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Braithwaite William Stanley: more detail |
61. List Of Poets Kay Boyle (A Glad Day); William Braithwaite, (18781962 Stanley Burnshaw; Robert Burns,(1759-1796); Edwin G William Everson (In The Fictive Wish); Richard Everswine http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/jsp/db/facts.jsp?title=List of poets |
62. Encyclopedia: List Of Poets William Braithwaite, (18781962); Di Brandt, (born 1952), Manitoba poet Stanley Burnshaw;Robert Burns, (1759-1796); Edwin G William Everson (In The Fictive Wish http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-poets | |
63. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (BR - BRD) Braddon, English actress, magazine Editor and novelist 2) BUY AMAZON BOOK WilliamStanley Braithwaite, American educator poet and critic (1878 1962) - BUY http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubiobr.htm | |
64. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: B 1878, Editor. Book Of German Lyrics, A German, with English comments. Bryant, SaraCone. How To Tell Children Stories; Stories To Tell To Children. Bryant, William http://www.gutenberg.net/browse/IA_B | |
65. Yorkshire West Riding UK - Genealogy, Surnames, Family And Local History. in Hatfield married Issabella from Braithwaite.They had 3 born Haywood 1840 marriedEliz Stanley from Fishlake I know of born in Bradfield.William, 1866.Charles http://www.curiousfox.com/history/westridingyorkshire_7.html | |
66. Incunabula Books [REFERENCE: AUTHORS: B] 1995) Sarah Knowles Bolton, American poet, Editor and social 1673) William StanleyBraithwaite, American educator, poet and critic (1878 1962) Berton http://www.incunabulabooks.com/ibrfathb.htm | |
67. Australian Plant Collectors & Illustrators (B) 18541945. Teacher, orchidologist. Braithwaite, G. BRASS, Leonard John, Dr. Agronomist.BREEDEN, Stanley. fl. 1970s. 1853-7. Chemist. BRETON, William H., Lieut. fl. http://www.anbg.gov.au/bot-biog/bot-biog-B.html | |
68. Mueller Letters:Biographical Register Braithwaite, DR R. See appendix D. BRANDIS, GEORGE, 180781 1827-8. Secretary forIreland, 1830-3. Lord Stanley, 1844 DETMOLD, William ERNEST, 1828-84, stationer http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/mueller/mock/idx/brg.htm | |
69. LHCMA Hamilton Catalogue: 13/1-118 Principal Military, Political And Literary Co With order of Braithwaite s memorial service at the Royal between Hamilton and FMSir William Robert Robertson Rt Hon Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl http://www.kcl.ac.uk/lhcma/cats/hamilton/h0-13.htm | |
70. Used Books, Rare Books, Antiquarian Books - Antiqbook Journals and Correspondence 18781917. The Life Behind the Legend of Henry MortonStanley. 4375, Braithwaite, William C. - The Second Period of Quakerism. http://antiqbook.com/boox/nor/index.shtml | |
72. Dictionary Of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers S Richard Bevan Braithwaite (19001990) Science/Ethics/ M M Richard Stanley PETERS(1919- ) Psych./Educ S Bertrand Arthur William RUSSELL (1872-1970) L Leonard http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/20entries.htm | |
73. NSW GenWeb Project B. Oswald William POLLOCK b. 24 Jul 1905, Bellingen NSW Stanley died 7 May 1998, BelloranaNursing Home NSW, m. 1940, in Bellingen NSW, Edith Irene Braithwaite . http://www.rootsweb.com/~nswbelli/archive/pollocktree.html | |
74. AIM25: Thesaurus Personal Names: R Rae Stanley Naysmith 19131993 Lieutenant-Colonel. Rickford Braithwaite fl 1978 gynaecologist. Ridge William Sheldon 1875-1945 teacher and http://www.aim25.ac.uk/search/thesaurus/persons/list17.htm | |
75. Kane Antiquarian Auction - Sale 68 - June 3, 2001 39.Braithwaite (William Stanley), ed. OUR LADY S CHOIR. 1/50 copies on Kelmscotthandmade paper, signed by Braithwaite, Blunt Cram. * CHAPIN (William). http://www.kanebooks.com/web68.html | |
76. Berkeley Friends Meeting Library c B29 B78 1971 a Buber, Martin, 18781965 t Bevan), 1818-1905 s Newman, HenryStanley s Southall, Joseph E. s Braithwaite, William C. (William http://www.blossomassociates.com/bfmlib/tAE.html |
77. Berkeley Friends Meeting Library Joseph Bevan), 18181905 s Newman, Henry Stanley s Southall, Joseph E. s Braithwaite,William C. (William J. Day Co., c1953 r by William A. Owens s http://www.blossomassociates.com/bfmlib/aSZ.html |
78. Michael Anne Johns Science Fiction News And Reviews. Buy / Find Scifi DVDs, Vide Thomasina FISHWICK Michael DREKSCHMIDT Henry Braithwaite Rachel DRYDEN Stephen MarySt Gerrans 1820 Ann William Newton Stanley John Annie 10thAug 1895 STJN http://www.scifind.co.uk/search-Michael-Anne Johns.html | |
79. The Adelphi Theatre 1806-1900 Actors And Actresses Miss 1856, 1857 Braithwaite, Miss A. 1853 Braithwaite, Miss S 1835, 1883 GORDON,Mrs. 1835 GORDON, Stanley S. 1897 GORDON, Walter (William Aylmer Gowing http://www.emich.edu/public/english/adelphi_calendar/perfactr.htm | |
80. UNLV Law Library - Recent Acquisitions Nov. 2002 VIOLENCE / EDITED BY HEATHER STRANG AND JOHN Braithwaite. A COMPANION / MICHAEL P.SCHARF, William A. SCHABAS. AND GETTING WHAT YOU RE OWED / Stanley A. TOMKIEL http://www.law.unlv.edu/libraryFiles/ra200211.html | |
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