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Home - Book_Author - Bunyan John 1628-1688 |
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81. Quotations . The Pilgrim s Progress. By John Bunyan QUOTATION He that is down needs fear no fall, ATTRIBUTION John Bunyan (16281688), British poet. http://www.pinkmonkey.com/booknotes/quotations/pmPilgrim01.asp | |
82. John Bunyan (1628–1688) Literary Encyclopedia. back, Site copyright ©1996-2003 Anniina Jokinen. All Rights Reserved. Created by Anniina Jokinen on October 3, 2003. http://www.luminarium.org/eightlit/bunyan/ | |
83. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Bunyan John http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Bunyan_John.html | |
84. MSN Encarta - Bunyan, John http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761562596/Bunyan_John.html | |
85. Literary Encyclopedia: Bunyan, John Bunyan, John. (1628 1688). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature. Religious Writer, Preacher, Theologian, Poet. Active 656 - 1688 in England, Britain, Europe. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=640 |
86. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection To the lobby of the Internet Public Library. Online Literary Criticism Collection. John Bunyan (1628 1688). Nationality British, Periods British 1500-1700. http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=bun-513 |
87. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Bunyan, John 1628 - 1688 Bunyan, John 1628 1688 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. Bunyan, John, Poutníkova cesta z tohoto sveta do sveta buboucího, L 7852. © Mestská http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/b/2991.htm | |
88. John Bunyan Life Stories, Books, & Links to this author Recommended links. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION. John Bunyan (1628 1688). Category English Literature Born 1628 Elstow http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/john.bunyan.asp | |
89. John Bunyan At LiteratureClassics.com -- Essays, Resources Sign up to The Daily Muse for free. John Bunyan. 1628 1688 *. English Puritan minister and preacher. These essays offer analysis of the author s life and works. http://www.literatureclassics.com/authors/Bunyan/ | |
90. Recherche - Répertoire Des Collections Spécialisées Utiles à La Recherche Da XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles occupent une place prédominante dans cette collection d oeuvres de Bunyan (1628-1688). http://www.collectionscanada.ca/collectionsp-bin/colldisp/l=1/c=118 | |
91. Biography John Bunyan John Bunyan, (1628 1688) Obstinate Preacher Older folk must have shaken their heads in wonder. John Bunyan of all people! Why http://www.tlogical.net/biobunyan.htm | |
92. Northamptonshire Dissenters Baptists John Bunyan (1628 1688) born Elstow, Bedfordshire. See the Bunyan press and all his writings including Pilgrims Progress. http://website.lineone.net/~gsward/pages/dissent1.html | |
93. The Works Of John Bunyan John Bunyan s Works Thine to serve thee with that little I have. John Bunyan .( 1628 1688 ) See A Timeline Chronicling the Life of John Bunyan for more http://truthinheart.com/EarlyOberlinCD/CD/Bunyan/OpenInBrowser.html | |
94. BUNYAN, John Translate this page Bunyan, John, Baptistenprediger und Erbauungsschriftsteller, * 28.11. 1628 in Elstow (Bredfordshire) als Sohn eines Kesselflickers, 31.8. 1688 in London. http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/b/bunyan_j.shtml | |
95. Great Men Of God - John Bunyan (John Bunyan) 1628 1688 The Pilgrim s Progress is the most successful allegory ever written, and like the Bible has been extensively translated into other http://www.christiansintouch.com/greatMen_JB_Print.cfm | |
96. "Christians In Touch" -- Great Men Of God (John Bunyan) (John Bunyan) 1628 1688 The Pilgrim s Progress is the most successful allegory ever written, and like the Bible has been extensively translated into other http://www.christiansintouch.com/greatMen_JB.cfm | |
97. ¶þÊ®°Ë ±¾ÈÊ . Ô¼º² (John Bunyan¹«Ôª1628-1688Äê)(ÊÀ½çÃû The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.godoor.net/text/history/zhuanji21-29.htm | |
98. Shiloh.simplenet.com/authors/bunyan.htm http://shiloh.simplenet.com/authors/bunyan.htm |
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