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Botev Hristo: more detail |
1. Hristo Botev Translate this page Home_Page Hristo Botev (1848-1876), Poeta revolucionario búlgaro nacido en Kalofer,el más importante del periodo anterior a la liberación de Bulgaria. http://www.epdlp.com/botev.html | |
2. Project Gutenberg: Authors List 1795. Botev, Hristo, 18481876 AKA Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876. Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
3. Bulgaria Bulgarian revolutionaries Hristo Botev and Vassil Levsky Commemorative Jeton of the Bulgarian National Revolution Hristo Botev (1848-1876), and Vassil Levsky (1837-1873) who http://www.damboulev.com/bulgaria1.htm | |
4. Listing Of Authors 17401795. Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876. Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 http://www.e-text.worldwide-library.org/listing_of_authors.htm | |
5. Project Gutenberg Adams, John Quincy, 17671848. Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803 Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876. Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 http://surfsteve.bravepages.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
6. Hristo Botev Hristo Botev. / 18481876 /. Hristo Botev is a paragon of righteousness,freedom and human dignity. For just 28 years on the earth http://sites.schools-bg.net/Sofi-CBotev/hbotev.htm | |
7. Vocational School Of Building And Architecture " Hristo Botev" 18481876. Copyright © 1997 Vocational School of Building and Architecture HristoBotev . E-mail STBOTEV1@bgcict.acad.bg Designed by © Krum Simeonov. http://sites.schools-bg.net/Sofi-CBotev/Def-en.htm | |
8. Author Index 1938 Booth, William, 18291912 Borrow, George Henry, 1803-1881 Boswell, James, 1740-1795Botev, Hristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876 Botev, KHristo http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/author_index.htm | |
9. Project Gutenberg - Bibliographic Record Bibliographic Record. Help on this page. Data. Title Poems. Author Botev,KHristo. Author Alias Botev, Hristo, 18481876. Language Bulgarian. http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/2790 | |
10. OMDA\html\bulg\philatelia\Áîòåâ,ÿí,98 in commemoration of the 150th birthday anniversary of the Bulgarian poet of geniusand fighter for national liberation Hristo Botev (18481876) was validated http://www.omda.bg/engl/philatelia/Botev98.htm | |
11. Hristo Botev - "Pianto Ridicolo" Translate this page PIANTO RIDICOLO. di Hristo Botev (1848-1876). Piangete per Parigi,la capitale della depravazione, della civiltà, la scuola dello http://www.bulgaria-italia.com/bg/info/poesia/hristo_botev_pianto_ridicolo.asp | |
12. History Of Orpheus' Land Map of the political districts of Bulgaria and where Bulgaria is located in the region. Vassil Levski(18371873), Lyuben Karavelov(1834-1879), Hristo Botev(1848-1876). In 1876 the "April Uprising" burst out http://www.orpheusland.com/hist1.html |
13. Á Morgun Segir Sá Lati ....... : My Funny Motto var ljóðasafn eftir merkasta skáld okkar búlgara, Hristo Botev (18481876).Þess má geta að hæsti tindur í http://www.evita86.blogspot.com/2003_03_09_evita86_archive.html | |
14. Cultura De Bulgaria Translate this page La poesía popular de Hristo Botev (1848-1876) presenta a rebeldes que lucharonpor la independencia, oa proscritos nobles que robaban a los ricos para http://www.puente-e.com/Cul/pais/cul-bulgaria.html | |
15. Index Translate this page Borrow, George Henry, 1803-1881 Gutenberg Boswell, James, 1740-1795 Gutenberg Botev,Hristo, 1848-1876 AKA Botev, KHristo, 1848-1876 Gutenberg Bourget, Paul http://www.elbooks.sk/angautB.html | |
16. Selected Literatures And Authors Pages Hristo Botev (18481876). CHristo Botev; KHristo Bôtef. Hristo Botev. http://www.lib.vt.edu/subjects/slav/lit_authors.html | |
17. Bulgarian Art - Www.art.bg Presents: Literature Lyuben Karavelov (18351879) and Hristo Botev (1848-1876) were both ferventrevolutionaries and colossi of Bulgarian poetry and prose. http://www.art.bg/lit.htm | |
18. Découvrez La Bulgarie Avec Www.fil-info-france.com Translate this page 1867) qui élabore un plan pour libérer la Bulgarie, suivi par Vasil Levski (1837-1873)et Ljuben Karavelov (1834-1879), Hristo Botev (1848-1876), poète et http://www.fil-info-france.com/7bulgarie.htm | |
19. GEOGRAFÍA - PAÍSES - EUROPA: Bulgaria - 2ª Parte Translate this page que marcó el despertar nacionalista, corriente que dominó el siglo XIX, encarnadaprincipalmente por la figura del poeta Hristo Botev (1848-1876), muerto en http://www.iespana.es/natureduca/geog_paisesEU_bulgaria2.htm | |
20. REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA - COUNCIL OF MINISTERS movement and national hero; Lyuben Karavelov (18341879) - writer and journalist,leader and ideologist of the movement; Hristo Botev (1848-1876) - poet and http://www.government.bg/English/Bulgaria/History/ | |
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