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41. Beals, Jessie Tarbox. Photographs, 1896-1941: A Finding Aid Artists; Auslander, Joseph, 1897; Authors; Beals, Alfred; Belmont, August, 1816-1890; Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928; Booth, Edwin http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/sch00047.html | |
42. Merriam-Webster Online found for Blasco Ibáñez. Main Entry Blas·co Ibá·ñez Pronunciation bläs( )kO-E- bän-( )yAs Function biographical name Vicente 1867-1928 Spanish http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=Blasco Ibanez |
43. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ B Blake, William, 17571827. Blanchan, Neltje, 1865-1918. Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928. Blatchford, Robert. Blavatsky, HP (Helena Petrovna), 1831-1891. http://www.globusz.com/authors_b1.html | |
44. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING wild flowers and their. Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 18671928 Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, The. Blatchford, Robert God and my Neighbour. http://www.globusz.com/authors_b.asp | |
45. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Blanchan, Neltje, 18651918 AKA Doubleday, Nellie Blanchan (De Graff), 1865-1918. Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928. Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375. http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
46. Author Index William, 17571827 Blanchan, Neltje, 1865-1918 AKA Doubleday, Nellie Blanchan (De Graff), 1865-1918 Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/author_index.htm | |
47. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 Blanchan, Neltje, 18651918 Blanchan, Neltje, 1865-1918 AKA Doubleday, Nellie Blanchan (De Graff), 1865-1918 Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928 Bojer, Johan http://www.olympus.edu.pl/Instytut NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm |
48. Pleasanton Public Library /All Items Num Mark AUTHORS (12 of 2) Year Blasco Ibanez Vicente 1867 1928 1 Sangre Y Arena. c1991 2 Sangre Y Arena. c1996. http://millennium.ci.pleasanton.ca.us:90/kids/1899,1927/search/a?Blasco Ib{226}a |
49. Timeline 1920's Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE see Ultimate Mystery/Detective Web Guide 1927 Matilda Serao (18561927) Italian psychological novelist 1928 Vicente Blasco-Ibanez (1867-1928) Spanish novelist http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline1930.html | |
50. COD Library - Research Guides Translate this page PQ 6603 .L2 B2 1960. Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928. La Barraca. 173 p. 25 cm. PQ 6603 .L2 E67. Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928. Entre Naranjos, Novela. http://www.cod.edu/library/libweb/Berger/spanish/fictionbooks.htm | |
51. This Is Project Gutenberg. This List Has Been Downloaded From Neltje, 18651918 Blanchan, Neltje, 1865-1918 AKA Doubleday, Nellie Blanchan (De Graff), 1865-1918 Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313 http://autumnmist.homeip.net:81/E-Books/- PROJECT GUTENBURG AUTHORS.TXT |
52. Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htmeng. Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928, 1002019. Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, The. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. http://hzeid.free.fr/tf.htm | |
53. David Schulson Autographs Catalog - Literature $550.00. Ibanez, (Blasco) Vicente (18671928). Spanish novelist. Best remembered for his novel, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. http://www.schulsonautographs.com/literat.htm | |
54. Proyecto Gutenberg: ÍNDICE DE AUTORES Translate this page Blake, Guillermo, 1757-1827 Blanchan, Neltje, 1865-1918 AKA Doubleday, Nellie Blanchan (De Graff), 1865-1918 Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928 Blavatsky, HP http://www.worldebooklibrary.com/es/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
55. McFarlin Library: New Acquisitions Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 18671928. Novelas de amor y de muerte Valencia, Prometeo c1927 PQ6603.L2 N5 1927. Click here to view the Full Catalog Record. http://www.lib.utulsa.edu/collections/acquisitions/all_author.asp | |
56. Ca. 2800 Englischsprachige Werke Translate this page Four Beasts in One, by Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The, by Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928 Four Horses and a Sailor, by http://www.fortunecity.de/lindenpark/barock/198/5742.htm | |
57. Autorzy - Biblioteka Wirtualna Kolegium Karkonoskiego - Project Blake, William, 17571827 Blanchan, Neltje, 1865-1918 AKA Doubleday, Nellie Blanchan (De Graff), 1865-1918 Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 1867-1928 Blavatsky, HP http://www.kk.jgora.pl/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
58. 01095nmi 2200217za helectronic resource b(18671928) kBiographies, kCriticism Blasco Ibanez 32 aVicente Blasco-Ibanez aFarmington Hills 10 aBlasco Ibáñez, Vicente d1867-1928 http://www.galegroup.com/tlist/marc/lrc.mrc |
59. SLOVARJI.com blanco fombona rufino-1874-1944-venezuelski pesnik Blasco - Ibanez Vicente-1867-1928-panski pisec bocage - manuel maria-1765-1805-portugalski pesnik boetij http://www.slovarji.com/slovarji/ostalo.php?type=pisci&length=6 |
60. Ibanez Collectors World Try this one ee-bah-nyeth Look in the dictionary or encyclopedia, as in Vicente Blasco Ibanez,(with a tilde over the n). 1867-1928, Spanish Novelist. http://www.ibanezcollectors.com/discus/messages/17/299.html?1033604028 |
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