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61. Bildarchiv-Hexen: Portraits Translate this page Bacon, Sir Edmund (1628-1685), 4th Baronet of Redgrave, Premier Baronetof England. Browne, Thomas (1605-1682) Arzt und Philosoph. http://www.zpr.uni-koeln.de/~nix/hexen/galerie/d-portra.htm | |
62. Picture-Archives/Witch-Hunt: Portraits Bacon, Sir Edmund (16281685), 4th Baronet of Redgrave, Premier Browne, Thomas (1605-1682)medicine and philosopher, juridical official at the malefice trials http://www.zpr.uni-koeln.de/~nix/hexen/galerie/e-portra.htm | |
63. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On July 7, 2000 Brit.). Brown, Robert Hanbury (b. 1916) Short biography (Encycl. Brit.).Browne, Thomas, Sir (16051682) Short biography and references (Encycl. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/new/new000707.html | |
64. Bartlett, John. 1901. Familiar Quotations Samuel Butler. 16001680. Sir William Davenant. 1605-1668. Sir Thomas Browne.1605-1682. Edmund Waller. 1605-1687. Thomas Fuller. 1608-1661. John Milton. http://fl.hfu.edu.tw/HyperNews-c/get/forums/gw/12/24.html | |
65. Notable Individuals Sepulchrall Urnes Lately Found in NORFOL K. , published in 1658 by Sir Thomas Browne. SirThomas (16051682) is the author of the words below, the first known http://adipocere.homestead.com/NotableIndividuals.html | |
66. Product Page 1679; Izaak Walton, 15931683, Critical Essay by Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933), Americanclergyman, educator, writer; Sir Thomas Browne, 1605-1682, Critical Essay http://www.ayerpub.com/Product.asp?ProductID=4400000001808 |
67. Stories Of Edgar Allan Poe By Edgar Allan Poe Book Notes Sir Thomas Browne Browne (16051682) was a famous British author and physicianwhose writings philosophize about the meaning of life and death, among other http://www.bookrags.com/notes/poe/OBJ.htm |
68. Associates And Influences Of Clark Ashton Smith Blavatsky, HP (18311891)The Secret Doctrine Theosophy Library Online;Browne, Thomas (1605-1682) Sir Thomas Browne page; Chambers http://www.eldritchdark.com/misc/associates.html | |
69. Barfield Companion Biographies Brownian Movement. Sir Thomas Browne (16051682) English physicianand essayist, author of Religio Medici 1635?. Pieter Brueghel http://www.owenbarfield.com/Biographies/Biographies B.htm | |
70. Gehenna Press Editions At Mt. Holyoke 1964. Browne, Thomas, Sir, 16051682. Of garlands and coronary or garland plantsby Thomas Browne to John Evelyn. 1962. Burns, Robert, 1759-1796. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/lits/library/arch/col/rare/rarebooks/presses/gehenna.sh | |
71. Becker Medical Library Books A=Browne, Thomas, Sir, 16051682. N=WZ 290 B884r 1920 (BACS 440080). IV. Certain miscellanytracts. With alphabetical tables. A=Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682. http://becker.wustl.edu/miniecat/BAB177.html | |
72. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Main Index - Charles Brockden, 17711810; Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884; Browne,Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682; Bryant, Sara Cone, 1873-; Buchan, John, 1875 http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/ba.html |
73. NewsScan Publishing Inc. - NewsScan Daily Archives Today s Honorary Subscriber is the English physician and author Sir Thomas Browne(16051682), best known for his book of reflections, Religio Medici, a http://www.newsscan.com/cgi-bin/findit_view?table=honorary_subscriber&id=645 |
74. Stories, Listed By Author Browne, Sir Thomas (16051682) * What Song the Syrens Sang fromUrn-Burial, (ms) 1658 Worlds in Small, ed. John Robert http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/anth/s25.htm | |
75. 61 Works Selected From Project Gutenberg Charles, 17911871; Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter toa Friend, by Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682; Roget s Thesaurus, by http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/kagakushi/SelectPG_HistSci61.html | |
76. Spiele | Alles Von Thomas Browne 1 | Kaufen Translate this page Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682) als Stilkünstler. On Tiptoe in Heaven Mystik undReform im Werk von Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682). by Gisela Hack-Molitor http://www.computer-spiele-kaufen.de/search/author/Thomas_Browne/1/ | |
77. ClickGoFind www.geophysics.dias.ie (Overture). 9. Sir Thomas Browne (16051682),Physician; author of Religio Medici and Urn Burial . National http://www.clickgofind.com/app?page=SearchResults&keyphrase=Physician |
78. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Malory Sir Thomas Browne, Sir Thomas (16051682), English physician and essayist, born in London,and educated at Winchester College, University of Oxford, and abroad 15. http://encarta.msn.com/Malory_Sir_Thomas.html | |
79. MSN Encarta - Browne, Sir Thomas Browne, Sir Thomas (16051682), English physician and essayist, born in London,and educated at Winchester College, University of Oxford, and abroad at the http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761567522/Browne_Sir_Thomas.html | |
80. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 02-23-01 and Canadian Sociological, Psychological, Realistic Fiction LC Subjects High schoolstudentsFiction Young adultsFiction Browne, Thomas, Sir, 16051682. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2001/2001-02-23$1.html | |
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