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Bronte Emily Jane: more detail | ||||||||||||
81. Charlotte Bronte - Biography, Works, And Message Board Charlotte Bronte (18161855) was a vivacious woman who Jane Eyre (1847) , whichdetails a woman s conflict brother died in September 1848, Emily died in http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/jsp/db/biography.jsp?authorId=32&authorName=Char |
82. GIGA Quote Author Page For Emily Jane Bronte Emily Jane Bronte. English novelist (1818 1848). http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quautbronteemilyx001.htm | |
83. World Book || Novelists A-B famous novelistsCharlotte (18161855), Emily (1818-1848), and Anne Emily Brontewrote only one novel, Wuthering Heights (1847 not as popular as Jane Eyre, and http://www2.worldbook.com/features/wwriters/html/novelistsa-b.htm | |
84. Author in the collective works of the Bronte sisters. After the deaths of Emily and Anne,Charlotte disclosed to of the authors works such as Jane Eyre, Wuthering http://www.bookwolf.com/Free_Booknotes/Wuthering_Heights/Author-Wuthering_Height | |
85. Who Are The Most Popular British Writers? Charlotte is best known for her novel Jane Eyre and Emily for Wuthering Additionalinformation on Charlotte Bronte is available at http//www http://www.britainusa.com/faq/showfaq.asp?SID=326 |
86. Emily Bronte Biography Emily Jane Brontë (1818 1848) - Biography. Emily Jane Brontë wasborn 20th August 1818 as the daughter of Patrick Brontë, the http://rcswww.urz.tu-dresden.de/~english2/novel/Books/E_Bronte_biogr.htm | |
87. The SAC LitWeb Brontës' Page Written and rejected in 1847, so her first novel. On Line Emily Jane Brontë( 18181848 ). Wuthering Heights ( 1847 ). On Line; Another On-Line Text. http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/brontes.htm | |
88. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (B) 1816 1855. Bronte, Emily (Bronte, Emily Jane pseudonym Ellis Bell).1818 - 1848. Brooke, Frances (Brooke, Frances ). 1724 - 1789. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=425&golist=true&init=B |
89. Welcome To Routledge The Bronte Sisters Selected Poems by Anne Bronte , Charlotte Bronte, Emily JaneBronte. 1849) developed a distinctive voice, while Emily (18181848) is one http://www.routledge-ny.com/books.cfm?isbn=0415940893 |
90. The Brontë Bronte Navigation The Bronte Sisters Emily s Poems Anne s Poems Emily sBelgian Essays Anne s The Poems of Emily Jane Brontë (1818 1848). http://www.users.totalise.co.uk/~idmon/poemind.htm | |
91. English OnLine (18181848). The Author Although the tragically brief life of Emily Jane Brontewas highly circumscribed, her inner life must have been extremely rich. http://www.eo.hu/---/index.php3?mit=angolamerikai&fejezet=brontee2 |
92. BRONTE Among women writers Emily Bront has a sure and poet or maker of verse Charlotte Bronteis undistinguished The novels Jane Eyre and Villette will always command http://55.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BR/BRONTE.htm | |
93. Emily Brontë @ Catharton Authors Emily Jane Brontë (real name). aka Ellis Bell. 1818 1848. Bored? Emily Brontëincompetech.com. Emily Brontë sci.fi. The Bronte Archives. Message Boards http://www.catharton.com/authors/13.htm |
94. BRONTE - Meaning And Definition Of The Word 1848); n English novelist; youngest of three Bronte sisters (18201849). SynonymsAnne Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, Currer Bell, Emily Bronte, Emily Jane Bronte. http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/bronte | |
95. Emily Brontë Unlike Charlotte, Emily had no close friends. Wuthering Heights (1847), a storywithin-a-story,did not gain immediate success as Charlotte s Jane Eyre, but it http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/ebronte.htm | |
96. Charlotte Bronte Translate this page Home_Page Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855), Al morir la madre en 1824, Charlotte y Emilyfueron enviadas con infame colegio Lowood que aparece en su novela Jane Eyre http://www.epdlp.com/chbronte.html | |
97. Poetry Archives @ EMule.com Emily Jane Brontë. (1818 1848). I am the only being whose doom I am the only being whose doom; Me thinks this heart Me http://www.emule.com/poetry/?page=overview;author=150 |
98. EMILY BRONTE - Site Map - UK Shopping Directory - UK Shops Popular Searches for Emily Bronte, Emily Bronte. Shopping online for EmilyBronte or just looking for more information about Emily Bronte? http://www.ishop.co.uk/site-map/em/emily_bronte/index.shtml | |
99. BiblioForum: Emily Brontë: Sturmhöhe Seiten. Emily Brontë. Emily Bronte war nur ein kurzes Leben beschieden. http://www.biblioforum.de/buch_sturmhoehe.php | |
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