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Butler Ellis Parker: more detail | ||||
61. WebGED: Rodgers Family Data Page m. 1 NOV 1848 in Weatherford, Parker, TX spouse Crawford (1874 1963) child Cozby, Ellis Olander (1877 spouse Butler, Virginia A. (1839 - ) - m. 10 http://www.geocities.com/mbrodgers/wga33.html | |
62. Relations Of Note: B... BOTN176) 76. + BOWEN Family. º BOWNE, Borden Parker 18471910 American BUSH, John Ellis Jeb , Governor *1953 Butler, Charles 1750-1832 http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~dav4is/people/X-B.htm | |
64. EADS Thru EYER Ellis,, Willie, ND, 1914, Dayton (Vol 8). EllisON,, Elijah, ND, 1912, ParkerGregg (Vol 8). ENDICOTT,, Alma Elvira (Butler), 1880, 1945, Belton (Vol 1). http://members.fortunecity.com/cassmofind/masterindex/Ea.htm | |
65. The *rner Genealogy Project | ORNER/ARNER Indexes (1864 - 1871) Orner, c1867, EDWARD W. Parker, Altoona, Blair George Ellis Orner, 1868-1943, LURA GRACE WORTHINGTON Orner, 1868-, MARIETTA THORNBERG, Butler, Adams, PA http://www.kinfolks.info/o-idx35.htm | |
66. Whiteside Co IL Obituaries Herbert T. 1892 1958. CLAPPER, Ellis W. 1845 - 1897. CLAVIN, Josephine (Parker) 1850 - 1922. COCHRAN, Elizabeth 1842 - 1905. HERRON, Shirley (Butler) 1926 - 1975. http://www.iltrails.org/whiteside/obits.html | |
67. Azbiog Charles William Bush, Nellie Butler, Susie, 1880 Alton, 1904 Ellis, Fremont, 1897- Ellis, Mabel Stephens Linderman, Marlene Lindsey, Eunice Parker, 1896- Lindsey http://www.library.arizona.edu/branches/spc/azbiog.htm | |
68. Belmont Cemetery, Todd County, Ky Butler, Helen F. (Feb. 13, 1929) (wife) Butler, Perry T. (Aug. Parker, Linda Faye (July 9, 1948-Jan. 20, 1962). HARRIS, Ellis Newman (July 1, 1904-Dec. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ky/county/todd/cemetery/Belmont.htm | |
69. Pottawatomie Co. KS Cemetery Project Genealogy Translate this page Parker, Taylor Nicole, 3/10/1990, 3/10/1990. Parker, Vernon, 1908. Ellis, Lucy B. 3/28/1861, 5/15/1922. LONG, George W. 1862, 1919. LONG, Violet Butler, 10/22/1920. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/kansas/genweb/pottawat/potcem2.html | |
70. Diccionario De Autores Translate this page (1845-1921). BOWNE, BORDEN Parker (1845-1910). BOYLE, ROBERT (1729-1797). Butler, JOSEPH (1692-1752). (nac. 1911). McTAGGART, JOHN McTAGGART Ellis (1866-1925). http://cibernous.com/colabora/comunes/diccionario.htm | |
71. Gibson Co., Tennessee Cemeteries, Mt. Pleasant Cemetery 62. Parker, Leonard Feb. 26, 1907 - Feb. 22, 1910 - May 3, 1968. Ellis - Jan. 22, 1902 - Nov. 118. Butler, Noah William - June 12, 1998 - July 21, 1998. 119. http://www.rootsweb.com/~tngibson/cemeteries/mt-pleasant-bc.htm | |
72. Umstead Burial Sites PA-WV PA Parker Cem, Parker, Venango Co Lorenz, Edna Ermina PA St Peters UCC, Zelienople, Butler Co Hutchinson Pannebecker 1881 Harmon Pennypacker Ellis M Pannebecker http://www.umstead.org/bursites pa-wv.html | |
73. Here Are The Clergy On North Congregational Church Congregational Church, she served in South Butler, New York. Ellis Peterson came to Connecticut from Omaha, Nebraska in memory of Dr. Frederick Parker Gay, and http://www.rockvillemama.com/nhclergy.htm | |
74. Rio Vista Cemetery, Johnson County, Texas Butler, Robert Lee 20Nov-1879 06-Jan-1960 Rio Vista. West, James Ellis 30-Jan-1858 26-Dec-195 Rio Vista. Parker, John O. 27-Apr-1891 18-Dec-1964 Rio Vista. http://users.htcomp.net/JCGS/RioVista.htm | |
75. Ferrater Mora: Diccionario De Filosofía: Cuadro Cronológico Translate this page 1689-1755) Bernoulli, Daniel (1700-1782) Butler, Joseph (1692 Émile (1845-1921) Bowne, Borden Parker (1845-1910 1866) McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis (1866-1925 http://www.ferratermora.org/ency_prologo_qz_cu-cron.html | |
76. Mountain Home Cemetery, Mountain Home, Arkansas Robert E.) 23 Dec 1913 03 Mar 1985 Ellis, Robert E 23 Sep 1856 26 Mar 1935 Lonon, John Butler (bet Margaret F. (shares stone with Louis) 1896 1984 Parker, Anna M http://www.baxtercountyonline.com/baxgen/mountainhomecemetery.htm | |
77. John Lane Company Records, Index Of Correspondents New York, 19243.1 Barker, J. Ellis, 18701948 with Egerton, George), 36.1 (with Parker, Louis N British Committee for the Celebration ) Butler, Richard (The http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/lane.john.corr.html | |
78. Lincoln County Cemeteries Butler, Allen Elmer (c19581958); Butler, Edith Lorraine (c1936 Zachariah M (1870-1943); De Marce, Ellis (1874-1942 Parker, Pearl I (1878-1922); Parker, Lyle O http://users.wi.net/~census/lesson46.html | |
79. Series II, Container List, USDA History Collection Types of Farming in the United States. 1933 Ellis, David Maldwyn 19531954 Hughes, Thomas R. 1966 Hulbert, Archer Butler, article 1967 Parker, Edward A., article http://www.nal.usda.gov/speccoll/collect/history/s02list.htm | |
80. GIBSON COUNTY, TN - CEMETERIES - Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Parker, Leonard Feb. 26, 1907 - Feb. AZBELL, Norene - Aug. 22, 1910 - May 3, 1968 Ellis - Jan. Butler, Noah William - June 12, 1998 - July 21, 1998 119. http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tn/gibson/cemeteries/mtpleas.txt | |
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