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Braithwaite William Stanley: more detail |
21. Manuscript Collections H-L Contains correspondence between Himes and Walter Freeman, an Editor at New AmericanLibrary, regarding Braithwaite, William Stanley, 18781962, correspondent. http://www.founders.howard.edu/moorland-spingarn/Collh-l.htm | |
22. The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg Eulalie de, 17961878 Boswell, Robert Bruce, Translator Bowring, Edgar Alfred, 1826-1911,Translator Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878, Editor Brieux, Eugene http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm | |
23. VALENTINE MSS. a certain poem on Artemesia and Mausolus was published; a letter of January 5, 1919,to William Stanley Beaumont? Braithwaite, 1878 , Editor; a manuscript http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/html/valent.html | |
24. GIGA Chronological Author List "1875 To 1879" Charles Hanson Towne, American Editor and poet historian and diplomat (1878 1958)- CHECK 2) BUY AMAZON BOOK William Stanley Braithwaite, American educator http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1875.htm | |
25. Individual Poetry Manuscripts (18791891).(MS 90). William Stanley Braithwaite, 1878-1962 (MS 96) Letters(1921-1928) sent by various NH poets to WS Braithwaite, Editor and poet. http://www.izaak.unh.edu/specoll/mancoll/poetman.htm | |
26. Commentary Magazine - The Norton Anthology Of African American Literature Edited a discipline that, by the time Abrams was chosen as Editor, had already or to castnew light on a pivotal figure like William Stanley Braithwaite (18781962 http://www.commentarymagazine.com/Summaries/V105I6P70-1.htm | |
27. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 Robert Bruce, Translator Bowring, Edgar Alfred, 18261911, Translator Boylan, R.Dillon, Translator Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878, Editor Brieux, Eugene http://www.olympus.edu.pl/Instytut NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm |
28. Editors And Translators A-E Dion, 18201890 Bowring, Edgar Alfred, 1826-1911, Translator Boylan, R. Dillon,Translator Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878, Editor Braybrooke, Richard http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/editors_a-e.htm | |
29. Fall Miscellany (9184). 5. Weston, Anna Warren, Editor. Another Boston resident, poet and anthologist,William Stanley Braithwaite (18781962) wrote the introduction to this http://juvelisbooks.com/catalog25-1 thru 30.html |
30. Name-AZ Knowles Bolton (18411916) US poet, Editor, social reformer; Tycho Brahe (1546-1601)Danish astronomer; William Stanley Braithwaite (1878-1962) US http://www.creativequotations.com/name-az.html | |
31. The Lost Continent Of - Are We Going To Explore It? Bruce, Translator Bowring, Edgar Alfred, 18261911, Translator Boylan, R. Dillon,Translator Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878, Editor Braybrooke, Richard http://www.lost.co.nz/main/library/gutenauth.html | |
32. Project Gutenberg - Bibliographic Record Author Various. Author Additional Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878,Editor. Language English. Subject American Poetry 20th century. http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/2294 | |
33. Contemporary Reviews Of The Star-Treader And Other Poems Edited And Annotated By t return the thing. (CASGS, April 12, 1913) William Stanley Braithwaite (1878-1962)was As literary Editor of the Boston Evening Transcript, he commissioned http://www.eldritchdark.com/bio/contemporary_reviews_of_the_star-treader_and_oth | |
34. Bartleby's Books - Americana - By Subject Area Flint, MI Globe Power Presses, 1878. Braithwaite, William Stanley (ed.). ANTHOLOGYOF MAGAZINE VERSE FOR 1922 The African American Editor included two poems http://www.bartlebysbooks.com/bartlebys/bookmain.asp?pg=70&subject=Americana - b |
35. April 2001 Acquisitions Editor 1931 Jessie Rehder. Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- , ed.Anthology of magazine verse for 1915 and year book of American poetry. http://www.sunysb.edu/library/mc323bib.htm | |
36. 13212 Records London 1878. Emenyonu, Jahn, Leslie, Nwog, Povey, Wonodi, and others, contributors.)Okwu, Edward C., Editor. anthology) Braithwaite, William Stanley, Editor. http://www.bookfever.com/Author_Index/book_index0001.html |
37. Hardy Catalogue Paris, 1878. Bookplate. from Editor. Fales. 287/40. Braithwaite, William Stanley,ed. Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1920 and Year Book of American Poetry. http://www.library.utoronto.ca/fisher/hardy/hardyb.htm | |
38. African-American Histories, Biographies, And Fictionalized (1928) historian, Editor. Chrisanne Beckner, 100 African-Americans Who ShapedAmerican History, illus. William Stanley Braithwaite (1878-1962) poet. http://www.pauahtun.org/aakidlit.html | |
39. Search Results For William Kelly - Encyclopædia Britannica - The Braithwaite, William Stanley (18781962). As an Editor and literary critic, WilliamStanley Braithwaite helped to revive interest in poetry in the United http://search.britannica.com/search?query=William Kelly&ct=ebi&fuzzy=N |
40. SLU MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS 1803 and died at Fork Atkinson, WI in 1878. Lake and was the author/Editor of many werewritten by Carlos Baker, William Stanley Braithwaite, Gwendolyn Brooks http://web.stlawu.edu/library/libarc/mss.html | |
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