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         Caesar Gaius Julius:     more detail

61. Caesar, Gaius Julius
INTRODUCTION. Caesar, Gaius Julius (10044 BC), Roman general and statesman,who laid the foundations of the Roman imperial system. EARLY LIFE.
Caesar, Gaius Julius
Caesar, Gaius Julius (100-44 BC), Roman general and statesman, who laid the foundations of the Roman imperial system.
APower Play While Caesar was in Gaul, his agents attempted to dominate politics in Rome. This, however, threatened Pompey's position, and it became necessary for the triumvirs to arrange a meeting at Luca in 56 BC, which resulted in a temporary reconciliation. It was decided that Caesar would continue in Gaul for another five years, while Pompey and Crassus would both be consuls for 55 BC; after that date, the triumvirs would have proconsular control of their respective provinces. Caesar then left to put down a revolt in Gaul and to lead an expedition to Britain. Crassus, ever eager for military glory, went to his post in Syria. After entering into war with Parthia, he was defeated and killed at Carrhae in 53 BC. This removed the last buffer between Caesar and Pompey; their family ties had been broken by the death of Julia in 54 BC.
The basis of Caesar's power was his position as "perpetual" dictator. According to the traditional Republican constitution, this office could only be held for six months during a dire emergency. Even before Caesar, however, that rule had been broken. Sulla had reigned as dictator for several years, and Caesar followed this precedent. He was also made consul for ten years in 45 BC and received the sanctity of tribunes, making it illegal to harm him. In addition he obtained honours that increased his prestige. He wore the robe, crown, and sceptre of a triumphant general and used the title imperator. Furthermore, as Pontifex Maximus, he was head of the state religion. Above all, however, he was in total command of the armies, and this remained the main source of his power.

62. World History Links
The Academic compilation of Arthurian resources; Caesar, Julius - 100-44 BC - annotatedguide Latin and English, as well as Gaius Julius Caesar s own accounts
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63. Time,day,week,month,year Quotations, Famous Quotes - Quote Database.
Email this quote to a friend! He has not learned the lesson of life who does notevery day surmount a fear. Gaius Julius Caesar (10044 BC), Roman general,day,week,month,year&page=19

64. More Meaning And Access To Downloadable Pdf And E-book Documents When Available.
the parliamentary system (17291797)) = Caesar, Julius Caesar, Gaius Julius Caesar (conqueror of Gaul and master of Italy (100-44 BC)) = Cassius, Cassius
More : meaning and access to downloadable pdf and e-book documents when available.
Updated - - More - - information and downloadable pdf / e-book links.
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More, Thomas More, Sir Thomas More (English statesman who opposed Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and beheaded; recalled for his concept of Utopia, the ideal state)
-> statesman, solon, national leader (a man who is a respected leader in national or international affairs)
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=> stateswoman (a woman statesman) => Acheson, Dean Acheson, Dean Gooderham Acheson (American statesman who promoted the Marshall Plan and helped establish NATO (1893-1971)) => Adenauer, Konrad Adenauer (German statesman; chancellor of West Germany (1876-1967)) => Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (Roman general who commanded the fleet that defeated the forces of Antony and Cleopatra at Actium (63-12 BC))

65. LII> [LIIWEEK] June 21, 1999
Caesar, Julius 100-44 BC - http// This annotated guideto online in Latin and English, as well as Gaius Julius Caesar s own accounts
From: [
On Behalf Of Carole Leita
Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 9:08 AM
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Subject: [LIIWEEK] June 21, 1999
What's New This Week on the Librarians' Index to the Internet
There are 20 Internet resources for "new this week" as of June 21, 1999
American Association of Poison Control Centers -

Directory of the poison control centers in the United States listed by state and alphabetically. The alphabetical directory also includes centers for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Puerto Rico. The site also includes an annotated list of links to related sites, the Annual Reports of the Toxic Exposure Surveillance System (TESS) in PDF format, educational materials on poisons, and tips for poison prevention. For another list of centers see Kids Meds U.S. Poison Control Centers. - rs Subjects: toxicology

66. Civ. 1 Outlines Unit 1
The Gracchi (Tiberius d. 133; Gaius d. 122 Julius caesar (10044), Key elementsin place wealth, military administration (eastern expansion), Mark Antony (ca.
Go to next class outline Civ. 1 Outlines: Unit 1 Sanders Emergence of Rome Roman society: chief practices
  • Family paterfamilias Hierarchical social divisions: patricians, plebians Clientage:
    • Rome's social "glue" Political significance Relation to slavery, manumission Potential extension to the military
    The aristocratic "ancient way" ( mos maiorum
    • Definition: virtues + religion + "ancestor worship" + hierarchical society (clientage) + political traditions + aristocratic aspirations to fama (all wrapped up together) Origins: Long-standing traditions recorded by the "best" families (before ca. 300 B.C. = patricians, wealthy plebians; after ca. 300 B.C. = "senatorial aristocracy"), in family traditions, genealogies Maintenance: Reenforced within a patriarchal society: family ( paterfamilias ), army (military discipline), patron (clientage relationship)
    Republican Rome
    • Monarchical Rome (ca. 750 B.C. - ca. 509 B.C.)

67. Caesar, Julius
http// events in caesar s life, 54-44 BC http//www GaiusJulius caesar (100-44) A comprehensive biography on all aspects of the
Society History Ancient ... Caesar,_Julius
Subcategories exist within this category:
Caesar's Contemporaries
See also :
Julius Caesar
Similar categories exist in the following languages :
Internet Domain Names Online Education ... Julius Caesar - Sources and Analogues
Several classical sources of modern knowledge about the historical Caesar. Julius Caesar: The Last Dictator
Comprehensive full-length biographies of Julius Caesar, all major contemporaries (Pompey, Sulla, Marius, Antony, Brutus, Cato, more), sections focusing on life, campaigns, legacy, and private man. Roman Empire: Julius Caesar Features a short biography of Caesar and information about the Gallic Wars. Gaius Julius Caesar This webpage covers Caesar's early life and the Gallic wars. The Landings of Caesar in Britain, 55 and 54 BC History of Caesar's invasions of Britain, 55-54 BC. From Athena Review I.1.

68. List Of Historians - Enyclopaedia Definition List Of Historians
Appian, Roman history; Dio Cassius, Roman history; Gaius Acilius, Roman history;Lucius Ampelius, Roman history; Julius Caesar, (c.10044 BC), Gallic and civil
Professional Researcher's Encyclopaedia
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List of historians
Synopsis: This is a list of historians. The names are grouped by order of the historical period in which they were writing, which is not necessarily the same as the period in which they specialised. Chroniclers and annalists, though they are not historians in the true sense, are also listed here for convenience. See also: List of historians by area of study, List of historians of the French Revolution Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Ancient historians ... Buy products related to: List of historians
From Books Music Classical VHS ... Toys
From Books Music Classical VHS ... Toys From Books Music Classical VHS ... Software From Bucher Musik Klassik Videos ... Alphabetical index
List of historians
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This is a list of historians The names are grouped by order of the historical period in which they were writing, which is not necessarily the same as the period in which they specialised. Chroniclers and annalists, though they are not historians in the true sense, are also listed here for convenience.

69. Sample Culture 4.0 Profiles
Julius Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar) 10044 BC about links at this site (from JuliusCaesar War Commentaries (MIT) Online text Augustus Caesar and the Pax

The Contextual Guide and Internet Index to Western Civilization
Sample Culture 4.0 Profiles
Most of the individual figures and objects in the graphic below are linked to profiles which have been assembled here into
this document. Their sources include various Grid Lists and Historical and Period Essays from the program. Three of
the figures shown below ( Jesus of Nazareth Charlemagne and Elizabeth I ) are linked to their respective Historical Essays
which are included among the samples shown on this website. In the case of several other figures ( Alexander the Great
William Shakespeare
Charles Darwin , and Queen Victoria ) who have separate essays in the program (but not included
among the sample Historical Essays on this website), only their internet ( WWW ) links have been listed on this page.
Links identifying the various figures and objects (arranged chronologically) are displayed below the composite image.
As is the case with other program documents posted on this website, internal text links that are non-functional (due
to the fact that the document containing the link target is not available on this website) are shown in bold text.

70. History Of The Hellenistic And Roman World
Archimedes is born ca. 287 BCE at Syracuse. 10044 BCE, Gaius Julius caesar.The most famous Roman general and politician of them all.
Imperium History Forum About ... History Timeline Timeline Bios History Gallery
Historical Timeline of the Hellenistic and Roman World
At the battle of Ipsos in 301 BCE, Antigonos I Monophthalmos was defeated by the coalition of the other Diadochoi (Successors) to Alexander. Ipsos marks a turning point in history, as it once and for all extinguished any hope of reuniting the Empire. After Ipsos, the balance of power in the Mediterannean slowly swings westward, where two emerging superpowers prepare for a cataclysmic conflict.
300 BCE Foundation of Antioch by Seleucus I Nicator
Seleucus I Nicator, ruler of the vast Eastern parts of Alexander's Empire (modern Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan) founds the city of Antioch as his capital. Like Antigonus before him, Seleucus would be drawn by the dream of re-establishing Alexander's Empire, taking Syria and Cilicia in 296 BCE, and finally defeating and killing Lysimachos at Korupedion in 281 BCE, thus extending the Seleucid Kingdom throughout most of Asia Minor as well. With domination almost within his grasp, he would be murdered by a subordinate, Ptolemy Keraunos.
c. 300 BCE

47 BC (an Early Tragedy)Marcellus and Flavius Teacher Resources Biographical informationabout Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar (10044) Biographical information
julius caesar




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72. Roman Emperors - DIR Augustus
time of caesar's dominance in 4944 BC the Republic had political tactic from ca. 100 BC onwards. These generals 15 March, 44 BC C. Julius caesar, dictator for life
Virtual Catalog of Roman Coins An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors DIR Atlas
AUGUSTUS (31 B.C. - 14 A.D.)
Garrett G. Fagan
Pennsylvania State University
The Background
To understand Augustus, it is necessary to appreciate briefly the nature of the Roman Revolution and, in particular, the place of Julius Caesar within it. The Roman Republic had no written constitution but was, rather, a system of agreed-upon procedures crystallized by tradition (the mos maiorum ca . 100 BC onwards. These generals also used their provincial commands to extract money from the locals as a way of funding their domestic political ambitions. As the conflict in the state wore on, popular assemblies, the only avenue for the passage of binding legislation in the Roman Republic, routinely ended in disorder and rioting. The senatorial aristocracy, riven by internal disputes, proved incapable of dealing effectively with the mounting disorder, yet the alternative, monarchy, was not openly proposed by anyone. When civil war erupted between Pompey and Caesar in 49 BC, few could have been surprised. These two men were the strongest personalities in the state, each in command of significant military forces, and they were mutually antagonistic. The people had loved Caesar, even if his recent behavior had been disappointing

73. Julius Caesar
The life of Gaius Julius caesar illuminates the history of the failing Posted by Juliuscaesar at 1246 PM More like this More info; caesar caesar

74. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: C
De Bello Gallico and Other Commentaries. caesar, Gaius Julius, ca. 10044BC. Julius caesar s Commentaries On The Gallic War Latin. cahan, Abraham.
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C, A and F T Gregory
Cabell, James Branch
Cabell, James Branch et al
Cable, Boyd (Ernest Andrew Ewart)
Cable, George W.
Cable, George Washington
Caesar, Caius Julius
Caesar, Gaius Julius, ca. 100-44 BC
Cahan, Abraham
Caine, Hall
Caine, Hall, Sir
Cairns, John
Calamity Jane
Caldecott, Randolph

75. Search Results
Your search matched 100 lots in the database AE (12 16 g.), ca. 28 27 v. Chr. Vs Lot 831. Julius caesar. February-March 44 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm Caesar

76. Search Results For Julius Caesar, The Movie
England; .years, until 79 BC Gaius Julius Caesar (100 44 BC) was a ncte-talkRe Julius Caesar in 4 Human Bondage, Macbeth, Jane Eyre and Julius Caesar.
Copernic Search Results Search: Julius Caesar The Movie Date: Found: 100 documents on The Web Sort: Score
Brando, Marlon - Julius Caesar, Cannon Review
Damian Cannon of Film Reviews UK comments on this 1953 film in which Brando portrayed Marc Antony. Explore a database of film reviews.
Found by: AltaVista, Excite, FAST Search, Google, HotBot, LookSmart, Magellan, WebCrawler
Julius Caesar Movie Study Guide
JULIUS CAESARTHE STUDY GUIDE FOR THE FILM We are now happy to offer a guide for the film version of Shakespeares JULIUS CAESAR. This movie features Charlton Heston as Mark Antony, Jason Robards as Brutus, Richard Johnson as Cassius and John Gielgud as
Found by: AltaVista, Excite, FAST Search, Google, Magellan
The Unofficial Schuyler Grant Web Site - Film/Television/Theatre
Film/Television/Theatre Here are the films, TV shows, and theatre productions that Schuyler has been in. FILM Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story .. Diana Barry Wright (late 1999) (for a synopsis, click here) Wrestling With Alligators (1998..
Found by: HotBot, LookSmart

77. Reading And Links
the Hellenistic and Roman World. You can also link directly throughGaius Julius Caesar 10044 BC. An excellent multi-part biography
THE LAST DICTATOR R EADING A ND L INKS BIBLIOGRAPHY : For the reader's convenience, editions shown in linked version may be purchased from They are the editions I have used and quoted. Those editions I personally enjoy most are noted with a graphic , as my particular favorites of the recommended links shown below. The books which I personally consider indispensable to learning about Caesar and Rome are shown in bold type An excellent grounding for Caesar's life and times is provided in Antony Kamm's succinct but vivid Julius Caesar: A Beginner's Guide The Romans: An Introduction (Routledge, 1995) is similarly recommended for the beginner who wants a concise introduction to all Roman history. Appian, The Civil Wars (Penguin Classics) , trans. John Carter, Penguin Classics, 1996 Julius Caesar

78. Society History By Time Period Ancient Rome People Caesar, Julius
look at the life and battles of Gaius Julius caesar. by Julius caesar A weblog byJulius caesar . http//; Creative
World Directory Society History Ancient ... Caesar,_Julius Society History By Time Period Ancient Rome People Caesar, Julius
Directory results:
See also: This category in other languages: German Italian
  • Dates for Julius Caesar's career - Summary time-line of consuls and significant political events in Caesar's life, 54-44 BC
  • Gaius Julius Caesar - This webpage covers Caesar's early life and the Gallic wars.
  • Gaius Julius Caesar - Java-based "interview" with Julius Caesar.
  • Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44) - A comprehensive biography on all aspects of the life of Julius Caesar.
  • - Source biography for Caesar's life by Plutarch: from the Internet Classics Archive
  • Julius Caesar - 11-part succinct biography of Julius Caesar, "Roman patrician, politician, writer, reformator, general, dictator and god." Part of the Romans: Historical Persons Photo Archive.
  • Julius Caesar - Sources and Analogues - Several classical sources of modern knowledge about the historical Caesar.

79. Julius Caesar Sources
translated by John Dryden); Gaius Julius Caesar (10044 BCE), by Biographical sketchof Julius Caesar, by Jona Lendering; 1.4; “The Landings of Caesar in Britain
Sources for Julius Caesar
Books: (see also General Reference Works Gelzer, Matthias. Caesar: Politician and Statesman . Translated by Peter Needham. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1968. Grant, Michael. The Twelve Caesars . New York: Scribner, 1975. Gruen, Erich. The Last Generation of the Roman Republic . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. Kebric, Robert B. Roman People . Mountain View: Mayfield, 1993. Suetonius, Gaius. The Twelve Caesars . Edited by Michael Grant and translated by Robert Graves. New York: Penguin, 1979. Yavetz, Zwi. Julius Caesar and His Public Image . Aspects of Greek and Roman Life. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1983. External Links:

80. Project Gutenberg - Language Index: Latin
Nova analysis aquarum Medeviensium Latin. caesar, Gaius Julius, ca. 10044BC. Julius caesar s Commentaries On The Gallic War Latin. Choir, Gregorian.
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Authors: A B C D ... other Titles: A B C D ... other Languages: Bulgarian Chinese Danish Dutch ... Yiddish
Berzelius, Jöns Jacob
Caesar, Gaius Julius, ca. 100-44 BC
Choir, Gregorian
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106-43 BC
Luther, Martin
* (No Author Attributed)
Ovid et al
Propertius, Sextus, circa 50-16 BC
Virgil, 70-19 BC
Most recently updated: 2004-06-03 07:00:00.

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