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Black William Harman: more detail | ||||
21. Peninsula Memorial Park Cemetery, City Of Newport News, Virginia b. 2/19/1927, d. 6/15/2001, DS Black, William A, b 7/23/1970, DS Bradburn, WalterH, b. 2/17/1868, d. 5 1854, d. 3/25/1939, DS Fox, Flozy Ann Harman, b. 9/7 http://www.interment.net/data/us/va/newportcity/peninsula/ | |
22. Marriage Records, 1868 - 1873 1868 December 15, Harkins, William, Townsend, Caroline. 1869 November 18, Harman,Michael, Lanham, Nancy C. 1870 June 21, Kessler, William J. Black, Mary M. http://myindianahome.net/gen/jeff/records/marriage/mar1868.html | |
23. Genealogy Data Page 31 (Notes Pages) George F. Black, Ph.D, in his monumental study, The Surnames of Simon the porterwitnesed a charter by William the Lion Harman, Henry (b. BEF 1825, d. BEF 1868 http://thor.genserv.net/sub/griff/note_30.htm | |
24. WebGED: Rodgers Family Data Page 1676) m. 30 MAY 1671 in Black Bourton, Oxon County, North Carolina spouse childHurst, William Jr. Husbands, Byrd Harman (1888 - 1937) - male b. 5 http://www.geocities.com/mbrodgers/wga58.html | |
25. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Harland To Harmless Sayers See Perle T. Harman; Harman, William J. of National Convention from Pennsylvania,1868; US Representative Harmer, Hardin Roads (b. 1899) also known as http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/harless-harmison.html | |
26. Harman Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) carol whitehead1/29/04. William Marion Harman/Alpharetta Rosselot Coy C. Harman b. 9/4/1902 Watauga Co Katherine Harman b. Feb. 3, 1868, NY Jo Hunt8/22 http://genforum.genealogy.com/harman/all.html | |
27. WebGED: Gregory Genealogy Data Page Bickel, Harman S. (~1859 ) - male b. ABT. Black, Roy (private) - male spouseMason, Ellen (private) Blake, William (~1840 - ) - male b. ABT. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~gregory/LGREGORY/wga4.html | |
28. Black Hills National Cemetery - Surnames Hal-Has - Meade County, South Dakota Cemetery records of Black Hills National Cemetery, Surnames HalHas, in Sturgis, Meade County, South Dakota 26/1998. Hale, Archibald William, b. 06/20/1894, d Hanlon, Henry, b. 05/04/1868, d . http://www.interment.net/data/us/sd/meade/blacknat/black_halhas.htm | |
29. Byaduk Pioneers, South-West Victoria, Australia Reuban and Elizabeth Harman were married in 1864, their property at William MELVILLEJnr. Cavell Stevens, Merron Riddiford, Ian Black, Hamilton History Centre. http://www.ballaratgenealogy.org.au/byaduk/ | |
30. Darrah Black in Ireland and it is possible our Darrah forefathers were Black Irish, whichmight 9. Harman THEODORE 5 DARRAH (CLARK PEARSON 4 , William THOMAS 3 http://home.tampabay.rr.com/edarrah/darrah1.htm | |
31. Section 2c - Fam Tree 2 Of William Younce Descendants of William Younts ( Wilhelm Jans) 17141778 ( 6 Generations) Family Tree 2 ( The submitter of this tree is unknown at this time) To search this page, click on "Edit" on your browser's tool bar. Then click on "Find (on this page)." 1 William Younts (Wilhem Jans) b 1714; d 1778 6 Anne E. Younce b 1868 Sex Female Fred Leon Black b November 13, 1896 in Jackson Co http://www.nii.net/~yonts/Section 02c - Fam Tree 2 of Wilhelm Janns.htm |
32. Lawson - Name Index - Generated By Personal Ancestral File Harman. M b.1894 New South Wales Ellen Mary b.1862 - Black Forest Victoria 1913 -Thomas - Thomas Joseph b.1916 - Kalgoorlie Western Australia William Joseph b http://www.sellstrom.net/lawson/index3.htm | |
33. Names In Routledge Biographical Dictionary Of 20th C. Philosophers Beardsley, Monroe C. (19151985). Black, Max (1909-1988). Hanson, Norwood R.(1924-1967). Harman, Gilbert (1938- ). Montague, William P. (1874-1953). http://www.pragmatism.org/dmap/Routledge_20th_C_Dictionary_list.htm | |
34. Entries In The Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers Hospers, John, 1918, Analytic, Lepore, S, Elizabeth Harman. 43. Mahan, Asa, 1799-1889,Religion, Wilson-Black, M, Shailer, 1863-1941, Religion, Dean, M 2500, William Lindsey. http://www.pragmatism.org/dmap/names_by_subject.htm | |
35. Widner Family Genealogy Forum Widener Hattie H. Harman NC - Thomas L. Harman 2/28 01 Widner family Woodbury Co,Iowa - Joanne Black 4/11 3/18/00 father Harley Widner - William harley widner http://genforum.genealogy.com/widner/ | |
36. Nov, Dec 1992 Newsletter Shephard Cowdrey Harman, 1858. Sarah Ellen Jennings Harman, 1860. 1866. McHENRY,William. At discharge age 18, 5 3 , dark complexion, hazel eyes, Black hair. http://www.henrycountyohiogenealogy.org/1992_Nov_Dec.htm | |
37. THE SCOTTISH GENEALOGY SOCIETY FAMILY HISTORY INDEX B BRODIE see Black 5. HILL 2. LAIRD. BUCHANAN 3 STI c.11001927 T 3 pages Copies ofthe Genealogy of William George Buchanan Laird of Clairinsh BURT see Harman. http://www.scotsgenealogy.com/fhi/fhi_b.htm | |
38. Marriages For The Washtenaw Co., MI USGenWeb Website - C-3 George Edgar Clark, Black, Mary Ellen Black, Washtenaw, 04 Washtenaw, 25 Jul 1899,+, Clark_H, Harman Clark, Mcgraw Clark_H, Hellen A Clark, Gay, William S Gay http://members.tripod.com/~deemamafred/washmarc3.html | |
39. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With B Thomas Edward (Private) Barton, Thomas Harman (8 DEC 1828 1865-1931) Black, Virginia(WFT Est. Male (Garvin) (Private-) Blackshire, William (Private-) Blackwood http://members.tripod.com/~oneK/idxb.htm | |
40. Gilpin County Marriages - Grooms' Index S Spicer, Wayne, Black, Marion, 1938 Nov 6. Stiles, William W. Drew, ClaraLouise, 1929 Sep 6. Stokes, Harman P. Stokes, June M, 1925 Jan 14. http://www.colorado.gov/dpa/doit/archives/marriage/1gilpin_groom_s.htm | |
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