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21. Archives
It was also Hristo Botev Day. Botev lived during the mid to latter part of the1800 s (1848-1876) and was a strong participant in the preparation for a
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Edith's Bulgarian Newsletter
June 2002 Archives
June 3, 2002 News from Bulgaria
How frustrating! I haven't been able to buy newsprint chart sheets today for my quilting class because the store hasn't been open when I've stopped to buy it. At 8:30 this morning (an hour earlier than she usually opens), I saw the salesclerk standing in front of the store. But since I was on my way to school, I didn't stop. Instead, about 11 am, when my classes were over, I went to the store - but she was closed. When Rel came home at 11:30, he brought some paper that he had just bought from the same store. Since most stores are closed over lunch, I waited until 3 pm to try again - she was closed again! I asked Peter next door where she might be and he said, "Coffee?" At 5 pm, Rel brought home the paper I wanted - he bought it at the same store on his way home! There seems to be no "rhyme or reason" - it's just the way it is. I had my first official quilting class tonight. Eleven people had signed up and ten came. Many were fellow teachers, another was a retired teacher, and then several younger women. I had worked my tail off all weekend to prepare chart sheets. I illustrated each step of the process with pictures. For those who know, the pattern I'm teaching is the "Dresden Plate," called the "Friendship Quilt." I thought it was quite fitting for a first project, just for the name itself. We are making a 14" block. We got as far as cutting and sewing the pieces together. Next week, I'll teach them to sew the appliqué onto the block itself. And I'll do it again through pictures on a chart sheet. It's exhausting but a really fun challenge. (A photo of Lenin sits on a shelf and observes all that we do!!)

22. Bulgarian Kirjallisuus
pioneerien jälkeen Georgi Rakovski (18211867), Nikolai Kozlev (1824-1902), LjubenKaravelov (1834-1879) ja etenkin Hristo Botev (1848-1876) loivat aivan
B ULGARIAN KIRJALLISUUS Sirkku Okoye 0. Johdanto
0.1. Bulgarialaisen kirjallisuuden juuret: suullinen kansanperinne vs. kanoninen kirjallisuus?
1.Esikristillinen kausi n. 681-864 2.Muinalsbulgarialalnen kirjallisuus ... 6. Linkkejä bulgarialaisille kirjallisuussivuille
. Johdanto
0.1. Bulgarialaisen kirjallisuuden juuret: suullinen kansanperinne vs. kanoninen kirjallisuus?

Muinaisbulgarian kirjakieli ja sen myötä muinaisslaavilainen kirjallisuus sai alkunsa 800-luvun lopulla, kun thessaloniakilaiset munkit, slaavinkieliset Kyrillos ja Metodios loivat ensimmäisen slaavilaisen kirjaimiston, glagoliittisen aakkosiston kristinuskon levittämiseksi slaaveille. Bulgarian ensimmäinen valtio, sen kuninkaat Boris ja Simeon, edesauttoivat slaavilaisen kirjallisuuden kehittymistä ja kukoistusta 800-900-luvun vaihteessa. Ohridissa ja Preslavissa sijaitsivat tärkeät kirjalliset koulukunnat, jotka edesauttoivat tekstien kääntämistä ja kopioimista kirkollisiin tarpeisiin. Tässä vaiheessa käytettiin jo kyrillisiä aakkosia, jotka oli kehitetty glagolitzasta.
Ensimmäiset kyrilliset (muinais- slaavilaiset/bulgarialaiset) tekstit olivat Uuden Testamentin ja muiden pyhien tekstien käännöksiä kreikan kielestä. Bulgarialainen kirjallisuus oli alkuunsa eteläslaaveilla kirkolliseen käyttöön tarkoitettua, - kristillisen sanoman välittäjä. Myöhemmin keskiajalla kirjoitettiin apokryfejä: folkloren ja kanonisen kirjallisuuden fuusioita, joissa suullinen ja kanoninen tekstuaalisuus yhdistyivät, ja kirjoittaja saattoi käyttää jo omaa luovuuttaan pelkän kopioimisen sijaan. Myös käännöksiä kreikan, latinan ja hebreankielisistä ajan tieteellisistä teoksista alkoi ilmestyä slaaviksi.

23. Bulgarian Antarctic Gazetteer
1968. Named after Hristo Botev (18481876), poet and leader of the Bulgarianliberation movement. Approved on March 15, 2002. Bowles
Republic of Bulgaria Ministry of Foreign Affairs Antarctic Place-names Commission Bulgarian Antarctic Gazetteer
Compiled by Dr. Lyubomir Lalov Ivanov
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Pronunciation rendered by the Merriam-Webster transcription scheme.
Highest point, utmost point if a cape, extremities and/or midpoint if an extended feature.
DESCRIPTIVE DATA Kind of feature, distance and direction to nearby features, elevation, shape, size, total relief, steepness, snow or ice cover, associated minor features, other specifics. RECORDING AND MAPPING TYPE AND ORIGIN OF NAME DATE OF APPROVAL VARIANT NAMES Name form, toponymic authority, date of approval. (Names with essentially variant specific elements are not recommended.) Aleko Rock 62º37'07" S; 60º20'31" W Atanasoff Nunatak 62º36'50" S; 60º07'11" W Atlantic Club Ridge 62º38'56" S; 60º21'54" W Aytos Point 62º42'19" S; 60º03'16" W

24. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926
ZitkalaSa) AKA Zitkala-Sa, 1876-1938 Booth, William, 1829-1912 Borrow, GeorgeHenry, 1803-1881 Boswell, James, 1740-1795 Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm

25. ResAnet Browse Results
teaching (Secondary) (1 doc); Botany Washington (State)Rainier, Mount(1 doc); Botev, Hristo, 18481876 (1 doc); Botev, KHristo, 1848

  • Botany, MedicalQuebec (Province) (1 doc) Botany, MedicalUnited States (1 doc) Botany, MedicalWest Indies (1 doc) BotanyStudy aand teaching (Secondary) (1 doc) Botany Washington (State)Rainier, Mount (1 doc) Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 (1 doc) Botev, Khristo, 1848-1876 (2 docs) Botev, Khristo, 1848-1876Translations into English (1 doc) Both, Pieter, 1568-1615 (1 doc) Botha (Alb.)Biographies (1 doc)
  • 26. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS
    Boron, Robert de, 13th century Borrow, George Henry, 18031881 Boswell, James, 1740-1795Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876 Botev, KHristo
    World eBook Library Consortia Collection About Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg is the Internet's oldest producer of FREE electronic books containing over 10,000 (eBooks or eTexts). What books will I find in Project Gutenberg? Project Gutenberg is the brainchild of Michael Hart , who in 1971 decided that it would be a really good idea if lots of famous and important texts were freely available to everyone in the world. Since then, he has been joined by hundreds of volunteers who share his vision.
    Now, more than thirty years later, Project Gutenberg has the following figures (as of November 8th 2002): 203 New eBooks released during October 2002, 1975 New eBooks produced in 2002 (they were 1240 in 2001) for a total of 6267 Total Project Gutenberg eBooks. 119 eBooks have been posted so far by Project Gutenberg of Australia Click here for the full PG story and here for the latest

    27. The Embassy Of The Republic Of Bulgaria In New Delhi
    and ideologist of the movement, Vasil Levski (1837 1873) - strategist and ideologistof the movement and national hero and Hristo Botev (1848-1876) - poet and

    28. Le Romain Des Mots-croisés. *Écrivains*
    Translate this page Botev (Hristo) NÉ, A, KALOFER (1848-1876) DRUMEV (VASIL) NÉ,A, SUMEN (V,1838-1901)KARAVELOV (LJUBEN) NÉ, A, KORIVSTICA ENTRE (1834-1837-1879) SLAVEJKOV
    Index général aéroport affluents Centrale nucléaire et hydroélectriques Chefs-Lieux Collines de Rome Communes Compositeurs Constellations Cyclades Déesses Dieux Divinités Écrivains Fleuves Côtier FLeuves des enfers Fleuves Historiens Homme d'état Homme Politiques Lacs Massifs Mathématiciens Noms Peintres Poètes Ports et Ports Fluviaux Rivières Sculteurs Théologiens Torrents Villes ÉCRIVAINS ECRIVAINS ALGÉRIENS DID, (MOHAMMED) NÉ, A, TLEMCEN EN, 1920.
    BENN, (GOTTFRIED) NÉ, A, MANSFELD (1886-1956)
    DOBLIN (ALFRED) NÉ, A, STETTIN (1878-1957)

    29. Autorzy - Biblioteka Wirtualna Kolegium Karkonoskiego - Project
    18291890 Booth, William, 1829-1912 Boron, Robert de, 13th century Borrow, GeorgeHenry, 1803-1881 Boswell, James, 1740-1795 Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev
    Projekt realizowany we wspó³pracy z

    30. El Afecto Cósmico
    Translate this page Redacción Zornitza Ganeva. * Hristo Botev(1848-1876) - poeta y revolucionario búlgaro nacional. ** Jorge (bg.
    El Afecto Cósmico Conferencia ante el Consejo, por el Maestro Beinsá Dunó Dada el 24 de Agosto, 1919 en la Ciudad de Veliko Tarnovo Cuando escuchan las palabras “Afecto Cósmico”, de pronto les puede parecer extraño y se preguntarán: ¿Cómo es posible que el Afecto sea Cósmico? Es posible. Yo utilizo esta palabra en un amplio sentido. Utilizo la palabra “Amor” significando una energía que viene del Centro del Universo y va a la periferia, en tanto que utilizo la palabra “Afecto” con el significado de una energía que viene de la periferia y va al Centro de la Existencia. Describo al Amor como un proceso constructivo, creativo, mientras que al Afecto – como un proceso que va de abajo hacia arriba, un proceso que edifica. Cuando hablamos de cultura, sociedad, política y de la vida espiritual entiendo al Afecto, manifestado en su más grande actividad, es decir, manifestando un proceso consciente, que desarrolla individualmente en el Universo. Me gustaría pedirles dejar por un momento sus convicciones, cualquiera que estas sean, y razonar junto conmigo, sin críticas. Si quieren beneficiarse, colóquense a sí mismos en una postura fotogénica para tomar fotos correctamente, como son en realidad, y después de esto criticar. Si se colocan en una posición crítica de antemano, no aprehenderán las cosas correctamente y por eso sus críticas serán irracionales. Otro discípulo fue con ese gran sabio y dijo: “Maestro, quiero que me enseñes el secreto de llegar a ser tan pequeño que nadie en el mundo pueda verme.” El sabio cumplió su deseo y el discípulo llegó a ser muy pequeño, invisible. Pero, como el primer discípulo, también olvidó preguntar cómo regresar a su forma inicial, porque después de hacerse invisible y bajar a las grandes profundidades de la Existencia, no pudo regresar, cuando quiso.

    31. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING
    The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Botev,KHristo, 18481876 AKA Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 Poems; Satirical
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    32. Proyecto Gutenberg: ÍNDICE DE AUTORES
    Translate this page siglo Pida prestado, El Henrio De George, 1803-1881 Boswell, James, 1740-1795 Botev,Hristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876 Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876
    Colección de los consorcios de la biblioteca de Libros Electronicos del mundo Sobre El Proyecto Gutenberg El proyecto Gutenberg es el más viejo productor del Internet de los libros electrónicos LIBRES que contienen sobre 10.000 (los eBooks o los eTexts). ¿Qué libros encontraré en el proyecto Gutenberg? El proyecto Gutenberg es el brainchild del ciervo de Michael , que en 1971 decidía a que sería una idea realmente buena si las porciones de textos famosos e importantes estaban libremente disponibles para cada uno en el mundo. Desde entonces, a centenares de los voluntarios lo ha ensamblado que comparten su visión.
    Ahora, más de treinta años más adelante, el proyecto Gutenberg tiene las figuras siguientes (en fecha 8 de noviembre de 2002): 203 nuevos eBooks lanzaron durante octubre de 2002, 1975 nuevos eBooks producidos en 2002 (eran 1240 de 2001) para un total de 6267 eBooks totales de Gutenberg del proyecto. 119 eBooks han sido fijados hasta ahora por

    33. CSULB-COAST /Juvenile
    1 Botev, Hristo, 18481876 See Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876. 1 Botevile,Francis, 1545?-1608 See Thynne, Francis, 1545?-1608.,152/search/a?Botha, C. Graham (Colin Graha

    34. CSULB-COAST /All Locations
    El intruso. 1969. 1969 1 Botero Saldarriaga, Roberto, 18701948. 1969 1 Botet,R. 1987 1 Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 See Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876.,152/search/aBotha, C. Graham (Colin Graham

    35. HRISTO BOTEV - 1848 - 1876
    Hristo Botev 1848- 1876. La figura di Hristo Botev, appare nel buio firmamento
    La classe dei ricchi proprietari, i corbadzi per Nato il 25 dicembre 1848 in vaga concomitanza con l'insurrezione della Bosnia Erzegovina, scoppia in Bulgaria nella Sredna-Gora un insurrezione popolare, Botev si illude che il tempo sia ormai giunto, che la situazione politica dei Balcani si accompagni favorevolmente ad una buona preparazione rivoluzionaria nell'interno del Paese, e messosi a capo di giovani, si impadronisce di un piroscafo della linea di navigazione danubiana austriaca, il "Radetzky ", e costringe il capitano a sbarcarli su un punto della costa bulgara. Come i trecento di Sapri, toccando il suolo patrio, i ribelli si inginocchiano c lo baciano. La banda, isolata su per i monti, bloccata dai Turchi, affronta il nemico con la forza della disperazione. Pochi scampano; e i Turchi infilano sulle picche le teste dei ribelli e le portano con grida di scherno e minacce attraverso i villaggi bulgari, per riaccendere la paura e per sgominare gli spiriti inquieti. messaggio, grido, confessione. La sua voce si ingigantisce ed echeggia come quella di un bardo e di un cavaliere del Graal, assumendo una potenza minacciosa e profetica. Egli sogna, ma soprattutto ammonisce, impreca, grida; epopea e lirica si identificano nel suo canto di tribuno infaticabile, e di uomo profondamente infelice e tradito dai tempi.

    36. The April Uprising Of 1876 - The Summit Of Bulgarian National Revival
    April Uprising in 1876. He died in battle with the Turks in Plovdiv. Hristo Botev (184876), Bulgarian writer the April Uprising in 1876 Botev hijacked an Austrian steam
    Bulgarian History
    The April Uprising of 1876 - the Summit of Bulgarian National Revival
    Bulgarian revolutionaries and freedom fighters
    During 500 years of Ottoman occupation, armed uprisings occurred recurrently in Bulgarian lands. However, most of them were badly organized, small and lacked widespread coordinated support from the population. Thus, the uprisings were quickly and brutally suppressed by superior Ottoman forces. Velcho Atanasov Dzamdzijata (1778-1835) was a Bulgarian revolutionary and freedom fighter. He led an unsuccessful uprising in Turnovo in 1835, and was hung by the Turks after the uprising was suppressed. Georgi Rakovski (1821-1867), Bulgarian revolutionary leader, writer, poet and journalist. Rakovski was one of the leaders in the Bulgarian struggle for independence from the Turks. 1861-62 he organised a Bulgarian legion in Belgrade, then travelled around Europe to gain support for the Bulgarian case. His radical views were opposed by more moderate groups in Bulgaria, but his poetry and his journalistic contributions were important for gaining the support of the younger people in the struggle against the Turks. After Rakovski's Bulgarian legion in Belgrade was dissolved by the Serbs in 1862, he moved to Bucurest and started organising small armed groups of revolutionary fighters (

    37. Hristo Botev
    Poetry by Hristo Botev Hristo Botev. Hristo Botev is a brilliant Bulgarian poet and revolutionary. Born in Kalofer on January 6, 1848. Died a Range on June 1, 1876 as a voevode of 200

    38. Bulgaria
    1874 1875 Asim Pasha. 1876 Refaat Pasha. 1876 - 1877 Oman Mazhar Ahmed Pasha -Wali of Sofya 1873 - 1875 Hristo Botev (b. 1848 - d. 1876) 1875 Panayot Khitov (acting) (b
    return to World Statesmen Bulgaria
    to 16 Apr 1879 (de jure to 5 Oct 1908) 1868 - 1877 (in rebellion) 1877 - 16 Apr 1879 16 Apr 1879 - 30 Jan 1948 30 Jan 1948 - 1968 1971 - 27 Nov 1990 re-adopted 27 Nov 1990
    Map of Bulgaria Hear National Anthem
    "Mila Rodino" (Dear Homeland)
    Former Anthem (to 1945)
    "Shumi Maritsa" Text of National Anthem
    Anthem Adopted 1964 Constitution
    (12 Jul 1991) Capital: Sofia Currency: Lev (BGL) National Holiday: 3 Mar (1878)
    Liberation Day Population: 7,537,929 (2003) GDP: $49.23 billion (2002) Exports: $5.3 billion (2002)
    Imports: $6.9 billion (2002) Ethnic Groups: Bulgarian 79.8%, Turkish 9.6%,
    Roma (Gypsy) 5.4%, Macedonai 2.5%, Pomak 0.9%, other 1.8%
    (including Armenian, Tatar, Circassian) (2000) Total Armed Forces: 77,260 (2001) Merchant marine: 69 ships (2002) Religions: Bulgarian Orthodox 36.5%, Sunni Muslim 12.1%, Protestant 1.4%, Roman Catholic 0.8%, other /non-religious 47.8% (1995) International Organizations: BIS, BSEC, BTWC, CE, CEI, CTBT, EAPC, EBRD, FAO, G- 9, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICCt, ICFTU, ICRM, IFC, IFRCS, ILO, IMF, IMO, Inmarsat, Intelsat, Interpol, IOC, IOM, ISO, ITU, NATO, NPT, NSG, NTBT, OIF, OPCW, OSCE, PCA, PFP, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, UPU, WCL, WCO, WFTU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO, WToO, ZC Bulgaria Index CHRONOLOGY
    584 Bulgarian Khanate 918 Bulgarian Empire 972 Reincorporated into the Byzantine Empire.

    39. The Bulgarian National Revival
    This is shown by the way in which the great Bulgarian poet and revolutionaryHristo Botev (18481876) called for a revolution of the people, immediate
    Bulgarian History
    Bulgarian National Revival, the 'wonder of the 19th century'
    The Bulgarian National Revival spanned a period from the early 18th c. to 1878. The revival process was in full swing during the first half and especially during the third quarter of the 19 th century, the time when the Bulgarian bourgeoisie, having gained in number, economic power and social status, was highly susceptible to West European political and cultural influence and was able to appreciate the significance of national enlightenment and science. All this came as a result of the intense trade with Europe. And, while we know of the existence of some 390 monasteries and settlements in which books were hand copied and most of which had small schools during the 17 th and 18th century (in these schools, mostly set up at monasteries, instruction was given by the synthetical method, the church psalms and basic arithmetic, though on a smaller scale; teachers at such schools used to exercise the pupils on a wax-coated board), in the '70s of the 19th century there were some 2000 schools in the Bulgarian-populated lands - democratic in character and secular in the nature of education. Textbooks, too, began to be published as early as the first stage of the ensuing education work. After the 'Fish Primer' was issued in 1824 (the first textbook for elementary school), textbooks in grammar, arithmetic, history, geography, physics and other school subjects began to appear at various times.

    40. Heroes
    Hristo Botev (1848 1876)- the genius Bulgarian poet and revolutionary, who perishedfighting the Turks as a commander of revolutionary brigade (cheta).
    GALLERY portraits of historical personalities
    Father Paisiy Hilendarski, a painting by K. Denchev
    Vasil Levski (1837-1873) -The Apostle of Freedom of the Bulgarians.
    Georgi S. Rakovski (1821-1867) the strategist of therevolutionary national liberation movement of the Bulgarians.
    Hristo Botev (1848 - 1876)- the genius Bulgarian poet and revolutionary, who perished fighting the Turks as a commander of revolutionary brigade (cheta).
    Lyuben Karavelov (1834-1879) - a writer, publicist journalist and leader of the Bulgarian Revolutionary Central Committee in Bucarest.
    Ñòåíîïèñ îò ïàðàêëèñà "Ñâ. Ñàâà è Ñâ. Ñèìåîí" , Ðèëñè Ìàíàñòèð, IX âåê.
    The patron of the Bulgarians in Europe, St. Ivan Rilski. A mural from the St. Sava and St. Simeon Chapel in Rila Monastery, 19th century.
    Stefan Stambolov, Prime Minister (1887-1894) - builder of modeern Bulgaria.

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