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1. Edgar Rice Burroughs ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback. Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950) American novelist, creator of the world famous character of Tarzan, one of the indispensable icons of popular culture. Edgar Rice Burroughs was born in Chicago, Illinois, into a prosperous family http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/erburrou.htm | |
2. Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875-1950) Burroughs, Edgar Rice (18751950) American popular fiction writer, best remembered as the creator of Tarzan all, during the time when Burroughs wrote his Martian adventures that the http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/B/Burroughs.html | |
3. BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice [1875-1950] – American Writer Burroughs, Edgar Rice 18751950 American writer. Relationship Cousin. Rice family ODT Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder by Edgar Rice Burroughs. This book collects in a single http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~dav4is/people/RICE1018.htm | |
4. Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875-1950) Edgar Rice Burroughs ( 18751950) American novelist, creator of the world famous character of Tarzan, one of the indispensable icons of popular culture. http://elibrary.fultus.com/mergedProjects/Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875-1950) |
5. PAL:Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) PAL Perspectives in American Literature A Research and Reference Guide. An Ongoing Online Project © Paul P. Reuben. Chapter 7 Early Twentieth Century - Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) Languages, Ideas and Terminologies Found in the Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Jefferson, NC McFarland, 1996. http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap7/burroughs.html | |
6. Browse Top Level Texts Project Gutenberg Authors B Authors B Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 18751950. At The Earth's Core Author Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950. KeywordsAuthors B Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950; Titles A http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&ca |
7. KAOR - Welcome To Bill Hillman's ERB-WORLD LIFELINES 18751950 A HYPERTEXTED TIMELINE BIOGRAPHY 4. PORTAL TO ALL-GORY PULP MAG PARODY THE RATNAZ FILES 5. PORTAL TO Edgar Rice Burroughs THE WORKS http://home.westman.wave.ca/~hillmans/erbkaor.html | |
8. Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) American Literature on the Web Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950). Homepages General Resources Would You Like to Swing on a Vine? The http://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/ishikawa/amlit/b/burroughs_er20.htm | |
9. Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875-1950) http://elibrary.fultus.com/mergedProjects/Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875-1950)/whsk |
10. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > B > Burroughs, Edgar Ri Author Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 18751950 Keywords Authors B Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950; Titles A ; Literature. At The Earth s Core, 1994. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
11. The Land That Time Forgot By Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Searchable Online Version A Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950) was a prodigiously productive writer of pulp fictionsliterary entertainments, that is, published in inexpensive, easily http://www.online-literature.com/edgar_rice_burroughs/time_forgot/ | |
12. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Burroughs Edgar Rice Translate this page Burroughs Edgar Rice (1875-1950) Edgar Rice Burroughs ANNEES TITRES DES FILMS ACTEURS REALISATEURS 1927 1932 1934 1936 1941 1942 1945 1948 1965 1975 1976 1977 http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Burroughs_Edgar_Rice.html | |
13. MSN Encarta - Burroughs, Edgar Rice Translate this page Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875-1950), écrivain américain, né à Chicago, créateur du personnage de Tarzan. Burroughs fut soldat, cadre commercial, http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761562889/Burroughs_Edgar_Rice.html | |
14. La Science-fiction - Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950 http://www.sdm.qc.ca/txtdoc/sf/adu/BURROUGHSEDGARR.html |
15. Edgar Rice Burroughs Translate this page Home_Page Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950), Novelista estadounidense, nacido en Chicago. Burroughs fue soldado, hombre de negocios http://www.epdlp.com/rburroughs.html | |
16. Project Gutenberg Titles By Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950 Project Gutenberg Titles by. Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 18751950. At the Earth s Core. The Beasts of Tarzan. The Chessmen of Mars. The Efficiency Expert. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Burroughs, Edgar |
17. BURROUGHS Edgar Rice (1875-1950) Tous les films (1875-1950). http://www.fantasfilm.com/image/SIT-3-2-3-1-EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS.html | |
18. Edgar Rice Burroughs Translate this page Edgar Rice Burroughs. (1875-1950). Edgar Rice Burroughs Novelista estadounidense Nació el 1 de septiembre de 1875 en Chicago. Tras http://www.buscabiografias.com/cgi-bin/verbio.cgi?id=923 |
19. Edgar Rice Burroughs - Biography, Works, And Message Board Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950), an American raised in Chicago, was expelled from Phillips Academy in Andover, MA and graduated from Michigan Military Academy http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/jsp/db/biography.jsp?authorId=49&authorName=Edga |
20. Quiet Vision Publishing Edgar Rice Burroughs Edgar Rice Burroughs. Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950), after a brief service in the US cavalry, persued a business career which was punctuated with http://www.quietvision.com/cgi-bin/author1.cgi?p0=01000002&l=0&org=normal&p1=001 |
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