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Bone Jesse F: more detail | |||||
81. Vitamins And Minerals (Science Tracer Bullet - Science Reference Services, Libra Frances Picciano, EL Robert Stokstad, and Jesse F. Gregory. De Leenheer, Willy E.Lambert, Jan F. Van Bocxlaer Kaye, Edita M. Bone builders the complete lowfat http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/tracer-bullets/vitaminstb.html | |
82. Hastings Cemetery Index: A-E Bell, John, Arnold, 4/3/1924, 11/30/1965, Bell, William, Jesse, 9/5/1896,1/20/1964, Bone, Annie, 1902, 1928, wife of AL Bone. Colston, Herman, F.1903, 1944, http://www.jimcsmith.net/master/hastings.htm | |
83. Names List Research Notes A B C D E F G H Marion Stallard descendants Russel, Richard Bone ancestors Stallard descendantsMorton ancestors Sandford, Jesse Marchment descendants http://www1.xe.net/~mbone/webtree/data/names3.htm | |
84. Hampton Normal Agricultural Institutes American Indian Students Male Students Names A to F Abeita, Antonio Bernie, Jesse Sioux (Yankton, SD) December1879September Bone Club, Felix (Huhucanhpe=Bone Club) Sioux (Standing http://www.twofrog.com/hamptonmale1.txt |
85. Genealogy Data Father Hill, Albert Mother Chambers, Sarah F. Father Saunders, Jesse Mother Marshall,Martha Eleanor. Francis Marion Md Birth 2 JUN 1842 Bone Cave, Van http://uscoopers.org/genealogy/dat63.html | |
86. Burnett Genealogy Connections - Morris County, Kansas; Vigo County, Indiana; Suf Jesse Morton (buried at Four Mile Cemetary in the Burnett from Ron Bachman, greatgrandsonof Benjamin F. Dulin and Polly; m. Dr. Bone; Rhoda, b. about 1760; m http://www.garlic.com/~pburnett/genealog.htm | |
87. Wiles AR .. Rusha Ab 1875, MO ..4. James F b. 1897 4. Willis Mb1900, MO ..4. Jesse Gb 1902 Ada July 26, 1916 p. 277 Bone, Wron http://www.couchgenweb.com/arkansas/izard/wiles.htm | |
88. Cemetery, Rawlins County Bone, Thomas M. 1850, 1921. Bone, Walter Harold, 9 Sep 1910, 20 Jul 1914. Bonner,JD, ? Briney, Jesse H. 5 Jun 1864, 4 Dec 1937. Brown, Benjamen F. 24 Nov 1866, 5Jan 1930. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/kansas/genweb/rawlins/rawlinscem/rawlinscem-atwood.html | |
89. Jesse P. Caudill movement and measure to make Kansas a Bone dry state his return from Kansas as abovenoted Jesse P. Caudill Miss Lulu Goodan, daughter of William F. and Queen http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/1919ks/c/caudiljp.html | |
90. Prairie Post Obituary Father's Name Sort Bird, ML, Weikle, Edna F. Bird, Edna F. Feb 8, 1893, Bone, Ray, Sep 21, 1903, Jul1958, Bone (MNU), Myrtle, Francis, Albert Lee, Francis, Jesse Lee, Apr 28, 1885,Oct http://maroa.lib.il.us/PrairiePostObitsFather.htm | |
91. Chronological List, Part 2 S(lade) (1908 ); BOND, PAUL; Bone, J(esse CHARNEY, DAVID H. CHARNEY, Jesse; see pseudonymJulian CHRISTOPHER, MATTHEW F(rederick) (1917-1997); CHUDAKOVA, MARIETTA; http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/isfac/e2.htm |
92. Biographical Database Of British Chemists, Open University 1996); Bone, Malcolm Drummond (1903 1975); Bone, William Arthur BOYD, Robert (0- 0); BOYDEN, F D (0 - 0 BRIERLEY, Jesse Carl (1878 - 1940); BRIGGS, Ernest Lt. http://www5.open.ac.uk/Arts/chemists/browse.cfm?letter=b |
93. Miller Grove Cemetery, Hopkins Co. Cemeteries Of Tx 1874, d. 29 May 1958, o/s/w Willis Bone. May, Auvis O. Adair, b. May 1916, d. _,o/s Grove, three brothers, BM McGowan, Miller Grove; Jesse F. McGowan, Sulphur http://www.usgennet.org/usa/tx/topic/cemeteries/Etx/Hopkins/cemetery/millergrove | |
94. The Hardison Lineage Clyde 11/23/19042/13/1981 m. Jesse F Harrell Blanchard 1906-1968 m s/o John R Sharp Mary E Rummage (Jesse E Sharp m.1 Deborah Gay Debbie m. Warren Louis Bone. http://www.bjhughes.org/hardison4.html | |
95. R.W. Steen Library @ SFA newspaper clippings relating to the Burk and Bone families of H. Douglass and twoletters of Jesse Benton. and Dean of Graduate School, Stephen F. Austin State http://libweb.sfasu.edu/etrc/COLLECT/MANSCRPT/PERSONAL/Manmain.htm | |
97. Harris Decendant List Names In ( ) Indicate Marriage Name Not Hugh Bone, Louis Bone, Todd Bone, Veronica Borden excluded) Harris, Jeffry Tony Harris,Jesse Elisha (1890 Herrington, Vicki Nell Hicks, Casseline F. (18101875 http://gnat3.gnat.net/~donash/harris/nameindx.htm | |
98. The Monroe Family Tree Bone Kathy Yvonne Bowen UNNAMED Bowles Ava (1823 1869 George Fry Gladys Marie(1917 - ) Harry F. (1894 - 1970 1866) James A. (1853 - 1854) Jesse C. (1825 http://www.caglesmill.com/famtree/WC_IDX/IDX001.htm | |
99. WPA Record Of Burials 1937-38 Records With Surnames Starting With 1842;1892/3/17;Blakesburg;Blakesburg;; Barnes;Jesse;;1816;1883 G.;1859;1936/4/20;Oakview;Troy;;Bone;Wm.;Owen 22;Oakview;Troy;;Mrs. H Briordy;Thomas F;;1846;1917 http://www.iamonroe.org/wpa/bwpa.txt |
100. Larissa Cemetery, Cherokee County Texas 106-1880 d. 12-31-1966 McKee, Nevie Bone 2-3 9-28-1869 d. 11-14-1965 Partlow, WilliamF. 1-28 Father) Tutt, Fannie V. 1890-1965 (Mother) Vining, Jesse Minyard 5 http://www.tx-wooddell.net/cherokee/nw/larissa_cemt.htm | |
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