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Bury Richard De: more detail | ||||
21. Background Bury, JB (18611927), Idea Of Progress, 600. Bury, Richard de (1287-1345), TheLove Of Books, 149. Butler, Joseph (1692-1752), Human Nature And Other Sermons,273. http://www.freeeliterature.com/CD1 Contents.htm | |
22. Enssib-le BBF-2001 N°3-Nous Avons Reçu Translate this page Amour des livres et humour des pensées, anecdotes et considérations de lauteurde ce petit traité, Richard de Bury (1287-1345), évêque de Durham et http://www.enssib.fr/bbf/bbf-2001-3/nar01-3.html | |
23. Index Translate this page Rice, 1875-1950 Gutenberg Burroughs, John, 1837-1921 Gutenberg Burton, Richard Francis,Sir, 1821-1890 Gutenberg Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345 Gutenberg Butler http://www.elbooks.sk/angautB.html | |
24. AAC Database - Full View Of Document To mail a Bibliographic record to your Email account. System No, 1054607. Author,Richard, de Bury, 1287-1345. Unif-Tl, Philobiblion. Catalan. Pin y Soler. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/FIND-ACC/0199989 | |
25. AAC Database - Short View Of Documents Coplas de Mingo Revulgo /, 1972. 3, 1054008, Richard, de Bury, 12871345 Filobiblion 1969. 4, 1349188, Dario, Ruben, Obras poeticas completas /, 1949. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/FIND-ACC/0097467 | |
26. WIEM: Aungerville Richard Historia, Wielka Brytania Aungerville Richard (12871345), widok stronyznajdz podobne pokaz powiazane. Patrz Bury Richardus de. http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/014c2e.html | |
27. Works Of Roberta Kalechofsky In Context, Contents Of The CD ROM James C. Brogan, 1907. Richard de Bury (12871345) Philobiblion, theLove of Books. Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) CanterBury Tales and http://www.samizdat.com/kalechofskycd.html | |
28. Bibliofilija Prie pat mirti Richard de Bury (12871345) ubaige savo klasikini traktata Filobiblon ( Philibiblon ), kuriame aprae pomegi knygoms ir knygu http://www.spaudos.lt/Bibliofilas/Bibliofilija.htm | |
29. The U Of MT -- Mansfield Library LangFing Latin A-B Paris RID 362462 ITEM lat00558 020.75 Aungerville, Richard, Known asRichard de Bury, Bp. of Durham, 1287-1345 A926p.Et Philobiblon 1960 RID ITEM http://www.lib.umt.edu/guide/lang/latin1h.htm | |
30. The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg Hodgson, 18491924 Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950 Burton,Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890 Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345 Butler, Ellis http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm | |
31. Verzehrende Leidenschaften Translate this page denn Richard de Bury (1287-1345), Bischof von Durham und englischer Lordkanzler,besaß nicht nur ?mehr Bücher als alle anderen Bischöfe Englands zusammen http://home.snafu.de/geya/Story/leidenschaften.htm | |
32. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Bury, R. Bruce. 1982 1 Bury, Ricardus de, 12871345 See Bury, Richardde, 1287-1345 1 Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345. 5 Bury, Richard http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/aBury, Richard | |
33. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Record 1 of 5 Author, Bury, Richard de, 12871345. Title, The love of bookscomputer file the Philobiblon of Richard de Bury / by Richard de Bury. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/aBury, R. Bruc | |
34. Richard De Bury (1287-1345). An Extract From The Transactions Of The Royal Histo Author Name denholmYoung, N. Title Richard de Bury (1287-1345). An extract fromthe Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Publisher London, 1937. http://www.booksets.com/si/24814.html | |
35. Lietuvos Mokslu Akademijos Biblioteka 80. Bury, Richard de (12871345) (Beris, Ricardas de) Philobiblon, arba Apie meileknygoms = Philobiblon, sive de Amore librorum / Richard de Bury; verteja http://www.mab.lt/mainai1.html | |
36. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ B Bury, JB (John Bagnell), 18611927. Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345. Butler, EllisParker, 1869-1937. Butler, Joseph, 1692-1752. Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. http://www.globusz.com/authors_b1.html | |
37. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING John Bagnell), 18611927 Idea Of Progress, The an inguiry into itsorigin and growth. Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345 Love Of Books, The http://www.globusz.com/authors_b.asp | |
38. Author Index Robert, 17591796 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950 Burroughs, John, 1837-1921 Burton,Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890 Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345 Butler, Ellis http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/author_index.htm | |
39. Latomus Deroux Translate this page V. von BÜREN, Isidore, Végèce et Titanus au VIIIe siècle. E. WOLFF,La culture classique de Richard de Bury (1287-1345). D. WOODS, St. http://users.belgacom.net/latomus/deroux.html | |
40. Classics In Literacy Education Richard de Bury (12871345) William S. Gray (1885-1960) Nila Banton Smith(1889-1976) Arthur I. Gates (1890-1972) Emmett Albert Betts (1903-1987 http://isbndb.com/d/book/classics_in_literacy_education.html | |
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