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Bronte Emily Jane: more detail | ||||||||||||
21. Lyrical Poems Of Emily Bronte, Audio Readings By Walter Rufus Eagles Readings by Walter Rufus Eagles in streaming RealAudio. Four Lyrical Poemsby English Novelist Emily Jane Bronte 18181848. Often Rebuked 110. http://www.eaglesweb.com/Sub_Pages/bronte_emily_poems.htm | |
22. Biogr1 Emily Bronte (18181848). Collections The Life and Works of CharlotteBronte and Her Sisters; The Complete Poems of Emily Jane Bronte; http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/English_Literature/19th_c/emily_bio.htm | |
23. NewsScan Publishing Inc. - NewsScan Daily Archives Today s Honorary Subscriber is Emily Jane Bronte (18181848), the enigmatic, willfulbut ultra-shy sister of Charlotte, Anne and Branwell Bronte; one of http://www.newsscan.com/cgi-bin/findit_view?table=honorary_subscriber&id=52 |
24. Emily Jane Bronte - BlueRider.com Your search results search for Emily_Jane_Bronte on Google Emily JaneBronte n. 1), English novelist; one of three Bronte sisters (18181848). http://www.bluerider.com/wordsearch/emily_jane_bronte | |
25. Blintz! Emily Bronte literature.com/Bronte/. Previews by Thumbshots, Emily Brontë Open in new window Give it a try! Emily The Strange Brontë. (18181848). Emily Jane Brontë http://www.blintz.com/directory/Emily_Bronte/ | |
26. Emily Jane Bronte - AnsMe.com Dictionary (define) Emily Jane Bronte (noun) . 1. English novelist; one of three Brontesisters (1818-1848) Synonyms Bronte, Emily Bronte, Currer Bell. http://define.ansme.com/words/e/emily_jane_bronte.html | |
27. Emily Bronte - AnsMe.com Dictionary (define) Definition for Emily Bronte. Emily Bronte (noun) . 1. English novelist; one of threeBronte sisters (1818-1848) Synonyms Bronte, Emily Jane Bronte, Currer Bell. http://define.ansme.com/words/e/emily_bronte.html | |
28. Brontë, Emily (1818-1848) Brontë, Emily (18181848). The Brontë Society bpmweb institusjon;Emily Jane Bronte CollegePark/1380 presentasjon. lenkelister. http://www.hum.uit.no/alm/littvit/forfatter/Bronte!! Emily |
29. Fiction: Emily Bronte scholarly articles, and the etext of Jane Eyre ling.lancs.ac.uk/staff/visitors/kenji/kitao/Bronte.htm. BIOGRAPHYEmily Brontë (1818-1848) was born in Yorkshire http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/litlinks/fiction/ebronte.htm |
30. Haworth - Bronte Country - Home Of The Bronte Sisters - Emily, Charlotte And Ann Charlotte (18161855) was 38, Emily (1818-1848) died aged 30 Manor in Charlotte snovel, Jane Eyre Withins has associations with Emily Bronte s Wuthering Heights http://www.beautifulbritain.co.uk/haworth.htm | |
31. A Little Poetry Archive - Emily Jane Bronte Emily Jane Brontë (18181848). English novelist and poet ~. http://poeticportal.net/ABCD/bronte.html | |
32. BBC - Bradford And West Yorkshire - Words - Who Were The Brontes? All I know is that they were female. . So, we thought there might be the needfor a quick guide. Charlotte Bronte. 1816 1855. Emily Jane Bronte. 18181848. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bradford/culture/words/brontefacts.shtml | |
33. Victoria Lanouette WORKS CITED. Allard, Jody. Emily Jane Bronte. Online. MacLeod, Laura. EmilyThe Strange Bronte (18181848) Online. Incompetechs British. http://courses.wcupa.edu/fletcher/britlitweb/vlanouetteb.htm | |
34. Links To Literature: Bronte Sisters WORKS. Jane Eyre. On the Death of Anne Brontë. The Professor. Shirley. Villette.Emily 18181848. GENERAL RESOURCES. Author Background Emily Bronte. http://www.linkstoliterature.com/bronte.htm | |
35. Draft Template You are here The Brontes Emily Bronte. Emily Jane Brontë 18181848.Selected Poems. Index. There let thy bleeding branch atone (1841). http://www.ev90481.dial.pipex.com/Bronte/bronte_emily.htm | |
36. Gothic Reading List F BRO Bronte, Emily Jane, 18181848 and Bronte, Emily, 1818-1848, Wuthering Heights authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism / Emily Brontë; edited by http://www.asij.ac.jp/hslibrary/booklists/gothic_reading_list.htm | |
37. Emily Bronte Heights (Paperback Classics) Emily Bronte, Jane Bingham, Darrell Triangles (Interpersonalrelat Fiction Bronte, Emily, 18181848 Wuthering Heights http://topics.practical.org/browse/Emily_Bronte | |
38. ResAnet Results Summary The complete poems of Emily Jane Brontë / edited from the manuscripts by RecordBrontë,Emily, 18181848. Emily Bronte; presentation par Francoise d Eaubonne. http://www.amicus.nlc-bnc.ca/wbin/resanet/resultsm/l=0/d=1/r=1/e=0/s=s/n=NK/h=10 | |
39. Sommaire Des Résultats ResAnet The complete poems of Emily Jane Brontë / edited from the manuscripts by NoticeBrontë,Emily, 18181848. Emily Bronte; presentation par Francoise d Eaubonne. http://www.amicus.nlc-bnc.ca/wbin/resanet/resultsm/l=1/d=1/r=0/s=s/n=NK/h=10/t=4 | |
40. BronteEmily Emily Jane Bronte 18181848. Emily s pen name was Ellis Bell. (Thepen name of the third sister, Anne, 1820-49, was known as Acton). http://members.tripod.com/poetry_pearls/eEPoets/BronteE.htm | |
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