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         Bury Richard De:     more detail
  1. The Love of BooksThe Philobiblon of Richard de Bury by Bury (1287-1345), translated Ernest Chester Thomas (1850-1892) Richard de, 2010-08-25

41. 12/01/00 - Book Abuse
The Bishop of Durham, Richard de Bury (12871345), scolded students who used strawsto mark their places “to remind them of what their memory cannot retain
Salida Regional Library
for 12/01/00
This reader turned down the corners of pages throughout the book. They were neatly creased, and I assume they marked pages of interest.
This may be the least objectionable kind of permanent marking in a book, less irritating than underlined or highlighted text. However, it is not acceptable treatment of library books.
Back to bookmarks, which have an equally offensive history of their own. Librarians share their tales: bacon (cooked and uncooked), love letters, compromising photos, used nail files, dirty socks, locks of hair. Evidently, the readers were so transported by the text that they reached blindly for anything to mark the page.
Money is fun to find. A 17th-century scholar, Alexander Ross, was wealthy enough to use gold coins to mark his place. After his death, over 1,000 British pounds worth were found among his books. These are preferable to bacon. To our modern readers, may I suggest the new $20 bill as an excellent bookmark.
Most human problems are old, but still we strive against them. Please be careful. Every kindness shown a book extends its life for a future reader. Thank you.

42. Old English Libraries - Chapter IX.
2 Ibid., lxxiv. 3 Robinson, 47. But Richard de Bury, Bishop ofDurham, is at once the bibliomaniac s ideal and enigma (1287-1345).
Old English Libraries
by Ernest A. Savage Terms Contents Preface Chapter I. ... Chapter XI. Chapter IX.
The Use of Books Towards the End of the Manuscript Period
ection I The cheapening of books has brought many pleasures, but has been the cause of our losingor almost losingone pleasant social custom,the pastime of reciting tales by the fireside or at festivities, which was popular until the end of the manuscript age. "Men lykyn jestis for to here And romans rede in divers manere." At their games and feasts and over their ale men were wont to hear tales and verses. The tale-tellers were usually professional wayfaring entertainers: "japers and mynstralles' that sell glee,' " as the scald sang his lays before King Hygelac and roused Beowulf to slay Grendel "Gestiours, that tellen tales Bothe of weping and of game." Call hither, cries Sir Thopas, minstrels and gestours, "for to tellen tales" "Of romances that been royales, Of popes and of cardinals, And eek of love-lykinge." (II. 2035-40). [1] Troilus, Bk. v. Il. 1797-98. [2] Piers Plowman.

43. TRHS 4th Ser. 1, 1918-32, 1950
Earl of Chester, 11291153, in TRHS 4th Ser., 20, 1937, S. 103-134 Noel deNHOLM-YOUNG,Richard de Bury, 1287-1345, in TRHS 4th Ser., 20, 1937, S. 135-168
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fourth Series (TRHS 4th Ser.)
bearbeitet von Stuart J ENKS
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Or click onto the publisher's website: Cambridge University Press TRHS 4th Ser., 1, 1918
Charles W.G. O MAN Presidential Address: Rumours and legends during wars from ancient Times to 1918 , in: TRHS 4th Ser., 1, 1918, S. 1-27
William H UDSON Traces of Primitive Agricultural Organization, as suggested by a Survey of the Manor of Martham, Norfolk, 1101-1292 , in: TRHS 4th Ser., 1, 1918, S. 28-58
John Eric Sidney G REEN Wellington, Boislecomte and the Congress of Verona, 1822 , in: TRHS 4th Ser., 1, 1918, S. 59-76 Ina L UBIMENKO The Correspondence of the First Stuarts with the First Romanovs [Early Seventeenth Century] , in: TRHS 4th Ser., 1, 1918, S. 77-91 Violet Mary M ETHLEY The Ceylon Expedition of 1803 , in: TRHS 4th Ser., 1, 1918, S. 92-128

44. NML2003-3
Saugojimo vieta LMF. 47739 Bury, Richard de (12871345) Philobiblon, arba Apiemeile knygoms = Philobiblon, sive de Amore librorum / Richard de Bury.
2003 Nr.3




Jankauskienė, Jūratė (1954-)

Akiduobės ligos : universiteto vadovėlis / Jūratė Jankauskienė; Kauno medicinos universitetas; [recenzentai: A. Blužienė, V. Jašinskas, G. Kazanavičius, A. Paunksnis]. - Kaunas : KMU Spaudos ir leidybos centro l-kla, 2003. - 310, [2] p.: iliustr. - Bibliogr.: p. 297-306. - Dalyk. r-klė: p. 307-311. - ISBN 9955-479-43-4 1. Akiduobės ligos. 2. Oftalmologija - Vadovėliai Saugojimo vieta: LMF
AKUŠERIJA. GINEKOLOGIJA. NEONATOLOGIJA Aniulienė, Rosita Priešlaikinio gimdymo rizika ir jos įvertinimas : daktaro disertacija : biomedicinos mokslai, medicina (07B) / Rosita Aniulienė; Kauno medicinos universitetas; [doktarantūros komitetas: Vida Marija Čigriejienė, Vacys Sadauskas, Dalia Baliutavičienė, Jadvyga Petrauskienė, Vytautas Basys]. - Kaunas : [KMU], 1999. - 127 lap.: iliustr. - Bibliogr.: lap. 98-112. - Aut. darbų sąrašas: lap. 114-115 1. Gimdymas priešlaikinis. 2. Kūdikių mirtingumas. 3. Perinatologija - Disertacijos

45. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors Br-Bz
Bury, Richard de 12871345 The Love of Books the Philobiblon of Richardde Bury (UVa) 1345. Illustrations. (210 KB)TOC; The Philobiblon
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The Mad Cybrarian's Library
Authors: Br-Bz
Brackett, Anna C. Bradbury, John: Braddon, Mary Elizabeth: Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, contrib.: Bradford, Mary Davison: Bradford, Sarah H.: Bradford, William: Bradlaugh, Charles:

46. Richard De Bury
Richard de Bury. 12871345, English bibliophile and bishop of Durham. His name wasAungerville, but he was called Bury from his birthplace, Bury St. Edmunds.

47. Présentation Du Dictionnaire Des Auteurs Anglais
Bury John of I Prieur Provincial des Augustins 1450 359 Bury John II Etudiant 153515711564 360 Bury Richard de Evêque de Durham 1287-1345 1325 361 BUSSY Sir
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dans la dictionnaire

ABELL Thomas Chapelain royal mort 1540 1528 3
ABENDON Henry : voir ABINGDON Henri
ABENDON Thomas : voir ABINGDON Thomas ABINGDON Henri Warden de Merton College mort 1437 1414 4 ABINGDON Thomas O.E.S.A. mort 1470 ? 1457 5 ABOROUGH John : BOROUGH John a ABYNDON Henry : voir ABINGDON Henri ABYNDON Thomas : voir ABINGDON Thomas ACHEDUNUS Johannes : voir ACTON John ACHELEY Thomas 1587 A001 ACHURCHE John of O.S.B. 1347 6 ACTON John O.P. 1390 8 ACUTUM Johannes : voir SHARPE John. ACWORTH George Chancelier de Winchester ? 1534-1592 ? 1573 9 ADAM the Carthusian : voir HORSLEY Adam. ADAMS Nicholas M.P. ? 1521-1584 1562 11 ADAMS Robert Architecte mort 1595 1588 12 ADAMS William I Marin mort 1620 1604 13 ADAMS William II 1620 A002 ADYS Miles Chamberlain de Londres 1479 14 AGARDE Arthur Clerk of the Exchequer 1540-1615 1590 15 AGAS Ralph Land surveyor ? 1545-1621 ? 16

Rice, 18751950 Burroughs, John, 1837-1921 Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890Bury, JB (John Bagnell), 1861-1927 Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345 Butler, Ellis

49. Z. Karvalics László: Pro Communi Doctorum Virorum Commodo: A Könyvtárak Kora
az oxfordi Durham Hallba nyilvános kölcsönkönyvtárat (public lending library)tervezo Richard de Bury (12871345) lordkancellár, fokincstárnok és
Z. Karvalics László
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50. History Dissertations At Emory, Arranged By Date
DA10.5 .M37 de Bury, Richard, Bp of Durham, 12871345 Catholic Church Dioceseof Durham (Durham) History Durham (England) History. Merritt, Carole (1986).
General Business Health Sciences Law ... home History Dissertations at Emory, arranged by date Using the Libraries About the Libraries Ask a Question History Dissertations at Emory, arranged by date Dates Send comments to Jana Lonberger ( or Eric Nitschke (, History Selectors, Emory University General Libraries. top DesChamps, Margaret Burr (1952). The Presbyterian Church in the South Atlantic states, 1801-1861
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. History Malone, Henry Thompson (1952). A social history of the eastern Cherokee Indians from the Revolution to removal.
STACKS E99 .C5 M37
Cherokee Indians History
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Williams, Jack Kenny (1953). Crime and punishment in South Carolina, 1790-1860.

51. Index To Authors
pp.2569, 1941. denholm-Young, Noel Richard de Bury, 1287-1345. FourthSeries, Vol.XX, pp.135-168, 1937. dewar, Douglas with HL
Index to Authors in Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Series I - 6 [to date] Aberdare , Lord, (Henry A. Bruce): The Value of Historical Studies. Inaugural Address of the President. Old Series, Vol.VII, pp.384-394, 1878. Ackers, B. St. John: Historical Notes on the Education of the Deaf. Old Series, Vol.VIII, pp.163-171, 1880. Adams, Simon: Politics. Paper read at conference: The Eltonian Legacy. Sixth Series, Vol. 7, pp.2247 – 266, 1997. Adamson, J.S.A.: The Baronial Context of the English Civil War. Alexander Prize Essay, 1989. Fifth Series, Vol.40, pp.93-120, 1990. Addison, Paul: The Political Beliefs of Winston Churchill. Fifth Series, Vol.30, pp.23-47, 1980. Ady, Cecilia Mary: Materials for the History of the Bentivoglio Signoria in Bologna. Fourth Series, Vol.XVII, pp.49-67, 1934. Airlie, Stuart: Narratives of Triumph and Rituals of Submission: Charlemagne’s Mastering of Bavaria. Sixth Series, Vol. 9, pp.93 – 120, 1999. Allan, Alexander Stewart: Historical Notices of the Family of Margaret of Logy, Second Queen of David the Second, King of Scots. Old Series, Vol.VII, pp.330-361, 1878.

52. Project Gutenberg Titles
The, by Jerome, Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka), 18591927 Love of books the Philobiblonof Richard de Bury, The, by Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345 Love s Labour s
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53. Oh No Its Monday Dot Com
Bury, Richard de, 12871345, British Chancellor. Books are masters who instructus without rods or ferules, without words or anger, without bread or money., Richard De

54. $30,000 Bequest And Other Stories, The, By Twain, Mark, 1835-1910
Nebendahl, The, by Jerome, Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka), 18591927 Love of books thePhilobiblon of Richard de Bury, The, by Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345 Love or

55. Rare Maine Book -De Burians Of Bangor Cyr Auctions Auctions Gray, Maine
Boardman,Samuel Lane.Richard de Bury Bishop of Durham (12871345),First Year- Bookof The de Burians of Bangor,Maine.BangorPrinted for Private Distribution
Rare Maine Book -De Burians of Bangor
Large Image Cyr Auctions - Lot Number: 857
Leather Bound and Rare Books

Location: Gray, Maine
Phone: Auction Date: October 4, 2001 - 10:00 AM EST
Boardman,Samuel Lane.Richard De Bury Bishop of Durham (1287-1345),First Year- Book of The De Burians of Bangor,Maine.Bangor:Printed for Private Distribution,1902.An edition of 125 copies.8vo.67 pages.Three quarter red leather with marbleized boards.t.e.g. Frank C.Deering small leather bookplate.Fine.
SOLD: $550 to Bidder Handle: On Site
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Email: Phone: Rare Maine Book -De Burians of Bangor final historical realized sold price for historical history.

56. Richard De Bury. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
Richard de Bury. ( br´) ( KEY) , 12871345, English bibliophile and bishop of Durham name was Aungerville, but he was called Bury from his birthplace, Bury St. Edmunds
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Richard de Bury (b KEY Philobiblon he describes his experiences as a book collector.

57. GIGA Quote Author Page For Richard Aungervyle (Aungerville) (a/k/a Richard De Bu
GIGA's compilation of quotations, excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorisms by Richard Aungervyle (Aungerville) (a/k/a Richard de Bury). Richard AUNGERVYLE (AUNGERVILLE) (A/K/A Richard de Bury) English learned prelate and collector of books ( 1287 1345) Richard AUNGERVYLE (AUNGERVILLE) (A/K/A Richard de Bury)
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English learned prelate and collector of books


Books are delightful when prosperity happily smiles; when adversity threatens, they are inseparable comforters. They give strength to human compacts, nor are grave opinions brought forward without books. Arts and sciences, the benefits of which no mind can calculate. depend upon books.
Philobiblon (ch. I) [ Books
The book that he has made renders its author this service in return, that so long as the book survives, its author remains immortal and cannot die.
Philobiblon (ch. I, 21) [ Authorship
You, O Books, are the golden vessels of the temple, the arms of the clerical militia with which the missiles of the most wicked are destroyed; fruitful olives, vines of Engaddi, fig-trees knowing no sterility; burning lamps to be ever held in the hand. Philobiblon (ch. XV) [

58. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Bury, Richard De
Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved.Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli

59. Knowledge ª¾ÃѺô "§B¨½ Bury, Richard De (1287~1345)" ¤å¥óºô­¶
The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.

60. Knowledge ª¾ÃѺô "Á`¶°" ºô­¶
Bury, Richard de (1287~1345), Park, Orlando (1901.10.13~1969.9.23),? Paris, Matthew (?~1259), ? Pavese, Cesare (1908.9.9~1950.8.27),
¤Ú®¦´µ Barnes, Juliana (¬¡°Ê®É´Á15¥@¬ö) ¤Ú®æ¨½¯ý°ò Bagritsky, Eduard Georgiyevich (1895.11.3~1934.2.16) ¤è¤h¯¦¿ý Chilam Balam, Books of ¥d©Ô©i¬z Karamzin, Nikolay Mikhaylovich (1766.12.12~1826.6.3) ¤Ú®¦´µ Barnes, Juliana (¬¡°Ê®É´Á15¥@¬ö) ¤Ú®æ¨½¯ý°ò Bagritsky, Eduard Georgiyevich (1895.11.3~1934.2.16) ¤è¤h¯¦¿ý Chilam Balam, Books of ¥d©Ô©i¬z Karamzin, Nikolay Mikhaylovich (1766.12.12~1826.6.3) ... ¼¯´µ¬ì´µ Moschus (³Ð§@®É´Á¬ù¦è¤¸«e150)

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