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161. Professional Photographers Of Canada Professional Photographers of Canada PPOC offering the best of Photography including digital, wedding, portrait, industrial. http://www.ppoc.ca/ |
162. Supreme Court Of Canada / Cour Suprême Du Canada home page and its other web pages. Point d accès à la page d accueil et au site Web de la Cour suprême du Canada. http://www.scc-csc.gc.ca/ | |
163. Department Of Mathematics And Computer Science Of The Royal Military College Of Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. http://www.rmc.ca/academic/math_cs/ | |
164. Canada's Site For Information On Volunteering Volunteer Canada, Funded by the Government of Canada through the Canada Volunteerism Initiative. This site is best viewed with Internet http://www.volunteer.ca/ | |
165. Università In Canada Mappa interattiva che consente l'accesso, per ciascuno degli Stati, ai siti ufficiali universitari nelle rispettive sedi di ateneo. http://www.unibo.it/infostud/fare/canadauni/canada.htm |
166. Association Of Universities And Colleges Of Canada's Web Site - Le Site Web De L Information, facts and statistics on Canadian universities, the postsecondary education system in Canada and the Association of Universities and Colleges of http://www.aucc.ca/ |
167. Vision Institute Of Canada - A Charitable Organization Dedicated To Optometry Cl Notfor-profit optometry clinic in Totonto, Ontario. Regular and specialized eye care services are provided to the general public and to persons with special needs. http://visioninstitute.optometry.net | |
168. Sociology In Canada Provides links to sociology departments at all major universities in Canada, sociology conferences in Canada, and Canadian sociology journals and associations. http://sociology.ca/ | |
169. Welcome To MSN.ca Improve Accounting Office Tools Find a Job at Microsoft Get Internet Explorer Microsoft Home Magazine Xbox Canada Windows Update Complete CRM solutions. http://ca.msn.com/ | |
170. Santé Canada - Santé Publique - Page Redirect Le guide sur les programmes et les questions de sant© publique de Sant© Canada. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/francais/sante.htm |
171. Vancour Ultimate League - Where Spirit Lives of the event, rules, game schedules, eligibility requirements and contact information....... http://www.vul.bc.ca/ | |
172. Bourse De Montréal (Mx) - Montréal Exchange: Automated Derivatives Exchange utilities. The S P/TSX 60 is a capitalizationweighted index of the 60 largest companies in Canada, which have the most liquid stocks. http://www.me.org/ | |
173. Intro Screen... Ontario, Canada team with news articles, related links, ticket information, player roster, game schedule and message board. http://www.brooklinredmenlacrosse.com/ | |
174. Scouts Canada - Official National Web Site: English Site Scouts Canada, bring on the adventure Canada s premier youth organization Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, and Rovers. Français http://www.scouts.ca/ | |
175. BILL C-454 - First Reading Text of bill C454, a private members bill put before Canadian Parliament to provide for the recognition of the Canadian Horse as the national horse of Canada (Nov 1998). http://www.parl.gc.ca/36/1/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/private/C-454/C-454_1/361 | |
176. CanadaTourism.com Enter, entrer. Site Mandate Mandate du site. a visitor to Canada A member of the media A travel planner. Touriste Membre de la Presse Planificateur de voyages. http://www.canadatourism.com/ctx/app/ |
177. Calgary Hash House Harriers The Hash House Harriers are an international disorganization of drinking clubs with a running problem. Information for Calgary, Alberta, Canada http://onon.org/asm/ | |
178. Alzheimer Society Of Canada - Société Alzheimer Du Canada Translate this page The latest information on Alzheimer Disease, related dementias, caregiving, support, research, treatment, and Alzheimer Society of Canada programs and services http://www.alzheimer.ca/ |
179. Rebellion - Toronto Men's Ultimate Toronto, Canada men's team. Sponsorship information, practice details, pictures and related links. http://home.ica.net/~derek/rebellion/rebellion.html | |
180. Petro-Canada - Where People Create Energy! Press Room, Investor Centre, Products and Services, About PetroCanada. , April 7 - Canadas Gas Station launches Petro-Canada branded ABM Services. http://www.petro-canada.ca/ | |
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