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Bryant Sara Cone: more detail | |||||
61. Entries In The Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers Carr, Harvey A. 18731954, Bio Dict Psych by Zusne, Encyc Psych Conant, James Bryant,1893-1978, Michael DeCesare, Amer Nat Bio Cone, James Hall, 1938-, Anthony Pinn, http://www.pragmatism.org/dmap/names.htm | |
62. Cass Co Marriages ELLEN 08/22/1855 - 781 COLE, THORNTON - Bryant, DRUSILLA MRS 1892 - 5359 COLLINS,JOHN W - COLEMAN, Sara TREADWAY - 01 MARY - 01/10/1881 - 3678 Cone, JOSEPH L http://www.iltrails.org/cass/marriagc.htm | |
63. Weller Family Tree Sara Elizibeth VanBuskerr 1966 b 1966 10 William Jennings Bryant Weller1896 - b November 23, 1896 in Canmer (Hart County), Kentucky (?) Cone http://www.tstonramp.com/~remrich/weller/ | |
64. Appling County Query Message Board Re John and Sara Ellis from Appling/Coffee County harriet pearce/pierce married benjaminb Bryant Leesa Stevens 12 51 07/10/03 (0) James Cone family - Doris http://plant.sgc.peachnet.edu/~jbellis/genweb/appling/bbs3/wwwboard.html | |
65. UZUHASHI CORPUS Ì BIBLIOGRAPHY Bryant, Sara Cone How to Tell Stories to Children And Some Stories to Paretsky,Sara Bitter Medicine. Memories of San Francisco in the Spring of 50 (1873). http://bunbun.toyo.ac.jp/eibun/biblio.html | |
66. CHENEY FAIRVIEW CEMETERY, Sedgwick County, Kansas Copyright 1999 Bessie E. 1891 1954 17 Jul 1954 X 172 4 Bryant Trent A Wineinger 19 Oct 1932 04 Dec1978 X 33 2 Cone Rufus E Foley Mildred 18 Oct 1922 X 11 2 Foley Sara Jane 03 http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/sedgwick/cems/cfaircem.txt |
67. Dana Family. Papers, 1822-1956: A Finding Aid John W. 66 Blake, Elizabeth Vernon 65 Blake, Sara Lowell 64 T. 72 Brown, E. 4 Brown,Elizabeth 65 Bryant, Lewis L 64, 87 Conant, Lucy S. 64, 65 Cone, Louise P http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/sch00134.html | |
69. Brs-Brz - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors William Bryant, aka Bear Bryant {US} (M 1913 Sep 11 1983 Jan 26) Samuel WoodBryant (M 1908 - ?) Sara Cone Bryant, Mrs BORST {US} (F 1873 - ?) 474 How http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/br4.htm | |
70. Bairds Cemetery Inscriptions Oglethorpe County, GA BAIRDS CEMETERY Thomas F. 25 Oct 1873 3 Dec 1900 Cone, William C Daisy 22 Dec 1874 4 May 1887 DAVISON,Sara Elizabeth 16 Dau of WH Mamie DOWNEY DOWNEY, George Bryant 14 Nov http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/oglethorpe/cemeteries/bairdcem.txt |
71. PROSPECT PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, White Springs Bryant, Ethel, b. Oct 17 1894 d. Apr 24 1930 Bryant, Henry, b LONG, Amy, d. Feb 71870, w/o DN Cone, Age 56 b. Mar 1 1827 d. May 3 1912 McCALL, Sara Bullard, b http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/fl/hamilton/cemetery/prospect1.txt |
72. William Cone's Descendants 1848 Unknown 5 John Thomas Cone 1868 - 5 Bryant B. Cone 1869 - 5 Levi L. Cone1871 - 5 Emma Cone Abt. 1873 - 5 Amanda Cone 1871-1875 - 5 Harrison Cone Abt. http://www.geocities.com/conereseach/william.html | |
73. Alabama Cemeteries Cone, Francis Eleon February 21, 1873 August 21, 1957. Cone, Oliver Cromwell August18, 1878 October 20, 1941. Bryant, Tommy K. November 20, 1935 December 30 http://www.geocities.com/conereseach/var_cem_in_al.html | |
74. Old Wells Cemetery, Oswayo, Potter CO., PA Bryant WILLIAM TS Bryant WILLIAM 1833 1903 Bryant ELIZA TS WED 2 TIMES COLEGROVEFRANK 23 MAR 1872 13 APR 1873 COLEGROVE EUGENE SARAH TS CANT READ Cone EMMA E http://www.eg.bucknell.edu/~hyde/potter/OldWellsCemetery.html | |
75. WebGED: Alachua Connections Data Page child Conerly, David Frederick (1873 1957) child Daniel N. Cone s companyof Camden County militia in to his grandson, the late Bryant Crews of http://user.gru.net/jpowelljr/alachua.wbg/wga5.html | |
76. Dillon Cemetery 4, 1873; husb of Betsey. Bryant, Mary W. May 27, 1806 Dec 27, 1883; wife of Wm.;nee Cone. Bryant, Ozias Cone, died Aug 7, 1837; aged 12 days; son of Wm. Mary. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ny/county/ontario/cems/hopewell/dilloncem.htm | |
77. Listing In The Shortsville Enterprise Paper In 1891 Concerning Burials At The Di ANDREWS Harris Andrews, born Oct 7, 1789, died Oct 4, 1873. Bryant - Ozias Cone,son of William and Mary Bryant, died Aug 7, 1837, aged 12 days. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ny/county/ontario/cems/hopewell/1891dillonobits.htm | |
78. Martin Family History PLATT (1895 (twin) 1918) -m- George William Cone, Sr twin) - 1932) -m- Robert LeeELSEY (1873 - 1922 Georgia MARTIN (1910 - 1979) -m- Jasper Bryant FILES (1914 http://members.aol.com/rwinkfein/martin.htm | |
79. Ross Surname Data Base Baker, Ransom P. Ross, Elizabeth Baxtor, Bryant Ross, Sarah Ross, Hazel Belle (18951977)Cone, Elvin Louis 1822-1873) Martin, Sarah Ross, Jacob H. (April 1864 http://members.aol.com/MShermanL/rossdb.html | |
80. OLD WELLS CEMETERY At OSWAYO Bryant, William, Eliza, 1833, 1903, Wed 2 times, TS. COLEGROVE, Frank, . Mar. 23,1872, April 13, 1873, Son of Sarah and Eugene COLEGROVE, TS. Cone, Emma E. WilliamC, http://www.paintedhills.org/POTTER/oldwellscem.html | |
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