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81. John Buchan - Author Details And Biography - The Quotations Page Page. Quotations by Author. Author details John Buchan (1875 1940).Full Name, Buchan, John, Sir (Baron Tweedsmuir of Elsfield). Biography, http://www.quotationspage.com/author.php?author=John Buchan |
82. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir (English Literature, Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuirbuk´un, twEdz´myOOr PronunciationKey, 18751940, Scottish author and statesman. Included http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/B/Buchan-J.html | |
83. Public Record Office | DocumentsOnline | Famous Names - John Buchan John Buchan (1875 1940) was born in Perth, the son of a Free Churchof Scotland minister. He was educated at the University of http://www.documentsonline.pro.gov.uk/medals-buchan.asp | |
84. Literary Encyclopedia: Buchan, John Buchan, John. (1875 1940). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature.Novelist, Essayist. Active 1895 - 1940 in Scotland, Britain, Europe. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=626 |
85. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (B) 1894 1983. Buber, Martin (Buber, Martin Mordechai ). 1878 - 1965.Buchan, John (Buchan, John first Baron Tweedsmuir). 1875 - 1940. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=450&golist=true&init=B |
86. John Buchan Bibliography FantasticFiction Authors B John Buchan. Fantastic Fiction, John BuchanScotland (1875 1940) aka Lord Tweedsmuir. Search Authors. Search Books. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/John_Buchan.htm | |
87. John Buchan Quotes - Quotes By John Buchan - SaidWhat Quotes by John Buchan. They are Lived 1875 1940. Quotations An atheistis a man who has no invisible means of support View category atheism. http://www.saidwhat.co.uk/quotes.php?id=663 |
88. Auteurs Anglais 1 (William Harrison Ainsworth, John Buchan, Joseph Conrad, Jeffe (Salute to Adventurers, Witch Wood) et de récits d espionnage. http://www.roman-daventures.info/auteurs/angleterre/anglais1-2.htm | |
89. Principaux Auteurs Anglais Translate this page Rider Haggard, Conan Doyle Enfin, ce sont encore des auteurs de ces pays, quiont contribué à la disparition du genre en le renouvelant John Buchan qui a http://www.roman-daventures.info/auteurs/angleterre/anglais.html | |
90. Literature And Place: Buchan John - Broadstairs Information. Scottish by birth, John Buchan was a prominent public andpolitical figure. He also wrote numerous books, the most famous http://www.literatureandplace.org.uk/database/en/entries/Buchan John /Broadstair | |
91. Literature And Place: Buchan, John Place. Extract. Broadstairs, Scottish by birth, John Buchan was aprominent public and political figure Database Credits PHP/Perl http://www.literatureandplace.org.uk/database/en/author/Buchan John | |
92. Subject Index - W.D. Jordan Special Collections Library (Queen's University, Kin Buchan Collection ; Dated Collection; English literature see Buchan Collection; Dickens Glassco, John (19091981) Collection see Edith and Lorne Pierce http://library.queensu.ca/webmus/sc/subjectindex.htm | |
93. SciFan: Writer: John Buchan (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) writers series A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. home about links email. Writers John Buchan (1875 - 1940), Bibliography, http://www.scifan.com/writers/bb/BuchanJohn.asp | |
94. December14.net | Displays | Free HTML Books | The Thirty-Nine Steps John Buchan (1875 1940). John Buchan was born in Perth, the sonof a Minister of the Free Church of Scotland. His family moved http://www.december14.net/displays/gutenberg/39steps.html | |
95. BUCHAN John : Une Page Non Officielle Translate this page Buchan John. John Buchan Pseudonyme de John W.Dunne. Grande Bretagne(1875 - 1940) . Références Romans=5 - Recueils=0 - Nouvelles http://www.bdfi.net/auteurs/b/buchan_john.htm | |
96. Buchan John Buchan (1875 1940). England was a foreign land to Buchan when, atthe age of 17, he crossed into Northumberland at Carham on the Tweed. http://online.northumbria.ac.uk/faculties/art/humanities/cns/m-buchan.html | |
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