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Bronte Emily Jane: more detail | ||||||||||||
41. BronteEmily Emily Jane Bronte 18181848 (Ýìèëèÿ Äæåéí Áðîíòå). http://members.tripod.com/poetry_pearls/ePoets/BronteE.htm | |
42. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Emily Jane Bronte (18181848) was the second youngest daughter ofclergyman that grew as I lingered. Follow in the footsteps http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?refid=bemorecreative&q=Emily Bronte |
43. Great Books And Classics - Emily Bronte Author Alphabetical, Emily Brontë (1818-1848), Hardcover edition of Charlotteand Emily Bronte The Complete Novels Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights http://www.grtbooks.com/ebronte.asp?idx=1&yr=1818 |
44. Great Books And Classics - Emily Bronte Thoreau (18171862) Emily Brontë (1818-1848) Karl Marx Hardcover edition of Charlotteand Emily Bronte The Complete Novels Jane Eyre, Wuthering http://www.grtbooks.com/ebronte.asp?idx=0&yr=1818 |
45. Portal De Buceo... El Mejor Lugar Para Navegar Translate this page novela. La primera que se publicó fue Jane Eyre (1847), de Charlotte,que tuvo un éxito inmediato. escritura. Emily Bronte. (1818-1848). http://www.buceo.com.uy/libros/bronte/datos_biograficos.htm | |
46. Welcome To Carcanet Charlotte (18161855) is certainly a competent poet, and Anne (1820-1849) developeda distinctive voice, while Emily (1818-1848) is one of Emily Jane Bronte, http://www.carcanet.co.uk/scripts/webguild/scribe.cgi?book=0856351318 |
47. Die Schwestern Bronte Jane Eyre . Emily Bronte (1818-1848) wurde durch das Meisterwerk http://www.yolanthe.de/buecher/bio-bronte.htm | |
48. Famous Poets: The Bronte Sisters - Suite101.com Emily Bronte 18181848 Pseudonym - Ellis Bell Said to be the not have the successof Charlotte s Jane Eyre, but Emily Bronte died of Tuberculosis in late 1848 http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/18365/107162 | |
49. IPac2.0 122. Brontë, Charlotte, 18161855. Jane Eyre, 1. Bronte, D. Lydia (DianaLydia), 1938-, 0. Bronte, Emily, 1818-1848. 1. Brontë, Emily, 1818-1848. 93.� |
50. Emily BronteiG~EÌÞÛÝÃjÌvtB[EìiE *Emily Bronte*. last updated February 22, 2004. ?·(18181848)7?30Emily Jane(?· http://www.geocities.jp/british_women_novelists/writers/Emily_Bronte.html | |
51. Central Library B869J 1957, Bronte, Charlotte, 18161855, Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte adapted byMargery Green. PR4172.W8 B869W 1964, Bronte, Emily, 1818-1848, Wuthering heights http://www.li.mahidol.ac.th/library/cl_aug.html | |
52. Books For Girls -- Fiction CALL NUMBER, ZIM PR4167 J3 1991b. OTHER EDITIONS, See LIBROS. TITLE, Jane Eyre/ Charlotte Bronte. CALL NUMBER, ZIM PR4167 I3 1997. Bronte, Emily, 18181848. http://www.unm.edu/~vseiser/girlsFiction.html | |
53. NRK.no - Forfattere Brontë, Emily. Emily Jane Bronte (18181848) ble født i Yorkshire somdet femte av seks barn, hvor flere av dem ble kjente forfattere. http://www.nrk.no/litteratur/lesekunst/forfattere/1985584.html | |
54. The Broadview Anthology Of Victorian Poetry And Poetic Theory Alfred (18091892); Browning, Robert (1812- 1889); Lear, Edward (1812-1888); Bronte,Charlotte (1816-1855); Bronte, Emily Jane (1818-1848); Cook, Eliza (1818 http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/english/19c/books/book-1-55111-100-4.html |
55. Background Bronte, Charlotte (18161855), Jane Eyre, 1,045. Bronte, Charlotte (1816-1855),The Professor, 510. Bronte, Emily (1818-1848), Wuthering Heights, 646. http://www.freeeliterature.com/CD1 Contents.htm | |
56. Projekt Historischer Roman: Datenbank Translate this page Projekt Historischer Roman Datenbank. Emily Jane Bronte - 1818-1848. Schulte,Clara Genie im Schatten. Das Leben der Charlotte Bronte. Roman 1936. http://histrom.literature.at/cgi/wrapcgi.cgi?wrap_config=hr_sw_l.cfg&nr=5814 |
57. Women W, Bronte, Charlotte, 18161855, Jane Eyre, 1847, Novel, Search, 1,W, Bronte, Emily, 1818-1848, Wuthering Heights, 1847, Novel, Search,1, W, Brooks http://www.ditext.com/archive/wa.html | |
58. Emily Brontë Emily "The Strange" Bront«. ( 18181848) Emily Jane Bront« was born 30 July 1818, fifth (and oddest Patrick and Maria Bront«. Maria died when Emily was only three http://www.incompetech.com/authors/ebronte | |
59. Emily Bronte Life Stories, Books, & Links Stories about Emily Bronte's life and The Brontes A Life in Letters, Wuthering Heights. With links to essays literary criticism and analysis. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION. Emily Bronte (1818 1848) a comparison between Jane Eyre and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland). http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/emily.bronte.asp | |
60. RPO -- Selected Poetry Of Emily Jane Brontë (1818-1848) Selected Poetry of Emily Jane Brontë (18181848). from RepresentativePoetry On-line Prepared by members of the Department of English http://eir.library.utoronto.ca/rpo/display/poet31.html | |
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