin) Aurelius, Marcus [romersk kejsare] Roman Empire (writing in Greek) Avila, St. Teresa of (Teresa de Jesús) Spain Ayer, A[lfred] J[ules] Bachtin, Michail [Michajlovic] Bacon, Francis Great Britain Barnes, Harry Elmer USA Barthes, Roland [Gerard] France Bates, Henry Walter Great Britain Bateson, Gregory Batuta, Muhammad bin 'Abdullah Ibn (Battuta) Arabia Bede (Saint Beda Venerabilis) Bell, Daniel Benedict, Ruth Bentham, Jeremy

29. Glossary Of People: Ca
logic. See Philosophical Foundations of Physics. Carpenter, Edward (18441929). British socialist, writer and poet. Carpenter s early
MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism : Glossary of People
French utopian author of Voyage en Icarie Cabral, Amilcar (1924-1973) In the early 1950s, Cabral was employed as an Agronomist. Using this position, he went to every village in the entire country and from this direct observation, he came up with an analysis and strategy for the national liberation movement. With others, he founded the PAIGC in 1956, and in 1963 their full-blown military campaign to overthrown Portuguese colonialism began. Within two years they had extensive liberated zones where effectively they were in power. On 20 January 1973, just months before the victory of the national liberation struggle, Cabral was assassinated with the help of Portuguese agents operating within the PAIGC. Cafiero, Carlo (1846-1892) Italian Anarchist, published a condensed version of Capital in Italian. Cannon, James P. (1890-1974) US Socialist Workers Party January 1938. Participated in bitter factional struggle in 1940 against Burnham and Schachtman's "petit-bourgeois opposition", the subject of Trotsky's In Defence of Marxism; Jailed 1944-45 for opposition to war; National Sec. of SWP till his death in August 1974. Further Reading: James Cannon Archive Cantor, Georg (1845 - 1918)

30. Diggers Dreamers – The Guide To Communal Living In Britain
We chose the name in honour of Edward Carpenter who was a utopian gay man (18441929) who for much of his life lived in a large rural house amongst a group of
Getting Started: Edward Carpenter Trust and GAMUT Magazine The Edward Carpenter Community are forming themselves in a way that is much more exploratory. This article is reprinted from GAMUT Magazine. Buy the book that contains this article at a reduced price
Buy Reunite ... Places needing People

31. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subjects: 88
Carpenter, Carleton, 1926 Performances. Carpenter, Edward,1844-1929. Carpenter, Frank G.(Frank George),1855-1924. Carpenter, George A. Carpenter, Liz.

CarillonsNew York (State)New York1920-1930.

Carl, William C.(William Crane),1865-1936.

Carlisle (Pa.)1910-1920.

Carlisle, Frederick Howard,Earl of,1748-1825.

32. Part 2: Manuscripts, Cuttings, Pamphlets And Selected Publications
FABIAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL THOUGHT Series One The Papers of Edward Carpenter 18441929 from Sheffield Archives Part 2 Manuscripts, Cuttings, Pamphlets and
Series One: The Papers of Edward Carpenter, 1844-1929, from Sheffield Archives
Part 2: Manuscripts, Cuttings, Pamphlets and Selected Publications
" "
Keith Nield
writing in Dictionary of Labour Biography (Volume VII) " "
Professor Robert K Martin
Department of English, Université de Montréal
from his chapter in The American Radical edited by Mari Jo Buble, Paul Buble and Harvey J Kaye
(Routledge 1996)
Other significant highlights include Diaries, 1915-1920; Notebooks and Commonplace Books, , and contain a variety of material on asia. Days with Walt Whitman Towards Democracy Narcissus The Promised Land Modern Science , and Civilisation " " Professor Chushichi Tsuzuki Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan Part 2: 26 reels of 35mm silver-halide positive microfilm Sterling Price: £2210 US Dollar Price: $3380 Available A single paperback guide accompanies both Parts 1 and 2 of Series One of this microfilm project. FABIAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL THOUGHT Series One: The Papers of Edward Carpenter 1844-1929 from Sheffield Archives Part 2: Manuscripts, Cuttings, Pamphlets and Selected Publications

33. Part 1: Correspondence And Manuscripts
FABIAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL THOUGHT Series One The Papers of Edward Carpenter 18441929 from Sheffield Archives Part 1 Correspondence and Manuscripts MSS 270
Series One: The Papers of Edward Carpenter, 1844-1929, from Sheffield Archives
Part 1: Correspondence and Manuscripts
" The publication of the papers of individual Fabians in Fabian Economic and Social Thought is an extremely welcome addition to the sources available to scholars. As an archivist, I appreciate the saving of wear and tear of manuscripts when students can consult a microfilm reproduction. Scholars will be able to work on the material in the comfort of their own university libraries, with all other aids to research at hand - a great time saver. "
Patricia Pugh
Author of Educate, Agitate, Organize: 100 Years of Fabian Socialism (Methuen, 1984) In 1884 Carpenter joined the Fellowship of New Life. Other founding members included Havelock Ellis Olive Schreiner and Henry Salt , all of whom also feature in the correspondence files, as do Margaret Sanger and Marie Stopes . The members of the Fellowship later formed the Fabian Society and Carpenter was a regular guest speaker, as well as a full member from 1908-1929. Edward Carpenter was also involved in the foundation of a number of socialist societies. With

34. English Poetry Second Edition, Table Of Contents
+ Carleton, Caroline, 18201874. + Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929. + Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929. + Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898.

35. Twentieth-Century English Poetry, Table Of Contents
Table of Contents. + Canton, William, 18451926 + Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929. + Carson, Ciaran, 1948-. + Champion, Miles, 1968-.

36. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : CARP
CARP. Carpenter (Alfred Francis Blakeney)(18811955) Peinture 1; Carpenter (Edward)(1844-1929) Peinture 1 (3); Carpenter (George) Photo
  • CARPENTER (Alfred Francis Blakeney)(1881-1955)
  • CARPENTER (Edward)(1844-1929)
  • CARPENTER (George)
  • CARPENTER Jr (Walter)
  • CARPENTER (William Benjamin)(1813-1885)
  • CARPENTER (William Boyd,
  • CARPENTER (William Hookham)(1792-1866)
  • CARPENTIER (Georges)
  • CARPENTIER (Jules)(1851-1921)
      Photo (A)
  • CARPENTIER (Pieter de)
  • CARPZOV (Benedikt)(1595-1666)

37. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : CARP
CARP. Carpenter (Alfred Francis Blakeney)(18811955) Painting 1; Carpenter (Edward)(1844-1929) Painting 1 (3); Carpenter (George) Photo
  • CARPENTER (Alfred Francis Blakeney)(1881-1955)
  • CARPENTER (Edward)(1844-1929)
  • CARPENTER (George)
  • CARPENTER Jr (Walter)
  • CARPENTER (William Benjamin)(1813-1885)
  • CARPENTER (William Boyd, bishop of Ripon)(1841-1918)
  • CARPENTER (William Hookham)(1792-1866)
    • CARPENTIER (Georges)
    • CARPENTIER (Jules)(1851-1921)
        Photo (E)
    • CARPENTIER (Pieter of)
    • CARPZOV (Benedikt)(1595-1666)

38. CARPENTER, Edward, Autographs, Letters, Documents, Manuscripts
Carpenter, Edward (18441929). Writer on social subjects. Three Autograph Letters Signed to Miss Edith Maurice Vance (1860-1930
CARPENTER, Edward (1844-1929). Writer on social subjects.
Three Autograph Letters Signed to Miss [Edith Maurice] Vance (1860-1930, freethinker), 2 pages 8vo and two cards, 1913 and 1914. Advising her on where to obtain various of his publications including a pamphlet reprinted as a chapter in 'Intermediate Sex'.
[No: 20326]
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John Wilson Manuscripts Limited, Painswick Lawn, 7 Painswick Road, CHELTENHAM GL50 2EZ, UK

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39. Armand E.
Carpenter, Edward (1844-1929); Mackay, John Henry (1864-1933); Owen, William C.; Seymour, Henry, Armand; Émile (1872
Ernest-Lucien Juin, dit E. Armand
Castillan Esperanto English Italiano
  • Autres variantes du titre: - Le Manifeste du Journal L'en dehors - Un projet d'internationale individualiste Titre uniforme: En dehors CIRA ; Limoges: BU Droit; Paris-Cujas-BU Droit; NN : microfilm; MH : Houghton)
    • Divers aspects de l'anarchisme CIRA
    • Proschowsky, Axel Robertson (Dr) r, par le Dr Axel Robertson Proschowsky,
    Bibl Nat. de France
    • Proschowsky, Axel Robertson (Dr) Qu'est-ce qu'un don Juan? HDB
    • l'En dehors , 1928. 32 p. : port. ; 25 cm. Contributions d'E. Armand et E. Bizeau; portrait de Chardon par L. Moreau. NN
      • Paris, Pub. mensuelle de l'Anarchie HDB
      • HDB
      • L'animateur L'en dehors , 1929. 1 ff ; 28 cm
      (Limoges: BU Droit)
    • Les Loups dans la ville
      "Ouvrage écrit en décembre 1907, terminé le 24 mars 1928. E. Armand se trouvait dans une cellule de la Santé. L'Ordre ; cette publication n'a été interrompue qu'à la suite de la disparition de ce journal."
      CIRA NN :Note et autographe de l'auteur; MH : Houghton;
  • 40. DLB Search And Index
    18681947) Volume 3 Capper, James (1829-1895) Volume 2 Carlile, Richard (1790-1843) Volume 6 Carpenter, Edward (1844-1929) Volume 2 Carter, Joseph (1818

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