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Booth William: more detail | |||||||||||
21. William Booth - Wikipedia Staty över Frälsningsarméns grundare William Booth (18291912). William Booth,grundare av Frälsningsarmén, född 10 april 1829, död 21 augusti 1912. http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Booth | |
22. William Booth William Booth. 18291912. http://www.cyberhymnal.org/bio/b/o/o/booth_w.htm | |
23. WILLIAM AND CATHERINE BOOTH William AND CATHERINE Booth 18291912 1829-1890 Founders of the SalvationArmy. TEACHERS For additional resources and activities, click here. http://www.qesnrecit.qc.ca/personal_dev/pmre/links/pmre_W_C_Booth.html | |
24. Buy William And Catherine Booth Biography Books And Sermons UK Catherine and William Booth William and Catherine Booth Founders of The youngpreacher, William (18291912) found a perfect complement in Catherine (1829 http://www.born-again-christian.info/buy.william.catherine.booth.books.htm | |
25. Buy William And Catherine Booth Books And Sermons UK Catherine and William Booth William and Catherine Booth Founders of the The youngpreacher, William (18291912) found a perfect complement in Catherine (1829 http://www.born-again-christian.info/buy.william.catherine.booth.books.uk.htm | |
26. William And Catherine Booth William Booth (18291912) and his wife, Catherine (1829-90), outraged politesociety with the establishment of their Christian Mission in 1865. http://www.sendrevival.com/pioneers/General_William_Booth/ | |
27. A Vision Of The Lost Tracts for a new Generation. . About Us. Who are we? Donations/Financial. CopyingPolicy. School of Ministry. A Vision Of The Lost. By William Booth (18291912). http://www.sendrevival.com/pioneers/General_William_Booth/vision_of_the_lost_wb. | |
28. Historia Del Ejército Translate this page Principal, Historia del Ejército de Salvación. General William Booth (1829-1912),Fundadores del Ejército de Salvación, Catalina Mumford de Booth (1829-1890). http://www.salvos.com/laplata/historyspa.htm | |
29. Salvation Army History Principal, Salvation Army History. General William Booth (18291912), The SalvationArmy Founders, Catalina Mumford de Booth (1829-1890). Brief Historic Review. http://www.salvos.com/laplata/historyeng.htm | |
30. William Booth Et L'Armée Du Salut Translate this page William Booth (1829-1912). William Booth fut le fondateur de lArméedu Salut. Il passe son adolescence dans un quartier pauvre http://perso.club-internet.fr/phildela/histoire/booth.htm | |
31. Blood And Fire Blood and Fire The Salvation Army. William (18291912) and Catherine(1829-1890) Booth. God s salesman. William Booth was the most http://www.geocities.com/ganesha_gate/wc.html | |
32. Peaks Of The Canadian Rockies highway. (courtesy Gillean Daffern). Other Information William Booth(18291912). William Booth was born in Nottingham in 1829. At http://www.peakfinder.com/peakfinder.asp?Peakname=Mount William Booth |
34. William Booth William Booth 18291912. William Booth was born in Nottingham, England to an Anglicanfamily. At thirteen he was converted in a Wesleyan Chapel in London. http://www.swordofthelord.com/biographies/booth.htm | |
35. William Booth - Online Sermons William Booth 18291912. William Booth was born in Nottingham, England to an Anglicanfamily. At thirteen he was converted in a Wesleyan Chapel in London. http://sermons.christiansunite.com/William_Booth.shtml | |
36. Ephemera Of William Booth - Collection 98 Church. Collection 98 March 14, 2001 Booth, William; 18291912 Ephemera;1921, nd 1 Box (DC), Audio Tape, Video Tape. Restrictions. http://www.wheaton.edu/bgc/archives/GUIDES/098.htm | |
37. William Booth - All Creatures Quotations Archive: People, Human, Humane, Animal, William Booth Founder of the Salvation Army, General (18291912). It is agreat delusion to suppose that flesh of any kind is essential to health. . http://www.all-creatures.org/quotes/booth_william.html | |
38. Salvation Army - Archives And Heritage Museum William Booth (18291912) was a brave man, hard to the point of militancy yetsoft enough to cry tears of compassion with those seeking answers to their http://www.salvationarmy.org.au/museum/people/wbooth.asp | |
39. RPO -- Vachel Lindsay : General William Booth Enters Into Heaven 56Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Notes. 1 William Booth (18291912) foundedthe Salvation Army in London in 1865 to yoke Christians to social work. http://eir.library.utoronto.ca/rpo/display/poem1305.html | |
40. Project Gutenberg: Catalog Search Salvation Army Army (1947 73). Salvation Army - William Booth (1829 - 1912). AdvancedInformation Founder of the Salvation Army. Born in Nottingham http://www.gutenberg.net/cgi-bin/search/t9.cgi?subject=Booth, William, 1829-1912 |
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