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41. Sir Richard F. Burton On The Web Format of data, text/html. Keywords, Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 18211890;biography; online articles; links; travel; Middle East; explorers. http://ssgdoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/vlib/ssgfi/infodata/003119.html | |
42. Washington State University Library Instruction - Freshman Seminar Program - FS Burton, Sir Richard Francis, Sir, 18211890. Burton, Sir Richard Francis, Sir,1821-1890JourneysIndia. Sex CustomsGreat BritainHistory19th Century. http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/usered/seminar/fall02/fs26.html | |
43. The Life Story Of Sir. Burton Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890), British explorer, linguist, and studentof Asian cultures, one of the most famous mid-19th century European explorers http://www.empereur.com/burton.html | |
44. Sackler Library Accessions: Ancient Near East, September 2002. 1959, c1950. Burton , Richard Francis, Sir, 18211890. Love, war Kimber,1964. Burton , Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. Personal narrative http://www.ashmol.ox.ac.uk/gri/6ne0209.html | |
45. Richard F. Burton Translate this page Otra sombra del pasado ha sido la de Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890), posiblementeel más famoso de todos los exploradores británicos por haberse http://www.ctv.es/USERS/borobar/burton.htm | |
46. PADA Professional Autograph Dealers Association Member Listing 9 November 1850. An early letter by Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890),explorer and orientalist. He published three works http://www.padaweb.org/member_detail.php?id=42 |
47. Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890) Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890). A fencer in college, I becameinterested in the history of the sport, and in my research http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~garsonkw/intro.html | |
48. Spink And Sons [BURTON, Sir Richard F.], Catalogue Of Valuable Books, Manuscript Spink and Sons Burton, Sir Richard F. Catalogue Of Valuable Books, Manuscripts Autograph Letters Of Sir Richard Francis Burton, 18211890. http://www.polybiblio.com/milenium/020040.html | |
49. BURTON, Richard Francis, Pilpay's Fables Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890), perhaps the greatest of the soldier-scholarsspawned by British colonial expansion of the early 19th century http://www.polybiblio.com/milenium/020077.html | |
50. WIEM: Burton Richard Francis Burton Richard Francis, Sir (18211890), brytyjski podróznik i badacz. 1858 wspólniez JH Speke m odkryl jezioro Tanganika. 1861 jako pierwszy zdobyl gl. http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/007790.html | |
51. Discoverers Web Alphabetical List B Richard Burton (England, 18211890) 1853 Joins the pilgrimage to Mecca. Doomed Explorers- Sir Richard Francis Burton Sir Richard Burton Captain Sir Richard http://www.win.tue.nl/~engels/discovery/alpha/b.html | |
52. AAC Database - Browse - List 10, Haji Abd alYazdi, 1821-1890 See Burton, Richard Francis,Sir,1821-1890.10, Haji Abd el-Yezdi, 1821-1890 See Burton, Richard Francis,Sir,1821-1890. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/SCAN-F/1560951 | |
53. MSN Encarta - Burton, Sir Richard Francis Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890), British explorer, linguist, and studentof Asian cultures, one of the most famous mid-19th century European II. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761577350/Burton_Sir_Richard_Francis.html | |
54. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Burton Sir Richard Francis Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890), British explorer, linguist, and studentof Asian cultures, one of the most famous mid-19th century European http://encarta.msn.com/Burton_Sir_Richard_Francis.html | |
55. Blintz! Richard Burton Previews by Thumbshots, Sir Richard F. Burton on the Web Open in new windowSir Richard Francis Burton (18211890) frustrates simple description. http://www.blintz.com/directory/Richard_Burton/ | |
56. Sir Richard Burton of Works by Sir Richard Burton 18211890. This bibliography is based on NormanPenzer s work An Annotated Bibliograpy of Sir Richard Francis Burton. http://www.wollamshram.ca/1001/burton.htm | |
57. Manuscripts Catalogue Sir Richard Francis Burton 18211890, 2 entries. Card from Sir RichardF. Burton to James McNeill Whistler, Tite Street, Chelsea.. http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/manuscripts/search/resultsn.cfm?NID=8633&RID= |
58. David Irving's Action Report On-line Related item on this website From Christie s online auction catalogue Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890). Autograph manuscript http://www.fpp.co.uk/BoD/origins/BurtonMS2.html | |
59. David Irving's Action Report On-line From Christie s online auction catalogue Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890). Burton,Sir Richard Francis (1821-1890). http://www.fpp.co.uk/BoD/origins/BurtonMS.html | |
60. Kids Info Corner,Kids Information Corner,Children's Info Corner,Children's Infor Burton, Richard F. Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890) was an Englishexplorer, linguist, author, and soldier. He was the first http://www.nirula.com/kidszone/explorers.html | |
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