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61. Edward William Bok Collection At Bartleby.com Bok on Bok. Edward Bok. Edward William Bok. 18631930, American editor, b.Helder, Netherlands. His family immigrated to the United States in 1870. http://www.bartleby.com/people/Bok-Edwa.html | |
62. FINDING AID NAME LIST Papers Bok, Edward William, 18631930Correspondence Bolívar, Símon, 1783-1830Bolling, William, 1789-1849Correspondence Bollingen Foundation Bolton http://lcweb2.loc.gov/faid/faidname003.html | |
63. Business History Review: Archives Reviewed by Jonathan J. Bean · 400. Krabbendam, Hans. The Model Man A Lifeof Edward William Bok, 18631930. Reviewed by Jennifer Scanlon · 377. http://www.hbs.edu/bhr/archives/vol76/vol76index.html | |
64. Garden Gallery: Bok Tower Gardens - Page 1 John Scheper 9/7/99. History In 1869 the young Edward William Bok (1863 1930) arrived in Brooklyn, New York from den Helder, in the Netherlands. http://www.floridata.com/tracks/GardenGallery/bok/bok1.htm | |
65. Alles Op Een Rij - Hollanders - Amerikaanse Hollanders Of Hollandse Amerikanen Naam, Geboorte/Overlijden, Beroep, Bijzonderheden. Edward WilliamBok, 18631930, Schrijver/Journalist, Derek Bok, 1930, President Harvard, http://www.allesopeenrij.nl/lijsten/hollanders/hollandse_amerikanen.html | |
66. BBC - H2g2 - Four Types Of Bok feet tall and is also home to a 57bell carillon 1 . The gardens were developed bythe Dutch writer and humanitarian Edward William Bok (1863 - 1930) who was a http://www.h2g2.com/A436321 | |
67. »»Reviews For Bok, Edward«« Average review score No reviews found. The Model Man A Life of EdwardWilliam Bok, 18631930 (Amsterdam Monographs in American Studies, 9). http://www.booksunderreview.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/B/Bok,_Edward/Bok,_Edwar | |
68. SWAN /All Libraries Brian 1998 1 Boitano Brian Juvenile Literature 1998 1 Boito Arrigo 1842 1918 MefistofeleAnalysis Appreciation 1998 1 Bok Edward William 1863 1930 2 Bok Edward http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,1913,2187/search/dBolan, Marc./dbolan marc/- | |
69. SWAN /All Libraries Brian 1998 1 Boitano Brian Juvenile Literature 1998 1 Boito Arrigo 1842 1918 MefistofeleAnalysis Appreciation p1998 1 Bok Edward William 1863 1930 2 Bok http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,1003/search/dBoitano, Brian -- Juvenile l | |
70. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 6-8-00 http//www.bartleby.com/197/ Dewey Subjects 920.71 Biographies of Men LC SubjectsBok, Edward William, 18631930 Brown, Charles D. _Spacecraft Mission Design http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2000-06-08$1.html | |
71. Recent Scholarship The Journal Of American History, 88.4 The Krabbendam, Hans, The Model Man A Life of Edward William Bok, 18631930.(Atlanta Rodopi, 2001. x, 262 pp. Paper, $47.00, ISBN 90420-1495-4.). http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/jah/88.4/rs_17.html | |
72. GIGA Chronological Author List "1860 To 1864" 1863 1951) - BUY AMAZON BOOK Edward Bok, American (Dutch QUOTES (12) BUY AMAZONBOOK William John Locke, British novelist (1863 - 1930) - READ QUOTES http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1860.htm | |
73. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (BO - BOL) see Millay BUY AMAZON BOOK Edward Bok, American (Dutch 3) BUY AMAZON BOOK SisselaBok, Swedish philosopher 2) BUY AMAZON BOOK William Bolitho (pseudonym of http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubiobo.htm | |
74. 100. An Explanation. Bok, Edward William. 1921. The Americanization Of Edward CONTENTS · BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD · SUBJECT INDEX Edward William Bok (18631930).The Americanization of Edward Bok. 1921. An Explanation. http://www.aol.bartleby.com/197/100.html | |
75. 23. Theodore Roosevelts Influence. Bok, Edward William. 1921. The Americaniz CONTENTS · BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD · SUBJECT INDEX Edward William Bok(18631930). The Americanization of Edward Bok. 1921. XXIII. http://www.aol.bartleby.com/197/23.html | |
76. Mid-Hudson Library System /Catalog Boitano Brian 1998 1 Boitano Brian Juvenile Literature 1998 1 Boites A Oeufs TravauxDamateurs Ouvrages Pour La Jeunesse 2 Bok Edward William 1863 1930 c1920 1 http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/kids/1899,1927/search/dBok, Francis./dbok francis | |
77. 1930 In History - BrainyHistory Arthur James Balfour 1848 1930 Edward Bok 1863 - 1930 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859- 1930 Kin Hubbard 1868 - 1930 DH Lawrence 1885 - 1930 William Howard Taft http://www.brainyhistory.com/years/1930.html | |
78. 1863 In History - BrainyHistory 1863 in History, Edward Bok 1863 1930 Pierre de 1863 - 1944 James Harvey Robinson1863 - 1936 George Santayana 1863 - 1952 William Makepeace Thackeray http://www.brainyhistory.com/years/1863.html | |
79. The Philadelphia Award The Philadephia Award Founded in 1921 By Edward W. Bok (18631930). EdwardWilliam Bok s life embodied the classic American immigrant story. http://www.philadelphiaaward.org/about.html | |
80. Bestsellers On Project Gutenberg Of Australia 10. The Americanization of Edward Bok, Edward Bok (1863 1930). 1 9 2 5. FICTION. 7.Twice Thirty, Edward Bok. 4. Autobiography with Letters, William Lyon Phelps. http://gutenberg.net.au/bestsellers.html | |
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